Michael nods grimly. "Things just got a lot more complicated."

He gestures toward Chase. "Did you give him the meds?"
Mandi starts to get restless. Murmuring under her breath in her sleep. Slightly moving around. Her hands form fists but her eyes stay shut
Michael nods calmly. "Keep an eye on Mandi."

He made his way over to Chase, giving him a gentle shake of the shoulder to try and rouse him.
Hubert walked over to see what the commotion was, having left Chase to sleep on some pillows in the back. [Let's just say he has super ninja skills of finding hidden doors....he came through the back somehow....] "Uh...guys? What's going on?"
The black pickup truck pulls into the driveway, I watch out behind faux-satin curtain, I urgently whisper to my younger brother, Max, "Take Samantha to the back, hide! Do not come out until I tell you to, Alright!?" He nods his head frantically and grabs Sam's little hand, she gives me one last worried look but then the run to the back of our small and shabby home, I watch the two blond heads scurry away. I hear the car door slam and run to the window, but no ones there. I run to the other windows but find nothing. Suddenly there's a childlike shriek from the back and my father appears in the hallway, holding my little sister by her collar as she sobs for help. My heart stops.

"Looking for me?" he says with a smirk on his face,

"Let her go!" I scream, fists forming at my sides.

"No, no, no, I'm not done with this one yet. I've always wanted to try this one" he says motioning to small, scared Sam, the smirk growing wider on his face, amused by this all. He tosses her over his shoulder, her weight is nothing to him.

Mandi starts to kick and thrash, she screams, "Get away from her! TAKE ME, TAKE ME, YOU DON'T WANT HER YOU WANT ME!" but her eyes remain closed. Her heart is beating rapid fire and she's taking rapid breaths.

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