Segregation [Inactive]

She heard a deep voice from behind her and spun around, her eyes widening under her hood. Of course, only her mouth and tip of her nose was visible. She held up the knife, ready to attack if he came closer.
He stepped closer to the girl. She was toned with a curvy body. She looked just like him actually, just in female form. The hood, the weapons, the stance...he had to get a closer look at her. He stepped up to where he was a foot away and cocked his head at the girl. He had his hand on his dagger, just in case he had to use it. But violence wasn't on his mind, just curiosity. "You are nothing of the stories they told us," he said more so to himself then everyone else.
She took a step back as he stepped toward her. There was fear in her eyes, as well as fascination. She pulled her hood down even further over her face and looked at the ground, a hand holding her dagger, the other her bow.
He stepped closer to where they were almost a lips distance apart and gazed into her eyes. Fear, interest, gentle. They were a lot different from a man's eyes. Hell everything was different. They looked different, smelled different, and felt different. He found this out by running the back of his hand and tips of his fingers over the girls cheek. "What are you known by?" He asked the girl; stopping touching her but keeping the same closeness.
She looked him up and down. They really weren't like the elders had described. The reality was so...different. She looked at the other boy and jumped, moving away. Aspen lept into her arms and she held her close, still staring at the ground. The boy's warmth was still on her cheek and she blushed to herself. "Grace," she whispered, barely audible. "People call me Muet though."
"Grace is a pretty name" he was surprised to hear himself sound so assured
She nodded, acknowledging his compliment and looked back the way she had come, from the camp. Even now, with these two boys she was happier than she had been there.
Daniel took a little offence to Joe touching him. He didn't intervene with him and the other girl when Joe was trying to comprehend hr existence, he should have let him examine. Anyway, he pushed away from Joe and offered his hand to the girl. "I'm known by Daniel. It's nice to meet you miss." He said hoping she would take his hand.
Grace was a little overwhelmed by so much attention thrust toward her. In all her life, no one had ever said anything to her except orders. She took Daniel's hand and smiled at the other boy, nodding slightly.
He filled his canteen and came back to her "come with me" he took her hand and guided her away from Daniel and to a nearby tree that looked easy to climb
Daniel backed away as he heard a giant roar from an area behind them. It didn't sound like it was far away, and it was getting closer. He was alone now. Everyone had deserted him. He wanted to call out and warn his "friend" but he was interrupted by a giant smash as a creature broke a tree behind him. The giant being stepped out into the light and the clearing; revealing itself.


It was large, muscular, and fat. The giant carried a long iron club with spikes sprouting from all sides. Daniel looked on in horror as the creature approached him. It gave out another blood curdling roar aimed in his direction. It starred him down. "I can't move," he said standing his ground and very carefully speaking to himself. "I read about these in our "Monster Manual" This is a Runelord, and it will attack if I run. I don't recall them being friendly. I have to fight." He said drawing his bow and 1 explosive arrow from its sheath slowly and carefully; eyeing the giant. The monster growled at him when it saw the puny human reach for something. It could sense something happening. "It's aware, " he whispered
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( xD )

She shook her head and found herself staring at his chest. Embarrassed, she looked away. "You're so different-" She looked toward the rumbling and tensed up, drawing her bow quickly. She looked down at Daniel and stood up on the branch, Aspen crawling into her quiver.

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