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Realistic or Modern Searching for Female Characters

YunaRen Leader

New Member
Hello there my name is Yunaren Leader and welcome to my plot request thread. Currently I have a bunch of plots where I play a crossdressing boy and one girlXgirl plot I’d like to try.

1.Post Speed: Honestly when it comes to posting I’m fine with receiving one to two replies a week. More are of course nice but I realize people don’t have all the time in the world so just reply when you can. I will also try to reply whenever I can but know there will be days when I just can’t find the time.
2. Post Length: When it comes to post length I prefer to get one or two small paragraphs at minimum. I normally replied with to three paragraphs and possibly more given you give me enough to work with.
3. There will be no smut in our roleplay. It’s against the rules, so nothing more need to be said on the topic.
4. I will only use Anime face claims for my characters, as I find using real people images to be awkward and creepy.
5. I prefer to roleplay over PMs.
6. Please PM if interested.

Crossdressing Boy X Girl Plots

Your Classmate Secret:

The basic story goes one day your character takes the bus home and sits next to a girl who has the same purse as you do. By mistake you pick up my character purse instead not realizing it until the bus is long gone. You decide to open the purse hoping to fine the name and address of the girl so you can get your things back. Though your surprised when you see an id for the private school you go too. Your even more surprised to see the id belongs to a boy from your school. As for romance I’ll leave it up to you whether you rather our characters just remain friends or become something more.

The Boy Maid:

Your character is the daughter of a rich family and lives in a private mansion on your family estate. Your father more then a little overprotective only allowing you to have female staff taking care of you. So when your personally maid retires your parents let you hire one of your choice as long at there female. My character is a crossdressing boy who needs a high paying job so seeing your ad in the paper he decides to apply anyway despite the add saying for females only. You of course hire him as your maid and our story begin. Now I’ll leave it up to you whether you know my character is a boy from the start or doesn’t and finds out later. As for romance I’ll leave it up to you whether you rather our characters just remain friends or become something more.

An Adorable Inu:

Okay for this plot my character will be a inu aka Dog human hybrid, you know human looking but with dog years and a tail. So the basic start of the plot is your character will walk pass a pet shop and see something surprising in the window, my character. You’ll think it strange to see inu in a small pet shop like this as normally only very wealthy people can afford to purchase hybrids. So the fact that there such an adorable girl inu in the window for such a low price more then surprises you. You go inside to ask the owner about about her and are surprised by what the owner tells you. You see the inu is actually a boy, but seems to consider itself as a girl for some reason. In the end though you decide to take the inu home deciding to keep it as your pet.

All Mine:

Okay in his plot my character would work as a waitress at a crossdressing Maid cafe and your character would be a regular customer. Your character come visit the Maid cafe regularly to see my my character and always feel jealous when he’d help other customers. In your opinion all the other girls are to friendly with him offering him gift from time to time and flirting with him. Hating this you bring my character some food with sleeping medicine in it and bring him back to your place. My character then wakes up in a locked room confused as to what just happened.

GirlXGirl Plot:
A Sudden Reunion:

Back in grade school our characters met over summer break one year, when my character was visiting relatives. The thing is my character is a girl who back in grade school use to keep her hair very short and ran around in her older brothers old clothes. She even tried her best to sound like her brother when she spoke and often get into fights with boys twice her size.

It’s now years later and my character family moved back to your characters town and even transfers into your high school class. She super excited when she realizes her childhood friend is in her class, and is sure you’d remember her. Though as the years went on my character grew out of her pretending to be like her older brother faze and now looks feminine and much more girl like, So of course you don’t remember leaving her rather upset, for in your opinion likely know reason.
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I’m in love with the Classmate one and the maid one! Mostly because it can be a very cute romance story about discovery and acceptance!

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