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Searching for Fandom and Original partners, but mostly Fandom

Flaming Fangirl

Secretly A Dragon
Things to know about me:

-I'm ace-negative, so no steamy stuff or anything related to that.

-I don't mind the occasional one-liner, especially if it's a dialogue-heavy scene; however, I am capable of posting multiple paragraphs and I would like something that I can respond to.

-I generally have good grammar, but I understand a few mistakes here and there, and I hope you'll forgive me if I mess up too.

-I try to post at least once a day, but I get really busy during the school year. If I don't respond for a week, feel free to pester me.

-I can RP characters of any gender and sexuality.

-I can't stand Mary Sues or OP characters. I like real emotions and character development.

-I am a strong believer in the fact that 2 characters aren't going to be all alone in a giant universe. I play side characters, and I would appreciate it if you could too.

-The hellhole I live in is part of the PDT time zone.


-TMNT ~ Raphael x OC

-Flash ~ Cisco x OC (I'm actually doing this in an group RP as well. PM me if you'd like to play Cisco, or even if you're just interested in joining the RP as another character.)

-WTNV ~ Night Vale teen OC x Desert Bluffs teen OC

-HP ~ Werewolf Ravenclaw OC x Pureblood Slytherin OC

-Descendants/EAH ~ A friendship RP between a group of OCs (I have 5) with possible romance between some of them.

Star Wars ~ A ragtag crew of OCs (I have 4) going on adventures throughout the galaxy with possible romance between some of them. I might also be interested in Clone Trooper x Jedi.

Other ideas:

-Zootopia ~ Predator OC x Prey OC

-PJO ~ Demigod OC x Demigod OC (Warning: My daughter of Apollo is part monster. If you're still interested, shoot me a PM for more details.)

-Supernatural/ Mythological Creature x Human

-Supervillain x Superhero

-Teenage Superhero x Regular High Schooler

-Many more ~ Just give me your idea and I'll tell you if I'm interested.
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Hey there! I have a Jedi female OC! Wanna see if we could work something out for a Star Wars rp?

I'd also be interested in supervillain X superhero and superhero X normal teen
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SerenaStark said:
Hey there! I have a Jedi female OC! Wanna see if we could work something out for a Star Wars rp?
I'd also be interested in supervillain X superhero and superhero X normal teen
Which of the Star Wars plots were you interested in? If it's Clone Trooper x Jedi, I would actually prefer to play the Jedi. I love Clones, but I don't know if I could RP one.
SerenaStark said:
ya I was thinking more of playing the jedi but that's ok :) Would you be interested in one of the superhero pairings?
Either one is fine with me, so did you have one that you prefer? I've bolded my preferred roles in both of them.
Cool :)

I would love to do a superhero x normal teen rp :D

I can take the superhero as I can see you want to be the normal teen! Can I pm you to talk plots?
SerenaStark said:
Cool :)
I would love to do a superhero x normal teen rp :D

I can take the superhero as I can see you want to be the normal teen! Can I pm you to talk plots?
Sounds good. Go ahead and send me a PM.
[QUOTE="Shatter Glass]I would be interested in in to a PJ with you.

Great! Send me a PM and we can discuss the details.
PokemonGirl said:
Im open to try Zootopia. Ive never done it before though.
Neither have I, but I loved the movie and it just seemed like it would be fun to do an RP based on it. I actually have an idea in mind for this, so shoot me a PM and we can discuss.
If you're still looking for people, I'd love to do a mythological creature X human role play with you!
angxla said:
If you're still looking for people, I'd love to do a mythological creature X human role play with you!
Sorry, I actually have a partner for that already, but I forgot to gray it out. If there's something else you'd like to RP, just send me a PM.

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