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Fandom RWBY-Glaucous Academy

Azura thinks about Ren's response. Anyone he wants? Azura wonders what he means by that. Maybe he just meant the typical 'I can grow up to be anything I wanna be' thing. "My father owns a large shipping company, though most of his money has blood on it." Azura is a bit surprised by what Ren said. He was more surprised that he said to to him after a few minutes of meeting. Maybe Azura looks like a trusting guy. Maybe Ren just doesn't care who knows.

"Oh ok then. Is your dad some kinda mob boss or something..sorry if I'm asking to much, I don't wanna be whacked or anything" Azura said as a slight joke but hey maybe it's not so much of a joke. Ren doesn't look like a guy from a proud family of hero warriors, but he doesn't seem too bad from what Azura has seen so far. Azura had to be a little bit thankful he came up to him in the first place.
The PA system made the most painful noise Erich had heard, then crackled into a staticky message from Lupin. It seemed the technology of the school was as well thought out as everything else about the school. Preparation was greatly lacking here at Glucose Academy.

Lupin's message was confusing, to say the least. They already knew Lupin was headmaster, and they didn't need to know that Lupin was an acronym for a bunch of colors. In fact, all it served to do was distract from the fact that they had been brought to the school as supposedly the only ship coming, and the ship had arrived before they were ready to do the orientation. Glucose Academy was turning out to be a huge disappointment due to poor administration and preparation. Erich wasn't quite sure why he'd accepted his invitation - something had pushed him toward the decision, and something was pushing him to stay, but he didn't know what that something was.
"Is your dad some kinda mob boss or somethin?" Huh. Ren really never thought about it that way. Well considering how much wealth he got from intimidation, he maybe considered that. Or just an asshole. But mob boss sounded much less crude than that. So...

"Yeah, i guess you could say he is. He uses intimidation to get what he wants, gives me 25% of the money. Cant say im happy as to where it comes from; just that i get it." He stated casually. This guy was taking the information well. Ren was intrested, Azura was actually rather courageous... or curious... maybe just plain stupid. Well, no use in dwellinv on Ren.

"What about your family? Where do you come from?" He asked in a forced pleasant tone.
Getting 25% of a 'mob boss esque' guy sounds pretty good...you know besides the fact it's bad money. Ren doesn't seem criminal, but hey maybe. The questions on that applicant paper were pretty weird. "What about your family? Where do you come from?".

"I'm from Mistral. My family is a bunch of 'proud weaponsmiths.' Atleast on my dad's side. My mom was a huntress. I learned how to fight from her. My dad however would try and force the family company onto me, but nah I'm not interested in it. It seems pretty shady sometimes too."

Azura sits wondering what happened to the Lupin guy, he's taking quite a while... He wanted to see what would be going down, or is this even legit or not. He had quite a lot on his mind, Hopefully all would be clear soon. For now he'd just sit patiently and make weird small talk, but hey whatever. He's sure he's 'a busy man'.

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