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Fantasy Second Wind (OOC)

I can't wait to see the finished produc

Hmm, I'm hoping that he'll get comfortable around others and start voicing his thoughts more, maybe add some ideas to the group. I also hope that he eventually starts returning to his childhood self where he was more social and even a little cheeky about his abilities. Maybe not cheeky, just more proud of it.

Do you have any ideas about your character?

Well, Thezen is a man-child of sorts. He's egotistical, insensitive, and well, not quite mature yet. Not in the deeper sense, and he doesn't even have a clear goal or resolution. He's, at the same time and quite arbitrarily, filled with regrets. He used to work with warlords and slave traders during his glory days, after his master died and gave his life to him, to continue his teachings.

While a bit developed already, since he's quite old, I suppose he still has quite a lot to learn. Empathy, for starters, patience, and most of all, the ideals of responsibility and, in general, just being caring.
Well, Thezen is a man-child of sorts. He's egotistical, insensitive, and well, not quite mature yet. Not in the deeper sense, and he doesn't even have a clear goal or resolution. He's, at the same time and quite arbitrarily, filled with regrets. He used to work with warlords and slave traders during his glory days, after his master died and gave his life to him, to continue his teachings.

While a bit developed already, since he's quite old, I suppose he still had quite a lot to learn. Empathy, for starters, patience, and most of all, the ideals of responsibility and, in general, just being caring.

I'm interested to see how our characters will interact with each other in roleplay. I'm also interested in how they're react to Hilde, who is a Mezza that struggled despite having an advantage like them.
I'm interested to see how our characters will interact with each other in roleplay. I'm also interested in how they're react to Hilde, who is a Mezza that struggled despite having an advantage like them.

Thezen would very likely sneer, taunt, or stalk.
She will suffer. The most, likely. Her beginning dainty, her nature meek, amongst relatively hardboiled sorcerers and soldiers.

Definitely. Maybe she can lighten up the mood though? She is kind of like a lamp in a dark forest, just there.

If I am able to keep the mimic ability [not sure if it'll get approved], I can't wait to see how your character or others respond when Kai just copies them.
Definitely. Maybe she can lighten up the mood though? She is kind of like a lamp in a dark forest, just there.

If I am able to keep the mimic ability [not sure if it'll get approved], I can't wait to see how your character or others respond when Kai just copies them.

The wind is difficult, and very rough, however.

At least, they'll be able to boil water together.
The wind is difficult, and very rough, however.

At least, they'll be able to boil water together.

Yeah, I imagine he would attempt to mimic it only to get a huge backlash from the difficultly and just stop it immediately. Never again--

Boiling water seems to be manageable. They can bond as they boil water together and make lots of pasta for everyone. That's a thing right? Bonding over boiling water?
Yeah, I imagine he would attempt to mimic it only to get a huge backlash from the difficultly and just stop it immediately. Never again--

Boiling water seems to be manageable. They can bond as they boil water together and make lots of pasta for everyone. That's a thing right? Bonding over boiling water?

Now, that would be humorous/whimsical. I can already imagine it.

So, where do you think Kai should start?
Now, that would be humorous/whimsical. I can already imagine it.

So, where do you think Kai should start?

I'm sure Thezen would get a laugh out of that much to Kai's embarrassment.

Hmm, well I think things are starting in Savana. Unless you mean something else by starting out.
I'm sure Thezen would get a laugh out of that much to Kai's embarrassment.

Hmm, well I think things are starting in Savana. Unless you mean something else by starting out.

Savana seems a bit good around, though I can hardly see a reason for Thezen to get himself involved into this mess. Possibly forcibly. Maybe, Thezen and Kai can tag along. Thezen is a wayfarer of sorts, and that just makes things easy.
Savana seems a bit good around, though I can hardly see a reason for Thezen to get himself involved into this mess. Possibly forcibly. Maybe, Thezen and Kai can tag along. Thezen is a wayfarer of sorts, and that just makes things easy.

Oh man, you're right. I don't know how Kai would get involved other than force considering he wants to mostly stay hidden. I didn't even think about it . . .

I may have to alter Kai to give him a trait that would drive him to get involved or else I'll have to rely on others to pull him along @.@
Oh man, you're right. I don't know how Kai would get involved other than force considering he wants to mostly stay hidden. I didn't even think about it . . .

I may have to alter Kai to give him a trait that would drive him to get involved or else I'll have to rely on others to pull him along @.@

Maybe, the two can start out around any of the neighbouring countries, travel unaware of the war, and then fall right into a situation which they cannot get out of.

But, that itself is rather weak. Lesser incentive. There needs to be more planning and all, with the other players.
Maybe, the two can start out around any of the neighbouring countries, travel unaware of the war, and then fall right into a situation which they cannot get out of.

But, that itself is rather weak. Lesser incentive. There needs to be more planning and all, with the other players.

Yeah . . . I wish the others were on and active so we can discuss it, but right now it seems to just be us.
Yeah . . . I wish the others were on and active so we can discuss it, but right now it seems to just be us.

Indeed. Maybe, we can discuss character relationships? Thezen would most likely view Kai as a tool to be manipulated, or as a student of sorts. Either way, someone to pass the teachings down to — very subconsciously. Of course, the latter is only applicable if he gets the mimicking ability accepted, but that's the general gist of it.

There's also a chance they become vitriolic buddies. And, perhaps, even VexaHexa VexaHexa 's character can join in on this thing.
Indeed. Maybe, we can discuss character relationships? Thezen would most likely view Kai as a tool to be manipulated, or as a student of sorts. Either way, someone to pass the teachings down to — very subconsciously. Of course, the latter is only applicable if he gets the mimicking ability accepted, but that's the general gist of it.

There's also a chance they become vitriolic buddies. And, perhaps, even VexaHexa VexaHexa 's character can join in on this thing.

I don't think Kai would be mind either of that. He may get uncomfortable at times, but he'll probably see Thezen as a cover up. Get him to take all the credit so he can keep hiding.

Ooo, that could be interesting!
I still might rework Kai a bit, I feel like he is too reactive and will depend to heavily on others.
I don't think Kai would be mind either of that. He may get uncomfortable at times, but he'll probably see Thezen as a cover up. Get him to take all the credit so he can keep hiding.

Ooo, that could be interesting!
I still might rework Kai a bit, I feel like he is too reactive and will depend to heavily on others.

Indeed. Making him too passive can also make him flat. Just tweak him so he is, well, a bit more brash, and maybe arrogant too.

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