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Fantasy School of Elemental Arts

Kaylin looked shocked and she balled her fists in her lap before looking down at them. "Did you even know them, they were good people and they didn't deserve the death that they received."


He looked down "No....I didn't even know their names...." He said quietly.
He looked down "No....I didn't even know their names...." He said quietly.

"Kelly and Manid Jones, they were the village leaders and my parents, I was their only child and I was born without my powers, I got them when I was nine when I playing beside some water but I have no memory of it, do you have an explanation for that, someone who should have had powers when she was born but didn't have them and the magically get them nine years later?"
"Kelly and Manid Jones, they were the village leaders and my parents, I was their only child and I was born without my powers, I got them when I was nine when I playing beside some water but I have no memory of it, do you have an explanation for that, someone who should have had powers when she was born but didn't have them and the magically get them nine years later?"


He nodded "My energy courses through you...I've felt it since you've arrived..."
He nodded "When I let that girl live...I gave her some of my energy...To protect herself."

"I have another question, right before I got my powers and up until recently I could hear voices coming from the water, does that mean anything?" Kaylin was more than shocked at that point but the fact that Marcus and Cam were the reason behind her lonely life.
"I have another question, right before I got my powers and up until recently I could hear voices coming from the water, does that mean anything?" Kaylin was more than shocked at that point but the fact that Marcus and Cam were the reason behind her lonely life.


"Voices from the water...? Listen....I need to you to be careful.......If someone you know seems off in any way that could lead to danger I need you to contact me." He said with clear deadly seriousness. 
"Voices from the water...? Listen....I need to you to be careful.......If someone you know seems off in any way that could lead to danger I need you to contact me." He said with clear deadly seriousness. 

Kaylin face was now clearly full of confusion and she tilted her head to the side. "What are you talking about, tell me Marcus." She looked to make sure Kiria hadn't walked in at any point of the conversation before looking back at Marcus.
Kaylin face was now clearly full of confusion and she tilted her head to the side. "What are you talking about, tell me Marcus." She looked to make sure Kiria hadn't walked in at any point of the conversation before looking back at Marcus.


He manifested his Katana in front of him and unsheathed it to show how the engraving seemed to glow and be fading "The Chaos Blade. It's power is fading, which means the Chaos is returning to the world. You NEED to be careful."
He manifested his Katana in front of him and unsheathed it to show how the engraving seemed to glow and be fading "The Chaos Blade. It's power is fading, which means the Chaos is returning to the world. You NEED to be careful."

"Great, so me hearing voices is basically a big fat warning sign, joy." Kaylin sighed and she ran her fingers through her hair before closing her eyes. "So what about before I got my powers, I could hear those voices then and then there is this giant black space where my memories should be after I got my powers, how can you explain that?"
"Great, so me hearing voices is basically a big fat warning sign, joy." Kaylin sighed and she ran her fingers through her hair before closing her eyes. "So what about before I got my powers, I could hear those voices then and then there is this giant black space where my memories should be after I got my powers, how can you explain that?"


He looked stunned at her for a moment "Y-You did?" He asked
He looked stunned at her for a moment "Y-You did?" He asked

"Yeah, it was almost like I had powers but they were too much for me at a young age so when you gave me my powers, I was older and it unlocked whatever powers I had beforehand but it was too much so my memories disappeared, but if that is the case then what power did I have that would be too much for a child?" Kaylin tilted her head slightly and she sighed before looking at her bow.
Kiara walked into the Office, sighing as she raked a hand through her hair. "Hey Baby~" she said, kissing him.
She sighed, "The kids . . . Their powers are growing. It's hard to keep those two from killing each other."
It was the middle of a dark night in the city. Another thug robbing another innocent woman in an alley. Another cry for help unanswered. A man dropped down behind the two smirking. Both were unable to move. The man in the hood lifted his hand towards them before moving his fingers cutting them both into pieces. He began laughing before suddenly stopping. He put his hand up to his ear as if speaking to someone "Yeah?....So, it's finally time huh? Alright. Just tell me where he's at...."
(Aaaaand fade to black for suspense)

Black Jade Black Jade
It was the middle of a dark night in the city. Another thug robbing another innocent woman in an alley. Another cry for help unanswered. A man dropped down behind the two smirking. Both were unable to move. The man in the hood lifted his hand towards them before moving his fingers cutting them both into pieces. He began laughing before suddenly stopping. He put his hand up to his ear as if speaking to someone "Yeah?....So, it's finally time huh? Alright. Just tell me where he's at...."
(Aaaaand fade to black for suspense)

Black Jade Black Jade
Kiara floated in the air, playing with her now newly emerged powers, having been stronger than before, with her hair flowing behind her. "How long has it been . . ." she asked herself, "Since I met him? Damn, the kids are so old now . . . How old am I?" she laughed, sighing.
Kiara floated in the air, playing with her now newly emerged powers, having been stronger than before, with her hair flowing behind her. "How long has it been . . ." she asked herself, "Since I met him? Damn, the kids are so old now . . . How old am I?" she laughed, sighing.
Marcus appeared beside her with a serious face "Kiara. A word?" He asked making it deadly clear something was wrong.
Marcus appeared beside her with a serious face "Kiara. A word?" He asked making it deadly clear something was wrong.
She blinked, slightly shocked. It had been forever since she'd heard him like this, so serious, like there was a problem. She'd only heard it once before, and that was . . . Kiara flipped upright, nodding. "Yeah? What's up?"
She blinked, slightly shocked. It had been forever since she'd heard him like this, so serious, like there was a problem. She'd only heard it once before, and that was . . . Kiara flipped upright, nodding. "Yeah? What's up?"
He looked at her and spoke sturdily "I have an S Rank task for you. Normally I'd help with this one but I have buisness to attend to." He sighed "Have you heard of the demon called The Spider?" He asked. "It's a rank 20 Demon, one of the strongest. He's been killing people in the city. He tends to stick to alley ways and only strike at night. He doesn't seem to conseal his power, so you should be able to find him easily. That's not the problem. If he catches you in his metal web, you cannot move. Not to mention he could cut you into pieces at any point there." He kissed her on the cheek "Be safe" He said before vanishing
He looked at her and spoke sturdily "I have an S Rank task for you. Normally I'd help with this one but I have buisness to attend to." He sighed "Have you heard of the demon called The Spider?" He asked. "It's a rank 20 Demon, one of the strongest. He's been killing people in the city. He tends to stick to alley ways and only strike at night. He doesn't seem to conseal his power, so you should be able to find him easily. That's not the problem. If he catches you in his metal web, you cannot move. Not to mention he could cut you into pieces at any point there." He kissed her on the cheek "Be safe" He said before vanishing
Kiara raised her eyebrows, pausing after he disappeared. She snicked, holding the cheek that he had pecked. "That idiot . . . Not even a how was your day? What kind of husband does that?" She laughed, sighing slightly as her tone darkened, her eyes, which had stayed dark for yeas, now glowed a terrifying Crimson. "An S Rank Assassination . . . been a while since I've done one." She reached behind her, grabbing her blade and unsheathing it, the sound vibrating in her ears. "This is going to be fun . . . ."
//we lowkey need to remake this rp, it was so fun

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