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Fandom Saiyuki [Literate]


Junior Member
It's a bit of a far-flung anime, but I could kill for a story in this universe right now. You might have to bear with me, because I only ever made it through the Gensomaiden arc (including the movie), buuuuut yeah. I'm willing to work with content from Reload and Gunlock, I just have to read up on it.

Specifically, I need a Sanzo. Purlease. I can double as either Gojyo or Hakkai, if you're into that sorta thing.

PM and such if you think you might be interested and we can cover details there. ^^;

Some quick notes:

*No one liners. Preferably expect around 2-3 paragraphs per post (per character if we are doubling)

*Don't hound me for replies. I get in about once a week, because adult life and responsibilities. I will extend you that same courtesy, and if things get crazy, I am pretty good about posting updates on my profile status.

*If you ghost from an RP without letting me know at the very least, I probably won't be inclined to write with you in the future. Fair warning. (Seriously, though, if you have to drop or just lose interest, tell me. I'm not going to have a meltdown over it, I promise)
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