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Realistic or Modern ⁚ ⁛ Seishin Academy?! ⁚ ⁛

Geozaki said:
I have changed my extracurricular to art, :)
Will try to join in a mo, sorry it's taken me so long, life can be a pain sometimes, taking over my more important things :P , I know this is really lazy, because I haven't missed loads, but could someone give me a really quick summary please?
Nothing much, they're just going to the gym now for a "surprise". ^^
Marshmallow said:
Nothing much, they're just going to the gym now for a "surprise". ^^
Thanks, will work on my introductory post now, just as a forewarning, first posts aren't my strength, so apologies to all.

Noah there were some big words there *pant*
ok so I wanted Jenny to have been in America about two years and now she is back in japan to surprise her friends one guy and one girl. Would guys mind being the friends? I feel like it could work. What do you think? If not that's fine. I just want her to start off with at least two friends.


animegirl20 said:
ok so I wanted Jenny to have been in America about two years and now she is back in japan to surprise her friends one guy and one girl. Would guys mind being the friends? I feel like it could work. What do you think? If not that's fine. I just want her to start off with at least two friends.

Phahaha, the best mix. xD Sure, I don't mind.
I hope you won't mind that I'll be making my character post tomorrow! I have to get ready for bed now, but by tomorrow afternoon it'll be all up! >:I
Sorry if some of my posts were less than five lines. I'm usually on a mobile device, so my screen is smaller
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i apologize for doing this right after joining, but i'm dropping out of this roleplay. it just isn't for me.

thanks for accepting me ^^
@Archdemon You're accepted. Feel free to jump in, the students are currently in the gym, checking for in which groups they are. You can see more information in my post on the 3rd page. It's the one with the teacher in it. ^^
I finally finished mine ohman coding it was such a pain and I kept making changes to how it would look but it is finally up! >:I
@TerrinX basically what's happening is that all our characters are at the gym doing a sports day, the first activity is tug of war in which the blue team verses the red if I remember correctly. Your character is in the blue team and I placed my character at the rope. Does that help?

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