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Searching for some new roleplays

Hello there!
My name is Rebecca (pretty obvious) and I am here searching for some new roleplays.

I am trying not to drag this out too much, but I will be listing a few guidelines and then what I am looking for at this moment.


One. I prefer to roleplay off of the site. I can be persuaded to roleplay over PMs, but it is not something I do all the time.

Two. I have no limits and would prefer someone with the same. This explains why I prefer roleplaying off of the site. I enjoy intimacy, violence, cursing, gore, and all that fun stuff.
Three. Literacy does not phase me, but please type in a font and in a way that I can understand. Please don't type at size 6 font and don't tyPE LYke DIs.
Four. I have most experience with m x f roleplays. That is my comfort zone, but I could be persuaded to do a f x f, but it would have to be something that peeked my interest. I also enjoy playing female roles or doubling. I love doubling and adding connections throughout the roleplay.

^^ If all this sounds cool hopefully my genres will continue to peek your interest.
The number of *'s next to a genre is how much I want to roleplay it.
Please note that this is a brief list of everything in my head at this moment, so feel free to suggest something.

I do not roleplay fantasy or anything including anime, sorry folks.


Abusive Relationship *****
Kidnapping ***
Master x Slave **

Teacher x Student **
Boss x Employee ***
Secret Relationship

Prostitute x Client **
Older x Younger ***
Drug Addict x Sober


I also enjoy the idea of combining some of these.
For example having a relationship which is kept a secret, because one party is married, which turns abusive, or something along those lines.

When it comes to plots, I don't have anything planned until I speak with a person.
If you have something you are dying to do, shoot me a PM and let me know.

Please shoot me a PM or feel free to post on the thread.
Usually after a while I give up with trying to get people, so I might not respond after the first hour or so.
Since the abusive relationship is your most preferred, what did you have in mind?

What did I have in mind about what exactly?
In the past I have doubled up and have done two couples (abusive) who was living together and go to rent out a spare bedroom and bath in the house to another couple (non-abusive). What will happen when the couple moves in? Will the abusive tendencies and the satisfaction that comes from it, rub off on the non-abusive relationship which is in the honeymoon phase or will they get out?

I have also done two separate couples that are not connected at all.

I can kind of think of a few different spin offs with this one, but if you are interested please PM me.

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