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Seeking Long Term Partners :) {always open}

[QUOTE="short for time]Hello, I'm interested in the pairings 'Guy x Best friend's girlfriend' and 'Group of friends go on a road trip' so I was wondering if we could mix them together or do either one you want to do.

Sure! PM me!
Vampire X Human :)
[QUOTE="Dylans Wife]
Vampire X Human :)

PM me!
I'm interested in group of friends going on a roadtrip!
I would love to explore a possible roleplay in PJo. I'm an university student and I DO get busy, but I'll try replying once a day, if not more if my schedule allows :) I'd be up for doubling. I see that you have a star next to Percy/OC, I wouldn't mind being Percy for you! Shoot me a PM if you're still looking.
Hello :3 I want to do a divergent rp and only read the first book and is getting around to read the next book... do you want to still rp? If so please send me a pm :3
Ok I think you'd be a great rp partner. And wow, a lot of the storylines were hard to choose from but it's between werewolf x Human or group of friends go on a road trip.
Hey! My name is Apollo, I've been looking for a long term role play partner for awhile now! PM would be preferred and

Guy x Best friend's girlfriend sounds interesting to me

mistereo said:
Ok I think you'd be a great rp partner. And wow, a lot of the storylines were hard to choose from but it's between werewolf x Human or group of friends go on a road trip.
PM Me and we can discuss it!

ApolloCrews said:
Hey! My name is Apollo, I've been looking for a long term role play partner for awhile now! PM would be preferred and

Guy x Best friend's girlfriend sounds interesting to me

Awesome! PM me please?
[QUOTE="Nate is not on fire]
Hello there!
My name is Nate, short for Natalia, but you can call me Nat, Talia, anything really. I've got many nicknames. Nate is just something I prefer and am used to.

I've been roleplaying since I was around thirteen so I'm not a newbie to it. I am, however, a newbie to this site, so I'm looking for peeps to RP with.

Not completely sure how this BB code thing works but I'm going to give it a shot! Please send me a PM if you like any, since I can't till twenty four hours are done with.

    • I require someone who can post at least once a day. The more the better since I work from home and am on frequently.

    • Someone who can write at least a paragraph, but the more the better!

    • Violence, profanity, all that stuff is fine by me. In fact my characters tend to be very angsty characters that cuss a lot so that's just a little heads up.

    • English isn't my first language but I don't know any other language so well so I treat it as my first. I do expect literacy but simple things like typos are fine of course.

    • I prefer playing females. I do MxF pairings mostly, and don't get me wrong, I'm all for LGBTQ+ but I will only do them if we were to double and do an MxF pairing as well.

    • I like to play multiple characters, so I'll probably always include a few NPCs here and there. Doubling is preferred.

    • I like plots that involve romance but I hate when it builds ip too fast. I like a nice slow build.

    • I can RP on PM or thread, doesn't matter, but I don't go too into detail for character sheets. I like to develop my character through the RP.

    • OOC chat is always encouraged! I like knowing about the people I roleplay with. :)

That's it I guess. PM me!

Hey, friend. (^.^) If you don't mind doing more than one RP with me, I'd love to do the Fire Elemental x Water Elemental.
Of course! PMing now!
Hey there, Starset here! Much like you (were, are? I didn't check the date on your original post, haha.) I'm new to this site but have several years of experience roleplaying.

I really enjoy the idea of a slow romance build up for Teacher x Student. (With you playing the female student, like you wanted, of course.) I was thinking perhaps a demon hunting school sort of thing, in a world where there is one police force to control people, and another to control angels and demons.

My character would show yours how to fight demons, and perhaps your character would be tempted by her negative emotions and make brash decisions that mine didn't approve of.

Anyway, just a thought! Please reply in this thread if you're interested, since i can't PM because of beginner's rules.
Starset said:
Hey there, Starset here! Much like you (were, are? I didn't check the date on your original post, haha.) I'm new to this site but have several years of experience roleplaying.
I really enjoy the idea of a slow romance build up for Teacher x Student. (With you playing the female student, like you wanted, of course.) I was thinking perhaps a demon hunting school sort of thing, in a world where there is one police force to control people, and another to control angels and demons.

My character would show yours how to fight demons, and perhaps your character would be tempted by her negative emotions and make brash decisions that mine didn't approve of.

Anyway, just a thought! Please reply in this thread if you're interested, since i can't PM because of beginner's rules.
I am very much interested! That's an idea I haven't done before (in the way you've described) and I am very intrigued as to how it would play out! Shall I send you a PM?
I'm not too sure how the whole PM thing works on here, cause I can't send any yet since my account hasn't been up for 24 hours, right? Unless you were just sending me a link to the thread in the PM or something. But yeah go ahead and send it if you were aware of all that and i'm just reiterating myself. xD
Starset said:
I'm not too sure how the whole PM thing works on here, cause I can't send any yet since my account hasn't been up for 24 hours, right? Unless you were just sending me a link to the thread in the PM or something. But yeah go ahead and send it if you were aware of all that and i'm just reiterating myself. xD
Haha you would be unable to send a PM for twenty four hours, but other people can send you PMs that you can reply to, so I'll have one your way right now. :)

I would be interested in trying either the Fire elemental / Water elemental plot or the Super hero / Super villain plot with you! Both sound like they have lots of room for fun and creativity. ^ ^
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Hello!
I would be interested in trying either the Fire elemental / Water elemental plot or the Super hero / Super villain plot with you! Both sound like they have lots of room for fun and creativity. ^ ^

Awesome! Send me a PM!

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