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Realistic or Modern Sakura High School OOC

Ok guys i will update my CS and would also like to let everyone know that the cs for other people has been updated. I got my friend to fill in a position to even out the numbers so everyone has a partner for the hanabi taikai ;)  and i will try to keep her sentences as original as possible. If there is any questions just let me know and jazz. Ohh yea i nearly forgot i have some nice drrama in mind that involves Bret, Aki and Hako Haruki for the love triangle drama thingy. I will be in contact with Aki to get the okay from him.  

No its all good notif are all good in my book :)

Hi guys. Im on my "toiler break" right now. Anyway welcome new comers i see another character has joined welcome welcome. Is there is any boys out there!!! We need one more!!!! tbh guys i have never been in a RP more then 5 people so its kinda i dont know how can i say it...wierd lol im loving it but its just a new exp for me in the RP world. Hmmmm my friend seems to be nearly finished time to pick my brain for this one.
sweet man its all good. I think the posts should be coming in soon. Right now me and awesome gamer (aki) are getting our brown on. I think i might go for the Mac D's hashbrown tan ;p
Bret, Aki and Rina are on the roof, Isobe and Hako are on their way to the roof.

Hainoko and Takahara are on the first floor near the shoe lockers and janitors closet, as well as bathrooms, Momo ran off and I'm not sure quite where she is tbh but inside somewhere

Yuki is practicing in the auditorium

Ren is just aimlessly wandering the halls

Sora and Yamaji are interacting somewhere near some vending machines

I think you would know where your own character is and...

And that's as much as I know lol I think that's about it.
Bret, Aki and Rina are on the roof, Isobe and Hako are on their way to the roof.

Hainoko and Takahara are on the first floor near the shoe lockers and janitors closet, as well as bathrooms, Momo ran off and I'm not sure quite where she is tbh but inside somewhere

Yuki is practicing in the auditorium

Ren is just aimlessly wandering the halls

Sora and Yamaji are interacting somewhere near some vending machines

I think you would know where your own character is and...

And that's as much as I know lol I think that's about it.


Not gonna say this but......... that's pretty accurate.
Not gonna say this but......... that's pretty accurate.

is it?, lol not sure if it was said exactly where Momo was going or where Sora and Yamaji are other than next to the vending machine, machines? yeah idk if that's plural or singular but oh well.
is it?, lol not sure if it was said exactly where Momo was going or where Sora and Yamaji are other than next to the vending machine, machines? yeah idk if that's plural or singular but oh well.

lol Well, I mean you got the general idea. So that's a gold star on it's own.

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