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Realistic or Modern ❀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴅᴀʏs - ᴏᴏᴄ ❀

oh of course, it's up to you, no need to even ask! your chara can be bungee-jumping for all i care & i'd still be here™ for it! you can even discuss with others about a certain place for other charas to meet up (for e.g. the wagashi shop) if you really want some character interaction to start with!
okay great!! thank u ?
ahhhhhh exciteee

I'll post by 3:00 today but school might kick my butt lol

also ayy ayyy I just realized I have friday off so I'll be active by then
peachnim peachnim Thanks ! I'm really afraid of needles but I'll just have to think about happy thoughts such as thinking about what to write for this rp lmao. I hope they can do the tattoo a month before I go on vacation.
finally all done with momoru!
a side note, even though it says that he isnt interested in romance i’m very open to finding him a romantic interest lol, i just wanted to make it interesting. i made him that way bc tbh i feel like someone having to change his mind about the way hes never considered romance as an option and still doesnt would be fun
Ahhhh I might not be able to post on time today

But I'll try to post tomorrow or friday!

However, I'm on mobile now so ayy ayyy pls talk to me
finally all done with momoru!
a side note, even though it says that he isnt interested in romance i’m very open to finding him a romantic interest lol, i just wanted to make it interesting. i made him that way bc tbh i feel like someone having to change his mind about the way hes never considered romance as an option and still doesnt would be fun
he's such a gem of a son + brother o m g

i absolutely love the little quirk in his personality lolll, i can def see it happening ?
I’m going to try and post for Mayu today. Not feeling a lot of inspiration so it may not be as long as Itsuki’s~
ok ur fellow friend (kaito) is here
i was lowkey going for a park haejin vibe from cheese in the trap but ye idk
Fumie has so many options and they’re all younger than her. LOL
ngl a part of me died when i saw his age lmao the struggle is real here

but all is well bc these three fetuses mostly act just as mature as fumie maybe even more mature a;shfs ?

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