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Fantasy Savage Kingdom

( I straighten up my shirt collar and follows her back into the class room)

As We walk into the classroom I start to examine the room for the different type of people in the room.

"So what are we doing here really?" I asked her.

(Continuing to scour the room and inspect the other students)
"Well, were here to just hang out at the moment, its only the first day of school silly. When the year rolls on we will start doing club activities, but for now we just do whatever I guess." Amanda said Smiling widely. "Anyways just settle yourself in and we will see what your beast form is later" She said walking to the back and grabbing a hair clip and sweeping her dark brown hair back to clip it before being engulfed in a white light, shrinking and changing as a white silhouette into a smaller child like girl, lighter hair and lighter eyes, also two large rabbit ears on her head.
Julian sat by a table, unbuttoning the uppermost button of his button-down shirt so that he could relax. In his palm was a heap of flowers he'd collected, that he'd strung together into a few bands. His antlers were rather large for his body, jutting out about two or three feet from his head. Content to be in the company of those like him, he began to string the loops of flowers amd plants over each branch of his antlers. It was a purely aesthetic choice, which also meant that he'd transform back in a flurry of flower petals. A new person had entered, causing a small sense of fear to form inside of him, pushing him away. He went to a corner of the room so that he could avoid the invader.
"Juliann!" Amanda wined running to him and grabbing harm. "Stop being such a baby! Come ooon, you have to meet the new guuy!" She said loudly in a very childish voice. Anyone who saw her would have thought her to be little girl rather than a 17 year old high school student. "Pleeeaaaseee?" She asked jumping up and down, quite high in fact, jerking the taller boy's arm violently. If anyone who wasn't afraid of being classified as a pedophile watched the girl, they would have noticed the small fuzzy brown rabbits tail just above her black and heart decorated panties that where quite visible from her flapping skirt as she jumped.

Toki Ducks under his fathers kick returning with a sweep kick fueled by the spinning momentum of his ducking maneuver...but his father simple hops over it extending a foot towards Toki's face. Toki catches the foot pulling it in to deliver a brutal chop to his dad's hip,but his dad drops his weight letting his other leg sweep Toki's feet from under him,blocking the chop with his elbow as Toki falls hard on his back...only to spring back into stance less than a second later.

"I think that's enough for today Totoro" his father says calmly despite his breathing heavily.

"What's wrong father...getting tired?" Toki pants obviously. Just as tired.

They had been going at it for almost an hour now,no breaks.

"No my son...you have to get to school,I believe you missed the bus already...guess your gonna have to run"

He smirks at his son

Guess the lessons never end

He thinks to himself as he bolts out the door,leaping over the front gate and breaking into a sprint that would make an Olympic gold medalist green with envy.

He looks at his watch...

Four miles in six minutes...I can do that.

He grins at the challenge as he sprints to school...
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Julian pulled her hand from his arm, shaking his head at the behaviour of the girl, before heading away. After watching the new boy for a while, he eventually headed over, extending his arm in a friendly handshake,"Hey, I'm Julian. Unlike her," He nodded over at Amanda,"This is what I look like when out and about. Just minus the antlers and flowers. Most of the time." He beamed widely, taking in the appearance of the unfamiliar person. It was exceptionally strange for someone here to have no features of an animal. It was unsettling.

@RineFrostfang @TerrinX
Raphael's books were loose in her arms as she slowly made her way through the building. Classes had gone well but she needed to get to this designated club room. The school was surprisingly normal to say the least, nothing really out of the ordinary. That, in the young woman's eyes, was a good thing. Yeah she was a bit suspicious as to why they accepted her, but if she was finally going to be able to get a high school diploma and apply for a college, it really didn't matter. The halls weren't crowded, no one was starting fights or shoving the younger students into lockers. Everything was alright.

Arriving at the room, Raphael knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.
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Toki shows up to the clubhouse with a minute to spare.

He breathes heavily,but unpained

"Hey guys" he huffs

"Miss anything important?" He asks brazenly re-adjusting his belt

On his face is that warm smile that seems permanantly plastered on

As he steps through the doorframe his head misses the top by maybe two or three inches
Amanda hopped over to Toki, looking up at the giant by comparison. "Nothing really...Ooh!" She yelled raising her arms "Pick me up! Pick me up!" She giggled, jumping up and down, "I wanna be tall!" She whined.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/reptile_eye_by_knabobar-d718c47.png.eff628b5cdf73aaf6e5043bc57724eea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125709" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/reptile_eye_by_knabobar-d718c47.png.eff628b5cdf73aaf6e5043bc57724eea.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> @luthor

"its nice to meet you"

I said as i extended my hand out in turn.

Chasios let out a small laugh at the excitement that Amanda was extruding.

Chasios left eye shifts into a reptile apperance.



  • reptile_eye_by_knabobar-d718c47.png
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Amanda let go of Toki and went to the door, remembering her manners she started to glow once more, growing until she was in her original human form. "I have to say...I can be so devious sometimes" she sighed, thinking about how her other form is so much different from her human form.

Opening the door, Amanda saw a new guy, no, girl, she was standing there with an odd look on her face, like she hated being alive, and aside from that, Amanda could smell a bit of alcohol and cigarette smoke off this girl, making her nose twinge.

"Hello there, who might you be?" she said forcing a faked smile. Being from a prestigious family she was wary of "Hooligans" though there may be deeper scars in her past that allude to that.
Raphael blinked as the door was opened and what was behind it was one could call a possible 'daddy's little girl' based on clothing and the immediate response to herself. Shifting her weight from one foot the other in a slightly awkward manner, she slowly spoke up. "Uh...well, I had been told to report here once I was finished with class..."

sits down and watches the other new student that just arrived, Chasios waves waves politely at the new arrival.
Amanda sighed stepping back too allow the "Ruffian" into the classroom. "Stupid tomboy.." She muttered under her breath. Just the smell of the "girl" made her nauseous and now they had to share a room together. At least Toki could handle things if she got rowdy.

Walking away from the mess of a woman, Amanda found herself standing next to Julian. "...Julian..Don't tell me you got some of those flowers from my garden again...Right..Because you know..I spent a lot of time caring for those.." she said about to continue ranting when she ended up shrinking back into her beast form looking quite confused. "Juuullliaaaan! Pick me up pleeeeaassee? I wanna ride on your antlers!" she whinnied quite adorably, her nose twitching slightly from the smell of flowers,

@StoneWolf18 @luthor
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As the girl turned away, Raphael clearly heard her mutter what she did. Pursing her lips tightly, the woman slowly walked into the room with everything seeming normal with a similar assortment of children to the one that greeted her. About to move towards one side as to not stand awkwardly in the center of the room but towards the outer edges, a bright flash caught her eye and the girl that had greeted her before had then nene replaced by a smaller child with...rabbit ears? Confusion clear upon her face she the noticed the boy with antlers... "What the hell..." She muttered, though not speaking anything more for risk of someone calling the cops for her being too "violent."
Julian simply watched the boy as Chasios shifted one of his eyes into that of a reptile's. It was all he could do not to take a large step away to avoid him- lizards had always creeped him out, along with people who could change one small facet of their appearance. He was snapped out of his daze as Amanda began to whine and beg for him to pick her up.

Rolling his eyes, the deer boy softly pushed her away,"You're two months older than me, Amanda. Please act your age." He patted her head softly and strolled over to the new arrival, quickly eying them up. It was a rather attractive girl, but appeared to be fairly human. "Hiya, I'm Julian. Welcome to the freak show that is this school." The Caspian deer grinned, his green eyes squinting as his smile stretched to bare his teeth.

@RineFrostfang @TerrinX @StoneWolf18
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As the young man with the antlers asked the what now appeared to be a child to settle down (which was the first good thing to come of arriving) but then approached her. By the way he was eyeing her, Raphael grew a bit wary and continue to be so as he spoke. "Hello...name's Raphael...and would you care to explain the...um..." She then gestured to the rack upon his head. "As well as why the hell its necessary for me to be here...?"

Amanda frowned. "Well then, thanks for ruining my fun.." She said in a much more mature voice. She hopped up onto the large desk in the back of the room, intentionally giving view of her black and heart decorated panties under her skirt while she slipped on her matching knee socks. To her it was just another way to toy with people as well as an effect of being a rabbit beast woman, having a "Out-there" kind of sexual nature. While in human form she is too shy to even where less than a shirt an vest, despite having a bust most woman wish they had.
"Oh um, this is where people who have beast forms can go to unwind. So there's Amanda, shy student by day and uh, bunny girl by night. There's also a few full transformations dotted about." Julian gestured to the students as some entered, shifting in a burst of light. "I'm a Caspian red deer, hence the antlers. The flowers are just an accessory. If you're here, it must mean that you're one of us!" He smiled again, exuding a soft glow of friendliness through his warm complexion. "I'm not sure how they get wind of all this, but they're rarely ever wrong. You can trust us."

"Club president!" she yelled to Julian just to clarify. Amanda has slipped on her knee socks and jumped off the desk and fluffing her already short skirt. (Short interaction)
(I'm so sorry! I wasn't getting alerts for this! >.<)

Red, being the reserved person she could sometimes be, sat at a small table with her arms crossed. She watched the chaos of the club unfold, but the look of observation on her face was absent. Red's seen this place far too often to actually gather anything new from it. Other than the fairly new non-beast looking girl was worth glancing at, and even then Red managed a single look before retiring to her world of daydreaming. Her small red furred ears twitched slightly- attempting to block out the noise of the clubhouse. "Oh for the lords sake! Can't anyone get some rest around here?" Red muttered, storming out the door to get some fresh air.

Once outside the young red panda girl sighed and sat down near a patch of flowers. She loved to garden, not to mention that her whole entire family owned a garden of some sorts. Red gently removed a blood red rose from its bush and entertained herself with removing the thorns. Her hands moved with expertise, and once she was done there was no traces of scratches or pricks. With a satisfied smile she inserted the flower into the top of her braid and stood up to go back inside.

Now Red was much happier and so she felt like introducing herself to the new person. With a small swish of her tail she approached her. "Hey! I'm Red, nice to meet you." She paused to look at Caspian, and suddenly remembered something. "Oh, part Red Panda. That's it. Yeah, I'm part Red Panda." Red's name described her face as she stuttered over her sentences in her embarrassment of her beast half.

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(Carven's POV: )

Lying in a corner of the room, I yawned. What a boring day. I missed going outside to play like I used to when I was young. But, right now that wasn't possible. Heck, forget free time, it was impossible to even have normal classes! I mean, who'd be teaching a wolf? It seemed counter-intituitive. Nobody could guess I was sentient. Even I sometimes doubted it a little. After all, I had never managed to turn back, to learn how to. If that was at all possible.

So now I was "home schooled", which already had a dual meaning: I was both taught and home and inhabited the school. It was my home. This club was.

The president was doing her thing, everyone seemed pretty agitated. I shook myself, getting on all fours.

"Morning." I simply announced myself. It was probably afternoon, though. I looked around, took no particular interest at this point.

The nice part about being a wolf? You can Nao whenever you want. Provided the noise levels are under control, that is...

I sighed in frustration, since that that didn't seem to be the case

Raphael didn't know what to think. Some guy was trying to tell her she was part animal whilst another came up saying she was half red panda with ears to match along with an extremely horny young girl with rabbit ears, a talking wolf, and humanoid reptile.




The young woman's face paled a bit as she tried to process the chaos in the room. She assumed to be tripping quite hard but she hadn't touched anything that would cause such hallucinations unless someone laced the food she ate for lunch. "Are...uh you entirely sure I should...be...here...?" It was clear she was confused and a bit uncomfortable by the uncertainty in her voice.

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