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Serial Killer vs. Detective


Two Thousand Club
I'm open to you taking on either role, and have a few different plots in mind. These can take place in any era by the way.

Detective vs. Serial Killer: The detective is trying to find a notorious killer, unaware that the killer is someone that they already know. Depending on how it goes, the detective may have to make a difficult choice between choosing justice or giving up someone that they care about.

Doctor vs. Serial Killer: I've seen this plot a few times around, so I figure I should offer it as well. The killer has been caught and is being diagnosed by a psychologist, in the hopes of catching another killer or perhaps just to gain better insight.

Serial Killer vs. Copycat Killer: A more hilarious idea, but basically two killers, one of which is the copycat of the other, have ended up trying to kill the same victim. Whether or not this ends in a partnership or a second body is up to you.

Victorian Era (Supernatural) Specific: The hunt for the elusive serial killer Jack the Ripper has led a group of investigators into a world of surprises, corruption, and a diabolical mind.

1940-1950 Specific: An enforcer for the Mafia crosses paths with a killer whose targets appear to be other mobsters. Just what is this killer after and can they be stopped?

Star Wars Specific: A mysterious force wielder is using the force to persuade Senators to commit suicide. Can the killer be caught? (This RP can focus on either the Clone Wars or Galactic Civil War)

So those are the plots, and while they may seem a little vague, that's mainly because I want to give you as much freedom within each plot as possible. If you want a detective with a troubled past, write it down, get right into detail with it. If you want to be a serial killer, go into depth as to why they are the way they are. No one is just born a killer, and there's always circumstances that help mold your character. 

So if you're interested in character development, and perhaps a little bit of dark humor, please feel free to PM me.

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