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Seeking Long Term Roleplayer !!!!!!!!

Iris Snow

New Member


I am seeking someone who would be interested

in starting up a world with me made from scratch. It would take place in a modern time setting but with Special abilities and Special races. Each character will have two abilities in the story to start out with. One mental and the other physical. As time goes on your abilities will grow and become stronger. Iris's power will allow her to control and manipulate emotions. While her physical power will fire. The images below is what happens to her eyes when she controls people's emotions and the other is what her hands look like upon summoning the fire. The Main characters will have an on going romance


I am a newish roleplayer I have done one roleplay on this site and have played dnd for a few years I would be very interested in roleplaying with you if you dont mind please get back to me on it thanks :) .

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