• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Sedar Hospital |CS|


gogo dancer


Hair color
Eye color

Personality (1+ paragraph)

Patient or staff? If a patient tell why.
Biography (2+ paragraph)



in character


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Jasmine Miranda
B A S I C S ;

Name....... Jasmine Miranda
Age........ 17
Gender........ Female
Sexuality........ Bisexual
Ethnicity......... American

A P P E A R A N C E ;

Hair Color........ Purple
Eye Color........ Bright Blue
Height...... 5'6
Weight......... 120lbs

D I G G I N G - D E E P E R ;
tenor (18).gif

personality ..... Jasmine is a total sweetheart despite having to stay in the hospital for the rest of her life. She likes to make everyone feel comfortable and she will go out of her way to make sure you are comfortable. The purple haired girl's smile is contagious to people in the hospital and she will always be the first person to greet you. Sometimes this side of her changes though. She can be very emotional at unexpected times which is normal since she is in a hospital. But other than that, she's just a social butterfly who is trying to make it.
Likes ...... having fun, meeting new people, listening to music, watching tv, rock music, flannels, rain, thunder, walking around when the hospital is practically empty and quiet, swimming, dancing, drawing, reading, writing
Dislikes ...... eating, treatment, being treated like a child, being told what to do, loud noises, nauseating smells, being bored, awkward silence, people staring at her, rude people, conceited assholes, stereotypical bullshit
Habits ....... humming at random moments, biting her finger nails, messing with her hair, tapping her fingertips on hard surfaces
Talents ....... singing, drawing, acting like she's okay

H O S P I T A L - I N F O ;

Patient or Staff? Jasmine is a patient at this hospital. Her reason for being here is that she was diagnosed with Arrhythmia. Its a heart disease that can cause the heart to beat too slow, too fast, or irregularly. It can affect how the heart actually works and it may not be able to pump enough blood throughout the body. Even though it is treatable my medical professionals, this continues to affect Jasmine. Because of this, her mother has decided to actually keep her in the hospital. The purple haired girl is also in the hospital because she refuses to eat. She doesn't have a disorder, she just wont each which is causing the body to slowly become more weak and weak. I.V's are constantly being placed inside her arm because of this.
Biography..... "Oh story time! Great! I don't mind telling you my story. But its quite boring. Some people even cry when I tell them, but im so confused as to why? Anyways, my name is Jasmine Miranda. I was born in a small town in California with my mother and my brother. My father wasn't around a lot due to business trips. I haven't seen him for a long time because im in here. Which is okay! He used to visit me everyday. But hardly anyone does now. Anyways, I was diagnosed with Arrhythmia at birth. I've had it ever since then. Ive been in and out of the hospital for quite some time, but momma says I practically live here now.

Speaking of my momma, I haven't seen her since I was put in this place. She told me that she loved me dearly and how she always will. She was crying a lot. I didn't understand why though and i still don't? Why was she so sad? Its not like she wouldn't be able to see me or anything. It was weird. But yeah, I haven't seen her since then. She told me she would see me again though! Well...in her own special way...but hey that still counts right!? Well yeah, thats about it. Bye now!"

Scene: Hospital - Jasmine and her mother.
Jasmine stared up at her mother from the hospital bed. She had just gotten out of surgery and she could barely see due to the medicine. But she could hear everything crystal clear. Wait a minute. Something was wrong. Jasmine could hear crying from the side and she knew it was her mother. Jasmine weakly touched her hand and rubbed it a little bit.
"Why are you crying, mom?"she asked in a slurred voice. But it was enough for her mom to understand what she was saying.
"Oh its nothing sweetheart. Just rest please."she said and calmed down her whimpering.
"You wouldn't be crying for no reason. Just...j-....Just tell me."Jasmine said, her words coming out a little more clearer that before.
Silence had filled the room for quite some time. But then, some sniffling noises broke it.
"Sweetheart...momma is going to have to leave for a while."her mother had said. "I won't be coming back for quite some time."she added. This confused Jasmine greatly. "Where are we going?"she asked, her vision becoming clear. This almost made her mother start crying again. She choked up for quite some time. But then she spoke up.
"No sweetheart. Im going. You're going to have to stay so you can get better. But I will come back for you once the doctors release you."she said and covered her mouth to keep from crying harder. This silenced Jasmine for a moment but then she just nodded. "Alright, momma. Thats okay. I will be here once you get back."she said and smiled. The two of them hugged...but that would be the last time.
Her mom gave her a kiss on the forehead and gave her daughter a hug. She walked out of the room and right there a doctor and some woman waited there. "Are you sure you want to do this?"the doctor had asked her.
"This is not something you can just turn back from, mrs miranda. You do know that once you sign these papers, you will loose custody of your daughter."the woman said. Jasmine's mother looked back at her daughter and then sighed. "Yes, im sure."she said and signed them quickly.
"Alright mrs, miranda. It is done. Once you have said your goodbyes, you can leave,"the woman said and then walked away. The mother broke down into tears but they were silent. As much as she wanted to say goodbye to her daughter one last time, she just couldn't. It would make her feel even more guilty. The dark haired woman walked out those doors and never returned.

-Jasmine's family has been drowning in debt after they couldn't pay for Jasmine's medical bill. They never told Jasmine because they knew that Jasmine would stop everything and decide not to stay. But they knew that if Jasmine didn't stay in the hospital for treatment, she would soon die. So her parents decided to let her go. The mother counted down the days and finally it came. She decided to place Jasmine up for adoption. Fortunately, she was quickly adopted. But that doesn't excuse the fact that her parents abandoned her and left her thinking that they would be coming back. In reality, they were never coming back for Jasmine. The purple haired girl still believes that her mother is coming back, but the doctors decided not to tell her because it would put her under stress. If she stresses too much, her heart will give out.-
Other......none for now

R E L A T I O N S H I P S ;
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purple haired princess with a dysfunctional heart (literally)
coded by dwale
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no slide

code by pasta

Outgoing, social, open, does not like being alone. Easy to read. Warm-hearted and popular. Tends to put the needs of others over their own needs. Interested in serving others. Values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits. Group oriented, affectionate, complimentary, loving, considerate, and altruistic. Feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Well-developed sense of space and function. Organized. Follows the rules. A planner. Regular, orderly, clean. A finisher. Consults others before acting. Dutiful. Values traditions and security. Thinks life has purpose and meaning. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about self. Content. Positive.

Sunshine, Helping others, Her work, Saving people, Meeting new people, Children, Her patients, Kind hearted people.

Biting her lip, sliding her foot when she walks.

Talents| Keeping people alive, Promoting a happy content atmosphere, hard working, adapts easily.

Failure, Losing a patient, Rude People, Walking home late at night, Getting Scared.

Doctor Who?| Sunny spealizes in two things. Emergency response (meaning the first doctor they see if they are rushed in during emergencies.) , and Patient Recovery through Physical Therapy.

Sunny was born July 19th in Incheon South Korea, her family living there fairly content until she was five. Her parents where expecting twins , and her father took a job offer overseas, and was able to transport his family into a home and keep their life stabilized.

Sunny grew up from there, tending always to the kids and forcing her mom to take a break why she managed the house (when she was eleven of course. ) She lived like a happy child, a princess without the riches or being spoiled. She had many hobbies, Such as cooking , playing violin, taking care of children, and reading.

She took on medicine when her father became sick when she was 16. She decided it would be her life goal to try and prevent loved ones from have to see their friend or family pass away like she did. Her mother was forced to take on a job, and so did Sunny. She took on a job at a low paying daycare center that way she could still babysit the kids, while getting payed and being able to work on her school assignments. She graduated with a scholarship that allowed her to pay for her college fully. And interned at Sedan hospital when she was 27, being hired on as soon as she graduated at 28. She has been helping patients get home to their family since.

Relationships| She is open to any and everything pretty much.

[ V vital ] Sunny has a strong almost sisterly like bond with Emma, a woman who was a year younger than Sunny when they where both hired into the hospital. There is nothing they don't know about each other. Nor a bullet they wouldn't take for another.

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oh hey... that's me!


"I have a broken heart... literally."


It's Angel... Angel Ashford.

Seventeen, but I wouldn't blame you for saying twelve... I don't really look my age.

The name might be confusing, but I'm definitely a boy.

Uhm... I'd rather be friends, you know? (Biromantic Asexual)

Caucasian. (American)

Hair color
White with pastel blue... of course it's natural! Okay, fine, I dyed it.

Eye color
Baby blue... cliche, right?

Ugh, I hate this question. 5'3 ...I can hear you laughing already.

92 pounds. I'm not exactly buff... heart disease and a sugar addiction will do that to you.


Oh, hi... I'm Angel. You might've seen me around before... I've been told that I stand out from a crowd, even though I don't see how that's possible when my hair perfectly matches the hospital walls.

It's not like I want to stand out, either. I'm honestly a bit afraid of being noticed too much, and I try to avoid conflict whenever I can. Honestly, I just want everyone to like me... fighting makes my heart hurt... well, worse than it does already, anyway.

Some people say i'm too naive, but maybe I just don't want to see the ugliness in a world that still seems so magical. It's not like knowing all the bad stuff is going to matter, at least not in my situation... After all, chances are pretty good that I won't be here long enough to worry about it.

You'd be right if you guessed that I was shy... talking to people tends to scare me a little. That doesn't mean I don't want to, though. I care about my friends so much, I'll do anything to make their time here better. Sometimes it's difficult for me to stay cheerful, but I'll never drag someone down with me if I can help it.

In fact, it pains me more to see them hurting than it does to be hurt myself... not that I'm stoic or anything. I try not to let it show, but sometimes the pain is too much and I just get so scared...


♡Sweet foods (especially candy)
♡Staying up all night

♡My treatments
♡Bitter foods
♡Overly violent movies/games
♡Being treated like a child
♡Those who can't handle a few morbid jokes

♡I'm always writing lyrics on my hands and wrists so I don't forget them
♡I have a thing where I blink or close my eyes when deep in thought
♡Sometimes I hide behind my hair if I'm feeling particularly nervous/sad/shy

♡Playing guitar
♡Drawing and sketching


Patient or staff?
If it wasn't obvious, I'm a patient, and in need of a heart transplant... the one i was born with doesn't seem to work very well anymore. I think it's broken, actually.

So you'd like to hear the story of a teenage tragedy? Morbid, but who am I to judge?

Really, having your kid on Valentine's day and naming them Angel should be considered a death sentence... at least of the social variety. I was either going to end up a tragedy or a sleazy reality TV star, and I went with the first option. I guess that's what I get for having a starry-eyed and very single 20 year old for a mother.

Little Angel was born with a broken heart, but the doctors managed to patch it up when I was only three days old. They did a pretty good job, too... It lasted for almost two decades and bought me a lot of time.

Because of them, I got to be a pretty normal kid, at least for a little while. The early years weren't so bad, really. I was a sweet child with a penchant for making people smile, and my mom did what she could to take care of us, so I didn't mind going without when things got tough.

Even though we lived in a low-rent city apartment due to my extensive medical bills, younger Angel was always outside in the sunlight. I learned a lot about animals, and even dreamed of becoming a vet one day so I could help make them feel all better. To this day, I still like animals more than people... especially cats.

My school experience was pretty average up until last year, when i started getting really sick again. Plenty of the usual bullying and torment, but music got me through it all and I'm doing pretty good... good enough that I might get an art scholarship for college if I can keep it up.

Of course, that's if they manage to find me a donor in the next few months. Otherwise, the only thing I'll be graduating from is this life.



some of my poetry...
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Kaiden Jackson
A little too young to be sure. Probably bisexual.
Caucasian American (New Yorker)

Hair color
Eye color

Kaiden is an impulsive, reckless and deeply emotional kid. It isn't exactly a mystery why society couldn't handle his antics. He snaps from one emotion to the next with dizzying rapidity. One minute he's clingy and hysterical, and the next minute he's lethargic and apathetic. His feelings also seem much more intense than the average person's; He overreacts to just about everything, even trivial matters. He has a deeply rooted fear of abandonment, and needs constant attention and validation. He's been known to go to drastic measures just to get attention, including self injurious behavior. He takes risks just for the hell of it, often unable to think before he acts.
His relationships with others are unstable at best. He quickly goes from idolizing people to wanting them dead, with very little in between. In general, he sees the world as very black and white.
Drawing and coloring
• Music
Breaking rules
Bright lights
Being alone
Loud noises
Being physically restrained
• Biting his hands
Breaking things (when upset)
Running instead of walking
None that are at all noteworthy. That isn't to say that Kaiden's not good at anything, but he's no prodigy.

Patient or staff? If a patient tell why.
Patient in the mental ward. Seems to have Borderline Personality Disorder, and is currently diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Kaiden was born in the urban metropolis of New York City to an upper middle class family. The first 2 or 3 years of his life were normal, showing no signs of the desperate wreck he'd become before he'd even reach middle school. His mother was a recovering alcoholic and his father had a career that took up much of his time, so Kaiden was distanced from his parents for most of his early development. By the time Kaiden entered school, his obsession with not being left alone had started to take hold. His elementary school teachers noted his intense emotions and short temper, citing it as the reason he was often rejected by classmates. Little did they know that this sense of rejection by both familyand school would play a part in the unwinding of Kaiden's mental health.
Very prone to acting out in class, Kaiden often wound up in trouble at school. The school psychiatrist diagnosed him with Oppositional Defiant Disorder in the 3rd grade, but it quickly became clear that there was more to it than that. He was a troublemaker, but his motives were often rooted in deep paranoia over being abandoned by those he trusted.
By the time he was 7 or 8 years old, he'd become highly impulsive and often bored, resulting in him taking dangerous risks just yo get a reaction from his classmates. He started skipping classes in favor of setting fires and stealing his mother's alcohol, hoping that his daredevil attitude would win him friends. And he did have one, briefly. His classmate Jason was drawn in by Kaiden's bravado, and Kaiden was thrilled to finally have company. But after a few run jns with the police, Jason tried to distance himself from Kaiden. Naturally, Kaiden didn't take this well at all. Begging and threatening quickly turned into self harm and culminated in Kaiden getting detained by the police for bringing a knife to school. He never did say what he planned to do with the knife, but Juvy seemed to further spark his agitation, so it was decided that it would be best to have him in the hospital until his condition gets under control.


Kaiden is new to the hospital. Fresh out of Juvenile Detention, actually. He's been here for 20 days, and it doesn't look like he'll be ready to leave anytime soon.


WIP. If anyone wants to discuss with me, go ahead!
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Even after spending time around the sick, he still treats them all the same. He'll snap at them when annoyed, which happens quite often due to his hothead. "Why treat them differently because their hurt or ill?" He has sharp tongue and he's not afraid to use it. You could compare his personality to that of a spoiled prince, minus the spoiled part. He can be bratty and stuck up at times, and that can possibly spoil your views on him. I'm sure if you push past his sour attitude, you can become friends with him or possibly more. It's not hard to befriend him... He treats friends different than strangers most of them time.

Noah is known to wander around the hospital even if he has an IV attached to his arm. He enjoys viewing the people there whether their staff or patients. He prefers to watch people rather than actually speak to them.

Noah grew up running around his parent's thai restaurant. Even after the school day ended, he would have to go there. He spent multiple summer days playing outside, and constantly buying lemonade from the small market next store. Around the age of ten, his mother began to worry about him for numerous reasons. She believed he wasn't a healthy child like the rest of her children. After a simple blood test, they were given the news that Noah had Aplastic Anemia.

As time went on Noah was frequently hospitalized due to many difficulties of his disease. His friends often questioned him about this... He just lied and told them they went on vacations a lot when really he was spending time in the hospital. Of course these lies couldn't last, and Noah had to come clean. Unlike what he had thought would happen, his friends worried.

He was a star student when he's in school and is able to participate. He's actually kind of sat that it's his last year in school. He's actually hoping he'll be able to get into college. Though it's a pretty foggy area since he's missed a lot of classes. Thankfully teachers sent school work for him, while he was in the hospital, so he wouldn't miss out.

Currently he's back in the hospital and it's unknown when he'll actually come back home. He's hoping soon because he really can't stand the people in this hospital.


Noah Kunchai; a thai prince


Name- Noah Kunchai
Age- Eighteen
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Bisexual
Ethnicity- Thai
"Representing Thai Americans."
Face claim- Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul aka Ten

Height- 5'11
Weight- 141 lbs
Hair color- Black
Eye color- Dark brown

Patient or Doctor?-
Noah is a patient at Sedar. When he was ten (get it???) he was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia. Since his diagnosis he's been in and out of the hospital.


His phone
Spicy foods
His mom's thai restaurant
Thai tea

Being pitied
Shaved ice
Minty things (but he still uses minty toothpaste and mouthwash).
Loud noises
Overly sweet foods

Playing with his ears
Tapping his foot when sitting

Playing piano
Doing impressions

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Zhang Cheng-Bai

Black Hair
Light Brown Eyes


- Playing His Guitar
- Coffee
- Listening to Music
- Animals
- Sweet Things
- Video Games
- Korean Dramas

- Anime (It's so over hyped to him)
- Crowds
- Spiders
- Books (His brain hurts seeing so many words)
- Studying
- Himself (He hates how weak he is)
- Children

- Guitar
- He Can Sorta Draw

- Biting his nails
- Biting his lip
- Shaking his Leg


He's an patient. He has a pretty severe case of Hemophilia and depression. He probably wouldn't be in this hospital if he hadn't been so depressed. It all started the night he first self harmed, he couldn't stop bleeding and eventually he passed out. His parents were disgusted and sad that there child would even think about hurting himself, so they sent him all the way here from China.


Bai is a very slow witted person. It takes him a bit to understand what you're trying to tell him and he'll just stare at you with a blank face until he gets it. He's not dumb, actually he's pretty smart he just doesn't ever try. Bai is naturally pretty calm and quiet, he doesn't speak unless spoken too first. He's pretty sad half the time and always mopes around, but he often fakes happiness for the sake of his family. He's very considerate of others and often looks out for others more then himself. Bai is a fun loving person though, and he got in trouble a lot in school for it. He used to write on the whiteboards, and pull pranks on teachers.

He was diagnosed with Hemophilia when he was born and since then he has always been careful. Around 16 though he started to become just hopeless and sad, he started to hate himself and think he's worthless because he wasn't as good as the other kids. That night he self harmed and he kept bleeding and bleeding, until he passed out. His parents found him an hour later and called an ambulance, upon finding out it was purposely done, they were horrified and disgusted. Why would there child hurt himself when he knew he had a blood disorder? He was sent to Sedar a few months ago and mostly spends his time with Ki-Moon, the music therapist who translates everything for him since his English is still poor.

made by yunn
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Kasey Miya Suzuki




Asian ~ Japanese

Hair color
Silver (Dyed), Black (Natural)

Eye color
Hazel Eyes

5' 0"

130 lbs

Having been raised in a Strict Family, Kasey had to give up many liberties that many would take for granted. While this left her bitter, she became very family oriented and caring as a result. As a result of focusing on School for most of her life, Kasey is very attentive and focused on her goals in life. As a Friend, she is noted to be very easygoing, nice and caring, as she will always be there whether a shoulder is needed to cry on, to vent or any of the sort because she leaves an Open Door Policy. However, she isn't the strongest emotionally and can be considered light-hearted, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she is.

One rude comment, depending on its severity can send her straight into tears. An Emotional girl, she also cries very easily compared to most girls. Whenever she is mad at someone, she can stay mad at them for an extensive period of time, with her longest grudge being at least two years long if not any longer. Kasey hasn't always been the most forgiving person in the world, but the older she got, the better she became. If she does not like someone, Kasey isn't afraid to voice it, but will avoid confrontation or contact attempts with said person.

If there is anything that Kasey has really bad though, it would be her trust issues. She is no stranger to betrayal, so Kasey isn't afraid to cut people off if the need ever arises. Up until she got married, Kasey had a great deal of trouble trusting people, including Friends and Family Members, who are in relationships due to having a history of being treated horribly by significant others. While she knows it is harsh, she also believed that people who are in relationships are more likely to betray her than anyone else. Sadly, this has been proven true, but she has learned to trust people who are Married or In Relationships because she was Married herself, so she has a better understanding of it.

+Spending Time with Family

-Poisonous Spiders
-Valentine's Day
-April Fool's Day

Playing with her hair when she talks to guys
Hands in pockets when you have jeans on, makes you look badass...most of the time

Pregnancy Habits
Hands always on the belly
If it hurts, or the baby is kicking, caress it
Hands on the back, only if its aching


Patient or staff?
Patient ~ Intensive Care Unit ~ Heavily Pregnant (Childbirth is pretty much right around the corner), Car Crash Injuries


Kasey grew up in Miami, Florida into a large family as the fourth of six children. Her Father was in the Military and her Mother was a Restaurant Owner. Coming from a big Family, she has two older brothers, one older sister, one younger sister and one younger brother. When she was around thirteen years old, her Father died in the line of duty while deployed in the Middle East. Following her Father's Death, Kasey began wearing a Watch that once belonged to him, which he always wore while he was out in the field. Of course, Kasey and all her siblings had bright futures; Her Eldest Brother Tristan would follow in their Father's Footsteps and join the Military, eventually entering the Special Forces Program and is now a well-known War Hero. Her Eldest Sister Kira also joined the Military and became a Field Medic. Her Second Oldest Brother Brian would join the Military as an Infantryman and is now in Special Forces like Tristan. Her Younger Sister Selene became an Aircraft Mechanic. Lastly, her Youngest Brother Jin would become a Military Police Officer.

For a living, Kasey herself is a Software Engineer, where she helps with the development of new software or digital products. Currently she is in the Intensive Care Unit after getting into a serious Car Accident that killed her Husband. The Car Accident left her with a Fractured Wrist, Broken Ankle and 2nd Degree burns on her left shoulder and upper back.

Can Speak English and Japanese Fluently
-Expecting a Baby Girl
-Lost her Husband in the same Car Accident that landed her in the Hospital

Emma Dunham - To Be Determined
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Your Neighborhood Music Therapist



26 (Straight Out of College)
South Korean
Blonde Hair (Dyed)
Dark Brown Eyes
130 lbs



Doctor/Music Therapist. He always found music helped him during his panic attakcs, so he wanted to help others.

- Music
- Playing Piano
- Helping Others
- Rain
- Dogs
- Studying

- Lightening/Thunder
- Cats
- Spicy Food
- Partying
- Smoking
- Spiders

- Biting His Nails
- Playing With His Hair

- Singing
- Playing Piano
- Making Music


Ki is one of the nicest people ever, but annoyingly so. He apologizes for everything and lets himself get pushed around too much by others, often being seen as 'easy'. He studies way too much,
being a huge bookworm. He spends most of his time learning than doing anything remotely fun. Ki is also a bit stubborn. He doesn't like to do things he doesn't want too do. Ki is a little sunshine once in awhile,
but when he gets angry, he gets very angry. He is a very anxious guy, and music is the only thing that helps.

Ki was born in Mokpo, South Korea and came to the states at 12. He was always a very nervous and easily panicked kid, and when he found out he had a panic disorder, he was a bit freaked. He started to dulge into therapudic studies, and learned about a thing called Music Therapy, he knew he wanted to do it,


code by pasta
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Name - Apollo James Clarke
Nickname - AJ
Age - 16
Gender - Cis Male
Sexuality - Homosexual
Ethnicity - American
Hair color - Dark Brown
Eye color - Dark Brown
Height - 5'4''
Weight - 108lbs

Personality -
Vices: Aggression, Callousness, Craziness, Deceitfulness, Impatience, Jealousy, Liar, Madness, Obsessive, Rage, Rashness, Recklessness, Secrecy, Stubbornness,
Virtues: Acceptance, Assiduousness, Assertiveness, Courage, Creativity, Curiosity, Daring, Determination, Focus, Foresight, Generosity, Humor, Imagination, Intuition, Knowlegeable, Loyalty, Persistence, Reliable, Understanding, Valor, Wisdom.

Likes - Night Time, Foxes, Dogs, Hot Chocolate, Ice Cream, Being Alone
Dislikes - Early Mornings, Clowns, Spiders, Social Interaction, People in General
Habits - Bites his nails and his hand
Talents - Singing, Playing Guitar, Graffiti

Patient or Staff - After his Dad hit him a little too hard he fell down the stairs and lost consciousness for a long time. His Dad had no choice but to call for an ambulance. He recieved a major concussion resulting in brain damage and internal bleeding. He also has a broken wrist but that isn't as important. He was rushed into surgery and they stopped the bleed. He is about to wake up now in the hospital.
As for other medical conditions, he was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 8 by a therapist and was diagnosed with Anxiety by a psychotherapist when he was 14.

Biography -
Apollo was the first kid in their family and older by a few years. He has a little sister called Jade who he calls JB or Sunshine. In return she called him Moonlight or AJ. His Dad was called Christoph and he's a bad person, a child abuser. His Mom was called Becca who is working an underpaid job to support her kids. Their parents are divorced. They were divorced once she found out he'd been hitting Apollo when she wasn't around. His Dad was a cop and his Mom ended up not getting custody of her children. She went to live with her sister and JB ran off soon after that knowing something bad was gonna happen, promising to keep in touch when she didn't.

She was right about the bad stuff. Their Mom died in a car accident a month or so later. A rib punctured her lung and she died on the way to the hospital. Apollo couldn't mourn for long. His Dad got even more violent against him and he was bullied at school. He began finding ways to escape. He went to the music room at lunch and began to play guitar and sing. He was pretty good. He graffitied at school and around town to give him a reason to stay out of the house. He couldn't be there when his Dad was there, drunk and abusing him to the point of him going to the hospital.
Relationships - To Be Roleplayed

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Age: 28
Position: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female


Emma is a very smart and very confident woman. She puts 100% of her energy into anything she does, and she has dedicated her life to being a great doctor for her patients. She is a very kind and caring person, and typically has great relationships with all of her patients. She loves making new friends and enjoys when they have different interests and personality types because it teaches her new things. She absolutely loves to laugh, and you will usually hear her joking around or teasing her friends and coworkers. While she does have many good traits, she also has her flaws, and she knows it. The fact that she puts so much effort into each one of her responsibilities can burn her out at times, and when she gets into that rut, she can be a little difficult to work with. She gets frustrated with things that she has a hard time accomplishing, but she can usually get over her frustrations pretty quickly.


Emma grew up with very wealthy parents. There was no doubt that her parents loved her and that they did everything that they could to provide for her, but it tended to mean that they weren't around very often. Her father was always traveling around the world for business, and her mom worked in an office in a large corporate building in the city. Due to the frequent absence of her parents, she grew up being really close with her brother, Ethan. When Emma entered into high school, she went a little wild and began to drink a lot, yet she always made sure to keep her grades up so that she could get into her dream school, Columbia University.

Her senior year of high school, Emma found out that she'd made it into Columbia and immediately cleaned up her act. She knew that she couldn't lose the chance to attend one of the best medical schools in the country. She flew through college with ease, struggling in a few classes, but doing very well in most of them. She got into the graduate program at Columbia, the college of physicians and surgeons, and graduated with the title: Emma Dunham, M.D.

Emma got her own apartment in the city and got a job at Sedar Hospital, where she was determined to get to know everyone on her team and make a difference in the world by helping all of her patients to the best of her ability. On her first day at the hospital, Emma met Sunny-- the girl who would soon become her best friend. They bonded over the stress and excitement of finally being able to do what they'd always wanted to do, and they've grown a strong bond ever since.



Likes: Reading, writing, singing, working out, eating healthy, painting/drawing, working, helping patients, playing with her dog, going out with her friends, becoming friends with her coworkers, people who treat her with respect
Dislikes: Drugs, greasy food, sitting around and not doing anything, math, having to take medication, people who do not take good care of their patients
Nervous habits: She tucks her hair behind her ear when she is nervous, as well as bites her lip
Talents: She is a very talented artist and loves to paint and draw. She is also very smart, and knows how to handle stressful situations very well
Relationships: Emma is still very close with her brother, Ethan, and sees him at least once every two weeks. She has a decent relationship with her parents, but she does not see them very often, and only makes trips to visit for holidays. She is currently single, but she does have sort of an on-and-off relationship with one of her ex boyfriends, Marcus. Due to the fact that she is a doctor and she puts a lot of time and effort into her work, it is hard for her to establish a steady relationship with anyone. When it comes to friends, Emma has plenty of halfhearted friends who send her a text every now and then-- and then she has Sunny. Emma and Sunny have formed a very strong friendship, and having her at the hospital with her makes going to work a lot more enjoyable. Outside of work, they spend a lot of together, whether its going out to a bar, or sitting in her living room eating and watching Netflix.


Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Color: Pale
Eye Color: Light blue/grey
Body Shape/Type: Typical hourglass figure
Scars, If Any: None
Tattoos, If Any: A tattoo of a bouquet of flowers on her spine

coding by cychotic
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Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Usually dislikes being alone. Interested in serving others, and probably places the needs of others over their own needs. Sees everything from the human angle, disliking impersonal analysis. Effective at managing people issues, and leading group discussions. Hard working, a leader. Organized and neat. Punctual. A perfectionist. Hyperactive. Content. Positive. Image conscious. Touchy, easily hurt.Can be Easily excited.

New people, New experiences , Sweets, Sunrises, Coffee, Exploring, Reading, walking in the snow.

Cold weather, Swimming, sour foods, being seen as weak.

Drumming his fingers across surfaces.

Talents| He good at Dancing, good with kids, Fast learner.


Park Jun-Young

Name| Park Jun-Young
Nick Name| June
Age| 23
Gender| Male
Ethnicity | Korean
FaceClaim| MJ (Astro)
Hair Color| Dark Brown
Eye Color| Grey
Weight|127 LBS

Extra| He wants to be a Child Care Worker, Counselor, Dancer, Or Teach children to dance. He hasn't really settled his mind yet, but he limited it to those four.

What's wrong?| June was in a car accident ending up almost dying due to it. He currently has a broken right arm and leg, four of his fingers are broken on his left hand. Other than that he a few scrapes and bruises.

He also suffers from hemochromatosis.

Bio| Even though June is full Korean, he was born on American soil. His mother couldn't speak English, so he grew up speaking Korean until he got into fifth grade when his father realized how harsh the kids where on him, hiring private tutoring to help the boy learn his engrish. He speaks fluently in both languages now.

It wasn't until he was thirteen , when he was diagnosed with a moderate case of hemochromatosis. A disorder where his blood accumulates more iron than his body to handle, causing him to come to the hospital every week for blood work to rid of the excess iron. His father and mother moved him and his two younger sibling to New York , so he could start a new life in hopes he would adjust to the new setting.

Few years down the road he still lives in New York, but as he is walking to a bus stop to head to school, a car , driven by a man on his phone hit him going 20 mph. He had a broken leg, arm, fingers where he crushed them, and a head injury. But he lived. He hopes when he gets through the healing and therapy he can go back to his studies.

Relationships| Open to suggestions~


code by pasta
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  • Name | Shon, Hanamaru
    Nickname | Hana, Hani {pronounced huh-ni}
    Age | 27 years old [April 8th]
    Gender | Cisgender Female
    Sexuality | Heterosexual
    Ethnicity | Japanese
    Face Claim | Fujii Mina

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Wip doctor

Height- 5'10
Weight- 145 lbs
Hair color- Originally black but it's been dyed to an almost whitish blonde
Eye color- Dark brown

Seeing progress in patients
Savory foods
When thing are organized
Fried chicken

People who take life for granted
Being underestimated
Being lectured
The cold

Running hand through hair when worried
Biting his nails when bored

Touching his nose with his tongue

Ever since Jong Yul was young he was always one to help people, whether it was for the simplest thing like carrying their groceries. Though there was one thing that really changed, he became more serious. It really began during college. He realized how serious being a doctor was, causing him to stop being so carefree. Sure out of work he could let go and become carefree, but in the work landscape it was a different story.

Outside of work he loosens up a bit. He'll go out and get some drinks, have a few laughs with friends, but he's always on guard. He has to be ready to go to the hospital for an emergency surgery.

He feels like a failure when one of his patients die as well as immense sadness. He constantly blames himself before the feeling leaves and focuses on other patients.


Kwon Jong Yul . Twenty-eight . Male . Bisexual . Korean . Surgeon . Seungri .
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DR. Jack Alastair

Hair color
Eye color
Pale gray/blue

Personality (1+ paragraph)
Jack is your typical sports fan, if there is a game on Dr. Alastair is likely watching it or listening to it. He loves the Yankees, hates the Red Sox and remains loyal to his ever failing Knicks. While struggling with his own addictions of gambling and drinking.

He's never been the sort to operate with a intoxicating aroma about his breath and effecting his ability. But doesn't mean his struggles were under control, a depressed individual on the inside and a happy, positive jokester on the outside that deeply cares for his patients and people.

Jack takes his job seriously but doesn't show it. He's a man with a reputation for joking around and keeping it light, but in a way he has too, his job is to save lives and operate on people he doesn't know or has come to know quite well. The smallest error, the slightest slip, that one miss and boom!! It's all over. That can explain his outer behavior and why he does the things he does while at the hospital and in his personal life.

Because the moment he starts to take it seriously & quit with the games. Is the moment Jack fears and doesn't look forward to facing. Which has since led to more drinking. Because of his own depression and hiding his own problems to keep up his charade and looking strong, Jack tends to struggle with the drink and doesn't help his gambling addiction.

Overall he's a good surgeon with cocky attitude about being the top or one of the top surgeons in the state. A fun, lovable character with a good intentioned and caring heart just as some issues of his own to work out.
Sports- You name it he likely is a fan
Old cars
His Apartment
Being a Surgeon
Car insurance commercials
Addiction rehab/meetings
Himself sometimes
Often jokes and/or keeps it light somehow despite the serious times
Pauses and takes a moment between words when delivering bad news. Often in aim to prevent his own tears and emotion from showing too much.
Twiddles and moves his fingers constantly when thinking or talking. Keeps them loose and somehow relaxes himself while helping his process. Which often leads to a ball, fidget, pencil or pen in his hands to keep his hands busy and change up his process a bit.
Trained Wrestler
Hands (Despite some personal issues, he's a great surgeon)

Patient or staff?
Biography (2+ paragraph)
Born Jack Alastair Evans in 1983 this child was soon put up for adoption and placed with a foster home, leading to his rotten luck of being moved in and out one foster home after another.... It was often a finding out his foster parents were abusive, did something illegal if it wasn't abuse or just gave up on the young Jack and led to his constant uprooting and move toward another home. Which didn't help with the development of this future surgeon and may explain some personal habits and depression issues such as moments of truly hating himself and unable to love himself. Which also leads to relationship issues in his adult life.

However despite the odds, constant moving to new foster homes. Jack found a love for sports that helped keep him off drugs, from turning into a lowlife criminal and allowed him to find something he was good at growing up, which led to a scholarship to a small college within the state of New York and his chance to become something. Now years later, several student loan payments and years in his position of a young doctor moving his way up the chain. Jack is a top level surgeon, financially stable early thirties male with a English bulldog named shakes, a old mustang called sally and a smile on his face.
Began training as a wrestler when he was fifteen, using it for personal growth and following his initial dream of becoming a pro wrestler like his childhood hero, Ultimate Warrior. He continues to train and keep active within wrestling while using it and other sports to help battle his demons.

Doesn't like confronting his troubles and childhood history. He will if someone is able to get him talking and presses enough, but it's a very soar and tough subject for him.
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