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Fantasy SettleTown, a Dark Tragedy

"In time." Iulius replied, removing his finger from Blakemore's chest. "First we have some gold bars to send back with our own carriage." He glanced at Ezzion, "And some mutant rabbits to deal with."
((Alerts weren't working for some odd reason. probably wasn't tagged))

After seeing the events that transpired, Zander stayed silent allowing Iulius to take control of the situation as it seemed he would probably right the group anywho.
Ezzion agreed with blakemore in his mind. "You're not our commander, legionary," he said. "You were told to make sure the mission was carried out, not to give us orders. And the mission was to find the cargo." Ezzion had never broke his word. He'd also never given his word to the mayor. He was very particular about these things. A godfearing man had to be. He leaned on his sword, his left had still holding a pair of the conies. Ezzion didn't have the height of Blakemore, but he was broader in the shoulders than any of them, and he slid both the rabbits into the pouch at his side that had at one point contained some paper. Unfortunately much of that paper had been left by the roadside someplace, so the pouch was free to hold the creatures. "There's also the fact, "said Ezzion, picking up his shield again, "That I none of us bar Herak are even in your heathen army." Finally he shrugged and hefted his sword over one massive shoulder. "And then there's the fact that we're all mercenaries. And you don't survive leading a mercenary band by trying to control people's lives." He glared meaningfully at Iulius. "We're our own men here. None of us swore any oaths to kiss our arse."

With that, he turned away from the legionary and went over to the right side of the carriage, looking for where however had been here went. He glanced into the carriage again. The eyes were still locked on him.
"Heathen I may be," Iulius said, tossing the pendant he was holding at Ezzion. "But I'm not the one with coins staring at me." He gazed around the group. "Perhaps I have been presumptuous with you all, perhaps I have been to quick to assume command, but someone has to, someone has to be issuing orders when blades are drawn, if any of you want to do it then feel free to show the old man how it's done. As for controlling your life, drop the damn act Sellsword, everyone here knows the supply situation in Settletown has to be tight, there's no way in the pits of hell that there are enough supplies to spare for a half-dozen freak rabbits that we don't even know if we can take care of at all." He shook his head, "You want to drag the damn thing's lives out a few more days be my guest, I'm not that cruel."
Ezzion shrugged. "Judging by what the mayor served us the other night, I'm not too worried about SettleTown's supply situation myself." He had enough food, provided he could figure out what the things ate, he reasoned.
"Suit yourself then." Iulius said, "I tend to question those who roll out their best food for the new hires however." He glanced around the assembly again. "Anyone else got something to say or can we get back to work?"
The sword was as almost as light as the air it effortlessly slid through. Oleander worked through a quick drill, sharp cuts and imagined parries sending him walking across the clearing until he came to a tree. With a fast swing he cracked the blade into a branch, once and then twice and then again until it toppled and lay on the ground. Despite its deceptive thinness, the blade cut like a charm and was as strong as any other he had ever known. His trust had almost immediately been proven in the blade, and he held it close before sheathing it and heading back towards the rest of the group. He caught the edge of the conversation between Blakemore, Ezzion and Iulius.

"Ezzion is right Tribune. I only use your rank out of respect" The mask deformed in a smirk "You don't, and won't, own me or have rank above me. Not unless you can start paying me more than settletown. Try treating us as less of an army - the one you belong to has been gone for a long while."
"Brothers, friends, tribune. Let us calm ourselves, we can find a solution to these things." Heraklius tried to ease the situation, he did not like seeing his superior and his friend fight.

"Why not, if Ezzion and oleander so wish, let them both keep one and take full responsibility for its care, and then we finish off the rest.

The supply situation wont be nearly as harsh that way and they are still able to keep the animals that they desire." He smiled as he made his way to the carriage and picked one of the babies up himself. "Is that not the best way?"
"One of those things?" Oleander shook his head "I prefer dogs. Rabbits, especially little shadow beasts like these, have no interest to me" He looked at his friend, Ezzion "Though if needs be I can share some of my food for the, depending on what the little bastards eat. I'd say take no more than two, Ez"
The weird things, the three who were not Men, the king, the sword:s vision-- they were blurry to Rodea's eyes.

But she did know one thing. One doesn't fuck with people that handle kingsworths. That's just stupid. As the argument continued, Rodea quietly voiced support for Iulius' position in things.

She scavenged for supplies in the mean time, trying to find materials for fletching. Finally, though, she speaks up. "Th' coneys got too little meat yeh? Fer cook'n.
Ezzion nodded at Oleander and Heraklius, and wadded some grass into the pouch he'd put the two healthiest looking rabbits in for padding, and hoisted it atop his pack, so it wouldn't get in the way. He stuck in some of his rations, which they seemed happy enough to eat, and closed off the pouch.

He wasn't quite sure why he was so adamant about keeping these creatures. Maybe because he liked animals more than he ever liked most people. Maybe because he was still guilty. Who knew? He didn't feel right leaving children that looked like they'd live to die though, no matter what shape they were.

With that done, he straightened up and stretched. Then he reached into the cart to fish out the pendants. He ignored the eyes, and stuck them in another pouch. He was ginger with them, just in case, however.

When they were done, he glanced at the other two rabbits. "When I was a by," he said. "My uncle's red bitch would whelp once a year, generally in the winter. Most of the pups died before spring had come. The strong ones lived though, if you cared for them." He glanced towards the forest. "Some always died though. The weak ones. They'd never live anyways, but it always made me sad to see them go." He gestured at the three smaller, frailer looking coneys. "Someone else do it though, don't leave the things out for the cold."
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Heraklius was glad that his friend saw reason, after stomping the heads in of the two remaining creatures and crushing the throat of the one in his hands he turned to his comrades.

"Let us prepare to leave then, not much more to do here and we should probably look for that last kingsworth."
"We've still got Don waiting for us back by the roadside." Iulius reminded Heraklius, "Need to send him off before we go and there's no sense taking these two with us when we can send them back with him." With nothing else to take care of Iulius walked back towards the road, "Come along then Legionary, you have the other one after all."
Quite elated his superior seemed to be accepting him as a legionnaire Heraklius gladly followed along, making sure to keep up with the legion pace they made their way to Don.
as the two Legionares approached Don, the old man seemed to be quite done waiting around, tapping his foot slightly as he grumbled.

"well bout bloody time. find anything in the carriage? saw you lot standing around for quite some time after that fight, normally id not care so much but all that spilled blood....well, i dont like what it might attract." looking around, he grumbled again.

"find anything fer me to take back then?"
"Aye." Iulius said, pulling out a kingsworth. "We've found two more of the bars, and tracks leading to whoever took the last two. And, some sort of shrine of some kind, to the Triangle, created a vision when Ezzion disturbed it."
Don head snapped towards Iuliuses, and gave the man a look over.

"i....your not joking are you?" the old mans eyes narrowed, and he looked past Iulius to the group, then back, before slowly taking the KingsWorths gently into his hands and, after another moment, inspecting them.

"well, more dinged up then id like, but their certainly the ones were looking for..." he then, slowly looked up at Iulius again, seemingly quite off put by the group now.

"....you watch yourself out here, mentally aswell as physically...im not sure what you saw, but keep it to yourself, try and fight it....you wouldn't be the first people we have had to put down to maddness...and id quite rather not see it happen again."

clearing his throat, he pointed up at the sun, which had moved a noticeable amount. "now then, do you think you will be finding the last of our cargo today, or shall i be heading off?"
"I doubt we will find them today, we'll bring the last two back with us after we kill the beast." He said with a wave of his hand. "One last thing though." He said turning his head to Heraklius. "Tell me Legionary, which of the virtues is most important to the Legion?"
After heraklius too handed over the kingsworth he turned to the tribune.

"But of course it is diligence sir." Heraklius wasn't sure if it was the right answer for the tribune but to him the legion represented a diligent hard working force, a body of many who together would work to achieve anything... many whom were now dead.
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"Aye, diligence, a symbol hard work, but also one of loyalty, and of commitment." Iulius said, reaching into a pouch at his belt. "We have made a commitment to serve the Mayor of Settletown, with diligence and loyalty. Mr Blakemore has broken that commitment, I should hope the rest of our companions prove of more, diligent, ilk." From his pouch he pulled a small, wax sealed, envelope. "Sadly however, it seems that not everyone in Settletown is made of the stuff of the Legion." He passed the envelope to Don, "Give that to Mr Grimm, and tell him someone in his organization is passing notes to his new hires."
Don looked at the note, then back at Iulius. then, after a long puse, sighed, and slowly put down the KingsWorths.

taking the note gingerly, the old man looked it over...before opening it and holding it out for Iulius.

"you would be surprised just who Jenkins works for, and just how high his authority goes, it would appear."
Rodea finally is done scavenging for fletching materials from the ruins of the carriage, and heads back over to Iulius. She clearly is curious what's on the note as she arrives, but... one might guess she's illiterate.
"What it is, doesn't matter to me." Iulius said. "Nor does who my employer works for, or how powerful he is. My job is to defend Settletown to the best of my abilities, not be taking notes passed into my belt pouch when I'm not looking."
Don shrugged and pulled the note back.

"your quite mistaken actually, but i cannot force you to read anything." taking out a match, he light up the note, holding it and watching it burn before letting what was left go right before it touched his fingers.

"you've made your first mistake today Iulius. ill be sure you get a proper burial when the time comes."

with that, Don turned and after picking up the KingsWorths and stepping into his Armored Carriage, turned back around and shrugged.

"you all agreed to much more then you understand when you accepted this job, i assure you of that much."

with that he closed the door, and a moment later, was off on his way.
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