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Fantasy Satan Comes To Earth

When he asked her what specifically she wanted to know, she thought for a moment as she took a few more sips of her beer, considering the possible questions. It was a good question himself - what exactly did she want to know about him? She supposed she didn't have anything specific, but she was a bit curious about him in general. And the fact he seemed to be hiding something, with the way he covered up his lies and such. She looked to him curiously as she considered what she wanted to ask, before deciding to go with the most basic but also curious question she had at the moment.

"What drew you to this dump of a town? Because that uncle of yours lives here? I know you said before you came here for work, though, since you didn't even seem to sure yourself at first what your own job was, I have a feeling it wasn't because of the job" she commented curiously, again referring to how he'd mixed up his lies about his workplace the previous night when talking about them, and also showing how perceptive of a person she could actually be. Maybe it was because she was typically quieter, not someone always in everyone's face trying to get attention or anything, that she actually noticed more about her surroundings, and thus, the people in them.
He noted how intensely she was thinking about her question, “You’re allowed to ask more than one by the way. It’s not a one shot thing.” He said wondering if she was figuring out a way to ask him all in one go, but when he question came he nodded a bit. Maybe he would play differently with this one. No more lies. Lying was getting too complicated, and so he told her the truth.

“My uncles helps. But no, not the reason. I’m looking for someone.” he told her, “Or maybe something, I’m not entirely all that sure myself.” He said with a small shrug. He leaned in ever so slightly though, there was a different look in his eyes now, they flickered a darker color as he spoke, “I don’t know who or what it is. But I know I need it. It’s a feeling.” He told her.

He leaned back a bit and pulled forward a smile, “I know I sound crazy. Or at least you probably think so. But there is a reason all the signs pointed to here, right?” He asked the rhetorical question. He shrugged again and sighed, “If not, well them I’m just as lost as when this all started.” He said and took another long sip of his beer.
When he seemed to point out how long she seemed to be debating over her question, we let out a short, genuine laugh "I know. You're just so mysterious I couldn't decide on what to ask exactly" she smirked back at him. Well, despite having previously thought he was pretty arrogant and cocky, maybe he actually wasn't so bad. She was surprised to find herself enjoying talking with him casually like this.

After asking her question she listened to his response before looking at him abbot in confusion. She didn't really think him crazy like he commented, though it did sound confusing "you're...searching for a feeling?" She asked in confusion "how do you not know if it's a person or thing?" She asked, finding more questions coming easily now with his response and not even thinking about asking him then before they slipped from her mouth out of curiosity.

"I wouldn't say you sound crazy. Though definitely confusing. If you don't know who or what it is you're looking for, how could you know you need it?" She asked curiously, before further wondering about his later words, finding only more questions coming, though, she didn't bombard him with the questions and patiently waited for some type of response to the ones she already asked before asking more. "What kind of signs would you know to look for? And what exactly is it that's all started you're talking about?" She asked further, drinking some more of her beer "you really are a mysterious man" she joked lightly.

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