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Realistic or Modern ♥ s m i t t e n ♥


[SIZE= 28px]- S  M  I  T  T  E  N -[/SIZE]


Basically, 6 characters, all freshly picked embodiments of each type of  love, are tasked with the task of finding the 6 different types of love with either each other or other inhabitants of earth in 3 months. If they fail, they're titles will be revoked.

Human roles are necessary and very, very important to the plot, they are potential candidates for the 6 to make friends with or fall in love with.

Details on the roles will be posted if this roleplay gets enough interest and I get the thread up.

Dibs on Ludus by the way -Aphrodite

Have fun <333


Love is great.

There are 6 kinds of love in fact, all are great, all are important, all help to define the relationships of us and the people around us. Whether we like it or not, we're probably involved with one or more of these types of love. "What are these 6 types? And what do they have to do with love?" I hear you cry. Well, I'll explain if you'll just sit back and listen.


Eros is sexual or passionate love, and is the type most akin to our modern construct of romantic love. In Greek myth, it is a form of madness brought about by one of Cupid’s arrows. Eros is love typically formed with your significant other in either the early or middle stages.


The hallmark of philia, or friendship, is shared goodwill. Aristotle believed a person can bear goodwill to another for one of three reasons—that he is useful; that he is pleasant; and, above all, that he is good, that is, rational and virtuous. It signifies a platonic friendship, a bond you'd share with someone you trusted and respected.


Agape is universal love, such as the love for strangers, nature, or God. Also called charity by Christian thinkers, agape can be said to encompass the modern concept of altruism, defined as unselfish concern for the welfare of others.


Ludus is playful or uncommitted love. It can involve activities such as teasing and dancing, or more overt flirting, seducing, and conjugating. The focus is on fun, and sometimes on conquest, with no strings attached. Ludus is often confused for Eros, which is a grave mistake, as Ludus is more similar to Philia, in which two people are much more casual and free with each other.


Pragma is a kind of practical love founded on reason or duty and one’s longer-term interests. Sexual attraction takes a back seat in favor of personal qualities and compatibilities, shared goals, and

making it work. Pragma is often formed when there is a friendship of sorts between co-workers.


Philautia is self-love, which can be healthy or unhealthy. Unhealthy self-love is akin to hubris. In ancient Greece, a person could be accused of hubris if he placed himself above the gods, or, like certain modern politicians, above the greater good. Philautia is a very basic form of love and can be accomplished by simply accepting yourself. Though too much is definitely horrible.

So, why am I explaining this? Well, the incarnations of these types of love have been freshly accepted, from a batch of eligible 20 year olds. This was the first year that they'd been selected by random and thus, they have proven to show qualities that make them unable to carry these titles.

To remedy this, the 6 of them have been tasked to truly experience all these types of love within the next 3 months, or revoke their titles.

Their fate is in your hands.

[SIZE= 28px]L O V E   I S   B E A U T I F U L[/SIZE]

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boy you know i'm in. if you need help you know i'm always here. < 3

also eros has my name written all over it 
boy you know i'm in. if you need help you know i'm always here. < 3

also eros has my name written all over it 

Ayyyy baby

I'll hit you up if I need assistance

tbh I'm debating between Ludus and Agape this is so frustrating
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2 minutes ago, A p h r o d i t e said:

Ayyyy baby

I'll hit you up if I need assistance

tbh I'm debating between Ludus and Agape this is so frustrating



do ludus cause then we can make heartbreaking buddies low key thinking about using nic for this idk

do ludus cause then we can make heartbreaking buddies low key thinking about using nic for this idk

Istg of you use nic the goal is never gonna be accomplished, title revoked because Nic is 2 grate 2 settle.

ludus it is
1 minute ago, A p h r o d i t e said:

Istg of you use nic the goal is never gonna be accomplished, title revoked because Nic is 2 grate 2 settle.

ludus it is


true but if someone low key gave him a half eaten sandwich like victoria  he'll settle down with anyone tbh.
true but if someone low key gave him a half eaten sandwich like victoria  he'll settle down with anyone tbh.

I'm going to create the most contradictory character ever and it's gonna be great.

The hard to get flirty person.

Because it makes so much sense.
2 minutes ago, A p h r o d i t e said:

I'm going to create the most contradictory character ever and it's gonna be great.

The hard to get flirty person.

Because it makes so much sense.


you honestly got me hyped so much now !!!
Yo, this looks cool as hell. I like the idea of Philautia but I'm torn between a charachter of total self loathing and one of unhealthy narcissism 
Yo, this looks cool as hell. I like the idea of Philautia but I'm torn between a charachter of total self loathing and one of unhealthy narcissism 

Self-loathing would provide more to write about tbvh. Though narcissism would definitely fit in more with the theme of Philautia.

Up to you though :D
Multiple characters are totally fine btw

I'm making a hooman myself.

He's going to be the most arrogant little shit tbvh.
eros and agape are giving me those YOI feels, which means ill obvi end up making one of the two

which also means im in

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