Ashley made a disgust look on her face but gave in anyway since its the only way, she went into the closet 'wow! It's stinks here!' she thought making a disgust face and pinching her nose.

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Mandi brings the walkie talkies out and places them on the floor, she slowly makes her way to the floor, slightly grimacing in pain and then she sits in criss-cross-applesause formation and leans over and starts cutting some of the wires
Aaron notices he was still holding onto her hand and quickly lets go.

Aaron starts to move some gym equipment "I'm so glad I was shoved in here one day and found this out," he finally gets everything out of the way and a crawl space leading to the basement shows through "after you?"
I jerk up, hitting my head on the bookshelf. "Whazzat? Hello?" I stumble through my words, then spot mandi. "Oh! Thank god, you terrified me."
"What's going on? Why are all the radios everywhere?" I ask, getting up and rummaging through my shoulder bag, reapplying my makeup.
Hubert looked over at them. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the walkie talkies. He wasn't much of a slicer, but hacking was something he could do... "What are you trying to do, exactly?"
I look up curiously at Hubert, briefly raising an eyebrow as I looked him over. "That's what I just said," I grinned.
"I'm trying to rewire the Walkie talkies. I learned how to once. If you rub the batteries. I just need to put t back together. But the charges are now on so it kinda hurts" she stops shaking her hand
"So next time people leave the library we have some form of communication with them." She wraps two wires together and they spark causing her to cry out again. "I did it!" She exclaims. Ignoring the pain "they only have an hours use but it will work in emergency". She lifts the Walkie to her mouth "We are stuck in a library" she says. And sure enough it comes out slightly scratching from the other walkie
"Good idea. I might be able to rewire the communication system and hook it up to AT&T's phone line."
Chase sat on his bed, his fingers furiously flying across the buttons as his little go-kart zoomed around the track. Chase was frustrated. He felt so terribly weak and helpless and was disgusted at himself for being so.
Mandi hands the Walkie talkies to Hubert. "Could you put them in a good place for me?" Mandi comes over and sits on the foot of Chases bed. "Hi"
Michael peeked out from the corner, staring down the corridor at the door leading to the AP Physiology classroom. His heart rate increased rapidly as he took several measured steps toward it, head on a swivel as he listened for the slightest sound. He approached the door, wrapping his hand on the handle and...

No dice.

He jiggled the handle again to no avail. It was locked. Of course. Why would the teacher and janitor leave anything unlocked over Spring Break? The gears began turning in his head as he considered ways to get in. Keys would be hard to find. The window was possibly shatterproof and would be noisy regardless.

Wait... the door to the classroom was old. It didn't have all of the safety features the newer ones did. The school was in the process of replacing them all for fear of a school shooting incident, but it looked like they hadn't gotten around to this one yet. The locks were half-assed on these old doors, which meant...

He fished the laminated school ID card from his wallet, sliding it into the gap between the door and frame, shimmying it up and down until finally there was a satisfying thump and the door swung open. He was in.
Chase stopped playing his game. He shivered from the fever, and then turned to Mandi. "Hey." Chase smiled weakly. "You doing okay?"
"You sure? You look... Tired. Emotionally." He closed the game console and set it down. "I'm doing alr-..." Chase gasped in pain and gripped his leg. "Bloody... Gunman..." He grit his teeth and looked Mandi in the eye. "I don't think... It's the... A-air conditioning."
"It sounded better." She lightly smiles "and yes. Every girl loves to hear that they look tired" she smirks and then it fades
Chase laughed. "Yeah sorry about that. Politeness is the last thing on my mind. I didn't mean it like that though." Chase looked around. "Did Ashley and Aaron leave too?"

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