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Fandom SAO : Reborn


That One Tall Guy
Real Name (as in your characters real name):




Guild: (optional)

Weapon of Choice:

Back story: (please make the back story at least slightly detailed)
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Real Name:

Roxie Balvur



Mirror Image

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/soul-eater-anime-girl-guns-scythe.jpg.cafdc1b3b466515eb912b1e4526970a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/soul-eater-anime-girl-guns-scythe.jpg.cafdc1b3b466515eb912b1e4526970a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


- Quite

- Silent


Anonymous Bloodlust

Weapon of Choice:

Blood Scythe

Back story:

No one knows. Not even her. As a child she had shit parents and went to the hospital because of brain damage due to beatings of her dad. She then woke up years later out of a coma and remembers nothing. She woke up right as SAO was released and she decided that she would join SAO because her life already was a waste of time so there was no point not to. She joined and as he was roaming around after finding out he couldn't leave SAO, which she was perfectly fine with, she was attacked by a guild of Red players and she fought back killing one or two of them, and after she awoke he was in a room, it was pitch black, due to this unique characteristics he actually had night vision, she could see only one person in the room. after a conversation or two and a few nights passed. She eventually escaped the room she was trapped in for about three days. She completely raged and killed every single member of the small guild. She left and while roaming she ran into a guy who seemed to take a liking to leather. She was still infuriated at all the madness that had happened so she attacked the man, the man fought back and she nearly killed him, but she got even angrier and raged harder attacking back and they nearly both died. She decided that she couldn't kill this man so she realized the only way to win was to team with the man. So that's what she did, and there now known as the “Anonymous Bloodlust” guild along with some other strays they swept up.


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Real Name: Jaden Bevan

Username: Abyss




-Smug (Even if he can back it up with skill)

-Closed off (Stays to himself)


-Deep down, he just wants to save everyone.

Guild: None, he is a solo player

Weapon of Choice: White darkness blade (One handed)

Back story: Jaden was, and always will be, a very skilled gamer. Picking up his first game at the age of four, he has spent most of his time playing games. However, he doesn't just play video games. No, Jaden wanted to be the best at every game. So, he joined the football team, basketball team, tennis club and, whenever he had any free time, gaming competitions. As the years went by, Jaden bean to loose interest in the physical activities. Sure, he was good at them. Yeah, he won all the time. But it didn't give him the same feeling as when he beat his opponent in a video game. It just made him feel...superior. So, he devoted all of his time to gaming. His school had seen less and less of him. The virtual world had began to see more and more of him. MMO's, RPG's, shooters, simulators. Anything you can name, Jaden practised and became amazing at. He was a video game prodigy.

Realising this, he bean to enter tournaments. His name, Abyss, was starting to become known throughout the internet as a player to watch out for. Any game you see Abyss on, be careful. Each time he won a tournament, ten more would open up for him. No one could beat him. He just kept on winning and winning. It got to a point where he thought he was invincible. And most gamers watching him thought that too. Abyss was now a world wide name for gamers. Not for making for videos on games, but for being the best at some of the most popular games. Abyss was a professional gamer. But, no one knew who he was or what he looked like. So, people began to fake. They would make fake accounts and claim to be the Abyss. So, when Jaden was about 15, he stopped gaming completely. If people were going to fake and tarnish his reputation, why bother protecting it? So, he went back to football and basketball.

A year had passed. Jaden was now back into shape. He was excited because a brand new game was coming out. It had been a long time since he was excited about a game. And the game's name was Sword Art Online. Jaden loved the name and the game at first glance. A game where you actually go in it to experience it as if you were actually in the game. What was not to like? Because of the game, Abyss came out off retirement. He didn't let anyone know. People would probably think he was another fake. But, in a world where you can see people face to face, he was glad people would think he wasn't the real Abyss.
Real Name (as in your characters real name): Aura Almon

Username: Aurora



-Serious about her "job"

-Airheaded about most points of normal interaction



Guild: (optional)

Weapon of Choice: the Demon's claw ( it registers as a two handed sword)

Back story: Aura is an SAO beta tester or at least she says she was and a few others that were in the beta have confirmed this though they noticed a change in her personality from the beta to now. Those that knew her back then say she was far more sharp than she is now often being one of the leaders among the beta testing groups and now few would trust her to lead them anywhere. Really she doesn't seem to talk much about her history before or after the beta ended so at least that is consistent. She can be easily found by the weapon she uses which she says she made some time after the game started despite it being an obviously clunky inefficient weapon.

Real Name (as in your characters real name):

Saruwatari Tomoshia.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a305bf5_Gassedout.jpg.a70e2c4f898ec4c470057f4840f57c1a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75497" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a305bf5_Gassedout.jpg.a70e2c4f898ec4c470057f4840f57c1a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Cold, Bored unless killing/torturing, Emotionless unless killing/torturing,


Anonymous Bloodlust.

Weapon of Choice:

Rapier, Two handed Axes for executions, Throwing knives.

Back story:

He lived a normal life his parents were normal plain people he had money that he could spend nothing too special. When the game happened he was a intern at an office job he was so bored with his normal life that when he joined SAO and heard of what PoH was doing he liked the idea of a new entertainment. When he heard Johnny Black he loved the idea of playing games with his prey and joined him in such actions.

@Bills352 @ferociousfeind @Kyzaba @Dyril Glitch We made a new one because we needed to restart.



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Real Name (as in your characters real name): Logan Steele

Username: wolfsbane

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-5.jpeg.5020e970f4117958f355f7e033f7c618.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75775" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-5.jpeg.5020e970f4117958f355f7e033f7c618.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild: natm

Weapon of Choice: The silver wolfsbane (one handed)

Back story: Logan was always the best at everything. That was until sao. He saw this as a new opportunity to make a fresh, start be the newbie for once. When he first joined sao he was ok but he knew how to cheat the system. You attack after every player then when the boss or monster health was low you attempt back with one weapon the leave it in the monster the requip another and do the same. As you would do this other players would attack but you would get the hit points, thus gaining more xp and money and item drops. He would always get last hit and the drop for it. Though no one knew how to do the requip because you have to have multiple weapons classes and every player only had one because they had subclasses. While Logan had none. As Logan grew infamous throughout the game he was know as lord wolfsbane because he always wore a wolf's fur as a cloak and a helmet shaped as a wolf's head.



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Real Name:

Isaac Struck




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/ae34nk.jpg.3fef10613122d74903375325f1158749.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/ae34nk.jpg.3fef10613122d74903375325f1158749.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Isaac is actual pretty lazy and introverted, but can be gentle and protective when he sees someone in danger. He doesn't like getting close to others in fear of losing them, even though he might deny it.

Guild: (optional)

None at the moment

Weapon of Choice:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/13-jason-1.jpg.1173c2fe93c6d33a22d6d95793b00e23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/13-jason-1.jpg.1173c2fe93c6d33a22d6d95793b00e23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Back story: (please make the back story at least slightly detailed)

Isaac was born to an aristocratic family and had a fairly lackadaisical childhood. He would go on expensive vacations, get many new and amazing gifts on Christmas and his birthday, he even had his own martial arts teacher! But all of that came to a screeching halt when his parent were sued for fraud and lost everything. Their parents not thinking of their 13 year old child went off and committed suicide together. Isaac was a now a homeless orphan wandering the streets, begging for change. About a week of being on the streets, he was dehydrated and hungry, and need a place to stay. So on his journey looking for someone kind enough to help him, he ended passing out right on some ones front porch. The people living there heard a thud and brought Isaac in. They feed him and clothed him and let him sleep in the guest bedroom. A few days later, Isaac told the family about his backstory and they ended up taking him in as the kid they never had. Isaac has lived with them for 4 years and spent his time reading, doing homework, listening to music, or playing video games. His "parents" knowing about his love for video games got him the newest virtual reality gear and a new video called SAO. Isaac was absolutely enthralled and after thanking his parents probably to the point of annoyance went upstairs and plugged them in. Little did he know that this would be one of the last times he ever saw his parents...



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Name: Mercer Ancrath

Username: Mercer

Nickname: "The Reaper"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Class: Swashbuckler (Rogue)

History: Caucasian American and son of rich business magnates, Mercer moved to Japan with his parents at the age of 13 due to his parents work. He quickly alienated himself from most of those around him. Mercer always had an affinity for weapons, and seemed to be naturally skilled. His few friends were with his high schools archery club which he quickly excelled at. From a young age Mercer had participated in the sport of fencing and HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts). His abilities reached the point were he could compete and win some of the largest competitions in the USA. Once he moved to Japan, it became harder to duel. He managed to find a way to maintain his skills and on occasion sparred with the members of his schools kendo club, whom never stood a chance. It was always his goal to push himself to all of his limits. One of the ways he did so was to master the sword with both hands. When he discovered the Sword Art Online Beta he quickly bought his way in. This would be a chance to really put his skills to the test. His natural skill with a sword put him leagues above the rest of the beta testers. He reached levels few others did, and had it not been for time constraints he would have pushed further. Now with the return of SAO he is ready to prove himself once more.

Personality: Off the battlefield Mercer is often shunned, as he is considered a beater for his unfair natural advantage. This results in him sticking mostly to himself. Those who do get to know him find him to be quite chivalrous and polite, as well as driven and a bit eccentric. He also possesses a cynical sense of humor, and honestly couldn't care less about returning to the real world or not. On the battle field he changes, becoming slightly cold-hearted and focused only on the thrill of the fight. He will cut down anything in his way, be it monster, boss, or player if necessary. With all that said he will protect the few who become close to him until his dying breath if necessary. His preferred playing style is in small parties or solo. Mercer could care less for guilds as the politics associated with them always get in his way. The only way he would join one is to start his own (Possible guild leader). His preferred tactics are flanking (classic rouge), guerrilla fighting, and blitzkrieg warfare.

Beta tester/ first time playing:
Beta Tester



Mercer is fairly tall standing roughly 6'2". He has thick, dark brown hair that he always pushes up. His eyes are a bright blue in color. On his left cheek is a scar from a time he failed to dodge an opponents rapier correctly, a mistake he never made twice. He has a fairly average frame and is slightly muscular but not to much to slow him down. He tries to maintain the appearance of a gentleman trying to wear light armor and coats that have a bit of a noble flair.

Guild: Invictus ( Translation Unconquered. It is a guild he created so others would stop asking him to join their's)

Weapon: Rapier: Noble Soul


Parrying Dagger:

Other: Favored weapons include Rapiers and Daggers, though he has some sabers, bucklers, and cane swords in his inventory which rarely tend to see the light of day. He will eventually take advantage of the system that allows players to pick up any item, using it to dual wield his rapier with a dagger in his off hand. However there will be no duel wielding skills that affect this unlike Kirito. He will wield his sword how it was meant to be and use the dagger in his off hand to deflect and inflict basic strike all based on his real world training. He is fluent in English, Japanese, and Latin. He will commonly quote the latter during his time trapped in the game. I will provide all necessary translations for that. I left out a major event from his backstory which I plan to reveal in the plot, it involves his one scar.
Name:Harry Manel





History:Grew up alone and hated by everyone so he became an expert at gaming. When SAO came out he attempted to be a Beta tester but wasn't accepted. So he got the game when it came out and played it a when he was supposed to be at his family reunion.

Guild: No guild Currently

Personality:Shy, talkative, blunt.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f57b486_images(20).jpg.8c90ff072ec2122e3c5869d4fc77c0be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f57b486_images(20).jpg.8c90ff072ec2122e3c5869d4fc77c0be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

6'9", black hair, slender


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f57db50_images(2).jpg.3867ace7f18da329d99742308dab0dde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f57db50_images(2).jpg.3867ace7f18da329d99742308dab0dde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Real Name (as in your characters real name): Connor White

Username: BuffGnome



Personality: A rough type of person, Connor was born and raised in a family of 6 boys. He does have manners though, not much. He was a more head first into combat person but likes to keep a distance. He uses his pistol for monster but when brawling he uses his bare knuckles.

Guild: Tavern Brawlers

Weapon of Choice:


Back story: When Connor was born he was known to be a little short. At the age of 17 he just it 4 inches and 5 feet. His maximum height was a grand 4 feet and 10 inches. He was a pretty gamer and if there was ever a gnome race in the game that would be his first pick. He also loved steampunk weapons. He saw that SAO was on sale at a local game store with day one stuff included. He played for a bit and met up with a growing guild called the Tavern Brawlers. They would go to tavern to tavern and knock each other till one got KO'ed.

Real Name : Jean Green

Username: Alart

Nickname: White knight

Class: Paladin







-self sufficient

Guild: The white knights (a guild with only one member).

Weapon of Choice:
(one handed short sword)

Back story: Jean lived a normal lif, he had good parent, good grades in school, good looks. Heck he had everything, but all the popularity started to break him. Luckily one of his good friends started to beta test this new game call Sword Art Online. Jean never got into the beta, but when it came out he quickly bought it and hoped that he could escape all of his real life problems, but this new world handed him just as much.
Real Name: John Mazick

Username: Saint

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.ce41239df12c94c871b72c559d9ead6d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.ce41239df12c94c871b72c559d9ead6d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Saint is 5'7 170lbs with medium length brown hair and dark green eyes. He has an intense gaze but otherwise a very plain face that can easily blend in with most crowds.

Personality: Contrary to his username John is actually an extremely neutral person. Concepts of right and wrong do not sway his judgment as he just does what he feels needs to be done. He is not particularly talkative and uses logic to dictate his actions. He always puts his interests first but he would never go out of his way to hinder or harm fellow players and is not agianst the idea of working towards a common goal as long as it aligns with his own.

Guild: None

Weapon of choice: one handed mace and a tower shield.

Backstory: John lived an extremely average life in almost all aspects. Which is exactly how he wanted things to be. He enjoyed living his life just observing his surroundings as a spectator and never wanted to be an actor in the play he saw as life. While on break from college on Johns 20 birthday his parents had spent a small fortune preordering one of the release copies of SAO so John felt obligated to give the game a try on its opening day because of his parents effort in getting their son a good present. John was never a huge fan of video games but little did he know how much this particular "game" would pique his interest.

(Hope that's good enough this is my first time doing a forum rp so if there is anything I need to fix shoot me a message)



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@Saruwatari Tomohisa


Real Name (as in your character's real name): Tristan Taylor

Username: Clown

Appearance: Clown stands at 5’8 and has a slim build, having fair toned skin blood red eyes and silver hair most often find his appearance at first somewhat unsettling he often wears red hairclips on the right side of his fringe. Having an athletic physique despite being slim Clown is rather built. He has a unique tattoo on his left eye.



Clown acts on his own interests and maintains a neutral stance when coming to choosing sides he values friends and will often protect them in times of need. He is often sarcastic and seems to like agitating people, doing it on purpose he will often say criticizing jokes towards others. Having a lack of moral understanding, Clown simply doesn’t know the difference between right & wrong and at the end is always in it for himself even when coming to friends he’s often seen as self centered by others. His reputation in SAO is ruthless, committing countless murders he doesn’t understand the meaning of fear, this can be worked as a weakness as he is not picky about who he fights he will accept any challenge but never challenges another instead he encourages it which to him there is a difference between the two.


Guild: None, he serves his own interests

Weapon of Choice:

-Itami(Literally meaning Pain)-

Like many others in SAO, Clown prefers to use a blade for his weapon of choice, although the shape of his sword if often seen as rather unique compared to the other weapons in the game, it appears to be more of a ‘bat’ then a sword, the blade having square edges, this was used for greater offensive capability, the middle section is colored black while as the outer section metal silver, it’s said that the two components of this weapon are made for it to be sturdy and sharp. The sword is also connected by a chain which is seen to be useful for multiple purposes in combat, mainly for wrapping around his opponent to make an opening for himself.



Tristan’s original family had given him to adoption and he was given to a foster family, his family was like any other and they accepted and raised Tristan with open arms and even outside the game he was always interested in getting stronger being bullied at a young age. Entering martial art classes over time he was able to defend himself his first win turned him cocky and by high school he took a turn for the worse, getting into multiple drug trades/deals in his teens he often found himself amongst a lot of troubles, however his foster family had no idea of this at the time it wasn’t until one night he was caught and taken in custody, he served time in Juvie for a year and when he came out he had become a lot more relaxed, although he has never given details of what happened while he was in there whatever it was seemed to change him a lot from his old self, he suddenly became obsessed with a singular game that came out at the time called ‘Sword Art Online’ being one of the beta testers himself, when it came to being stuck in the game he was one of the few who didn’t mind the idea.
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@Saruwatari Tomohisa

Thankyou ^-^ I'll make my intro soon I'll just read what's happened recently and try fit my way in unless you already have an idea of how I can fit in then I'll do that
No it is fine lol I don't want to rp it today even though non of the rps I want to rp in are actually doing anything.

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