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Fantasy s i n s & v i r t u e s


are you even trying?
questions? concerns? jokes? bring 'em here.
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Moonshadow said:
Nice! But, one question, will we all just live in hell?
pretty much hehe. but don't worry death won't be like "ok guys welcome to my crib y'all sleep here food is in the kitchen ok great bye!" there's a plan >:^)))
The fabulous MidnightSoul has arrived!! Please no pictures or maybe just a few *starts posing for pictures*

beehivecult said:
pretty much hehe. but don't worry death won't be like "ok guys welcome to my crib y'all sleep here food is in the kitchen ok great bye!" there's a plan >:^)))
Oh! Okay I get it now (B')
MidnightSoul said:
The sloth one speaks to me...I can hear it say pick me~
i'm so glad that i was able to sell sloth oh my goodness i thought that sloth and gluttony were going to be avoided because they're viewed as less interesting and they're always "ugly" personified so i'm so glad you want sloth because it really is underrated as a sin ahh
beehivecult said:
i'm so glad that i was able to sell sloth oh my goodness i thought that sloth and gluttony were going to be avoided because they're viewed as less interesting and they're always "ugly" personified so i'm so glad you want sloth because it really is underrated as a sin ahh
The reason I want sloth is because they're like non committed to stuff sometimes and when I get a job I'm gonna get the sloth homunculous tat on my left shoulder blade or is it the right?
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I've got a vague persona for Lust flyin' around in my brain.

The gender doesn't matter, right?

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