• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern seoul 2019

chp 2
intoxicated embraces
chapter two
clear skies
kana's apartment
Dazed people guzzle down beers and swig shots. Their brains becoming more and more intoxicated with each sinful sip. Laughs echo throughout the apartment as tenants fall into each other’s arms and whisper slurred words. Shot glasses, filled with soju, fly up into the air. Memories are being made, but will soon be forgotten when everyone sobers up, and the liquor flees from their system.

houseplant houseplant dazzling dazzling erosful erosful Stellar Nursery Stellar Nursery @hwayi social social
sin yang
It had been a few hours since they began drinking, Sin Yang was pretty sure he had too many drinks. Perhaps it was his fuzzy mind or the fact that he had threw up in the bathroom moments prior. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve before washing away the vomit taste out with alcohol. He pulled the bottle away from his lips and twisted it around to view the label. Peach Flavored. It didn’t even taste that good. It tasted like what his mother used to clean his cuts mixed with artificial peach. He scoffed at it, scrunching his nose up in dissatisfaction, but still continued to drink from it.

He was in the middle of being tipsy and completely plastered.

Normally, he wasn’t a consumer of hard liquor, but he felt he deserved it after the previous events that had conspired. Han Wi did end up telling the younger’s mother, and he gained an earful from the woman’s smoked-filled voice. She warned him of the dangers of dating a foreigner, and how different cultures would clash. He found the whole talk rather discriminatory and rude. His mother was judging someone she never even met, all because they weren’t raised in Korea. ”You cousin told me he saw you kissing some Australian boy. Did you know that...” Her concerned voice filled his dull mind, causing him to frown.

So where was that Australian boy anyway? He slowly stood up from the tiled floor, almost falling a few times before stumbling out of the bathroom. He leaned against the bathroom door frame while his eyes scanned the various tenants. His bottom lip stuck out into a childish pout as he tried to spot out his roommate.

“Hey…That’s mine.”

The bottle was ripped from his hand by his concerned cousin. “Your face is so red,” Han Wi frowned. “Wait for the game before you get shitfaced.” The male laughed at him in a mocking manner, causing Sin’s eyes to roll.

His cousin’s words became white noise, and his attention instantly went back to Jason. He blinked slowly before shoving past the pest of a cousin to reach Jason. “Jason, I missed you,” He confessed before moving to hug the shorter. Intoxicated Sin was a lot more affectionate and open about it his feelings towards his roommate. ‘“Where’d you go?” Perhaps it would have made more sense if Jason asked that. Sin Yang was the one who disappeared into the bathroom.

tags: houseplant houseplant
Slurred words came from the people around him, yet he sat on the couch without a care in the world. He heard the disgruntled words coming from over by the bathroom, but his attention was focused on the phone in his hand. His son was out in the countryside with his grandparents, visiting Minsu's school and all of those wonderful memories he had back in that town. Since the death of his wife, he hadn't gotten the courage to visit. It was too painful. With a little help of some rice wine, he was able to numb any unpleasant feelings that seemed to almost always bubble to the surface during times like this. Times when he realized he was alone.

Setting the phone down, the male leaned back, arms resting on the back of the couch, empty glass neatly placed on a coaster so that it wouldn't leave a ring on the table. He wasn't much for drinking, mostly because he tended to blackout and not recall anything he did the previous day. It wasn't ever good, plus the headaches bothered him a lot. So he decided to pace himself, but it was almost unfair to do so as all the younger tenants were enjoying themselves and their little odd relationships they had developed. He was never one to get involved with drama, but he did hear a lot about things that were going on, and it was entertaining to say the least. Especially as a single father, he felt the age gap between him and the others. Some were experiencing their first relationships and it was just, weird. He never thought that he would one day be that old guy at a party. How lame.

His dark gaze caught the eyes of the artist that was perched not too far away in a chair, back straight and hair tumbling down her shoulders. The woman was someone that Minsu often ran in to and checked up on when he had time. Her immune system was fragile and he developed a bit of a thing with her. It was like taking care of a pet. It was nice to pass time with her. "Hye-jin ah, if you stare any harder at the soju bottle, it'll turn sour" Minsu was only teasing, mostly because he knew how uncomfortable she was. A flustered reply passed her lips and she shook off the comment, disappearing into the kitchen to get some water. At least he wasn't the only one that would be sober.

The occasional thought about getting drunk did cross his mind, but he knew better. He had to pick up Haneul at the train station the next day and he didn't want his son to have to deal with a hungover father. Plus, he was on call, which meant he was very careful with what he did. He brought a hand to his eyes and rubbed them, glancing at his watch after doing so. It wasn't that late, yet he was feeling tired. Maybe it was because he had been going to bed around the same time as his son every time he had time off. He was practically glued to him when not at work, mostly because he was fretting about the youth getting older. It was a depressing thing to think about in his opinion. He didn't want him growing up that quickly.

Minsu soon got tired of his depressing thoughts so he got up and wandered into the kitchen, to grab himself a can of beer. A few brief conversations later, he returned to his lonely corner of the couch and cracked it open, the satisfying hiss of the beer making him grin. He'd just have a nice night in with friends. Maybe he'd go home early and just sleep, or possibly read. He did get tired when he was tipsy.

location - kana's place
mood - amused & calm
outfit - ripped skinny jeans, white button up shirt that's tucked in and the sleeves are rolled up to his forearm
tags -
oh minsu
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where:. kana's home
with:. lilsin
outfit:. ripped skinny jeans and a tank top
tags:. pasta pasta

Jason wasn't as drunk as Sin, but he definitely was getting there. He sat back in his chair, staring at the wall blankly as he waited for Sin's return. It had been interesting that week after the kiss. Sin's mom had found out and he ended up telling his parents who were supportive of it, but he couldn't help but be a little sad that he hadn't gotten the courage to ask him yet.

His thoughts were interrupted by arms wrapping around him, hugging him close. He heard his name slurred and looked up, beaming as he saw who it was. "Sinnie~" He cooed quietly, pulling the male to sit on his lap, holding him close.

"I missed you more, love." He replied, laughing quietly as he gently booped his nose.

"It was you who left," he reminded him, "I've been here waiting for you." He took a swig from the beer next to him, grinning at Sin. "No more drinks for you, you're a little too drunk." He mumbled, "I don't want you passing out on me." He played with the males hair, running his fingers through it, smiling to himself as he stared at Sin.
A few days had passed since she had completed her exhibit and sold the majority of the paintings, but the artist hadn't recovered. She had spent every spare moment of her time simply sleeping and recovering from the nights that lacked sleep, and the overwhelming an amount of people talking to her about the exhibit. There were even some art students that would seek her out during work at the library to ask questions and things like that. It was really overwhelming for her. So how on earth did she end up in Kana's apartment with a bottle of soju to herself, and a glass in her hand. She remembered getting invited but she never remembered agreeing to it.

Clearing her throat, she took a hesitant sip of the liquid, instantly making a disgusted face, nose scrunched up, eyes closed. She set the cup down in a hurry, almost dying from the bitterness of the alcohol. She never understood how people could drink so much of it. Even her own neighbors were getting wasted off the substance, yet she could barely down a sip. A soft sigh escaped her as she leaned back into the chair, looking around the apartment for a small amount of time. Hye-jin could hear the noises of people talking and getting drunk, but that was alright with her. The drunker they were, the more likely they were to ghost over her for another more lively person.

But she didn't hate it, no not at all. In fact, she enjoyed seeing everyone interacting and getting closer. She just was nervous about getting involved. Relationships, even if it's platonic, were difficult for her. She was happy that she was close to a few people in the complex and was able to spend time with them, but she was still shy when everyone was around. Hye-jin jumped slightly when she noticed Minsu sitting across from her, looking as relaxed and spaced out as ever. Upon making eye contact, she averted her gaze to the bottle of soju, narrowing her eyes at it slightly. "Hye-jin ah, if you stare any harder at the soju bottle, it'll turn sour"

She had been caught red-handed and she felt really embarrassed. "I wasn't glaring at it or anything, I just was thinking to myself. I must have spaced out..." Embarrassed, the artist excused herself and retreated into the kitchen to get some water. Hye-jin placed a hand over her face, feeling incredibly stupid for explaining why she was looking at a bottle. Normally you would laugh that off, not get embarrassed and run away. She huffed out a breath of air before she poured herself a glass of water and began to wander around the apartment.

Hye-jin was pretty close to Kana and was often assisted by the woman when it came to moving paintings around, or even selling them, so she was used to the general layout of the place. Still, she hadn't ever really stopped to look at everything. Naturally, she wasn't prying and moved past the two males cuddling drunkenly on a chair, and ended up going outside for a moment, just to catch her breath and sort of figure out what she was going to do. Being sober while everyone else is drunk wasn't exactly her favorite thing, but she did it often when going out with collegues. She'd have to survive it.

location - kana's apartment
mood - suffering from that social interaction
outfit - xo
tags -
choi hye-jin
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where:. kana's home
with:. minsu
outfit:. pink sweater, skinny jeans
mentions:. social social and han wi

Liu had finally gotten his final grades back, and he was relieved to say he passed with flying colors. Only a few more weeks before he'd be graduating and starting to teach. It terrified him honestly, all he had known most of his life was just school. He had spent his whole life studying. Sure, it'd be nice to not have to worry about it, but part of him was kind of sad.

He came that night with the idea of just getting shit faced to celebrate, grabbing a random bottle as soon as he entered the apartment and chugging it. Liu wasn't the heaviest drinker, but he also wasn't a light one so he could take a lot before he actually passed out. He glanced at Jason and sin with a big grin on his face, happy they were blatantly showing there affections.

He chugged another bottle of the random alcohol before looking around for Han Wi. Once he found him, he threw an arm around him, greeting his friend with a big hug. "Hi." He cooed, ruffling his friends hair, already feeling a slight buzz. He stole the drink he was holding, taking a drink. "Ew, what the fuck?" He read the label, gagging loudly. "I'm allergic to peach. Oops." He shrugged, walking away from his friend to wash out his mouth. His mouth already felt a bit numb but he didn't care since it wasn't a severe allergy.

He grabbed a can of beer, heading back out into the livingroom.

His eyes finally landed on Minsu and he frowned, seeing as the older doctor seemed to look a bit down. His heart raced a little as he got closer, cursing himself internally for acting like a teenage girl with a crush. If he wasn't pink in the face from the drinks, he definitely was now. He slid onto the couch beside him, gently patting his arm.

"Hello, hyung." He slurred quietly, "Why do you look so sad?" He pouted up at him, taking a sip of the beer in his hands. "Do you miss Haneul?"
chai tea
Chaisai was ringing up the last customer of the night. By now his voice was tired and strained, and the dark circles under his eyes began to appear. A soft sigh escaped him as he placed the man’s items into a plastic bag. He stole glances of the people before him, recognizing the male pulling his wallet from his pocket. The man was a regular customer of the little convenience store, but unlike usual, he brought a woman. He couldn’t help if it was a one-night sort of thing or if they were actually going steady. Was everyone getting into relationships besides him?

He frowned for a few moments as he finished bagging the items. “12,300 won,” He informed before taking the man’s money. The male slyly said something along the lines of ‘keep the change’ as some pathetic attempt to impress the female beside him. Chai could only thank him and offer a slight bow before the pair left with their baggage. The cashier let out a loud scoff once the couple left the little store. He mimicked the man’s words under breath in a mocking, high-pitched tone. It was strange how cocky people could get while trying to impress their love interest.


Due to lack of uniform at the little convenience store, Chaisai didn’t have to stop by his apartment to change before going to Kana’s. Honestly, he didn’t even know why he was going to the little gathering in the first place. Unlike a majority of the tenants, he couldn’t drink any type of alcohol since he was underage. He doubted he would have a good time, especially since he’d be surrounded by drunk adults acting like two-year-olds.

The Thai male exited the elevator once the large metal spread apart from each other.

He was so tired. It had been strangely difficult falling asleep since the power shortage a few days prior. He felt like he was missing something every time he laid down to go to bed. The night before, he only got a few hours at best. What was wrong? He had everything he needed, right?

Sighing, he wandered down the long hallway until he reached Kana’s apartment. He cracked his knuckles before gently reaching out to twist the doorknob. As soon as he stepped into the apartment, he was greeted by the smell of alcohol and a few intoxicated people. Sin, for starters, he had never seen the male so talkative and clingy. Even Jason was a little drunk, or at least he assumed since the two were blatantly showing PDA.

In a way, he felt jealous of the pair. He wished he had a relationship like that with Sunan.

The power outtage had resulted in nothing but negative things for the model. He had fallen asleep cuddled up to Sunan and didn't even wake up, not even when the lights turned on around 3 in the morning. Honestly, he thought things were going to be pretty good after that, but he was wrong. The days that followed were filled with arguments and tears as he fought with his boyfriend. They argued about a lot of things, but most importantly, they argued about him using Sunan's money and various other things. In the end, they broke up.

Now he was sitting in Kana's place, resting his head on the counter as he pushed around his beer can, feeling dejected. There were so many people there already and all the sweet couples were making his stomach twist. Sunan didn't know why he showed up. He should've stayed home and just gone to bed. Maybe he was just waiting for Chaisai to show up. Maybe he was waiting for the shorter to walk through the door so that he wouldn't feel so alone anymore. He could hear the loud voice of Sin as he cooed at Jason, the whole interaction making his heart sink a bit. Everyone seemed to be doing just fine, yet there he was, single, alone and drinking away his sorrows.

The knock on the door to the apartment was barely noticed but he peeked his head out of the kitchen and looked into the living room area. He saw Minsu and Liu on the couch, being quite close and talking to each other, but then he saw a figure walk through the door. His eyes lit up and he abandoned the half-empty can of beer, quickly going to the front door to wrap his arms around Chaisai. His best friend. "Did you finish with work? You should've messaged me and I would've picked you up. I was so bored without you here. Everyone is leaving me out and I got so bored and lonely"

Sunan's arms slowly loosened and he pulled away a bit, mostly to take in the appearance of the younger. He was really unfair. Stepping back, he created a small amount of distance between them and grinned happily, eyes closing a bit as he tilted his head. "Do you want something to drink? Kana has tea and orange juice in the fridge so I can get you a glass of that. I've been trying to work on beer but it's hard when you don't have anyone to talk with. How was work by the way? Were there any annoying customers? Or was it a good work day for you?"

location - kana's place
mood - so happy
outfit - black t-shirt with white lined art, white washed skinny jeans
tags - pasta pasta - chaisai
sunan kamonchat
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[class name=heading]background-color:#CED0CE; font-size:12px; text-transform:uppercase; color:#FFF; padding:1px; text-align:center; position:relative; left:90px;[/class] [class name=heading1]background-color:transparent; font-size:10px; color:#CED0CE; padding:1px; position:relative; top:-70px; left:90px;[/class] [class name=heading2]background-color:transparent; font-size:10px; color:#CED0CE; padding:1px;[/class]
The energy emanating from the entirety of the apartment nearly suffocated Kana — there was an influx of strained politeness and tipsy anxiety that made her purse her lips when her eyes flitted over to the areas between her kitchen and living room. Considering the long week that had passed of schooling and working, she had insisted on opening the door to her apartment and allowing her fellow tenants in to have drinks and waste the night away.

Bottles of soju were lined up on the wooden counter and flanked by shot glasses and even more bottles of alcohol. She had shamelessly gone out of her way to purchase as much alcohol as she can, while also accepting donations from the other tenants, with the mindset that everyone would enjoy themselves and end up rather plastered by the end of the night.

Yet, Kana hadn't even had a lick of alcohol herself. Clouded by her own mindless thoughts, she sat to herself on the couch, her legs crossed in front of her and her hands fidgeting with the corner of a pillow in her lap. She'd dressed up tonight, wanting to look her best in front of the others; in front of Juwon.

Since the power outage, when the tenants gathered in her apartment to use the light provided by her candles, Kana had been walking on eggshells (more than usual) around Juwon. Every second that she attempted to muster the courage to speak to Juwon, she hesitated and decided against the idea. The two had held hands that night when Kana had quietly mentioned that she was cold, having given the other tenants all of her blankets. At initial contact between their two hands, she nearly yanked hers back as if she'd been burnt, but was quick to enjoy the sensation, and remained like that with Juwon until the lights came back up and Kana turned off all of the candles in the apartment to prevent a fire.

And now, now, Kana wasn't sure what to do next. Her feelings towards the other girl weren't completely solid, but they were present, existing. What could someone with a demure attitude do to catch the attention of someone that radiated confidence and power like Juwon? Frustrated, Kana groaned and hugged the pillow to her chest. She turned her head to look at the others, the dangling earring clipped to her right ear lightly slapping against her cheek.

The other tenants seemed to be... off. Hyejin, as always, had disappeared from the crowds, though nobody snapped at her for her actions as it was understandable. Sunan seemed defeated until Chai's arrival, but there was still a downcast expression toying on his features. She wasn't the least bit surprised to find Jungha brooding in her lonesome, maintaining a tight hold on her bottle of beer and muttering incoherent curses that probably had to do with her schoolwork. Even Minsu, the eldest tenant that often took care of the others with a professional manner, seemed out of place and caught up in his own thoughts.

As her dark gaze continued to trail around the room, she took notice of Sin Yang perched on Jason's lap and found that it was difficult to hide the smile breaking out across her face. She earnestly hoped the two were content and found the stance in their relationship that they needed with one another.

With a sigh, Kana rose from her position on the couch, the incoming craving for alcohol finally resonating with her and gnawing at every corner of her mind. Though she often struggled with her alcohol consumption and was quick to become tipsy, she supposed she ought to let go of her worries and enjoy herself, even if for the night. She grabbed one of the bottles of soju from the counter and popped the cap off, pouring the clear liquid into a shot glass, then tipping her head back to consume the drink.

Despite years of drinking champagne at company dinners and galas with her family back home, she had yet to get used to the burning sensation that alcohol left in her throat. Her face twisted for a few seconds, before the aftertaste had gone and she was pouring herself another shot.
[div class="heading" style=width:130px;]YOSHIKI KANA
[div class="heading1"]LOCATION: her apartment
MOOD: shit idk
OUTFIT: one angle + another angle
MENTIONS: sorta everyone but mostly juwon
TAGS: none at the moment
code creds to southside.
Despite the chilly air of winter, Juwon was full of energy, and excited to party the night away. Her business as a singer was getting bigger and that meant, she was bringing in more money. She had made a public announcement at the blackout that she would be the most successful of them all, but it had mostly been stated in a joking fashion. Still, it gave her motivation to actively try to achieve that. While she didn't want to sign to a company or anything that would restrict her way of life, she was considering maybe looking for a relaxed one. One that would help her get access to everything she needed. But why was she thinking this? Mostly because a scout talked to her after her show and gave her a card, saying they should get into touch with each other. It was a major confidence booster, so she was really happy.

On top of all that, everyone was getting wasted at Kana's. And honestly, she wasn't going to miss out on that. She swung by her favorite convenience store and bought her usual beer before walking to the complex. She was excited to spend time with everyone and destroy them at shot games and drinking games in general. Perks of having a high alcohol tolerance and burning desire to win. Juwon was glad the elevator had been repaired since the blackout, so she was able to spare herself walking up all those stairs in heels. Kana's place had become the center of gatherings for the tenants and while she preferred alone time, it was still fun ti go over with everyone. The blonde was too nice to kick people out, so Juwon just had to deal with it.

Still, ever since they held hands like little kids, she could sense the shift in their relationship. It was a bit awkward at times, but it was really fun. Juwon acted confident in front of Kana and everyone else, but that night, she barely got any sleep because she was so excited and happy. Her heart had been doing backflips and she was thinking about loads of things. They had an odd relationship that was on the fence between close friends and lovers, but it made her happy. She had liked Kana as soon as she met her at a cafe before a performance. It was easy to fall for the kind smile and gentle words of encouragement. Back then, she had impulsively acted like it was her first show, just so their conversation didn't have to end quickly. It had been a good move on her part as they were now neighbors and hanging out a lot.

"Unnie~! I'm here!!" The black haired woman called out in a sing-song voice, pushing the front door open only to see the mess that were her neighbors. All the guys seemed to be clinging to each other and it made her stifle a laugh. How cute. She took off her shoes and moved around Chai and Sunan who were currently hugging it out, and went to find the blonde. It didn't take long to find her, especially since she had to go to the kitchen in order to put her beer in the fridge. A bright and charismatic smile formed on her lips and she hugged the blonde instantly. "You started drinking without me? I would've come over sooner. You were probably alone because all the drunks are cuddling right?"

Juwon shrugged off her jacket and hung it on the back of one of the kitchen chairs, stretching her arms above her head. "We should take some shots together or play a bit of a drinking game. What do you think? I know all sorts of games for parties like this" Having fun and seeing Kana drunk was the main thing on her agenda for the night. People became way more honest and open when intoxicated, so Juwon wanted to see what her dear crush had to truly say about her.

location - kana's place
mood - ready to partyyyyy
outfit - 02
tags - erosful erosful - kana
kang ju-won
He had officially zoned out, just entertaining his body with long drinks of alcohol, letting it course through his system and give him a small fire in him. He could feel the heat and bitterness of the drink, but it made him relax as he leaned back against the couch. He didn't really expect anyone to talk to him, especially since everyone was pairing up and spending time together that way. Yet there he was, the Chinese boy who always brought a small smile to Minsu's face. Warm brown eyes settled on concerned ones and he could only casually drape an arm around the slim shoulders. "Missing Haneul? Maybe. I was mostly just thinking about being tired, especially since I'm on call for a while which means I can't get drunk tonight"

The relationship he had with the male was an interesting one. He felt the urge to tease him a bit, just to see the flustered reaction, but he didn't think it really meant anything. Minsu wasn't one that really pursued relationships with men, to begin with, they just sort of happened. He had the occasional flirtatious relationship but they never escalated, mostly because he was preoccupied with Hana in his youth. Which was why he didn't think much about what he did with him. It wasn't a big deal to him to just be affectionate and whisper a few flirtatious things in his ear. The guy was like a housewife anyway, so Minsu naturally did those things with him. He was close with Haneul and almost acted like a mother to him when Minsu couldn't. It was nice to have a co-parent almost.

Pressing his head against the younger's, he took a deep breath and sighed. "You aren't drunk yet right?" He questioned, a lazy smile playing on his lips, taking a sip from his own drink. "I feel a little lonely though. You should comfort me tonight. Especially since everyone else is busy with their significant partners. It makes me feel really out of place you know? And I would rely on Hye-jin for things like this, but she ran away before I could pester her with my silly questions"

Liu made him feel comfortable and he could be a lot more transparent with him, so he didn't feel bad about acting a little spoiled. "I heard they are going to be playing games tonight but I'm going to be bored since I can't exactly get drunk. Which is why I'm requesting you to be my entertainment for the night. We haven't been able to talk as much since Haneul has been away and I've been working a lot. I really miss being with my friend."

location - kana's place
mood - cuddly
outfit - ripped skinny jeans, white button up shirt that's tucked in and the sleeves are rolled up to his forearm
tags - houseplant houseplant - liu
oh minsu
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where:. kana's home
with:. minsu
outfit:. pink sweater, skinny jeans
mentions:. social social

Liu leaned into the arm around his shoulders, staring up at him curiously as he spoke. "Oh, I see." He frowned, "You doctors work too much." He mumbled, laying his head on the males shoulder, taking another swig. The relationship they had was peculiar and something nobody really expected. Of course, anyone could tell Liu was completely whipped while Minsu had barely any interest. Liu fell easily and he fell hard when he did, which didn't help when the handsome doctor lived down the hall. It didn't help that he was close to his son (though little Haneul always says he hates him but he knows he doesn't).

He jolted a bit once he pressed his head against his but relaxed into the males touch, wrapping his arms around his free arm and cuddling into him further. "I'm a little drunk." He mumbled, his face the almost color of his sweater as the alcohol started to set in. "Of course, I know Jason and Sin are cute but I might actually throw up in a second." He hummed at the words. "Hye-Jin is going to panic soon anyway, Jisung will be here in a bit." He chuckled, taking a final sip of his beer and setting it down.

"They're so cute.. I wish they'd just get together I'm tired of seeing him look like a lovesick puppy whenever she comes around." Liu huffed quietly. "There's so many couples in this complex.."

"Alright, alright. I'll entertain you. I'll get drunk for you." Liu teased, though he already knew he was tipsy enough. "I kind of miss Haneul, but don't tell him that." He gently nudged him at the final words, "Cute." He mused, playing his his sleeves, pulling them over his hand.

"How has work been? You've been busy so I'm guessing a bit stressful." He sat up, gently pulling away from Minsu to steal a random bottle he saw sitting on the counter, taking a hesitant sip, his face scrunched up in disgust but he took another swig.

"I've kinda missed you," Liu sniffed quietly, moving to cuddle back into the males side.
sin yang
Sin Yang stared blankly at Jason as spoke, blocking out a majority of the things he said to him before smiling drunkenly. “Aish, so, so, so, cuteee,” He slurred as he reached up to pat the other’s cheek. Perhaps a little too eagerly, he moved his head to sit comfortably in the crook of Jason’s neck, nuzzling it like a cat, while taking in the scent alcohol.

His brows furrowed and a frown appeared on his rosy features as the male claimed he couldn’t have any more alcohol. Quickly, he pulled his face away from the other’s neck to slightly glare at him. “I, hah, I am not even tha-t drunk, and, and I don’t ev-even have a bottle in my hand,” He pointed out. “I have,” He paused as he drunken brain clogged up his speech. “Mmm, I still have sober room for drink-ing game - games.” He couldn’t tell whether it made sense or not, and he spent a good ten seconds thinking about it.

It did. It did make perfect sense.

“I,” He took a few moments to think. “You’re n-not the boss of me,” He reminded before crossing his arms across his chest. Even while drunk, he didn’t like any form of babying or pampering, but rather than being passive, he was actually confident enough to protest. “And, I th--.” He stopped himself with a quick hiccup. “I think we sho-should all do drinking games -- um, right now.” His eyelids were half parted as he spoke.

It was like he forgot all consciousness in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps this is why he didn’t drink too often. His intoxicated state was too outgoing for his liking. Every time he drank too much, the next day, he would find himself looking back on videos. Each video would cause physical pain on the usually shy man. It contrasted so much with his sober personality and only led to embarrassment. A few videos still haunt his train of thought when he gets up in the morning.

tags: houseplant houseplant
chai tea
Chaisai was engulfed in a hug by Sunan almost instantly, causing him to smile. But as the smell of alcohol reached him, he mentally frowned. He couldn’t get too bothered, what did he expect? The taller was of legal drinking age, and it only made sense for him to participate. He would too if he could. “I wasn’t expecting you to sniff me out so quickly,” He teased. He listened as he spoke to him, the genuine smile on his face, never failing to brighten up with each word Sunan spoke.

“Ah, no, it would’ve been trouble anyway. Besides, the store is only a few minutes walking distances from here.” He glanced around as Sunan mentioned being dejected. “Yeah, huh? Everyone seems infatuated with each other. But, alas, I can fill in as your savior for tonight.” He supposed it was sweet, how the couples were practically laying on top of each other, or maybe it was kind of gross. He felt like a pervert to look over at Sin and Jason, even if the peek was merely innocent. Even Liu and Minsu were close. Was everyone dating each other?

The mention of juice seemed rather childish, but he supposed it was the only thing close to alcohol he could drink. “Uh, I’ll probably just have an orange juice, but I can just get it myself.” He paused before shrugging. “Work? Uh, I guess it was kind of normal,” He answered. “I watched this guy try to impress his girlfriend or a one-night quickie, but that was the weirdest thing that’s happened today -- It’s kind of boring,” He sighed as he made his way into the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and stared into it, only taking him a few moments to locate the orange juice. He helped himself to a plastic cup filled with pulpy orange juice. “So,” He began, deciding to make small talk. “How was your day?” He asked while returning the orange juice cartoon into the fridge. “Do anything cool?” He leaned against the counter. The kitchen felt a little calmer than the living area, so he didn’t make any advances to leave.

tags: social social

where:. kana's home
with:. lilsin, everyone
outfit:. ripped skinny jeans and a tank top
tags:. pasta pasta

He laughed quietly when he slurred, gently rubbing his back. "You're very drunk, cutie." He took a final sip of his drink and sat it down, cuddling into Sin's chest and pressing a light kiss to his forehead.

As he started talking about games he perked up, "Oh right, we should start those soon." He carefully stood up, making sure to set Sin down before he knocked him over. "Hey guys," He called, and when he didn't get an answer he picked up his bottle and tapped on it harshly, making a loud noise.

"We should start the game soon before some of us," he looked at Sin, "Pass out."

"Alright." Liu called from where he was nestled in Minsu's chest and Jason made a disgusted face as if Sin hadn't been just in his lap cuddling him.

Jason sat back down, slipping an arm around Sin's waist. "What games are we doing?"
Despite feeling the slight buzz of alcohol, Sunan was totally okay and very aware of every word the younger was saying. His eyes were practically sparkling with interest as he learned about the male's shift and how everything had been going for him. Sunan didn't even think before he followed the shorter, looking a lot like a duckling following its mother, and ended up in the kitchen once again. "Well I'm glad you decided to come over, even if it's only to be lamely stuck with me" He leaned against the counter, quickly finding an alcoholic beverage and poured himself a cupful of it. He didn't drink it right away, not while Chaisai was talking to him. He didn't want to be rude and make him wait.

"My day? Ah well... nothing really happened. I returned a few things to Hoseok. But I did go to a really pretty cafe today and I met a few people that recognized me. And! I heard I'm going to be featured in a small magazine but I thought it was exciting" His expression was a bit forced, but he drowned it out with a large gulp of the fiery liquid. He squeezed his eyes shut, a small cough leaving his body as he recovered from the shock of the flavor. It was probably something weird Juwon told Kana to get. She was into hard alcohol after all. "Ah this stuff is so strong. My tongue feels numb" Sunan could feel the blood rushing to his face, the warmth of the drink slowly spreading like wildfire in his thin frame.

After a moment of silence, he inched closer to his friend and let out a sigh. "I'm really bad at drinking but sometimes I just want to drink. Sorry, I wish you could drink as well" He frowned and rubbed his neck, unsure of what to say. It was getting a little fuzzy, the more he drank from the glass, which was probably a bad sign. The Thai model had been told that he was a cute drunk, but often got into trouble when he was drinking. He was zoned out but then the loud and piercing voice of Jason jolted him back to the present. "Games? Oh no, I'm so bad at those. I always lose" He felt depressed once again, knowing that he'd be taking more shots than anyone.

For some reason, he migrated to the living room again, but he grasped the hand of Chaisai on his way out, not wanting to be parted from the male just yet. Without really saying anything, he sat down on the floor in front of the couch and offered the seat to the younger. He couldn't play the game with alcohol, but he could watch and have fun that way. He was just worried that he'd get annoyed and go off, leaving Sunan alone with every single couple in the complex. That alone made him hold on to his hand just a bit tighter before he realized what he was doing and pulled his hand away. He didn't need people hounding him about Chaisai when he was drunk. He'd end up blabbing about his huge crush on him and it'd be far too awkward to recover.

location - kana's place
mood - so happy
outfit - black t-shirt with white lined art, white washed skinny jeans
tags - pasta pasta - chaisai
sunan kamonchat
Last edited:

chie mukai

mood: really fucking scared ✦ location: kana's apartment ✦ interaction: None
Chie pursed her lips, gazing around at the group. She shyly grabbed a shot and downed it in one gulp before sighing loudly. Her lips crunched into a scowl at the sharp burn of the alcohol on her tongue, but Chie shrugged it off. The mention of a game caused her to perk up. It would give her something to do and force social interaction, which was usually the only way she would talk to someone. As Sunan talked about people passing out, Chie shook her head to chase the blurry edges of her vision away. Guess I really am a lightweight...


aneko hyunsun

mood: practically halfway drunk ✦ location: kana's apartment ✦ interaction:Sunan
Aneko downed another shot, smiling with a shrill giggle. Stumbing forward, she planted her hands on her hips and observed the room. With no particular reason, she skittered over to Sunan and casually threw her arm over his shoulders. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she nearly doubled over in laughter before she could get any words out. "Heyyyyy-" She drawled, resting her head on Sunan's shoulder. Whipping her head up at the mention of a drinking game, she laughed and shouted in agreement, "Sounds fun!"


jiae hyunsun

mood: incredibly awkward ✦ location: kana's apartment ✦ interaction:None
Jiae stood in the corner of the room with her arms folded, biting her lip in mild annoyance. Loud noises annoyed her, and drinking parties were the worst place for serenity. Tucking a loose strand of dark hair behind her ear, she exhaled slowly. That's what my therapist said to do but I still feel like I need to commit a few murders...Looking away from the rowdy group, Jiae tried to block out the few words she could make out. Frowning at herself for what she was about to do, she grabbed a cup and took a swig of soju. Nodding to herself, she leaned back and simply watched everyone.

han wi
“Oh, hey, hyung,” Han Wi grinned as his Youtube partner and best friend, Liu, approached him. “Just got here?” He became silent as soon as the other took the bottle from his hand and took a swig. A smirk crept onto his countenance as he watched the man’s reaction. “Good, isn’t it?” It amused him. It wasn’t even his drink, and he had just watched his cousin drink out of it to mask the flavor of drunken vomit. But, he wouldn’t tell Liu any of that -- it would have been too embarrassing. He pressed his lips into a thin line as he watched the man walk away.

The longshoreman, when it came to drinking, was a heavyweight drinker. He could handle his alcohol quite well. He was level headed and still able to drink properly. Although he was beginning to feel a little tipsy, he still felt he was able to make rational decisions, unlike Sin, who he could see from the corner of his eyes, clinging all over Jason. When Han Wi actually got that drunk, his personality became exaggerated and sometimes even promiscuous. Although, he wouldn’t let himself get that far.

The shout of a game announcement caused Han Wi’s ears to perk up. He carefully set the peach alcohol down on some shelf before walking towards Jason and Sin. “Games? How the hell will any of you last?” He inquired. Sin pointed at him with his slender finger a slurred a shut up, which caused Han Wi to scoff. “You’re going to die of alcohol poisoning before the first fucking round starts, buddy,” He shot back, with an evil smirk. He ignored everything else that poured from his cousin’s drink mouth.

“We should do the image game. I play it every time I drink with my friends,” He suggested. As more as the tenants began to fill around them, he took charge of the games without any notice. “We’re going to do the image game, so get the drinks, shot glasses and sit around the coffee table.” He paused for a few moments. “Everyone knows how to play it right?” He asked. “If you don’t, just look it up, I don’t even want to explain it to you.”

“You,” He said pointing to the minor, Chai. “You are too young to drink,” He pointed out the obvious before frowning. “I’d let you, but…” He took a flick of a moment to think. “I don’t think Kana would like that…” He trailed off before shrugging.

tags: houseplant houseplant @ everyone in the apartment
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Kang Ji-sung​
[/div][/div] [div class="img"][/div] [/div] [div class="quote"]“Stay away from the ones you love too much. Those are the ones who will kill you.” [/div] [div class="divider"][/div] [div class="textbox"] [div class="scroll"]Ji-sung was already on his third bottle of soju, but he still wasn't as drunk as he would have liked to be. He had a competition coming up next week, and his times hadn't improved by even a second. If anything, he was getting slower. The only reason he'd even shown up at Kana's house at all was because he needed something to take his mind off of swimming. So of course, free drinks sounded like a great idea. Ji-sung was a big fan of soju because of its ability to make you forget you ever had a problem, and in a relatively short amount of time as well. That, along with the fact that he'd been drinking on an empty stomach, meant that he was probably more drunk than he thought he was.

Ji-sung looked around at the rest of the tenants, who were all nicely paired into couples. Sin and Jason, Kana and Juwon, Chai and Sunan, and Liu and Minsu. It seemed like everyone had found themselves a partner for the night. That is, except for Ji-sung himself. He was a little bit jealous. Actually, he was a lot jealous. He wished he had someone to talk to, but wasn't surprised to find himself alone. He knew that he was a pest when drunk. He tended to get a bit... emotional. And clingy. He only knew this from others' eyewitness accounts though, because his memories of drunken nights were usually fragmented, if he could remember them at all.

He downed another shot. The burn of the soju down his throat left him pleasantly buzzed. What had he been thinking about again? In any case, now his problem was that he was feeling lonely. He turned to not-so-subtly glance at Hye-jin. Since the power outage, Ji-sung had grown more and more curious about her. In particular, he was curious about the exhibit. He hadn't been lying when he'd said that he liked her painting. But even more than that, he just wanted an excuse to talk to her. He wasn't sure what was causing his emerging interest in the girl — or maybe woman would be a better term, although she often seemed like a young girl. Was it because of her artistry or because of her personality? He didn't know. What he did know was that he was going to find out.

The object of Ji-sung's interest soon disappeared outside, leaving him to sulk as he began a fourth bottle. As Jason and Han Wi started a conversation about drinking games, Ji-sung realised this might be a good chance for him to talk to Hye-jin. Was his fixation on her a little bit strange? Yes. But his drunken mind didn't think about that too much. "Youuu guyssss... can decide the game. I'lllll... go get Hye-jin noona." He said, standing up with a glass in hand. He looked at the glass for a moment. Then he put it down and decided to take the entire bottle instead.

Ji-sung made his way towards the door, trying his hardest to walk in a straight line. Why was standing up so fucking hard? He fumbled with the door handle for a moment before opening it. There she was, standing outside. He stepped out and quietly closed the door. "Noonaaaaa... I came to talk to you because- because, uh..." Why did he come outside again? "Ah, I can't remember." He moved to rest his head on top of hers, finding her to be great for keeping his balance. "Your hair smells nice." He mumbled.

tags: social social - Hye-jin
[/div] [/div] [/div]
sin yang
Sin Yang’s mind circled as he thought of what game he’d like to play. He hummed for a few moments, not really being too familiar with drinking games in general. He knew the basics like truth or dare, but nothing fancy or interesting. He hummed as he thought before parting his lips to speak, but before he could give his suggestion, Han Wi spoke. He was presumably one of the least drunk people at the party. He began bossing everyone around. Sin’s eyebrows knitted together as he pointed at his cousin. “Shut~ up,” He ordered, words slinging together like a musical slur on a piece of music.

Han Wi’s response caused him to drunkenly gasp. Implying that he was drunk enough to pass out? He could only feel that the elder was blowing his intoxicated state of proportion. He wanted to harshly smack him, but he was out of reach and Jason’s lap was really comfy. He turned slightly face Jason and hug him. The tall male was tired, and he was afraid the alcohol was getting to him. But, he wanted to finish his games. He forced his eyes to stay open as he leaned his cheek against Jason’s shoulder.

Unfortunately, his cousin began poking him and bugging him to go get the soju and shot glasses. An annoyed groan escaped him as he got up from Jason’s lap, his steps were sloppy and flowy. He stumbled into the kitchen, grabbing the paper bag of alcoholic drinks. He stuffed some shot glasses into the paper bag before slowly making his way back into the living room. Looking back, it was probably a horrible idea to make one of the extremely plastered people there, get the items. Thankfully, he successfully placed the bag onto the table.

“Ther-re,” He slurred as he began walking around towards Jason. Dragging a hand down his face, he fell back onto the floor, plopping down into a sitting position besides Jason’s legs. He rested his head on Jason’s knees as he stared at the coffee table, watching Han Wi pull the drinks from the bag and set everything up.

tags: houseplant houseplant
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chai tea
Chai smiled as Sunan spoke of his day. His modeling career seemed to be going wonderfully, and it warmed his heart. “That’s great,” He admired before taking a sip of his acidic juice. “What magazine? Maybe I’ll purchase a subscription to support you,” He offered. But, perhaps the real reason his smile was so wide was the mention of returning things to Hoseok. He knew it was rude, but he was glad that ass was out of the apartment complex for good.

The teenager watched as the other took a sip from the heavy alcohol and explained that his tongue had become numb. How strange, was that common? He had never tried liquor before, and he was quite curious about the flavor of it. His aunt said it taste like rubbing alcohol, while his uncle said it was like candy. So, which was it? “That strong?” He waved him off with a slight chuckle. “Don’t worry, I don’t want to drink that much anyway. Orange juice is enough,” He reassured while holding up his drink to refer to it.

At the mention of games, Chaisai frowned. He wouldn’t be able to play any of those, he’d just have to watch like a sad puppy forced into the doghouse. He was rather surprised when Sunan grabbed his head and led him to the living room. “Oh,” He sounded as the taller offered a seat to him. He wasn’t sure if he should sit there, especially since that was the area for people actually participating in he came. A slight expression of unhappiness appeared on his face when the hand was pulled away from his.

When Aneko approached them, an unexpected smile of fondness appeared on his face. He had grown to like the older woman, and dare he say, he found himself being attracted to her. It was unlike him, and he knew it. Usually, he went for someone more like Sunan, but there was something about Aneko. Perhaps it was how open and confident she was. But, he told himself that it wasn’t because he wanted to date her. “Aneko, hey,” He greeted, almost shyly, which was out of the ordinary for sure.

tags: social social dazzling dazzling
He had been waiting for the space next to him to fill up with Chaisai's presence but it never came. He didn't feel the familiar frame press against his side or the comforting voice ask about the game or something. Instead he was hit with a strong scent of perfume and thin arms. He was alarmed immediately and turned to see the face of Aneko, which caused him to awkwardly smile. He didn't dislike her at all, he just thought her habit of dating and messing around with people wasn't the best. However before he could even let out a drunken slur of a hello, the incredibly shy tone of Chaisai reached his ears. Even in his buzzed state, he felt his heart stop. Sunan forced himself to look at the teen for a split second and regretted it. That look was so unfamiliar and it made him want to throw up. Literally. His stomach twisted painfully and his palms felt sweaty and cold.

Sunan didn't even know why the words came out of his mouth but they did. They felt disgusting and he was certain that he wasn't the one saying it. "Tea, why don't you sit here with Aneko? She's drunker than me and probably needs supervision." He forced a smile on his face and got up, staggering slightly. He didn't really think before he sandwiched himself next to Han Wi, not even caring at that point. He kept his gaze fixed on his phone, refusing to look across at the male and the older woman. It was obvious that at some point Chaisai would find someone he was interested in, but Sunan didn't think he'd actually have to face it head-on. He figured it was just a minor crush anyways and Aneko wasn't that stupid so she'd know that he was pretty interested in the guy. At least he hoped that.

The desire to play a game had long since left him, but the urge to empty his stomach was still there. He could only force more of the burning liquid down his throat and try to forget about it. He felt numb and it wasn't a good feeling at all. It only made him more aware of the lack of warmth and comfort that he had gotten so used to. It was pathetic really, getting worked up over a best friend who probably liked a pretty girl. That was normal. What he wanted and what he did, it wasn't normal. Sunan understood that, but he couldn't help but try and see if there was something. However, as soon as he thought they were getting somewhere, he would get fear in the back of his mind and notice how awkward the guy got or how he seemed to really only view him as a dear friend.

He was mostly overthinking it, he knew that, but it didn't matter. Before he would realize it, he had found himself to date and seek comfort from. He wasn't able to get the relief he needed, but it was enough to keep a smile on his face, even though it was forced. Sunan eventually emptied the bottle of whatever he had been drinking and wanted to throw up, so he got up and swayed as he excused himself, using his native language without thinking about it. He didn't even know where he was going but thankfully he found himself in the room so he could empty his body of the alcohol. It tasted even worse the second time. It wasn't pleasant at all. The entire situation was shit. But once again, maybe he was just reading into it again. Maybe it would work itself out and maybe he wouldn't even have to remember it in the morning.

location - kana's place
mood - why am i like this
outfit - black t-shirt with white lined art, white washed skinny jeans
tags - pasta pasta - chaisai, dazzling dazzling - aneko
sunan kamonchat
"Kind of missed me? Liu, that doesn't sound very truthful at all" Minsu laughed and affectionately nuzzled his face in the male's hair for a moment. He was like a stuffed animal toy, so soft and nice to hug. He felt so comfortable with him, it was probably illegal to feel like that. But as someone who didn't think twice about what he did or others did, the thought was only fleeting and he continued to cuddle the male.

"Work has been crazy recently. It's flu season so there's a lot of people getting really sick since they aren't taking care of themselves. But I can't complain, I do love my work so much" Minsu smiled brightly and lifted his head as more people began to flood the living room, talking about playing drinking games. He knew that he wouldn't really be able to play that much since he was on-call, but he assumed that Liu would play. He had an amused expression on his face as everyone drunkenly made their way to the coffee table in front of the couch that he and Liu occupied.

"Are you going to play?" He ended up whispering since he didn't want to interrupt the drama and fighting that was going on in front of them. Part of him wanted to just sit back with Liu and watch the people get wasted, but he assumed it wouldn't happen. "If you need me to take a few shots for you, let me know. I don't want you getting so drunk that you pass out." Minsu ruffled Liu's hair and smiled, leaning back against the couch. He had seen Jisung come in but he had left in a staggering state not too long after. Maybe he passed out in the hallway. That'd be pretty funny. His amused smile slowly turned into an expression of interest as he saw the interactions between the tenants.

He raised an eyebrow as he watched a very strange interaction between the younger tenants but he didn't get involved. He knew that when Sunan got up, he was probably going to throw up and he felt a sense of pity towards the male. He had been watching his interactions for months and had even been a shoulder to cry on for more than one occasion, but he didn't understand any of it. It sort of made his head hurt. Why were kids so bad at confessing their feelings? He sighed heavily and looked at Liu. "These kids give me headaches. Glad I'm not like that anymore" He didn't consider himself to be like everyone else that lived in the building. In his head, he was pretty damn forward with his feelings, despite that not being the case in reality. Still, it helped him sleep at night. "You should probably start the game while Sunan is in the bathroom Han Wi. He drank a lot of Vodka that Juwon brought so he's going to be in there for a while"

location - kana's place
mood - cuddly
outfit - ripped skinny jeans, white button up shirt that's tucked in and the sleeves are rolled up to his forearm
tags - houseplant houseplant - liu, pasta pasta - han wi
oh minsu

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