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Fandom RWBY-Glaucous Academy

Azura sat waiting patiently as he hears everyone socializing. One kid stands up and says "My fellow students, since we are going to be together for quite a while it seems I have decided to be the first of us to welcome each other. My name is Verde Strauss, I look forward to making acquaintance with the rest of you as soon as possible. If anyone would like why not come join me at my table? We could get to know each other before this Lupin gentleman comes to speak before us." Azura decides to just blend in and sit silently and wait. Plus there was some other guy who decided to make a nice impression by jumping on the table and announces himself as Hollywood. He sounds like someone who'd act like they're the knees of the bees so Azura decides to just ignore it and stay silent hoping he'd go unnoticed as he wouldn't want to be confronted by those kind of fellows. He lays his head in his hands waiting.
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Name: Miburui Kori, The Cold Shudder, Chill out.

Team: N/A

Current Location: Dining Hall

The blue eyes widened momentarily, and his breath caught in his throat as her arm began to move, shifting into what looks like a blade. However it didn't matter how she moved, he had already reacted. ''Chill Out.'' He whispered, then time seemed to slow down, everything seemed to move much, much slower. To his right he could see a man in the process of beginning to speak, and in front of him the arm was slowly retracting back, though he felt the need to display his Semblance. No one would notice besides her, and he would seem to vanish and then reappear. Where he went in the milliseconds the time was stopped? He walked in a circle around the woman, checking her out. She had quite the body, and though he hadn't noticed before, he seemed to have noticed now. She was a robot. How interesting. But no matter how interesting it may have been, he couldn't work up the energy to actually care about the fact that she was a robot. Her hand was now back to normal, or as normal as it could get, and he saw her mouth forming words. Then sound rush back to his ears and he could hear yelling in the background as she began to speak, the mans words irrelevant compared to her soft voice.

"My apologies. I did not mean you any harm. I am very..jumpy." When he was positioned back in front of her, the words rushed forth, and he subtly reached out his hand to grab hers, shaking it gently before pulling it back. His eyebrows were furrowed in curiosity, that was soon replaced by a sense of uncaring. ''It's fine. . .don't worry about it.'' His voice was low and calm as he spoke, and he held about himself an aura of tranquility and ease. "Let us exchange designations as a form of pleasantry." He nodded his head and yawned, placing his hands behind his head and looking down at her through the narrow slits his eye lids provided. ''. . .Do you mean you want to know my name. . .? If that is the case, it's Miburui Kori, however if you wish to become my friend then you may call me Mibu for short. Only if you want to of course, I will not force you into anything.'' He smacked his lips several times, shaking his head and turning away from her. ''It seems there is a commotion in the dining room, care to follow?''

He didn't care to look back and see if she followed, he was already stepping into the room behind some guy he didn't care to notice or take interest in who it was. The most interesting person he had seen so far didn't exist. He didn't know these people, they didn't know him, why worry about who was more interesting? Once he was standing comfortably in the dining room, he looked up to see the man had neared the end of his 'speech', so he was only around to hear the last few words. ''If anyone would like why not come join me at my table? We could get to know each other before this Lupin gentleman comes to speak before us."

He practically cringed at the mans words. They were so. . .cheesy and unnecessary, why were they said at all! Then there was a presence that emitted even more cringe, and he found himself turning to face a strange looking man, looking as though he wished to have swagger.

"The names Wood...Hollywood and I just wanted to tell all the fine single..or not single ladies im here!" Oh god. . .would any women here actually fall for that shit? If they did, he would be thoroughly disgusted. Part of him wanted to boo the soul, but another part of him realized how brave the man truly was. He turned his body and began strolling toward the man now known as Hollywood. Not bothering to introduce himself, he took up refuge at one of the seats around the table, finding himself in the seat directly across from the girl (Addressing Verde). Before he got the chance to speak however, the boisterous man, Hollywood, interrupted him, "Sup man I'm Hollywood Cerise nice to meet ya." Instead of replying how one usually would, by scoffing or acting irritated, he simply yawned and brought his hand to his mouth, glancing casually around the large dining room. His guan dao never left his left hand, and now that he was sitting the weapon leaned against the seat directly beside his own. Once he was comfortablly positioned, he leaned his head down and rested it against the table, attempting to take a nap before this Lopin or Lupin or whatever his name was. He would take a nap until that guy arrived.

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Orientation Part 1: Robots Have Feelings Too?




Name: Crimson


Location: Dining Hall

Theme Song




''. . .Do you mean you want to know my name. . .? If that is the case, it's Miburui Kori, however if you wish to become my friend then you may call me Mibu for short. Only if you want to of course, I will not force you into anything.''

Friend? She'd heard of the term but never before had it been used in a sentence by anyone other than her professor and fellow educators at Headquarters. Was she to become his friend? Was that not one of her specified objectives? Her eyes quickly flashed a bright red, accessing all the previous memories and storage data banks that ever mentioned the word "friend". It took a bit of searching on her part but it did indeed seem The Professor had asked her to make friends, this however was heavily contradictory to his final order; stay away from boys. She found herself at odds, her oddly innocent expression shifting from left to right while she further pondered the appropriate response. After what seemed like minutes on her end but was nearly seconds to everyone else, her head rose, a stern expression upon her face as she spoke in a calm manner.

"I have ran a multitude of simulations within a series of milliseconds, 75% of said simulations reaching a positive conclusion. Noticing the commotion, he'd invited her to tag along- was he even listening to her? Regardless, she proceeded with her report, walking a few steps behind him. "I am unsure as to why The Professor found.."boys" to be so endangering to my position but internal calculations never fail me." She paused for a moment "Based on my recent findings, I believe it is harmless if we were to be "friends". Accessing Miburui Kori Database. Inputting Nickname. . . Complete. I will now address you as.. Mibu."

''If anyone would like why not come join me at my table? We could get to know each other before this Lupin gentleman comes to speak before us."

This was all that grazed her audio receivers as she and Mibu entered the alleged Orientation Room. He was offering his company? Clearly he wasn't intelligent, or maybe he was just playing dumb on purpose. In such a location of this, she couldn't fathom people being so.. outgoing such as he. That's openly revealing your identity to those around you; friend or foe. That aside, the androgynous male seemed to be of importance; her eyes flashed yet again as she scrolled through the list of students who entered this academy. She'd honestly planned on approaching him, telling him her name due to her clearly knowing his, but before she gained the chance she was abruptly interrupted by a overwhelmingly boisterous thug.

"The names Wood...Hollywood. I just wanted to inform all the single ladies..." His eyes seemingly wiggled in a wave-like manner before he continued "Or the not so single ladies that I have arrived. Without addressing him what-so-ever, Mibu took a seat at the round table Verde mentioned prior. Not wanting to be left without her friend, she calmly, almost coldly took a seat next to him; ignoring the thug and leaning over to ask Mibu a question. "Excuse me, friend. What defines a..single lady? Is it a ranking I've yet to be informed on? If so, how does one obtain this Single Lady ranking?" Her eyes rushed with the same blood lust as before "Does it require me to best someone in combat?"

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As the exposition woman left yet again to give student free roam, Robin headed straight to the dining hall to have a place to sit and relax hopefully in peace.

Robin was beginning to dislike the community already. People were too loud for their liking and attention seekers. All they wanted to do was read a book, but they guessed that that was too much to ask. Robin audibly grunted, sinking into their cloak so that only their eyes and hair were visible. They continued to silently read their book of weird symbols.
Ember decided that she would wait around for a while just to ensure nothing bad happened after all you put a bunch of...unique personalities together and well you have to think that something bad is going to happen or maybe someone else might have some questions and it seems they did. Mister McComb Jr wanted to know how the teams were going to be chosen which was a good question and one that Ember really didn't know, Lupin kept most of the things like that to himself so Ember decided to be truthful since well it was easier this way. "To be honest....I don't know Lupin is the one going to decided how you all form teams he keeps me in the dark for some things." Ember said before a smile recovered her mouth.

Ember knew they was a good reason for her to wait around and soon it would prove it. The female only known as Crimson was bumped into and quickly her hand turned into a blade of sorts which meant this was one of the few surprises Lupin had in store for this year. Ember's foot lent forward she was ready in case anything did happen speed was something she had on her side. Once Crimson's hand turned back to normal Ember went back to her original stance and let out a relieved breath, she decided that everything was going to be fine from now on and she headed back to the schools entrance.

A small smile covered Lily's face, she was nervous at first but after a while she had calmed down and everything was fine and dandy she no longer felt nervous and instead was rather happy she was out of hiding and felt a odd sense of safety that she had not felt near humans in years, she was always fearful of them after her parent were attacked even if it was their own faults for that happening. Lily's hidden ears scanned the room listening into peoples conversations unintentionally but they still did it was a force of habit of hers one she has had for a long time now a too long time. She didn't need her ears to ear a person who was clearly trying to get the attention of everyone.

Lily simply listened to the person it seemed he was introducing himself and giving everyone else a real reason too, what he said was true they would be spending a long time together so getting to know each other would be smart. It wasn't much after that, another man introduced himself in a rather well rash way as he stepped on the table and basically interrupted everyone by shouting before he introduced himself. It was a rather funny way for someone to introduce themselves one that caused a slightly chuckle to escape Lily's mouth. So as of right now the only people Lily knew here was Ember, the first male Verde Strauss and the more rash male Hollywood.

Lily decided it was about time that she didn't something to introduce herself but she wasn't really a big acting type of person. So instead of doing anything fancy Lily decided to walk over to the two who seemed to have starting a conversation with each, it seemed she wasn't the only person to want to talk to the two as another person hows hand seemed to be her weapon also talked to them. What she said caused Lily to laugh this was going to be a interesting year to say the least. Finally Lily got around to introducing herself. "Hey, hope you don't mind me butting in here names Lily." Lily spoke her voice was soft and sweet, it was then that Lily noticed it finally the male who talked first was another faunus one who didn't seem to hide who he was, maybe he was one of the lucky few. "May I just say I loved the way you introduced yourself Hollywood very bold." Lily said she never was good at the whole talking thing so her way to talk was referring things that she know as happened or about the weather or news events.


@Yehovah @Genocide @GardinOfEden @Lockett @Mystery Box @Mat Blanche @Rentition @katseye

@Everyone...Damn they is too many people now.
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Not... exactly what I expected


Name :: Verde Strauss

Team :: Not applicable.

Current Location :: Dining hall.


As it seemed that one had took his offer and introduced himself, though an eyebrow raised along with a slight grin as the other seemed to of been making a fool of himself. "The names Wood...Hollywood and I just wanted to tell all the fine single..or not single ladies im here!" Verde was about to respond, though it seemed like the other was not yet finished saying what he was saying, "Sup man I'm Hollywood Cerise nice to meet ya." Though Verde had noticed that the two people who were previously having a scene of misunderstanding had both entered the room together. The blue-haired boy taken a seat across from Verde, followed by the mechanized female which took a seat right by the him. Verde was about to respond to the two who walking in but he figured that this Hollywood fellow had certainly earned a response due to his very colorful personality.

"Hm, Hollywood is it? Well I suppose not the most glamorous way to enter a room, but certain one of the most interesting ways of have seen before. Nevertheless, as I said I'm Verde Strauss, feel free to call me Verde." Then out of the corner of his eye he looked back to the male sitting in the seat across the table for the second time. Verde was about to respond but then was stopped by the curious robot wondering what he meant by single women. "Ah, my friend I think you may just have the wrong idea of what being single is. Rather than an object that you can obtain it is more of a title. A title you gain by not physically being in a relationship with another or being married to a partner. Now as I'm sure you will be curious as to what I mean by being in a relationship, well it's when you find someone who has similar interests with you and you become friends. Once you become friends you may either stay that way, or perhaps your feelings will grow to something called 'love.' Love is an emotion which is hard to explain, and easier shown than explained vocally." Feeling that he had appropriately answered all of the robot's questions he sat back down in his seat and now face the blue male across the table. Though he had noticed that the question wasn't really for him, he had hoped he wasn't being rude for answering the question without being asked.

Though before talking to him he had noticed that a few people were not as interested to get to know each other, well that was fine. Though it had annoyed him that he was literally just ignored, he didn't like being ignore. But in the end it was just going to have to be something he got over, "Ni-." Stopped he looked to the right to see Hollywood along with another female who had approached the table, great, the more the merrier he believed. Though this didn't stop him from being slightly ticked off that he was interrupted, though the girl looked a tad nervous so he decided not to be rude. "Oh my, someone seems to fancy you Mr. Cerise. I didn't know you had such a way with women." Verde's teasing grin plastered on his face as he looked to the girl who had just introduced herself, "Well Lily, Hollywood, would you mind joining the table? While we were talking it seemed that two others had already taken seats, feel free to sit anywhere." Verde's kindness seemed genuine, but who really knows?

Finally turning back to face the blue-haired male that the mechanoid had called Mibu,
"I hope you have yet to fall asleep, but nice to meet you. I'm sorry that are new companion had interrupted you earlier, but it's very nice to meet you. Mind if I ask you for your name?" Though this was said all on the assumption that someone could not fall asleep that quickly. Though he had finally paid enough attention to notice that he had his weapon, this made him alert just a little. He had just met the other and it was likely he was a violent person, he couldn't make assumptions off appearance after all, read the book not the cover. Verde himself had his weapon near him, he had carried it inside and placed it on the ground under the table once he walked in. Though around his waist were the knives he kept on his personnel at most times. "Hmm... quite an interesting weapon choice. Not many would choose such a delicacy, rather than just a trident or spear it's a guan dao, right? I just know a lot about weapons. Especially traditional ones such as this, they fascinate me so."

Verde had started the encounter with the others so he denoted that it might be best to keep it going, shovel some coal into the flame as one might say. "Where do you all come from? How about we go around the table and say something about ourselves. I guess I might as well start since I suggested the idea, no?" The Faunus smiled and looked nowhere in particular, just really saying things out in the open, "As you already know my name I guess I'll skip that part. I wanted to become a hunter mainly... well actually I don't know. Something struck me when I got the letter, so I decided to enroll and see where it takes me. I'm nineteen, and a Faunus, it's very nice to meet every last one of you." It seemed he really had no intention of trying to hide that he was a Faunus, much more seemed like he was proud of what he was. "Oh yes! Almost forgot, I hail from that of Atlas."

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Name: Cerise.......Hollywood Cerise.

Team: N/A

Location: Glaucous Academy

Species: Heavily in denial robot.

He would watch as the bodies assembled at the table. He himself would be ready to take a seat but not before a quite delicious thing past his way. Hollywood's smile widened with no haste as the girl named lily approached. "Hey, hope you don't mind me butting in here names Lily." He smiled putting a hand out to her as she continued to speak. "May I just say I loved the way you introduced yourself Hollywood very bold." He heard her words, something which only made his mind race with excitement as he spoke. "Oh wow thanks, I just figured I'd liven this place up a bit sweetheart its the least I could do."

"Oh my, someone seems to fancy you Mr. Cerise. I didn't know you had such a way with women." The males words sounded like ones of jealous he would use this to his advantage..or at least try to. "Well would I hope so." he would say glancing back to Verde then back to lily as he got a big closer to her. "Or otherwise it would make me a very sad man." His smile was one of warmth and most importantly happiness it spoke more of a cheerful invitation. "So miss lily is that it hmmm? Do you fancy me?" The way he said fancy seemed to roll of his tongue. His words attempting to speak bliss to the female as he tried to entice her. He went to pull out a chair for this Lily planning to sit next to her. He would sweat talk her all night if she would let him...if the world would let him. That just how Hollywood is. He completely ignored any and all of the following statements that followed.



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A smile covered Lily's face as she listened to Verde explanation on single ladies it was a rather amusing but also it was pretty damn bang on on what a single lady was still it was a strange thing to hear, someone having to have explained to them what a single lady was. Lily thought back a little before she noticed who that person was, it was the women whose hand turned into a weapon earlier not only that put it was the women with the strange scent, what was she Lily was really curious now something that doesn't normally happen for her at least.

Lily's smile rapidly left her face and was switched to a look of concern. "Wait what..." Lily muttered mostly to herself before she quickly tried to pull her hat feather down to hide her red face, she wasn't used to the whole idea of relationships or love of crushes. Lily took a deep breath before she calmed down slightly and a smile went back on her face. She really didn't know how to answer but she may as well go with it who knows...maybe the two would hit it off well but the chances of that were low but who knows it could be fun.

The smile on Lily's face grew as Hollywood began to question her on if she fancies him or not. Lily didn't say a work but simply watched as he got closer to her. Once he did she placed her hand on his chest and looked up at him before running his finger up to his face and leaving her hand on his face. "You got to give me a reason too first, looks can't get you everything you know." Lily said with a wide smile on her face before taking the seat that Hollywood clearly wanted her to.

After speaking Lily's attention switched to Verde who revealed what he was and where he was from oh and his age. Wait age...Lily quickly looked at Hollywood he couldn't be much old than her right no...that wasn't possible. Lily stroked the back of her neck before she decided to revealed a little more about herself. "Well if your going to go the whole way I might as well as well." Lily said before letting out a small sigh. "Well you know my name, I came to this school well for sanctuary I guess you could say I got tied up wit the wrong people." Lily looked up for a second before looking back down. "Anyhow, i'm Eighteen, a Faunus much like Verde and well I'm not from any of the Kingdoms I was raised outside of them." Lily said upon mentioning Faunus she raised her hat a little reveling two small white cat ears.


@Yehovah @Genocide @Lockett


Heads up to @Everyone We will be moving on soon but for now be sure to socialize with others it will pay off in the long run...Trust me I know (#GMHints)
Azura sits paying close attention to the people a table over's conversation. It's weird how they can talk so casually to strangers and be comfortable. Hopefully, Azura could learn something about that, but the fear of making a bad impression on others or saying something stupid lingers over his head. 2 girls walk up one speaking in a bit of a weird way uninformed on the term "single lady." Another who mentioned her name was Lily supports Hollywood's "boldness". It honestly rubs Azura slightly the wrong way. He definantly wouldn't encourage the lady seeking attitude. He can't hear the man's words but sees him getting closer the the girl. Quite a risky move on someone you just met, but the girl responds positively. Azura strives to figure out what kind of suave ways do certain guys do to be so good with women.

Azura didn't have much to offer except maybe a supporting nature and average looks, so it's understandable that he'd pale in comparison to the likes of Mr.Hollywood. Azura thinks about going over and introducing himself, getting a true read on their personality and having them get a good read on his but he find's this difficult. He felt like joining this group of...1..2..3..4...5 would just be forcing himself into a conversation he wasn't invited to...other than the guy's literal invitation. Azura looked around at his empty table. Man he must look like such a loser loner. He stands, but rethinks himself and sits back down. He lets out a bit of sigh. Apparently his confidence rank isn't high enough. This isn't as easy as talking to anyone on an MMO or something. Azura sits trying to build up some courage.
Ren sighed deeply as Ms. Eldershield had answered him. "To be honest....I don't know Lupin is the one going to decided how you all form teams he keeps me in the dark for some things." How annoying. He sighed and watched as a few people joined a table, a few girls and a few guys. That one girl who was rather intriguing was there, though as he saw her back and neck he could tell she was a robot and immediately lost all interest. "Man, really hoping for at least one person to be something..... new." He pulled out his knife and found a seat a few tables away from the one all the people were mingling around. He kept an eye on them though, studying with his cold eyes.

Then something new happened, one of the girls lifted her hat revealing two small cat ears. A faunus. He would never had guessed it on his own, and he grinned almost evilly.
"Something new I guess... me being wrong." Maybe this year wouldn't be as boring as he originally thought. He then continued scanning the room, watching to see if anyone else had something they could share. He did notice a a guy, sitting alone. He then stood and sat back down. Ren decided it best to atleast meet someone, and someone who doesnt seem to socially inclined could be a powerful or useful ally. Atleast he was the slightest bit more interesting than the talkitive bunch. So, Ren stood and walked over. "Hey there guy. Im Ren, Ren McComb." He said, forcing a smile.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Izaya-Orihara-1izaya-orihara-34200468-652-710.jpg.db674b9a52e882602427136fa4772615.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92301" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Izaya-Orihara-1izaya-orihara-34200468-652-710.jpg.db674b9a52e882602427136fa4772615.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Azura looks up at the approaching figure. It's a black haired dude. Azura straightens. He has to make an alright first impression, he doesn't wanna look like some scrub who isn't worth anyones time. Dude looks like a cool leaning on a wall at a party kinda guy.

"uh, hey, I'm Azura Stone. You could take a seat, there's quite a lot of room at this table," Azura says looking at the 3 empty seats.

"This Lupin guy is taking quite awhile," Azura says trying to start a bit of a dialogue as he hasn't gotten a good read on dude's personality.
Ren listened intently as the guy began to speak. Definitely not the strong confident type. Maybe the meek powerhouse? or the simply average. He could be any archetype at this point, just none involving confidence. "Azura Stone. Thats a very interesting name. Azzzzzuurrraaa." He says, crossing from his wall to a seat. "Agreed. Kinda getting bored being here, waiting on an enigma." He says leaning on his hand. He looks around, keeping an eye on that table, and out for this Lupin character. He then turns back to Mr. Stone. "So, Mr. Stone, What do you like to do? Like are you a meat head training jock, or a book worm? Sorry if any of my questions seem sudden, my vice is that im curious." He talks fast, trying to get formalities out of the way, oh how he hated them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/200940_1375838999390_full.png.133aebef1dc8167054b2447dcdde8ba1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92312" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/200940_1375838999390_full.png.133aebef1dc8167054b2447dcdde8ba1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(I like how you have pics for every occasion)

Azura listens to the guy speaking his name alloud. Azura wonders what he means by interesting. Hopefully in a good way. He gets pulled back to reality when Ren asks him a couple questions. It seems this guy likes getting right to the point.

"Oh its alright. My interests, well I like video games I know it doesn't sound like much. I don't train a whole lot, but I spar a lot with my mother who's a huntress. I only ever read books if ther intrigue me.I'm also alright at weapon crafting. My family runs a weapons smithing company so I was forced into it. One of my cousins made these." Azura pulls out Lion Claws. On the outside it doesn't look like much but Azura enjoys holding them like brass knuckles while firing into enemies... Azura thinks of his answers, definantly not the most interesting. Azura thinks of how stale he really is compared to others. "So what about you?," Azura asks hoping to get to know more about this guy since he seems pretty hard to read.
Evan leans back against the chair he was in removing his headphones. He looked up and saw people talking to each other. Very loud and obnoxious as they are Evan just sits back quietly leaning more into his chair that is surprisingly comfortable.

"They're so loud." Evan whispers to himself. Their voices over powered his music and he couldn't hear it now because of them. Getting up from his secluded seat Evan shifts himself into a corner in the room farther away from the people. Though it didn't help they were still pretty loud, but it was something. On the side next to him was a window exposing the outside. A few birds soar by the window and the clouds slowly drifts along. Evan rests one hand on the side of his cheek and stares through the window.

"These people, they are so strange." Evan finds it weird how someone can just yell to everyone who they are and come talk to them. Though so long as they don't take notice of him he doesn't have to talk to anyone. So Evan just sits back and let the river flow as it is, in his corner staring out the window.
Quickly moving in through the door, Charles begins to make his way towards an empty seat. Upon finding one he collapses lopsidedly into it, sighing with satisfaction. With a sardonic grin he listens to the conversation flowing around him, but fails to add any comments of his own.

Taking a couple seconds to wrangle with the contents of his bag, he produces a large blank covered book and a set of head phones attached to a MP3 player. Placing the headphones cockeyed on his head to only cover a single ear. He begins to read, though on closer inspection his eyes aren't actually moving to read it.
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Name: Miburui Kori, The Cold Shudder, Chill out.

Team: Not avaliable.

Current Location: Currently located in the dining hall, chatting with Crimson.

Species: Human. Yupp, just a straight up normal human.


"Ah, my friend I think you may just have the wrong idea of what being single is. Rather than an object that you can obtain it is more of a title. A title you gain by not physically being in a relationship with another or being married to a partner. Now as I'm sure you will be curious as to what I mean by being in a relationship, well it's when you find someone who has similar interests with you and you become friends. Once you become friends you may either stay that way, or perhaps your feelings will grow to something called 'love.' Love is an emotion which is hard to explain, and easier shown than explained vocally." The words cut him off, and he grumbled and turned his head to glance around the room, now mildly irritated, and it took quite a lot to get him pissed. He then turned to face the woman, who was apparently a robot. ''Essentially what the girl said.'' (For Verde). Once he had spoken to her, he realized she had never said her name. ''You never gave me your name, but I gave you mine. . .how unfair.'' The words were merely a tease. A gentle grin found it's way to his face before he turned to face the rest of the group. Hollywood Cerise. . .Verde Strauss, Lily. Interesting. Their names were individual and exotic. . .and he found each one cool and unique.

The words of the woman hit him. . .and thats when he realized it was a dude. His eyes widened momentarily and he felt himself leaning back in his chair. He was and idiot from time to time. "I hope you have yet to fall asleep, but nice to meet you. I'm sorry that are new companion had interrupted you earlier, but it's very nice to meet you. Mind if I ask you for your name?" Did this bitch just holla at him while he was trying to nap? Number one pet peeve. But something else had caught his attention. His brow quirked and he turned to look at Crimson, whispering to her quickly and in a hushed tone. ''I didn't realize he was a man. . .'' Then a soft chuckle emitted his lips and he turned back to face the boy. ''My name is Miburui Kori. . .You may call me Mibu, that is what she will call me.'' His hand lifted and he gestured towards the robot, who still had yet to tell him her name. "Hmm... quite an interesting weapon choice. Not many would choose such a delicacy, rather than just a trident or spear it's a guan dao, right? I just know a lot about weapons. Especially traditonal ones such as this, they fascinate me so." His hand lifted and went to wrap around the grip of his guan dao. ''Yes. . .it is, why do you care. . .hmmm?''

"Where do you all come from? How about we go around the table and say something about ourselves. I guess I might as well start since I suggested the idea, no?" This question was mildly hard for him to answer, because he wasn't entirely sure where he came from, but he could answer something else about himself. But for now he had to wait for the others to answer, for it was their turn after all. "As you already know my name I guess I'll skip that part. I wanted to become a hunter mainly... well actually I don't know. Something struck me when I got the letter, so I decided to enroll and see where it takes me. I'm nineteen, and a Faunus, it's very nice to meet every last one of you." A Faunus huh? And young. How interesting. He himself was 21, though he looked much younger due to his skinny frame and casual demeanor. Raising an eyebrow the next words struck him as curious. "Oh yes! Almost forgot, I hail from that of Atlas." From Atlas? What the fuck was Atlas? He shook his head and yawned, leaning back more comfortably in his chair, positioning himself. Though the side conversation beside Verde caught his eye. Oh god, wait was she? Noooo. She just reacted positively to that douche? What the fuck? Was it that easy? He turned to face Crimson, and then immediately changed his mind, dying wasn't on his to-do list for the day.

It seemed Hollywood didn't care to partake in the conversation, so he would go. Short and quick. ''My name is Miburui Kori. . .Mibu for short. I'm 21. . .not really sure where I'm from, it doesn't matter, wait. . .does it?" The sound of concern in his voice was sincere, and he looked around quickly. Did they all have a place they were from? Well shit. Then he nudged the girl beside him gently, ''Your turn.'' Then he crossed his arms over his chest, propped his feet up on the table and leaned back, yawning for the second time.

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(lol thank you xD )

He listened, keeping eye contact with the boy. 'Simply average' he defined in his mind. The guy was very plain jane, average joe. He then watched him pull out his two weapons and analyzed them as fast he could. Two barrels on the sides, a large forward blade. 'Katar based, two pistols on the sides.' He thought. He smiled at the guy, "Gotta respect the classics." He stated smiling. He then took a moment to think on Azura's question.

"Well i like asking questions, sparring with anyone really. Uhm.... nothing much else really. I like to learn and fight, thats about it. Rather boring traits if you ask me. Well, i guess since you showed me yours, heres mine." He pulled out the small pocket knife and showed the wooden handle, but didnt reveal the blade. Just held it there in his hand.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tAG_157431.jpg.d3dd566619f9fffe34d814f4e135800d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tAG_157431.jpg.d3dd566619f9fffe34d814f4e135800d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • tAG_157431.jpg
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Azura took the classics thing as a compliment which he hopes it is. He watches as Ren pulls a wooden handle out of his pocket. Azura slightly confused. Is that all the guy has? A pocket knife? I guess I'm not in any position to judge anyone, but a hunter with a small pocket knife is hard to imagine fighting furious grimm on the fields. But Azura wasn't about to tell that to a random guy he just met.

Azura thought about the guy's response. He seems normal enough, but there's definantly more to him. Azura didn't exactly tell the guy his whole story either but that isn't expected during a first meeting, is it?

"Oh cool a...pocket knife. Simple stuff isn't bad at all. Easy to carry and easy to stab...with? " Azura says trying his hardest not to sound like a major douche. He's nto in the position to make fun of something being normal.
Ren laughed at Azura's comment and nodded. "Yeah, its pretty lame, but hey, ive learned to use it well." He said smiling. This guy was definitely trying hard to not insult, which was commendable. "Hey man, dont worry about being rude to me. I respect honesty above all else." He lied. Honesty didnt exist anymore in Ren's eyes. Only getting the information he needed. Like this guys abilities, in case they were, or were not, put on a team.

Ren glanced back at the table, hearing conversations continue. The ice blue hair guy was talking to the green haired one. Odd people, with odd hair. Thats for sure. He leaned back and criss crossed his arms behind his head, making him seem more open.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/zMqWjOTaopw.jpg.146211b5540cd749cdd6625b6d96b065.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/zMqWjOTaopw.jpg.146211b5540cd749cdd6625b6d96b065.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Thule Akeley passed into the dining room, he was genuinely surprised at the astonishing disparity between the room's size and the amount of people it was built to accommodate. A slim handful of tables, each barely filled with people, were all the important decorations he could see. The first table was filled with people who spoke... oddly. Defining the exact intricacies of their butchered English would have been a task too intensive and too personal for Thule to consider possible, and so he left them alone. There would be time for introduction later. For the time being, Thule stood alone and thought.

Thule dimly remembered the circumstances of his placement at Glaucous Academy. Several months back, he had gotten into a heated discussion with His Grace about how best to spread the word of the Children of Exploration. His Grace had suggested that publicity was best to attract new worshippers, while Thule believed that only through person-to-person interaction would bring in only the most fervent and faithful believers. His Grace presented a very convincing argument; so convincing was it that Thule duly requested that he be placed at the forefront of the recruitment efforts. The faith needed heroes. Martyrs and champions to earn fame and fortune, and redirect it to the Children. Perhaps one of the best ways to do this, Thule reasoned, was to hunt Grimms. As the eternal enemy of mankind, Grimm hunters were fabulously well-known. With His Grace's extensive connections, it was child's play to earn a chance to enroll at the university. Thule's brothers were more than happy to provide him with the holy weapons and tools he would need to adequtely hunt Grimms, and Thule was more than willing to put them to use. Thule was brought to Glaucous Academy in much the same way as his peers, but chose to stay away from the others for his own sake.

Now that he had a chance to see the student body in person, he was honestly shocked at how sparse it was. The whole school was massive, and yet barely more than two dozen students were enrolled here! Was this school falling on hard times? Probably. Such roadblocks were things he would need to endure for the sake of his Brothers and Sisters. For now, the best thing he could do was take life as it came and make some friends.

Thule dutifully ignored the table of braggarts and fools in front of him, and sought the obvious outliers. Two students, Evan and Charles, were sitting on their own. Comically, both of them appeared to be listening to music at the same time. There must be some ineffable universal constant that somehow made loners listen to music on their headphones, Thule observed. With a gentle, toothy smile, Thule approached Evan's seat and quietly hunched to meet his face.

"Bit of a clique-y day today, isn't it," Thule said pleasantly. "Everyone's too busy waffling about how they feel to give you a chance to join, right? Doesn't it just make you sick? I feel just sitting around like a log can't be too fun. Take that guy, for example," Thule motioned at Charles Davy Ward. "why don't we call him over, and start our own conversation? I don't like seeing anybody just moping around like this!"

Thule put his fingers to his lips and let out a sharp whistle at Charles Davy Ward. With a wide grin and bright eyes, Thule beckoned to him.

"Hey, buddy! Come on over here, I'd like to talk to you about something!"
"Hey buddy's! Come on over here, I'd like to ask you about something!"

Upon hearing this, Charles quickly jerked his head up from his book. Standing up from his chair and moving with languid ease towards the gentleman who called him over.

"Yes? You asked for me? How can I assist?"
A man approached Evan, from observations he could see the man is in his early twenties so polity he removed his headphones to listen to what the man had to say.

"Bit of a clique-y day today, isn't it," He said pleasantly. "Everyone's too busy waffling about how they feel to give you a chance to join, right? Doesn't it just make you sick? I feel just sitting around like a log can't be too fun. Take that guy, for example," He shifts himself to another guy. "why don't we call him over, and start our own conversation? I don't like seeing anybody just moping around like this!"

Something didn't sit right with this guy to Evan. He seems just a bit off. Just then the other guy he called for came by.

"Yes? You asked for me? How can I assist?" Evan just stares at the two for a moment, then shakes his head. 'Okay this is a little strange, the older guy kinda seems like a douche too.' Evan thought to himself. Evan stands up though he is the shorter of the three.

"Yeah well I guess you can say that."

@Diavolo @SkippyGranola

Orientation Part 2: Friends?




Name: Crimson


Location: Unknown Airship

Theme Song




"Ah, my friend I think you may just have the wrong idea of what being single is. Rather than an object that you can obtain it is more of a title. A title you gain by not physically being in a relationship with another or being married to a partner. Now as I'm sure you will be curious as to what I mean by being in a relationship, well it's when you find someone who has similar interests with you and you become friends. Once you become friends you may either stay that way, or perhaps your feelings will grow to something called 'love.' Love is an emotion which is hard to explain, and easier shown than explained vocally."

Searching . . . File Found. Executing, Sassy Retort. Pausing for a moment, her empathetic eyes blinked, tilting her head to the right before losing the general robotic tone behind her voice. "I was unable to recall your voice in the speech prior. To translate in Imbecile . . . She blankly stared him in the eyes "I did not not ask you".

"That's my girl, show that nasty boy what's for!"

Back at the Head Quarters, Professor Jupiter was passionately rooting his robotic daughter on, clinching the microphone with an iron grip.
"Daddy's so proud of his Crimson, boys are just gross anyway!" Cafe, the professor's assistant, let out a sigh as she stood over him, keying in to add some stability to the professor's words. "Crim, dear, don't listen to The Professor. He activated that sassy retort, not you. As the professor now attempted to snatch the microphone back, she engaged in a series of dodges, keeping her finger on the button as she spoke. "Listen, Crimson GIVE IT BACK! Will you go away already?! Anyway, just try and make some friends while you're there okay? You've already got one, don't be so quick to push everyone away. We love you, Crimson, have a good day at school. Beep.

"Hey, hope you don't mind me butting in here names Lily. I must say, Mr. Hollywood, I loved your speech; quite bold of you." Snapping back into reality, Crimsons soulless eyes rested upon Lily, finding comfort in the presence of another woman. Maybe she could speak to this girl, maybe she could make friends with her...Is what she would have thought had Hollywood not bounced upon the girl like a rapid dog, it didn't help that Verde initiated it. As the trio engaged in their own conversation, Mibu had gotten her attention, looking to her and speaking in a calming tone. "So I can give you my name.. but you won't give me yours? How unfair of you.. Thinking back to when she'd first apologized to him, she did indeed remember giving him her name, this caused her to become a tad confused; her face scrunching up in frustration. "But.. my databanks do not lie. I have certainly recited my n-.. "I hope you have yet to fall asleep, but nice to meet you. I'm sorry that are new companion had interrupted you earlier, but it's very nice to meet you. Mind if I ask you for your name?" SKKKRRRT! "That little shit just interrupted my Crimson!" "Professor calm down, throwing objects will not do us any good!" SKKKRRRT! Watching Mibu attentively, she listened to all of his responses followed by the responses of the others; generally tuning them all out until finding a key moment to listen in once again.

"Where do you all come from? How about we go around the table and say something about ourselves. I guess I might as well start since I suggested the idea, no? As you already know my name I guess I'll skip that part. I wanted to become a hunter mainly... well actually I don't know. Something struck me when I got the letter, so I decided to enroll and see where it takes me. I'm nineteen, and a Faunus, it's very nice to meet every last one of you." Thinking he'd finished speaking, she was going to then speak herself, that was until he said something worthy of The Professor's attention. "Oh, and I hail from ATLAS"

Momentarily taking over her body, The Professor glared at the faunus boy, analyzing him, his words, and his possible intentions while recording any and all possible data he could for future reference. An ATLAS boy would cause an issue for their objective, he may have to keep Crimson closer to him than anyone else here.. even if he was a show off.
"Well if your going to go the whole way I might as well as well." It seemed Lily had finished engaging in conversation with Hollywood, maybe she could provide interesting intel as well. "Anyhow, i'm Eighteen, a Faunus much like Verde and well I'm not from any of the Kingdoms I was raised outside of them. From what she heard, Faunus were not so open to revealing their identities. The two before her must have been the stronger of their race. As Mibu motioned to speak, she watched and waited for him to finish.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

"Look at em.. that poker face.. I can't stand it." Cafe let out another sigh, placing her hand on his shoulder "At some point, Jupiter, you're going to have to let girls be girls. He responded with a long sigh of his own "I know.. I just don't know if I'm ready to let my girl go, you know? "..wait, does it?" Finishing up, he nudged Crimson slightly, letting her know it was her turn. Facing the crowd before her, she couldn't help but wonder.. wonder if there was a small chance..just a small chance.. that all of these people would one day become her friends. This fresh thinking.. it brought a bright smile upon her face as she spoke in a gentle tone. "Crimson, just Crimson. I come from my home in Atlas. It's got a lot of nice people there, they are my brothers and sisters. . . Giving a gentle robotic giggle, she eyed the individuals at this table; a new wave of emotion bursting from within. Mibu is my friend..can we all be friends too?

Thule gave Charles Davy Ward a pleasant smile.

"You just looked a little lonely there, is all-- I don't need anything special from you! I figured that it's useless trying to get a word in with the peanut gallery over there," Thule motioned sarcastically to the cramped table nearby thrumming with conversation. "Now, I feel that it's not healthy for anyone to be kept away from human contact. It tends to lead to misfortune and misery, simply put." Thule's smile gave way to a genuine frown, filled with internal guilt. "So, I got a little upset inside and jumped the gun--I'm sorry for barging in on you and forcing you to talk with me, it's my fault."

Thule let out a deep sigh, and stifled the urge to internally bash himself. He used the coping mechanisms the Children had taught to him so many years ago, and reminded himself that, no matter how badly one can mess up, they can still have a good time. With a thin, optimistic smile, Thule rubbed his hands and looked at Evan.

"Now that we've got our own little group formed, why don't we go round and introduce ourselves? My name is Thule Akeley, I used to work part-time on a little farm out in the country, and I came here to learn how to be a hunter. Same story you've probably heard five times already, right? I'm not all that special, I'm just a regular guy trying to get my face out there and fight the good fight."

Thule looked inquisitively at Evan Esther. "What about you, buddy? What's your story?"

@GardinOfEden, @Diavolo
The room was beginning to become fairly chaotic, weaving a strange music that was both unpleasant and relaxing to Erich. A quick survey over those within showed two who were quietly enjoying their music and a group who were having a large conversation. Erich didn't need to think twice about which group he wanted to join for the moment.

Before he reached the two, though, a third person started a conversation with them. Erich, not one to leave his decisions half-fulfilled, continued anyway, moving to sit near the three. He listened intently, though he showed no sign of wanting to speak himself. His grey eyes stared expectantly at Evan through his orange-tinted glasses as the conversation's "ball" was passed into his side of the court.

@GardinOfEden @Diavolo @SkippyGranola

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