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Realistic or Modern Sedar Hospital |OOC|


just enjoy choi minho as a beautiful doctor.
this is appropriate BC ITS A MEDICAL RP
I've been thinking it over and since I was kindly tagged to join this cool looking Rp. I believe I can fit one more Rp into my list. Once I've got more on this Doctor/Surgeon character who's a major sports fan and a gambling habit he's currently trying to kick, character idea of mine. I'll post him
I don't really accept them. I just assume everyone's in unless the rp has certain spots, which this does not~
Oh, so it's one of those Jump In RPS. I hope I did well for my character. Expecting a lot of cute moments for her too.
Oh yeah, i meant to ask if all the doctors deal with all the patients, or if doctors are assigned to specific patients?
In the latter case, which doctor has training in Child Psych?
Would it be possible for Kasey and Emma to be more then just Doctor and Patient? Have to ask before I establish anything! ^_^
Anything is possible, lovely! ^^ We've just got to see how the roleplay plays out! I really enjoy seeing relationships naturally unfold rather than planning them!
Oh yeah, i meant to ask if all the doctors deal with all the patients, or if doctors are assigned to specific patients?
In the latter case, which doctor has training in Child Psych?
I don't really know the answer but I think when we start relationships we can figure this out? After everyne finishes maybe and see who fits who best.
sad bc I have been working on my own group role that I'm trying to get up & I love this one so much that I don't know if I even wanna post mine anymore smh
I don't really know the answer but I think when we start relationships we can figure this out? After everyne finishes maybe and see who fits who best.
I didn't come up with a solution yet but this seems like a reasonable way.

Sorry for not replying sooner I was out!!!
I got another dumb question: is the mental ward barred off from the general hospital, or is it easily accessible? Also, do mental patients need to be escorted by staff to go places or do they have free roam of the hospital?
pasta pasta

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