• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Literally Batman

World's Greatest Detective


Warm Welcomes


Azure Hurricane Maddox

Azure laid down in her bed, staring at the ceiling of her small, temporary bedroom in the airship. Her heart thumped, perhaps a hair more than it should have. It would be mere minutes until touchdown occured, and her new life as a student of Beacon Academy would begin. The one-eyed girl wondered if the airship, which had taken what seemed like forever to pick-up the students from god knows where, was deliberately being as slow as possible and attempting to make their arrival to Beacon as suspenseful as possible.

The crinkly PA system buzzed to life. "Attention, passengers, it will be approximately 15 minutes until touchdown at Beacon Academy."

Zure shrugged, getting off her bed onto her feet. Might as well look at the view before she left, see if there was anybody out of there rooms as well.

Clad in a cream-colored tank top, a pair of jeans, an indigo jacket, and of course her eyepatch, Zure journeyed out to the viewing gallery, a long bridge with semicircular windows located in the center of the airship. Noticing it was empty, she strided over to the window, looking out at the wilderness beneath them, arms crossed, a smile on her face.

Beacon was only moments away.

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A small sigh escaped Corvo's lips as he leaned back against the wall of the airship. Beside him was a large black carrying case packed with all of his weapons and ammunition, and beside that was a duffel bag filled with all of his personal belongings. It hadn't been a particularly long trip for him to Beacon Academy, he only lived a few miles away, but the excitement was still starting to get to him. He glanced out the window and couldn't help but smirk at the view. It was beautiful, being so high up and having such a great view of wilderness below.

His attention turned to a few kids whispering about something not too far from him. He recognized some of the other students in the airship from his old school. There weren't many of them, but those that recognized him in return had some mixed reactions. Some gave him a smile or a wave, which he reciprocated, and others glared at him with a pair of daggers that could rival any blade that a student might carry. To those people he gave a simple smile and pretended not to know exactly why they weren't so happy to see him.

The PA system crackled to life above him and spoke. "Attention, passengers, it will be approximately 15 minutes until touchdown at Beacon Academy."

Corvo nodded, impressed by how quick the trip was, and waited as several other students starting exiting their rooms and getting their things ready. One girl in particular, a blonde wearing a pretty cool indigo jacket, approached the window that he was hanging out beside. Figuring it was a good time to start making some friends, he let her gaze out of the window for a few moments before speaking. "Pretty great view, huh?"
Gelus Starfield:
In a secluded corner of the airship stood a single teenager. People avoided that corner like it was the plague, and for good reason. It was as if they could sense the frigid cold radiating off the boy as he stood ramrod straight, seemingly starting absently out of the window as the large vessel drew closer to its destination.

Gelus gazed down at the city below him, watching the multitude of ugly grey buildings squashed together in every direction slowly fade into the distance. His single visible eye watched the smoke from the factories drift lazily into the blue expanse above their heads. He had sometimes longed to be that smoke when he was younger. No, not the smoke in particular, but flying. He’d had dreams of it before, where he was flying. Free and happy.

He looked at the city again. The faint outlines of cars, trucks and other road worthy vehicles were still visible. They were like a swarm of ants.

For a long time, he had always wondered what it would be like to see Vale. The Kingdom itself, one of the four beacons of hope for both Humans and Faunus in this troubled world overrun by the creatures of red eyes and claws known as the Grimm. When arriving for the first time in the company of Hunters, he couldn’t help but be awed, even lost in his grief as he was. The destruction of one’s home village wasn’t something to be taken lightly after all.

Yet he’d quickly grown to despise the city. It was perfect to look at, sure, but at the heart it was sick and blackened. Corrupted in a way, that reminded him of the Grimm. And now that was a scary thought.

His sniper rifle was packed away in his bag that lay beside him. During the voyage, he’d learned that many students named their weapons. He was still confused about the concept. A weapon was a tool. Nothing more, nothing less. He couldn’t see the need in all the extravagant designs and unnecessary additions. Weapons among Signal and Beacon students was something of a fashion. Gelus was determined to stay out of it.

He turned his head slightly, hearing a boys voice from nearby. The boy in question was talking to a girl. Both were oddly dressed, as most Hunters were. He noticed that the girl was wearing an eye patch, like him. Although his was blue while hers was black.

Had they noticed him? Likely not. They would have turned away like the others. He returned to gazing out the window. They weren’t bothering him, so he decided to ignore them.
Azure Hurricane Maddox

Zure was watching the view when she heard a voice speak to her. She turned to face the speaker- a rather tall, blonde, fit young adult, almost certainly another Huntsman-in-training, judging by his athletic build and the fact that he's on the airship in the first place. Certainly now would be a good time to make a few friends at the academy, she supposed.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice. I'm a sucker for cool views- nature in general," the young woman admitted, breaking her gaze into the fellow blonde's pale blue orbs to quickly glance at the scenery before looking back. "I never really got to come around mainland Vale too often. Atlas born and raised, for the most part." She extended her hand to the other future Huntsman. "Azure Maddox. 'Zure' is more than fine, though."

Speaks To: Corvo Hellebore Redrobinwing Redrobinwing
Mentions: n/a

Corvo casually took the young woman's hand and gave it a firm shake. "Corvo Hellebore. Nice to meet you, Zure." He offered her a small but friendly smile. He couldn't quite put his finger on why, but something in his gut told him that Zure was going to be a good friend. She seemed nice enough, which was good, and it looked like she'd seen her fair share of fights if the eyepatch was anything to go by.

His gaze returned to the window for a few moments, absorbing the view one last time as they got closer and closer to the academy. "Atlas, huh? Never been, heard it can be pretty nice though." It was a half truth; many people were rather weary of Atlas' military-based government, while others respected its advances in technology. Corvo didn't have much of an opinion, so it probably wasn't worth bringing up. He turned back to Azure and gave her his full attention. "So what brings you to Beacon, if you don't mind me asking?"

Literally Batman Literally Batman
Azure Hurricane Maddox

The blonde teen offered his own name- Corvo Hellebore. He had a very casual air about him, but he seemed to be pretty nice overall. A good potential ally in the future, perhaps.

"Atlas...was good enough, I suppose. Parents didn't really like it that much, so we moved to Patch recently," Zure responded to his comment about Atlas. She listened to his next question, what brought her to Beacon. "Always wanted to be a Huntress, in a family full of them, after all. This seems like the perfect opportunity. Plus, I get to meet some interesting people, form some lifelong bonds. Sounds like a good deal to me."

She looked at Corvo. "And you? What brings you here?" she asked back, looking at him with an intrigued expression.

Speaks To: Corvo Hellebore Redrobinwing Redrobinwing
Mentions: n/a

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On a low table in the centre of the room, a relatively short and well-dressed brunet sat curled over the newspaper that some poor soul had discarded without realizing the rarity of such paper methods of informational dissimulation nowadays. "...Mahogany. And that, completes it." He scrawled in the last word of the crossword puzzle (an antique, really!) and laid the sheets back where he'd found them- whomever had left them there might come back looking for it, after all.

Upon hearing the 15-minute announcement, Faraday looked around the room, surprised. Not that anyone would be able to tell where he looked, really, those thick eyeglasses had a way of catching the light. "Ah, excuse me sir." He motioned to a passing airship worker, concern in his voice. "Might you think your time may be off? By my estimate, we are due to land in 12 minutes, rather than 15."
The airship worker raised a brow at this... weirdly dapper kid. -"No, well, maybe it was the time to when passengers can leave the ship. Like boarding vs. takeoff time, you know?"
"Truly! I see. Excuse me for my mistake."
He might have silently hoped that there was something for him to repair here. Well, it wouldn't be long until he had other things to do.
-"No problem, kid."

Looking around, Faraday began to walk. There were a lot of interesting figures around the place. To think many of them would be classmates soon, and how delighted they seemed! ...Except that rather depressed-looking fellow, much less enamored by the high-up view than the rest of their peers. Who knew what grim thoughts were going through his mind. Before he could decide if it would be polite to interrupt said dark thoughts, Faraday had stood in front of him for a whole minute.
"Ah, excuse me." He snapped back to reality, and turned around. Except he'd already gone that way.
So he turned back toward the depressed-looking fellow.
"Would you happen to know where the bathrooms are?"
Angie C. Netherstorm
The Handicapped Huntress

Through elegant interior of the airship. A handicapped girl dressed in all white, roamed the airship. Her motorized black and white colored bulky wheelchair had a small and quiet buzzing noise. The electric engine was making it move and buzz. This is no mistake Angie Netherstorm, herself. She was quite excited that she finally made it to Beacon through a long convincing grom her parents and siblings. She was rolling to one place and another. Looking for a good spot to view the outside world.

Despite now fufilling her dream to be become a good Huntress. The people around her still had their doubts and just feels sorry for her as she passes by them. She can tell in there eyes that they felt pity for her. Some mistaken her as a patient that ran away from her hospital bed and some were outright confused on why is there a wheelchair girl roaming the airship. Other students and other passengers just move out of the way for her, which was nice since she doesn't have ro say excuse me here and there. Instead she says thank you as she passes by them. Angie was soft spoken but the aound of her wheelcchair's engine usually tells others that she ia close. The rocket launchers were folded in the back and aimed upwards for safety. The reason why some say she is not a student is because of the rocket launchers looking like exhaust pipes, she is looks sickly and weak and IV is not helping her look like a fighter. Angie was a kind soul nevertheless.

She continued to wander around the airship looking for a good spot for sight seeing. She could ask the other students to make room for her but ahe is rather shy for asking so. Her wheelchair's buzzing engine alerted the ones ahead of her. She can move freely since everyone is giving her way instead of her going around them. There is so much to see outside Atlas. Angie didn't regret this desicion at all. She heard the anouncement of landing very soon which made her pout that she spent half of the time looking for a good spot for sightseeing. Despite the sadness in her heart she continued to project a friendly face, indicating she is approachable. Although a hint of being clueless and lost was written inher face too. She continued to roam further, slowly. Anyone could've seen this girl passing by or atleast heard her engine buzzing. Angie was getting lost at the moment to the point that she is stopping at random spots.

(Open for Interaction)
Before the announcement had a chance to even echo through the corridors, a flash of turquoise bolted from a suddenly open door that swung haphazardly in the wake, a new face plastered promptly against a window. "How exciting!" Aegis proclaimed uselessly, voice muffled against the glass as her eagerness overrode her ability to notice if she was disturbing those around her. Surely everyone else was just as excited to be starting a new chapter in their lives. Her smile as luminous as the sun, she turned to the first group she saw, "Have you visited the campus before? I wonder how alike it is to the vid feeds. My brothers stopped telling me anything about it after I expressed a more earnest interest in huntsmen. Except for the stories of Grimm, anyways, they spoke about those a lot. Those were usually.. grim." Despite the sudden sullen words, her smile never faltered; Aegis was much too intoxicated on the sheer joy of this momentous occasion. Not to mention that she didn't take her brothers' tales of Grimm too seriously. It was just a matter of time until she experienced it herself, after all, and she had trained and studied for it.. no use feeding in to anxiety or fear before that. Her calm about the matter was a vexing point among the rest of the family.

((Pre-existing ppl or new ppl can ping me! 8D))
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Corvo gave an impressed nod at Azure's answer. It was the first time he'd ever heard anyone say they came to Beacon to make friends. It wasn't a bad answer, in fact he thought it was a pretty great answer, just unique.

When she reflected the question back to him, the young man thought for a few moments. He knew the answer, in fact there were a few different answers he could give, but something simple would probably suffice. He let out a small chuckle as he spoke. "I have some family who were hunters, they got me started on it." Of course, there was more to it than that, but Corvo didn't feel like sharing too much. They'd only just met, after all. "And, there's nothing more fun than slaying a pack of beowolves."

Literally Batman Literally Batman
Leaning against the railing, Ryan was listening to one of his favorite playlists. Tapping his foot and staring out at the passing landscape, Ryan was ready to get going. Looking at his reflection, Ryan saw his eyes flicker between their regular blue and a deep red. Must be some nervous first years on this ship He thought to himself. Ryan's Semblance allowed him to absorb the negativity of others to strengthen himself. Though there were always times where there was just no stopping his Semblance from absorbing emotion. Clicking his neck, Ryan checked the guitar case on his back. When in public, Ryan always carried his sword in a case to divert attention. Though going to a school where people would sometimes hold their weapons openly may have made his guitar case stand out. Placing his hands in his pockets, Ryan walked out into the main area of the airship and saw some First Years interacting with each other. This group seemed a little more confidant than the others. Walking over and sliding his headphones off, Ryan raised one of his gloved hands in greeting. "Hey there, checking out the view?"

Redrobinwing Redrobinwing Literally Batman Literally Batman Nevina Nevina
Azure Hurricane Maddox

Zure nodded at his own response, giving a cute chuckle on his comment about Beowolves. She couldn't help but agree. It was hard to think of anything more fun than whipping out the chainsaw and slashing her way through some Grimm. "Can't say that I disagree. I guess here we'll be fighting tons of them. Maybe together if we're on the same team."

"Have you visited the campus before? I wonder how alike it is to the vid feeds. My brothers stopped telling me anything about it after I expressed a more earnest interest in huntsmen. Except for the stories of Grimm, anyways, they spoke about those a lot. Those were usually.. grim."

"Didn't see you there." Zure turned to face the turqoise-haired girl. "Never seen it before, but I heard it was really nice. Judging by the view, I can't disagree." She gave the girl a curt nod. "Zure Maddox, future huntress."

"Hey there, checking out the view?"

A white-haired teen, a touch shorter than Corvo, had approached them, wearing all-black attire and gloves. He looked pretty sharp, and he was confident enough to approach them.

"Yeah, it's a really cool view from up here. Azure Maddox, or Zure." Zure waved back at him.

Quite a few new people, all flowing in at once. It was quite astonishing, really. But each of them seemed rather nice.

Then again, a Huntsman always needed to be good in a fight, and that would be seen later.

Speaks To: Corvo Hellebore Redrobinwing Redrobinwing ,
Mentions: n/a

Gelus Starfield
“Ah, Excuse me”

Gelus was plucked from the sea of his own thoughts by a voice that came from just ahead of him. Raising his head, he laid eyes on the source of said voice. A teenager, a student by the look of him, with brown hair and the largest glasses the sniper had ever seen. His one visible eye blinked. How long had he been standing there? How long had he been lost in thought?

The boy turned around even as he spoke before pausing and retracing his steps to face him again. He seemed a little…..out of it. His clothing seemed was strange, different to what he’d seen in the city. An older trend?

Gelus raised an eyebrow.

“Would you happen to know where the bathrooms are?” Glasses asked after an awkward moment.

Wordlessly, Gelus slowly raised a finger to point at the bathroom sign behind him that was lit up brightly for all the world to see.
Angie C. Netherstorm

A few minutes have passed and Angie is still lost in the airship. Hoping to find a good spot before touchdown. Out and about, Angie was having hard time getting around the airship due to alot of people standing and walking around the place. She's being extra careful with her driving up to this point. She got a bit too cautious. One can see it in her face. Each time she goes further into the airship, more people are increasing in numbers. Angie is starting wonder what's the big deal around this part of the airship? Angie made it to a very crowded area that even she can't pass by, looking around her surroundings it seems like Angie is somehow trapped in her spot. Quickly thinking of a way to get around safely. Angie found a opening behind her. Quickly putting her wheelchair in reverse. She slowly drove backwards like a parking a car.

Little did Angie know, she was no longer paying too much attention in her reverse driving. She did not bother going for a second glance for she thought the coast was clear. The people behind her had late reactions due to being surprised by sudden wheelchair going in reverse. Good thing they moved out of the way just in time. Unfortunately Angie got too carried away that she already hit someone with a light bump on her wheelchair. "H-huh!? No stop! Stop! No! No! No! No! Oh no!" Angie quickly turned around only to find that she had ligthly bumped in a back of a white haired boy. Good thing she reacted quickly to move forward instead of backward. She doesn't want anyone getting stuck under her wheelchair, getting toasted by the wheelchair's hot electrical engine. It happened before to one if her brothers while she playing with them. She quickly turned around to face the white haired boy. "I-i'm sorry! I'm very very sorry for what i have done! I did not see you there! I didn't mean to do that on purpose! I'm sorry! I'm very sorry!" Angie claps her hands together and did a small bow in the process. She continued on and on, on how she is truly sorry for what she did. She apologized like she was about to receive the most biggest punishment in all of remnant and the only way out is to apologize. Despite being soft spoken, Angie's tone was rather high-pitched and trembling. She's been apologizing so much that she us starting to drag attention all around her even the ones talking to the boy she bumped into. Way to make a first impression...

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia (Direct mention)

Redrobinwing Redrobinwing Nevina Nevina Literally Batman Literally Batman
"I'm Ryan" Said Ryan as he shook the hand of the girl named Zure. Ryan left out his last name because he didn't like people overreacting to his lineage. It didn't help that someone was watching a video of Julius Tenebrae bodyslamming an Ursa in the corner. Ryan then smiled at her companions and gave a wave to indicate his friendliness. Then he felt something bump into him from behind. Turning his head, he found a girl in a wheelchair looking at him like a deer caught in headlights. When he tried to reassure her that everything was okay, she immediately sprang into a spiel about how sorry she was for her actions. People were starting to stare at this girl on the verge of tears so Ryan stepped up to diffuse the situation. Kneeling down to meet her eyes, Ryan smiled at the girl. Her face was pale and beautiful, with dazzling silver eyes and short white hair. Ryan chided himself for checking her out, he was here to learn.

"Oh no worries, I'm fine. I should really be asking you if you're okay. I do apologize if I somehow hurt you" Ryan said with a gentle smile. Losing control of her chair might have caused her harm, Ryan didn't want to spoil her first day at Beacon. Then he noticed a few Huntsman and Huntresses look at the girl as if they could barely contain their laughter. There were even a few who looked to her with contempt. Ryan could feel their avarice, their dislike, their lack of understanding. Though he stopped his eyes from changing color through sheer force of will, he didn't want to scare her.

"I'm Ryan...care to join us?" He asked before standing up again.

Interactions: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Around: Redrobinwing Redrobinwing Nevina Nevina Literally Batman Literally Batman
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It's been a long time, but finally, the airship will soon touchdown to Vale- to Beacon Academy. Though born in Vale, Lillium Pendragon had been sent to Atlas during middle-school as an exchange student, rarely returning to her family home in Vale. She wasn't alone there, though- with one of Pendragon Corps' major HQs in Atlas, her elder brother, Lyselius kept her company there, along with plenty of close friends that she left behind when she chose to undergo Huntress training at Beacon.

"Attention, passengers, it will be approximately 15 minutes until touchdown at Beacon Academy."

Finally. Lilli stood up, patting her dark blue dress. She had been resting in her private room aboard the aircraft ever since departure from the Atlas station, but now it's time to see how much Vale has changed. Joining the throng of students filtering in and out of various rooms, she headed towards the central deck. The area seemed to be a little more crowded than Lilli would have preferred, but she's in too good of a mood to mind- finding a conveniently empty spot near the great windows, she squeezed her way in, and stared out of the windows. Vale didn't seem to change too much from her childhood memories, save a few new buildings here and there. How nostalgic. Beacon Academy's tall spires stood proud and tall in the distance.

Though, she was quickly interrupted- by a young lady, smiling a mile wide and radiating excitement and happiness. How... pure. "Have you visited the campus before? I wonder how alike it is to the vid feeds. My brothers stopped telling me anything about it after I expressed a more earnest interest in huntsmen. Except for the stories of Grimm, anyways, they spoke about those a lot. Those were usually.. grim."

Lilli scowled slightly, unamused that her sightseeing was interrupted. But it would be rude, and very unfitting for a well-bred girl like her to not reply. Schooling her features into a polite smile, she turned to the girl. "No, I haven't. I've seen the school grounds a few times before, though. Your brothers, are they Huntsmen too?" Lyselius wasn't trained to be a Hunter, nor did he ever desire to become one. but he did tell her stories of Grimm and how the family business was made to combat them.

Mood: neutral
speaking to: Aegis Nevina Nevina
Angie C. Netherstorm

Angie was stressing out, which is bad for her health. It can't be helped since it's been so long that she has been exposed outside. She was used to the calm and peaceful environment. At some point, the airship is rather peaceful. She kept on begging for forgiveness, ignoring what the boy has to say for the moment. The boy was smart, he knelt down to look at her in the eyes. Angie caught a glance of the boy, thus making her look back to his eyes. Her stressed out expression started to slowly shift away into a peaceful and passive face. Her poorly faded silver eyes stared deeply into the boy's eyes. She barely knows the boy but she felt a peaceful vibe at the moment while staring into his eyes, like all the problems she had disappeared at the moment. She soon realized that she was staring too long at the boy and decided to cut eye contact. She realized other future hunters and Huntresses were watching her. Angie's instincts came into play. Angie had blushes on her cheeks. It looked so obvious since she is like super pale. She felt embarrassed about the whole situation. Angie felt like she is making a fool out of herself. First she bumped into a friendly stranger and now she is dragging a lot of attention.

Luckily the boy asked her if she was okay, making her forget about the situation she is in right now. "I'm fine, i guess. I wasn't hurt. I'm sorry, it was my fault. I got a bit too careless. I'm really sorry, really." Angie placed both of her hands over her head as she weakly nodded after the question. Here one can see Angie's left backhand has a needle injected to the hand, connected all the way to the IV in the wheelchair. The IV seems to be low on fluids, like there is only like 1/4 amount left. The habit of apologizing seems to be second nature to Angie, it just slipped out of her tongue without her knowing. On the bright side, at least her voice returned to normal. She has that soft spoken tone like she always does. Her ears got extra attentive when the boy introduced himself as Ryan. Ryan huh? Now that's a name she won't be forgetting anytime soon. Angie felt that Ryan seems to be friendly as she hasn't been got into trouble with the guy. Slowly, she felt calm again. Ryan was asking her if she could join them for a while. She doesn't know the reason why should be but it maybe rather better to just join them for a little while since she already made a commotion. Luck won't be around next time to help her, if she gets into trouble again. Besides, Angie is not the type of person to let a person down so easily. She prefers not to make beef with anyone else, she already has her own struggles. With a simply nod towards Ryan "Sure, i can stay for awhile. I was looking for a good spot for sightseeing but i think i already caused enough trouble, while looking for one." Angie admitted with a gentle tone.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia (Direct mention)

Nevina Nevina Literally Batman Literally Batman Redrobinwing Redrobinwing
Corvo opened his mouth to speak, but noticed that another student-to-be had started talking to Azure, which was fine. He was sure he'd get to talk more with the young woman once they landed. Another voice, this one a bit more masculine, alerted him to a pair of students that weren't standing too far off from them. In fact, now that the ship was getting ready to land, it seemed like several more people had gathered in excitement to catch the view one last time, and to meet some of their new classmates. The young blonde smiled as he listened to some of the conversations that were going on, fully content with letting them talk a bit without interfering himself. They all seemed like nice people, and he was sure he'd get to meet at least a few of them later down the line. He looked down to double check that his weapons and duffel bag were still next to him, which they were, and decided to casually wait for their landing by putting his earphones in and listening to some music.
"Pleased to meet you, future huntress Zure Maddox!" Aegis returned less of a curt nod and more of an almost bow, "Did you get a chance to look through the school catalog? So many classes and things to read! It's wonderful! I'm really interested in the glyphs and weapons tech. See any classes you like?" Literally Batman Literally Batman

A voice that held a tone of regalness to it answered next, and Aegis turned to the other girl beaming, "Oh yes, all of my brothers ended up as huntsmen! It was really only a matter of time before I discovered it too." She gave a soft chuckle, "How ever did you manage to get to see the school grounds before? It's such a distance from where I live." Despite the sheer size of her family, they were fortunate to not struggle with money. Regardless, taking a spontaneous flight to the school grounds that her family disapproved of her attending wasn't exactly on the itinerary. She was thankful that this particular air ship was provided by the school. eggyulks eggyulks

Aegis was surprised to see another girl their age in a wheelchair. Between the IV and the girl's thin appearance, Aegis wondered how the poor girl was faring on this trip. It hadn't been smooth the entire time with turbulance after all. It appeared that Beacon was delving in the medical side of things; it'd make sense, given the nature of their dangerous training. Would they take civilians in for such treatments though? A curiousity, to be sure. Aegis didn't speak out to her as the other girl seemed overwhelmed as it was, apologies pouring from her lips at another boy. Her inquisitive nature was piqued, however, and she wondered what her story was. Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Turning her attention back to the first group, bright turquoise eyes glimmered with the hope of new beginnings, "Ah, pardon me! I didn't mean to disturb your conversation. I'm Aegis, pleased to meet you as well, sir..?" Redrobinwing Redrobinwing

((Let me know if I missed anyone that interacted with Aegis!))
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Azure Hurricane Maddox

The future Huntress listened to the torquise-haired Huntress talk about the schedule for classes. She was outgoing, she had to give her that. "I glanced at it on the flight, yeah. Combat's my sort of thing, but I look forward to working with weapons too. All in all, it looks like a great time."

While speaking to turquoise, Azure also looked around. A girl in a dress had approached and was talking to the aqua-haired girl as well, but more interestingly, another frail-looking girl in a wheelchair had bumped into the Huntsman that had introduced himself as Ryan and was now apologizing to him like she had just slaughtered his family. The way she looked, Zure doubted she could slaughter about anything. Then again, perhaps she was hiding some tricks up her sleeves.

At that moment, the loudspeakers flickered back to life. "Attention all passengers, we are now landing."

Zure expected to land smoothly, but the airship pilot had other ideas in mind. The airship roughly hit the ground, causing the entire craft to shake violently as though it was flying through a hurricane. Zure almost lost balance, having to grab onto the handrail in order to avoid falling over.

"Please make sure to take your luggage. You can store it in your locker after the Headmaster's speech. Welcome to Beacon Academy."

The Auditorium
"Check, one, two." A tall, grey-haired, bespectacled man in his 40s or 50s perhaps spoke into a microphone, in front of a crowd of students. "This is working? Excellent. If possible, I'd like to keep this brief." He looked out to the crowd of Huntsman, desperate to join Beacon for one reason or another. Many of them would not succeed in this task.

"You have come here for many different reasons, whether altruistic or not. But what every single person that steps into Beacon seeks is improvement. It is my duty, as well as the duty of the staff here at Beacon, to help provide that. But perhaps I should change my wording here. We will provide the knowledge that you will need to succeed, but it is up to you - and your team- to grow. As fighters, and as people. Body, and soul."

"That being said, I stated I'd like for this to be brief, so I'll cut off the philosophy here. Dinner will be served shortly, and then you may head into the Great Hall to sleep. Tomorrow is your initiation, which will determine your future here at Beacon, so I suggest you get some rest. I will see you all tomorrow morning."

As he finished his speech and turned away, the students began to talk among themselves. As he walked away from the mic, a smile slipped onto Ozpin's face.
One incredibly delicious dinner in the Great Hall later...
Zure emerged from the locker rooms, steam gently lifting off her body after a shower. She was clad in a black tank top with an Ursa's head in the center, a pair of grey shorts, and of course her eyepatch. Her hair laid messily down her back, unrestricted by a ponytail of any sort- after all, she was going to sleep soon.

Rolling out a sleeping bag, she sat down on it, scanning the room. None of the people she had seen today were there yet, just a few other people who, by the looks of it, would be the type of people that would fail initiation within the first 5 minutes.

Initiation- that was tomorrow. It seemed so soon. Time really was flying.

Zure couldn't help but think about the results. Who would she end up being on a team with? Partnered with? Would she even make it?

Zure put those thoughts into the back of her head. Now was the time to get ready.

She scanned the room with her one remaining eye, looking for anybody that she knew and could sit with. Zure was not a fan of being alone- Hunting was a group endeavor, after all.

Speaks To: n/a
Mentions: n/a

Just as Corvo was turning on his music, another young huntress spoke to him out of the blue and apologized for interrupting his conversation with Zure. He raised an eyebrow, as it wasn't really her fault that their conversation ended, and he didn't mind anyway. Still, she seemed apologetic, so he simply gave her a smile and said, "Don't worry about it." The airship landed not too long after, and while many students nearly lost their balance from the rather rough landing, Corvo didn't seem to notice as he grabbed his items and walked towards the exit with ease.

A few hours later and after a surprisingly nice meal in the Great hall, Corvo was sitting down against a wall and finally listening to some music. His sleeping bag was set up beside him, and while some of the students in the room were already starting to sleep, the young hunter was far from ready to lay his head down. Just as he was about to turn up the volume on his music, he spotted Zure emerging from the locker rooms. He gave a small wave to her and a smile, inviting her to sit beside him if she'd like.

Literally Batman Literally Batman
That a brightly lit bathroom sign servicing the whole ship's cast of people with bladders could be right next to what had previously seemed to be a secluded corner, Faraday could only marvel at the potency of the cloud of solitude that lingered about the potential future classmate he had, by chance, addressed. One also couldn't help but notice that the boy's advice was a little... well, the correct bathroom wasn't far away, but a girl had just walked out of the door under the sign he'd gestured at, whose engraved icon clearly depicted a skirt-clad stickwoman.
"You wouldn't happen to be trying to get me into trouble?" He asked, a little taken aback. "My apologies, I suppose. The ship is landing- I needn't bother you any longer. We have a thrilling day ahead for us- I do hope you will enjoy it as well!"

The ship met the ground in a haphazard fashion, casting Faraday upwards off the ground- but just as if he had hopped up of his own volition, he lightly landed on his feet and headed for his luggage, of which there was a lot. Two large duffel bags and a towering backpack later, the young man of small stature was carrying what appeared to be more than his own weight- without the tools of his trade, he would be at a loss, that was for sure. It was heartrending to leave behind his workshop, but it wasn't as if he hadn't moved before. New country, new faces, new places... And a new workshop to find or found, depending on whether or not Beacon already had such a thing.

After the headmaster's cryptic speech, Faraday decided not to heed it much mind. He had much to do. "No better time than the present." Whistling echoed in the corridor as he merrily strode toward the teacher's offices.
Azure Hurricane Maddox

Zure noticed Corvo sitting against a wall, with his earbuds in. He waved her over and invited her to sit next to him, an invitation he gladly took. She rolled her sleeping bag out next to his. looking at him again with fresh eyes (or more accurately, eye). Upon closer notice Zure could see that Corvo was very athletic, with a sinewy build, but not overly so. He seemed like a born Huntsman.

"Thanks for the save. Not a big fan of being alone."

Azure extended her legs, sitting back against the wall, looking at Corvo with her one eye. Whether or not they were on the same team, it was always good to know who you would be around at all times.

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Corvo gave a cool nod to Zure as he laced his hands behind his head. "No problem." She was still the only person he'd really spoken to, and she seemed pretty cool. He almost chuckled at the tank top she wore, but instead just smirked slightly in amusement.

Students were just starting to trickle in from the locker rooms. Most of them were starting to set up their sleeping bags, and a lot of them were doing so in groups. Potential teams, which was good, but he couldn't help but notice that lines were starting to be drawn between each group. Some big, tall looking guys were eyeing a group that looked pretty nervous about starting school. Cliques already? Corvo mused silently to himself. I guess teenagers at an academy for hunters are still just teenagers. Didn't really matter to him, he was sure he'd find good people to hang around.

After he finished eyeing a couple of the groups, he turned his attention back to Zure. "Looking forward to tomorrow?"

Literally Batman Literally Batman
Lillium Pendragon

"Oh yes, all of my brothers ended up as huntsmen! It was really only a matter of time before I discovered it too." the girl replied, chuckling. It's quite clear that she is rather proud of her siblings- as should all siblings be, Lilli noted. "How ever did you manage to get to see the school grounds before? It's such a distance from where I live."

"Ah, about that," Lilli started, sweeping her hair out her eyes with a hand wave as she did, "I live close by. Or, I used to. Beacon holds events from time to time- and when they do, the school grounds are open for civilians." She wanted to continue, but was interrupted by the PA system's crackling noises.

"Attention all passengers, we are now landing."

The announcement gave the passengers merely seconds to react before it hit the ground roughly, jolting the students and tripping over some of the more clumsy ones. Lilli grabbed onto the railings for support. The aircraft's doors opened wide with a loud hissing noise. Waving goodbye to the aqua-haired young lady. Lilli left for her room to collect her belongings before heading towards the Auditorium.

[One cryptic speech and a great meal later...]

Tomorrow's the big day- Lilli can feel it in the air, the nervousness some of the students are radiating. Some looked quite confident in their abilities though, among them some of the familiar faces she'd seen on the aircraft's central deck. Though she wouldn't admit , or show it- Lilli herself belonged to the former group. She's just a rich, sheltered girl fancying herself a warrior... what if she didn't make it? What could she do? She didn't want to have a desk job for the rest of her life.

Worrying herself silly would just make it worse, so Lilli decided to just go to sleep instead of mingle. She chose a corner of the room where a blond guy happily chatted away with another girl sporting an eyepatch. As a polite gesture, she nodded and waved at the both of them as she laid out her sleeping bags.

Mood : Nervous
Speaking to : Aegis Nevina Nevina
Around : Corvo Redrobinwing Redrobinwing & Azure Literally Batman Literally Batman


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