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Realistic or Modern Serial Killings of Keatonville [CS]


now i know how joan of arc felt
Roleplay Availability
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North Keaton High Yearbook Bio Page 2k20!

"Hi, hate to intrude or be a bother, I'm Teresa Finch, you can just call me Terra though! Can I have a moment of your time? We're going around to all the students and filling out a Biography so we can put it in our yearbook. Thanks! Just fill out this form and bring it to me on Monday!"

Age(14-19; you are a student at Keaton High, pm me if you want a special role):
Appearance (Realistic Pic):
(what is your motive to stop the killer
Alignment (do you have limits/morality):
Email(Fake handle your character will use for their Email):

L ladyaliciaaa
The Omen of Death The Omen of Death
NorthOfOrdinary NorthOfOrdinary
Hazardous Hazardous
Digit Digit
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Name: Danielle Schwarz



Height: 4'11" Weight: 102lbs

Kind, Generous, Bubbly, Flirty, Brave, Bossy, Moody, Caring, Responsible, Competitive



Kick the killer's butt, before he kicks hers. Dani just doesn't want herself or anyone else to get hurt. She's worried that if she doesn't keep an eye out for her baby brother or her elderly guardians that their family will be an easy target.

Neutral Good


Danielle Schwarz lives on the outskirts of Keaton with her grandparents, but its hardly where she was raised. Dani was born in Alaska, spent a few years in Georgia, and the next few in Kansas. The home she remembers however, is Baumholder, Germany.

Danielle's father, a Sergeant in the U.S Army, was stationed there when she was a little girl. Danielle grew up bilingual, living in base housing with her mom and attending an International school. She excelled in both academia and gymnastics, though both took a minor hit when she began to date boys. Her father deployed multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan, but in between tours did his best to help her mom set Danielle's priorities.

When she was eleven, however, her mother was killed by a drunk drive on the Autobahn. Danielle's father, unable to leave the military, arranged for his parents to care for her.

When Danielle first came to Keaton, she was a distraught mess. It became clear though, that her grandparents would give her everything she needed. Helping with the chores on their small farm proved therapeutic, and the 'cute new foreign girl' was quick to make friends. Her father visits when he can, taking leave every holiday season.

She has a little brother who was born not long before her mother's accident. At 3 years old, he's already catching up to her in height. Danielle is highly motivated in looking after him, regulalry making time to play with him after school. She hopes to help him remember their mom.

Danielle is currently as popular as freshman come, often hanging with the 'cooler older' kids. She's an honor student and a junior varsity cheerleader. Outgoing and adaptive, she's never afraid to voice her opinion in a thoughtful manner. She can be kind of spunky sometimes but she's so small that it's usually laughably adorable.

When the killings began, Danielle balled her eyes out in the crowd even as she clenched her fingers into tiny fists. She's paranoid that she's on his list, but she's determined to 'fight the good fight' in the words of her grandfather's generation, and not become anyone's victim.


Email: *danielleiscute4@gmail.com*
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⋄ Harper Mayfield ⋄


About me

age seventeen
email harperm4@gmail.com








coded by DeerPrince DeerPrince
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James Regent
Age: 17 Height: 5'11" Grade: Senior Chaotic Good

There's something completely wrong with people if they just turn a blind eye to things. It's not my place, and I don't want to get in the way of any officials, but damn, it'll eat me up if I don't. I want to do something worth it, you know? I've just been coasting through life, through high school, and it shows. I didn't know any of the victims... That doesn't matter. I don't have to have known them to do anything about it.


Sitting in the back of classrooms with unassigned seats, James prefers to be out of the limelight and away from the eyes of his peers. He's not the smartest kid in the lot, nor is the the most personable as his grades tend to be a point of contention that harbors embarrassment and anger. He's not a memorable student as he does well enough to get by and not be noticed by teachers as a complete failure, but not well enough to place himself in higher academics. Around his friends he is a lot more outgoing and open, but at school he'd rather not flit about socially unless absolutely necessary. Studying frustrates him, as he feels he doesn't quite grasp a lot of the concepts and feels, especially now towards the end of his high school career, that he will be lost come graduation. There is an existential dread he carries due to this, for it's too late for him to graduate with any sort of scholarship and he does well enough not to merit quitting school entirely.

He's a bit of a daydreamer with a wandering mind, creatively inclined where his academics fail him. While he tries his best to take notes, he ends up mostly doodling in the margins, his focus waning from the lectures that would forward his academic career to allow the prospects of college. He likes to have fun playing games or watching movies, and can be a bit on the lazy side, which could be misconstrued as apathy or lack of care not just for himself but for others.

A generic young man with no defining features about him, James is a bit lackluster and forgettable. He carries a disheveled look about him as if he never gets a good night's sleep, clothes often a bit tattered, faded, and sometimes with holes. A mess of dark hair sits on his head in a thick, straight mop with little care to style. He has a thin frame with little to no muscle definition to denote his lack of athleticism even outside the school grounds. An unremarkable individual for the most part. Perhaps the only notable feature is his blue eyes, set under low brows often pushed together in concentration.


Life was good, but not always the best in the Regent household. James is the oldest of three siblings and the only son Elizabeth and Kyle Regent had. His early childhood was the only time in which he can remember his family without financial struggles, but over the years has witness the steady decline in their once comfortable lifestyles.

There was always pressure on James to do well in school, or at least as best as he could, so that he could get a scholarship to be able to continue his education after high school. And in the same fashion he watched his family turn from upper middle class to poor, he also witnessed himself go through a steady, but drastic change. Elementary school came easy, and his grades placed him at the top of the class, but as he moved into middle and high school those As and Bs turned into Cs and Ds and even embarrassingly Fs.

By the time he reached his sophomore year in high school he was a nobody, his embarrassment leading him to be a bit bitter and abrasive towards his peers. Despite how his grades came out, he did put a lot of time and effort into studying after school. Some concepts were just lost on him, particularly in maths and in foreign languages.

He fell into "the wrong crowd" due to his social standing at school. They were the only people to accept him, which granted loyalties to peers who weren't the best in influence. At the end of his sophomore year he found himself at the spark of a possible rumor mill around town having had his first brush with the law. He was part of a group of boys who trespassed on someone's property, and when the owner of the property pulled out a gun, the boys fled. One of his friends was shot in the arm in their escape, and James was the only one to get caught. His confession led to the 4 boys serving community service and his ostricization from his once circle of friends.

This sparked an odd interest in the police, and eventually into solving crimes. While he was detained in the local police station he talked a lot to the officers, most of whom treated him well enough to want to converse with a boy who was trespassing on private property to vandalize an old man's house. Those seemingly small conversations were enough, though, and thus began James' consumption of detective documentaries and public files on crimes both solved and unsolved.

With recent events suggesting a possible serial killer, James at first figured it best to let the law do its job. But his curiosity gets the better of him, and he never really had it in him to follow the rules.



code by pasta
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V I . B A B I N E A U X

Vivienne Babineaux


Vi is a very quiet girl who just wants to break out of her shell and become popular and gorgeous and good with boys. She is quite awkward around new people and always seems to say the wrong thing. Around her brother, however, she lets loose. She is sarcastic and knows how to push his buttons. Her Brother is the only person she has ever really been close to, and she feels like she just needs a chance to show someone that she is worthy of love and trust and friendship.

Vi is a little fearful. She is worried that she'll never really be accepted. She's worried for her Brother, who seems to have way too much on his mind. She's worried for her Father, who is too broken to ever be fixed. She's worried most about the future. She doesn't know what path she wants to take and she doesn't even know if she wants a career. Sometimes she gets locked up in her head with scary thoughts and she gets very emotional. She cries a lot, but not publicly.

Vi is still seen as a little girl by a lot of people, and she is still treated that way. She despises it, and so tries hard to be something she's not. This can sometimes be a little off putting, as she puts on an awkward confidence that doesn't suit her. Vi also had a good sense of humour. She likes to laugh and joke, though she is the type of person who will find a joke too funny, and she'll laugh about it for hours after hearing it

-She bursts into tears at the slightest thing.

-She hates speaking French. It's just another thing that sets her aside from the rest.

She wants to prove that she has it in her to make a difference, that she isn't just a dumb kid.

Chaotic Good

Vivienne was born into a family, originating from France, who were heavily involved with a mafia. Her Grandfather was actually very high up in the gang, Le Tireurs Destin, and so made a lot of money. Vi's Father, Malcolm, was born in France and had to grow up with the constant fear that their house could be raided by rival gangs. When he was 20, he met a woman, they fell 'in love' and eloped to Dover, England. Really, the woman that Malcolm fell in love with was just an escape route.

Ten years later and Malcolm heard news that his Father had died. Somehow, this made him feel safe. Malcolm had fallen out of love with his wife and started an affair with a woman named Hetty. He brought Hetty back to France for his Father's funeral, where he found out that his Father had left him everything; all of his money and estate. Malcolm sold his Father's dreadful house and he and Hetty flew back to London. They bought a massive mansion, on impulse. Malcolm got a job with an entrepreneur who needed an investor and the company took off. When they were in their thirties, Hetty and Malcolm decided to have a baby. They were growing richer, but they had no one to pass their fortune on to. They had Leon, Vi's brother. Three years later, at the age of forty, Hetty miraculously conceived a baby girl. Vivienne.

Only five years after the birth of Vivienne, Hetty grew ill. She had suffered a haemorrhage in her abdomen, which left her crippled in bed. An infection had started, because she had tried to hide the pain, but it soon caught up with her. She died when Vi was just five years old. She has little memory of her mother, but Leon tells her that she was kind and forgiving. A much better person than their Father. Malcolm went into a downwards spiral after the death of his wife. He became angry and bitter. He went through three marriages in eight years and spent way too much money. His final straw, was when he decided to 'retire' in Spain. At the time, Vivienne was just fifteen. He left them with a full time nanny and kissed them goodbye.

Things seemed to get better from there on. When her Father left, Leon resented him for it, Vi was thankful. Leon, although he may try stop her from drinking and smoking, is an amazing big brother and they have a wonderful life. They are much better off without their Father. They have the big family house to themselves and everything finally seems...okay.


V I . B A B I N E A U X

Vivienne Babineaux


Vi is a very quiet girl who just wants to break out of her shell and become popular and gorgeous and good with boys. She is quite awkward around new people and always seems to say the wrong thing. Around her brother, however, she lets loose. She is sarcastic and knows how to push his buttons. Her Brother is the only person she has ever really been close to, and she feels like she just needs a chance to show someone that she is worthy of love and trust and friendship.

Vi is a little fearful. She is worried that she'll never really be accepted. She's worried for her Brother, who seems to have way too much on his mind. She's worried for her Father, who is too broken to ever be fixed. She's worried most about the future. She doesn't know what path she wants to take and she doesn't even know if she wants a career. Sometimes she gets locked up in her head with scary thoughts and she gets very emotional. She cries a lot, but not publicly.

Vi is still seen as a little girl by a lot of people, and she is still treated that way. She despises it, and so tries hard to be something she's not. This can sometimes be a little off putting, as she puts on an awkward confidence that doesn't suit her. Vi also had a good sense of humour. She likes to laugh and joke, though she is the type of person who will find a joke too funny, and she'll laugh about it for hours after hearing it

-She bursts into tears at the slightest thing.

-She hates speaking French. It's just another thing that sets her aside from the rest.

She wants to prove that she has it in her to make a difference, that she isn't just a dumb kid.

Chaotic Good

Vivienne was born into a family, originating from France, who were heavily involved with a mafia. Her Grandfather was actually very high up in the gang, Le Tireurs Destin, and so made a lot of money. Vi's Father, Malcolm, was born in France and had to grow up with the constant fear that their house could be raided by rival gangs. When he was 20, he met a woman, they fell 'in love' and eloped to Dover, England. Really, the woman that Malcolm fell in love with was just an escape route.

Ten years later and Malcolm heard news that his Father had died. Somehow, this made him feel safe. Malcolm had fallen out of love with his wife and started an affair with a woman named Hetty. He brought Hetty back to France for his Father's funeral, where he found out that his Father had left him everything; all of his money and estate. Malcolm sold his Father's dreadful house and he and Hetty flew back to London. They bought a massive mansion, on impulse. Malcolm got a job with an entrepreneur who needed an investor and the company took off. When they were in their thirties, Hetty and Malcolm decided to have a baby. They were growing richer, but they had no one to pass their fortune on to. They had Leon, Vi's brother. Three years later, at the age of forty, Hetty miraculously conceived a baby girl. Vivienne.

Only five years after the birth of Vivienne, Hetty grew ill. She had suffered a haemorrhage in her abdomen, which left her crippled in bed. An infection had started, because she had tried to hide the pain, but it soon caught up with her. She died when Vi was just five years old. She has little memory of her mother, but Leon tells her that she was kind and forgiving. A much better person than their Father. Malcolm went into a downwards spiral after the death of his wife. He became angry and bitter. He went through three marriages in eight years and spent way too much money. His final straw, was when he decided to 'retire' in Spain. At the time, Vivienne was just fifteen. He left them with a full time nanny and kissed them goodbye.

Things seemed to get better from there on. When her Father left, Leon resented him for it, Vi was thankful. Leon, although he may try stop her from drinking and smoking, is an amazing big brother and they have a wonderful life. They are much better off without their Father. They have the big family house to themselves and everything finally seems...okay.


LunarShines I'll also be working on a character soon, though I might have to finish it sometime tomorrow, if isn't a problem?

I can edit my CS into this post later, I suppose. :P
LunarShines I'll also be working on a character soon, though I might have to finish it sometime tomorrow, if isn't a problem?

I can edit my CS into this post later, I suppose. :P

That is fine! Just try to be finished by tomorrow if you could!
So at the start, why are the students dressed formally? Is it homecoming? What is the context for the way they are dressed and why they are there like that?
it's student picture day, pictures for the yearbook
Name: Michael Finch
Age: 28, Special Role


Ignore the hat

5'11" 175 lbs


Michael is a bright very intelligent, logical, observant, analytical, and calculating figure able to read people for tells and other body language. Skills needed in a detective, including himself being a Private Investigator. Before the murderer personally involved his niece, he was a more warm, kind, who was dedicated to his work as well as to his family members especially his niece who he tended to help quite a bit with various things when she needed it, but now with her murder, Michael has grown more cold, bitter, and cynical in some regards. So far it hasn't been too bad but he has visibly changed. Now he is absolutely determined to catch the murderer and bring him to justice, he still has his comedic but serious demeanor in wittiness and his sarcasm has remained intact but now its starting to slip into sardonicism. He is on the slippery slope of morality, and could possibly be on the verge of falling into doing something that will ruin him.

Quirks: N/A

Michael actually has learned Krav Maga for self-defense a skill that is a bit more needed for some Private Investigators, and is competent enough with firearms.

To catch the murderer to avenge his niece. And to finally stop him/her from killing more people
Alignment (do you have limits/morality): Neutral Good, might swing to Chaotic Good (as in his pursuit for the greater good may remain intact but the end-goal might change to something permanent...)

Michael is the youngest brother of two, and has always been the most bright and intelligent, even though his brother was intelligent in his own right, and was always into reading and other pursuits that other kids may not have been as much into. Always especially being into the mystery novels like Sherlock Holmes etc. Which eventually set him on the path to want to become a detective. Also being quite intelligent helped to jettison his way to having the capability to do it. However he was never really active and found the more intellectual pursuits more interesting. In time when he could he eventually decided to go into the Private Investigative business as he felt it was more flexible and also could allow him to take an investigation in a direction he wants. As a result he decided to act as a freelancer taking contracts and after obtaining licences in places that required them he took his investigative work all over the country solving many different cases of multiple types. Gaining himself a fair amount of notoriety amongst people who needed a Private Investigator. As a result of the skills needed he finally took it upon himself to be a bit more active and learned Krav Maga for self-defense, due to the fact that these investigations tended to attract the wrong kind of attention, and he would need to defend himself. Also learning to be competent in the use of a fire-arm nothing too special though. But now with the murder of his niece, he took it upon himself to now investigate her murderer to finally bring him to justice.



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