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Fandom RWBY The Sister of the Sightless (still open for now :3)

[QUOTE="Kel Vas]Either or, just need to know if a sheet will be required, haha.

no sheet but if yall could post a description in your first post that be great :D , now we can do it in the main and i will explain the premise and such in the main to set a way yall can start :D
Time to make a sheet in the workshop then, as my own reference tool, haha.

Are we using cannon characters or..?
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]lol. May as well make one for myself in the sign up.

That certainly sounds like a plan.
[QUOTE="Kel Vas]That certainly sounds like a plan.

well thanks rpnation for not telling me you guys said anything, but if yall want yall can make a sheet but i have no intention of making two sheets for the characters im acting as, also i did mention that the main events and characters are going to be rarely used so yknow :3
shefanhow said:
well thanks rpnation for not telling me you guys said anything, but if yall want yall can make a sheet but i have no intention of making two sheets for the characters im acting as, also i did mention that the main events and characters are going to be rarely used so yknow :3
RPN likes doing that, that's for sure.

Messaging here because typing in sign up resets my progress. I'll attempt to get base information posted through phone. Unamed can go ahead and post, not like I can really fall behind. Less of course we are a precreated group.
Kel Vas] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37059-shefanhow/ said:
Messaging here because typing in sign up resets my progress. I'll attempt to get base information posted through phone. Unamed can go ahead and post, not like I can really fall behind. Less of course we are a precreated group.
unamed went to bed
Bah, well darn. My apologies for the hold. This router issue is severely random, haha.
lol. Also found my characters theme song.

Its one of these two:



If it is the first one I am going to edit the background
shefanhow said:
so whats going on now?
I pretty much did what my sanity allows me to do on the phone. An effort that makes me cry due to it's lacking form.
Good news, my internet is actually back up and functional, haha.
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Suppose we will have to wait until the afternoon for shefan. Otherwise, you have any idea how to go off the first post?

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