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Realistic or Modern Sakura High School OOC

Ok dibs on the recap before I go :p

It's nearly dark. Hako confessed. Rina confessed. group of ex Sakura students who have been expelled want revenge on the principle. Umm did I mas anything else ? Cheekymuimui Cheekymuimui lyn. lyn.
Heim Heim , hello, would you be opposed to my character having a crush on yours?

Of course, I'm not asking these feelings to be reciprocated, not in the least! I just thought of asking first, since it would be more polite.
Lol I agree with everyone but also don't worry :) I hope you don't lol. Just like any side story it has nothing to do with the main goal which was pairs and the Hanabi Taikai. I'm just happy it lasted long enough and bought some time until people returned. Some still have not returned...but by the end of the side story i think everyone can agree an efficient amount of time has been used in order to wait for them. I have messaged everyone now and for the ones who are still not here I encourage you guys to extend a helping hand of encouragement to return. Unless they don't want too then it's all good. Anyway sorry for the delay in my post but it took some time to help muimui but I will be posting soon :). Good to have you guys back btw fingers crossed for the others.
Sup guys.

I'm not dead don't worry :). Recently I was given afternoon shift so just getting used to new schedule . So my posts won't be around dinner might be later unless I'm on breaks.
Anyway guys lets wrap this small story up and then start the Hanabi taikai :). Btw has anyone here ever finished a RP? Through my experience I never have. How about you guys? C u after work guys have a good one.
Sup guys sorry about the delay but I'll be posting tomorrow. Heads up to everyone that the delinquent arc is over so the festival should be starting soon. When I post I will update everyone about the festival jazz. Have a good night guys

Hanabi Taikai


  • Class meet at a temple at the base of the hill. (Big hill is called Sakura Hill)

  • Stalls at the base of the hill


  • Mini Games

[*]Music (live?)

9pm - 10pm (Sakura High Dance)

Circle Dancing (Traditional hometown line dancing)



11pm - End of RP

Couples go to the summit and end of the story.

Sup guys

Well that final goal that was set is finally in sight and I urge anyone wanting to come back to do so for the final act. For those who have joined I would like to say my final thankes to you all. Those who stayed and those who unfortunately could not continue I am greatful for the oppourtunity to have role played wih you :) and would like to say thank you.

As usual all are welcome and I look forward to see each couples final night together. I hope to see you guys there. I know I might sound like a broken record lol but if anyone out there is feeling left out because they don't have a partner I am willing to play as many characters as it takes to help you out so no one should be left out for this night. If uI want a partner jus pm me and send in a CS sheet of your preferred partner orrrr I can create one for you. I will leave the power in your hands.

When the students leave the school grounds. The next post should be about students meeting s the temple. Pm me if you have questions.

Aes Aes AwesomeGamerDude5433 AwesomeGamerDude5433 MattieLee MattieLee illicit illicit lyn. lyn. Cheekymuimui Cheekymuimui
Eldarkon Eldarkon Nozomu Nozomu
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss RANGYOKU RANGYOKU
54160 54160 Jellyon Jellyon
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Sup guys next post is meeting at the temple. So anyone can start or you can just wait for me :p. As promised anyone that goes to the temple and does not have a pairing I will play the pair for them. Or better I you can find a pair even better!o

On a side note muimui is challenging me in a drawing thingy so check it out and watch me get owned lol. But I will do my best.

Good luck

Hey guys! Wow, so sorry I have not been around for this roleplay. I've probably missed a lot, but is it still too late for me to continue? Btw WoodenZebra WoodenZebra are you still up to a relationship between yasashi and momoki?
Sup guys. Sorry I did not reply just work jazz. Anyway join your jus in time for the festival :). Have fun.

Hey guys! Wow, so sorry I have not been around for this roleplay. I've probably missed a lot, but is it still too late for me to continue? Btw WoodenZebra WoodenZebra are you still up to a relationship between yasashi and momoki?
Sup guys. Sorry I did not reply just work jazz. Anyway join your jus in time for the festival :). Have fun.
Sorry I haven't posted lately! I've just been really caught up with life and school lately, but hopefully I'll be able to post Friday or this weekend.

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