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Fandom RWBY (OOC, closed)

Oh that is not bad! Even though I do not necessarily have to have Oceanos as leader 😅 I am veeery fine with someone else doing that
I don't think I do, I think teams should be a more organic thing. Our characters haven't really interacted. Unless of course, the point was exactly that. I haven't been exactly--how do you say--awake.
wait a second, now that it comes to mind, We CAN make our characters die at some point right? Just Curious, not sayin it's gonna happen, I'm just curious if we're allowed to do it to our own characters
What are we, some kine of...suicide squad?

No seriously, I guess you can, but I hope you don't, because that would not be that good for your team members :'D Unless the whole team dies, that is...S:
Sorry my post ain't long, I'm semi-literate, but I'm still decently new to it, only been doing this style for about a year or two
Yuri, the tall strong boi who doesn't like people, and Nova, casually stealing wallets, I love these sterotypes xD
PixelSymphony PixelSymphony : Sorry :'D Using dark mode myself. Actually it is somewhat unpractical that the board does not change light font colors if in light mode...I kinda expected it to :S

Yuri Greythorn Yuri Greythorn : Can you try to write a bit longer paragraphs in the future? Maybe explain a bit more around what happend, e.g. how the two ended up there :) And also I would really appreciate if you could try not to write single sentences going over three lines :'D The first block was a bit difficult to read...
Also out of curiosity: Will you always be posting Yuri and Nova together, or will you create separate posts once they are for example doing different things?

Heterological Heterological : True, it worked out for those. Of course, their story was written together. If somebody dies here, we will have to think of how to deal with that :'D
In the future, I'ma do my best to explain everything the best I can, and sorry, I have a bad habit of not doing periods, I just coma, coma, coma xD. and I'll be doing it kinda in the same post, it'll be like this


Ah okay, I see. Yes, I guess it is more practical to put all your chars into one shared post.
Well, some more periods would certainly be lovely :D

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