Opinion Self Insert Only, Self Insert & Canon, Only Canon

Revna Eris

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So I have a bit of a question. Which is better to you when working with a series already set? Roleplays where you use your own characters only, roleplays where its your character and canon characters mixed, or when its only canon characters?

I personally prefer when it is mine and my partners own characters mixed with canon characters. I just like to see the way they interact with each other. Plus it leaves more room open for things to happen, while still setting that boundary that makes it different.

((I'm fairly new to this site, so if this is the wrong place to be posting please let me know. I don't think I'm posting in the wrong place... But I can't be sure.))
There's a role-play forum in the Discussion section, but it's fine.
I personally think all three can be done well, but the last two have a lot more they have to get right to be done well.
I enjoy roleplaying with original characters in a canon setting, but if you mix canon characters in, it's fine as well. The most complex is certainly mixing in canon characters.
I prefer to roleplay with only original characters, because I feel awkward using characters that someone else made in a series as I can never feel like I'm doing the character justice. But that's just due to my lack of skill. I have no problem partaking in a roleplay with a mix of canon and own characters, so long as I don't have to play a canon character.
I almost only rp with purely oc characters in an au or outside the canon. This is because I have no interest in already created and explored characters, and I find others rarely roleplay them well, which can kill the immersion. Gms having brief canon appearances is about as far as i allow.
I almost only rp with purely oc characters in an au or outside the canon. This is because I have no interest in already created and explored characters, and I find others rarely roleplay them well, which can kill the immersion. Gms having brief canon appearances is about as far as i allow.
Yeah, I like to keep to canon up to a certain point, after which branching off into a kind of an AU.
Well, personally, I prefer a mix of both. Self-inserts and canon characters.
I'm actually on the other end of the spectrum from most, in that I prefer to only roleplay canon characters rather than original ones in that setting. I suppose it's just more comfortable for me to roleplay a character that already is established, and it's also quite interesting to explore the complexities of the character and how they would react to certain things. I guess it's just mostly a comfort zone thing for me, but it's also fun and enjoyable.

As for when it comes to the roleplays themselves, it's fun for me to have canon characters to interact with one another and explore or form a complex dynamic and relationship between them, so I usually prefer just canons when it comes to 1x1 roleplays since when it's playing a character against someone else's OC, I usually don't have much idea what the OC is like, or how well it would exactly work out in a full on roleplay that I'd have to keep my interest and energy going for. But sometimes I do try to step out of my comfort zone, and have a roleplay with someone else's OC.

And when it comes to mixing original characters and canon, I have no problem with it in groups! It can be quite interesting for those original characters to interact off of the already established characters and influence how things in the setting would go.

In general though, I suppose I'm just a more play it safe kind of person with playing canon characters most of the time, but it's really enjoyable for me, and I love being able to portray any character that I really like, from a setting that I really like as well.
I tend to prefer original characters ( not necessarily self inserts ) in canon settings.

Mostly because the fun part of a roleplay is the setting for me so I like to use the setting and just create my own characters to play in it.

The exception to this is Harry Potter ( the specific character ) in various fandom fusions. I think he's a fun character to place in new or slightly altered settings and see how he reacts.
It depends on the roleplay. If it's a group, OC only is the way to go, unless it's my Pandora Hearts Group RP (shameless advertisement) where you're the reincarnation of the canon characters and therefore get to make them your own. Harry Potter's also one that's pretty okay to do with canon characters.

If it's 1x1, then I usually see a lot more canon and prefer a lot more canon, mostly because it's easier to have only two people doing them. Most of the time in that case, I like OC and canon, since you're usually playing out shipping yourself with your favorite character. XD
I mostly do 1x1s I guess? And I either do canonxcanon or OCxOC, I don't think I'll ever do OCxCanon, it just kinda irks me? Idk why though.

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