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Fantasy School Days (now closed all slots filled)

She took her free hand and gently played with his hair. She tried not to wake him up.
His hair was soft. The natural gray hue complimented his features but he always felt the need to change the color. His eyes opened. He turned his head to look at her. "Hey." He whispered.
She blushed and said, "Thank you." She then returned the kiss.
"Connor!" His Mom yelled opening the door. "Lilly's room was empty I wondering if you knew... Where... She... Was..." His mom said. "You two are using protection right?" "MOM!?" Connor yelled blushing furiously
She blushed bright pink and hid her face.
"I'm only joking. It's good to see you're being there for her Connor." She said leaving. Connor moved her hands away from her face holding both of her hands in his. "I love you." He whispered with sincerity. "I've loved you for as long as I've known what love is. And I'll always be someone you can count on."
She sat there and waited. She looked around is room for something interesting to do.
He didn't come back for a few hours. When he did she saw that he had actually not gone with green he had gone with dark blue. As for something to do his room was basically video game/movie heaven.

SunnyTheFox11 SunnyTheFox11
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"Really," she asked, "I think it makes you look dashing." She began to ruffle up his hair and smiled.
"Well you always have something nice to say about me. Other people aren't always so kind." He said. He was referring to third grade. Many of the kids there always teased him about looking old.

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