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Rush into Danger (Private)

Willow Pillow

Three Thousand Club
The city of Verona was large, wealthy, industrial and carried slums, poverty and an increase in crime. The city's population circled around six million people. The wealthiest man of this city, and most of the United States for that matter, was none other than Louis Briggs.

Briggs Corp. was the tallest building in the city, the very top, many tourists around the world would visit just so they could take pictures from the skyliner itself. The man owned manufacturing plants, buildings devoted to scientific discovery, some media chains and many more. A philanthropist and man of capitalism, he was known throughout the country.

But our story is not about Louis Briggs. Our story begins with a twenty two year old woman leaving her apartment complex, her short red hair barely combed as she put on one shoe after the other before taking off into a sprint.

She was late. She had an important interview to work at the Eagle's Eye. Months of networking and resume sending, and she finally had an interview at a legitimate newspaper. Not just any newspaper....but the one where the infamous Nolan Graves worked at.

And she was late.

Two blocks ahead sat a black bluick, old and dented. Daniels barely had his collared shirt buttoned, his tie tied around his head like a bandana or head band instead of where it should be. Bags of Dunkins everwhere on the floor and a police scanner in place of a radio. Turning to his best friend and partner. "You were right, she slept through her alarm. Owe you twenty bucks. How far should we let her run before we let her know she's got a ride to the place?"

Daniels thought it would be funny to let little Red run a block infront of them before they pulled up and honked the horn, she was in the review mirror now she probably wouldn't even notice them.
"Twenty bucks" He mumbled looking back at the girl with red hair before looking back at his partner. He straightened his tie and brushed down his suit smiling confidently at Daniels. Then his careful facade fell to pieces after two seconds of looking confident.

"A-are you sure we should pick her up... Just like this? It won't seem creepy or stalker-like?" August March, or Auggie as everyone called him, figited in his seat glancing back at the girl of his dreams, for the umpteenth time, and blushed bright red. "Daniels... I really don't know... and I think the flowers are overdoing it!" He shoves the rose under the seat to hide it, the red crumples in among the empty paper bags. He complains but knows that in the end he will give her a ride. He really doesn't want her to be late to the big important interview she has been talking to him about for months! "And straighten up! She is a lady, you shouldn't be driving a lady arround half-naked!" He looks around the car noticing the mess he hadn't only a minute ago. "I really wish we had cleaned...."

He blushed even more thinking about himself being half-naked for a flash of a second. Boy that would be embarassing. Especially if Lexi saw him. How can Daniels even go arround looking like that? He for one, would be scared everyone would see how out of shape he was. Augggie thought to himself as lexi got closer, he really needed to lay off the donuts.
Daniels car was not a mess....it was a disaster. Fast food bags, soda cans, bottles of half filled water, you name it it was there.

"Stalkerish?" He straightened up. "First off she was our neighbor since what....kindergarten? If we can't stalk our closest friends then what sort of world is this?"

Daniels looked at his brother, his hand slamming the horn just as Lexi was running by.


Lexi was late. She was always late to things, especially the important places she needed to be. It wasn't something she did on purpose, but bad luck and unusual circumstances seemed to follow her.

A large horn blared right in her ear. She let out a startled yelp, tripping on her own feet. She managed to place her hands out in front of her so the impact of the sidewalk was mostly on her knees and palms.

The bright side, her folder with resume and everything was still intact and not all over the street.

Just her luck.she'd have to get up and run faster now...that was until she struggled to get up and saw who it was. Daniels and Auggie.


"The rose is for when you have the guts to ask her to that speaking event....or whatever is going on tonight. Which by the way, you had over a month to do." Daniels said as thr back door of the car opened.

"Hey guys.....if you're heading to the-"

"We know where you need to go red. Hop in."

Lexi gave a sheepish smile, her hands with red marks from the pavement she slid in thr back, moving shoe boxes and other bags out of the way. "You guys are life savers."
"I-I meant to- Lexi! Hi... Um... Hi.... Yeah! We can.. Oh yeah Daniels already..." He blushed bright red and reached into his pocket. He had to do it now. If he didn't ask now he might miss his chance.

He fingered the tickets and as Daniels began to pull into the street. He took a bunch of deep breaths and as they started going down the road Auggie began, "Um listen... Lexi I got these-"

There was sizzling pop and a bright flash of light in front of the car then a body thumped on top of the car hood. There was smoke all across the street and it completely covered the windshild. Then two hands pressed against the windshield and purple eyes glowed from behind the mist. Then a cough and they sped out of the mist with a girl with short black and grey hair was visible on the hood of the car.
There was no need to put a seat belt on. The Hancock building where the interview was being held was not that far. Maybe three more blocks from where she face planted on the street. Lexi was looking over her portfolio as Auggie was speaking. Looking up she tilted her head curiously. He was red in the face and flustered about something-

Daniels stomped on the breaks. "Holy fuck!" he let out.

Lexi's head hit Danie's seat, she let out a soft groan. She looked up to see a girl just staring at them.

But it was Daniels who got out of the car. "Shit. What the....shit. You ok?" He asked. People kept walking, cars kept moving. It was as if no one really noticed a girl just MATERIALIZED out of thin air infront of them.

For a brief moment, until Daniels could calm down....he wasn't looking at her tits or thinking of ways to flirt with the stranger.


Somewhere, far far away in another reality a fifteen year old girl with red short hair appeared in a laboratory as if by teleportation. She looked around, her hands filled with so many items that a large man of 300 pounds straight muscle would have difficulty. But she was just holding it as if it was nothing.

"Where did Tara go? She was legit just here before I left?"

She then appeared on the desk infront of a man, the items gone but really they were placed on the shelves as if by magic, she poked him. "Did you break her?"
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Professor March's eyes flicked over to the machine still smoking slightly in the corner of the room. He was a tall man but not the tallest. He was fashionable but in a mad scientist sort of way with goggles and a lab coat. He smiled not very convincingly at the red haired teen.

"Break?.... Break is a strong word.... I might say something along the lines of misplaced to be more likely.... But I'm not to woried People go misplaced in this lab all the time and they always turn up eventually. Usually because they are avoiding me but that is beyond the point."


Tara held onto the windshield-wiper practically breaking it when the car slammed to a stop. She was frozen when her eyes met Lexi's through the windshield. Tara only had a chance to think Is that Lexi? before the wiper did snap. Holden one broken end she tumbled backward in the street. She looked up at the yelling guy. "Why do you have a tie on your head...?"

"Oh gosh, oh Lexi are you okay?" He completely ignored the woman on the hood of the car and instead trying to squeeze his wide girth into the backseat. He takes her head in his hands and looks at the bump that is already starting to form there.
He had two different socks on and one shoelace was untied as well, but who was looking into that? Daniels blinked for a moment. "Why did you appear out of thin air?! That's more important." He walked over, grabbing her arm to pull her up. Literally appeared out of nothing. And he knew it was real, because he didn't do drugs.


"Auggie, I'm fine, promise." She smiled, as her nose trickled a small inkling of blood. But it was very sweet of him to slide into the back seat (Daniels car was a tornado of a mess so even this feat was a large task) But he was holding her head, both hands on her cheeks examining her face.

Just a bruse and a nose bleed. She had gotten worse. "We should check on that other girl, come on," grabbing his arm she lightly tugged him to go outside the vehicle. Leaving her portfolio and resume in the car. Lexi walked over. The girl looked about her age, and she had never seen anyone with purple eyes before. "Are you ok?"

"Seriously, anyone going to ask how the fuck she just appeared out of the sky like that?"

"I'm more concerned if she hurt anything. Maybe we need to take her to the hospital. What do you think Auggie?"
"Hey! Don't touch me!" She slapped his hand away and picked herself up "And I didn't appear out of thin air I.... I Jumped. Yeah... Jumped... Anyway I don't even know who you..." She blushed when she realized his shirt was completely open for the whole world to see.

Then the other two came out and she was shocked for a second, "Lexi?... No you can't be Lexi too old... And I'm Fine..." Then the red head mentioned the Hospital.

"Woah woah woah.... Who said anything about needing a hospital?" Tara started backing away. "Not me for one so I'm just gonna go and figure out wherever...." She looked around at all the buildings... She wasn't super sure where she was, "this is... So um yeah Bye."

She starts walking briskly away from the poeple who wanted to bring her to the hospital. Hospitals meant doctors who would say her visions were a brain illness and try to give her drugs to "Help" her. None of that. She would just find a phone and call her brother. He could be here and minutes to pick her up from wherever this was. Curse that March. She was lucky to have her wallet in her jean pocket but her phone... was in the jacket she left in Prof March's office... Great.
Professor March's office, a teenager was giving him a noogie to figure out what happened. But I digress.

Currently Lexi froze when the girl called her name. She knew her name. "Wait!"

She started to sprint turning to Auggie and Daniels before she took off. "Thanks...I'll see you two later!"

Lexi room off in a sprint as the girl power talked through themail city. "Wait! Slow down!" She called out.


"Magic purple eyes. Sky. Knows lexis name....Oh maybe we should have stopped lexi since her interview is now and she's gone." Daniels nodded as he was processing it all.

But the police radio began going off with chatter, a robbery happening downtown.


Put of breath lexi caught up, grabbing her arm. "Need to.....practice running..."she let out. "You...you knew my name. Why?"
"Daniels.... Her stuff..." Auggie whined but got in the car. He was a man bound by duity in his core. He knew it would dissappoint the Cheif if he didn't go and Auggie hated dissapointing people...


"You're name? I mean you look like my friend Lexi from my home but I really don't know.... And I have no idea where I am going." She had walked down a dead end street. So turned back to face the breathless girl that had wanted to take her to the hospital.. She really really really looked like lexi but she was older than her friend. And she was out of breath man that was weird. A breathless older Lexi. If she ever found Lexi again she could never tell her about this one... She would get way too jealous. She has that problem and it's why so many people go missing in Prof. March's Lab whenever he does experiments on people other than Lexi.

"Why are you following me anyways? People have similar names all the time. Oh hey do you have a phone? I have someone I need to call."
"You appeared out of nowhere. I wanted to see if you were ok. Then you ran off and....that's weird. Most Alexandria's go by Alex. Never heard another Lexi besides me." Breath was coming back. The girl dug through her pockets and found her phone. "Lexi Clark. Nice to meet you," Lexi smiled at her. "I don't know your name, think it might be fair if you know mine I know yours. But I just wanted to really see if you were ok. That looked like a bad fall.


"Looks like she's going to reschedule that interview then." Daniels shrugged getting into the car. "She'll figure it out. If you man up and ask her to go to that stupid Nolan Graves book speech or whatever it is...she can try to get an interview that way. Isn't that where he works?"

He picked up the radio. "March brothers on our way, over and out." he said, flicking on the lights and started his engines.
"Yes...." Auggie sighed then he smiled, "March brothers? We are going by March brothers now?" Auggie teased his best friend, trying to get his mind off Lexi's important papers in the back seat.


"Who said... that was..." She paled when the Lexi replica smiled." You don't have siblings by any... No, no, too weird... Oh right phone!" She grabbed the phone and dialed the number she knew by heart, "Rai? Hey I'm sorry for calling you on this number I know you dont like weird numbers but... What?... No it's me Tara... Tara. TARA DAE. Yes I'm positive that is who I am! What do you... hello?... Rai...?"

Tara stared at the phone for the few seconds shocked and very confused. "I... I don't know where I am... or what is going on... but I did not appear out of no where. Clearly the smoke blocked your vision... like it did mine... and now I don't know where I am..."
"If we went by Daniels brothers everyone would think we got out jobs because of nepitism. Plus March brothers sounds cooler." Daniels nodded matter of factly.


"Yeah....I do. A brother and sister but they are nine." Same age as taras friends siblings were.

The smoke didn't block her vision but she didn't want to pressure the girl. "Look, why don't you come with me, I don't think it's a good idea for us to be in this alley. We can figure this out and get you where you need to go. It's nice to meet you Tara."
"Daniels... Everyone in the Precinct calls you Daniels... And everyone in the Precinct calls Cheif Daniels just Chief. Including me and you. I'm pretty sure your logic is faulty." Auggie mimicked his matter of fact nod back at him.


Tara stood for a second everything clicking in her head. I mean she was pretty smart and One of their teachers Professor Savolt wasn't from their world... They still weren't allowed to tell Professor March but... She was able to put it together.

"Um... And your name is Alexandria Clark but you go as Lexi? It's very nice to meet you Lexi but I think I'm actually where I need to go..."


[Earlier today]

Tara walked into Prof. March's office. "I had a vision."

"And?" The mad inventor looked at her over his coffee, he was pretty comfortable in his swivel chair and didn't appreciate people coming in during his break, "I understand you are some big time psychic out in the real world now Tara. But I'm pretty sure there are more qualified people you can-"

"It was about Lexi."

"... How can I help you?"

"Well... The problem with this one was it was kind of strange. Usually when I have a vision this strong it's imminent but.. It was also kind of weak and Lexi looked kind of weird... Older or something and we both know she can't age... It was full of symbolism like dreams usually are but it... It wasn't like my usual dreams. It was different-"

"Stop rambling and get to the point!"

"I don't know when this one is going to happen. I don't even know if either of us are going to be there to help her for it. I'm sort of scared for her and I'm not sure what to do... And I see the future for a living! Can you build anything to help me understand the dream? It will have to be today before I sleep again but can you do it?"

March paused for a moment and thought about it. Then he confidently told her. "I'm sure I can put something together..."


She started past Lexi and smiled back at her. It felt weird smiling with Lexi because her lexi never smiled but it was kind of nice "But you are right we should probably get out of this alley? Wanna get a coffee or something? I'm affraid I don't have any money on me or anything but if you could spot me that would be great."

Daniels turned to his friend as he drove. "Can't just take the compliment. Take a cool name and you nerded it up.

The robbers had made it to their car, the license plate of the vehicle and it's description was fed through the radio. Daniels flicked off his siren. The benefit of driving a run down buick, no one suspected it was actually a cop car.

James was a goof, and if people looked at him, they'd believe nepitism probably did get him the detective job, but behind all that laziness and male provado was a smart man. He had the map of the city memorized. There were three road paths you could take from 4721 Congress st. Whipping his car down a turn Auggie should be wearing his seat belt or he'd be whipped across in the car.

Instinct was right, the licence platell csr was in front of him. He nearly crashes into several cars to whip on this street but who cared. "Hold onto the wheel auggie."

Rolling down the window James stuck half his body out. Gunfire was being fired, but he drew his gun and shot both back tires.

The robbers car spun, he was still being fired at, their windshield ruined with bullet marks, one grazed Daniels shoulder but he shot again shooting the hands, hearing screams as their weapons dropped.

Grazed was a nice word, his arm was bleeding horribly. And Daniels wanted to cry out in pain but he slunk back into the car. At the Academy the man had the best records for his gunmanship, he got a little cocky with it sometimes.

"Ok, tag in." He used his good hand to hit auggie gently.


Lexi was slightly confused. But she'd go with it. The girl, tara actually...wasn't running away from her or getting more hurt so that was a bonus.

Lexi had a tendency to put others before herself. It wouldn't be until they were sitting at the coffee place thst she would realize thst her resume and portfolio were in the car and she missed her interview.

"I know just the place. It's not far from here."she grinned.

Lexi led her new friend out the alley and the two walked down the busy streets of verona. "It's kind of funny you have the last name Dae. You probably get asked this a lot, if you're related to them...the Dae family. But it's probably a funny coincidence. If this is where you need be Tara....do you need help with something?"

They stopped at a diner called Idas. "Best place I swear. Coffees homemade."
Luckily for Auggie he knows his partner and he had his seatbelt on the moment the car started moving... This does not mean Auggie came to no harm.

"DANIELS!" Auggie cried as his partner did insane things in the road... this is why his car is all beat up in the first place. But Auggie grabbed the wheel as Daniels let it go and almost caused them to crash into the car next to them. They were being shot at and the bullets shattered the window. One shot caught Auggie in the shoulder but he didn't let go of the wheel as the chaos continued arround them.

Then Daniels tagged him in by weakly hitting his arm.

"Fricken showoff..." Auggie muttered as he ramed their car into the robbers one effectively stopping the spinning car against a telephone pole. He got out of the passenger door and brushed some stray glass from his suit. He started lising off the meranda rights and cuffing the driver. One guy picked up the gun and tried to shoot at him. Auggie punched him out and cuffed him... Then backup showed up.

The Police car pulled up and a an officer got out, "Officer March...? Are you... Did you get shot!?"

Auggie looked at his arm, "Yeah. I guess I did..." He had forgotten... He was wondering why it hurt to move.


"The Dae family..." Tara walked into the shop with her, "You would be surprised how little I get asked. I don't have the family trait of Blond hair so... People usually just assume I just have the same name. You know? Like someone with the last name of Reynolds doesn't automatically get assumed they are part of the big corporate Reynolds Wrap family..."

She nodded and looked up at the menu, "Yeah... But I'm actually a tea person. I have a friend who makes their own... she's like Chinese or something... and I usually drink with her... I have actually found Coffee doesn't help me too much..."

She was kinda quiet staring at the menue for a while longer, the place had tea but she wasn't really looking. "But Help... I dunno if you can help me too much Lexi. I'm actually here trying to help someone myself... I just don't know how."
He was grazed on the shoulder, neck, and two lines in the thick area. No bullets in him but James was bleeding. Slumping in the seat he let auggie get out of the car and handle the rest.

"Go little brother, steal the show." He closed his eyes. He did all the heavy lifting and it would be good for Auggie to tell lexi what a manly man of manliness he was before he asked her out to that reporter thing.

"Detective daniels, showboating again?" One of the officers asked coming to the window. With his eyes still shit he gave the officer the middle finger.

As auggie read the Mirada rights he would notice blue prints to the prudential building in the back seat of the car.


"I'm a milk and soda person....but my friends get coffee here. I think they have tear here. Has your friend been to China that sounds really cool."

The two sat down, menus at the table. "Well....I don't know how I can help...but you might be in the city for awhile and you will need a place to stay. You need money if it's gonna be awhile, I know a precinct that needs a secretary so you could get money that way....that's how I can help now if you want."
Tara looked in her wallet... "I might be a bit low on cash..." She had no cash in her wallet and she now knew her creditcards wouldn't work.... She concidered just throwing them out right then and there... but what if there were actual accounts that had the same numbers as she did? She would really need to cut them up someplace better than just a random coffee shop... Where that might be suspicious...

"I suppose I could... Use help.... Just for right now then I will pay you back!" Tara doesn't like handouts. Something about being unaccepted in her own family and having to earn her own way in the world...


Auggie saw the pudential building bluprints and picked them up, "Hey Officer Thomas? Can you come and put these into evidence?" He flipped through them before the other officer got there... Isn't this where I'm taking Lexi tonight? The officer cam over and yelled at him for not going to the ambulence that Daniels was currently fighting or was it flirting...?
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With gun shots and firing, it didn't take long for the ambulance to arrive on the scene. The men that had been shot in the hands and cuffed by Detective March were put on stretchers, strapped in and put in a vehicle...and for the police officers' safety two ambulance trucks were there to take Auggie and Daniels in. It was the first time Daniels had noticed his best friend had gotten shot.

By his recklessness. "So...." he gave a weak smile looking at his brother. "Maybe next time I should invest in some bullet proof windows?" He didn't suggest to not do crazy stuff, no...the answer was clearly bullet-proof windows. "How bad's the shoulder?" Maybe...just maybe Dad wasn't notified. And if they were real lucky...they'd get in and out of the ER. Auggie wouldn't have to spend hours in there and still have time to ask his girl out on a first date...he could avoid getting the stern lectures....everything would work out...

Yup....everything was going to work out.


"That's fine. Take your time," Lexi smiled.

A server had come over to their table. "What could I get you ladies?" "I'd like water please," She said. When Tara gave hers the server nodded and left.

"Plus the precinct that needs a secretary, they are all nice guys. I've known most of them my entire life." Lexi said. "The Chief of Police was actually my neighbor across the street. The boys there would do anything for you. Like this morning. My friends went out of their..."

Lexi's face dropped as her eyes widened. "no...." She let out quietly as she looked around the table. Her resume wasn't here. She didn't grab it. She left it in Daniels' car. "I didn't....I wouldn't...." Lexi squeaked.

Lexi missed her interview. Her very important....VERY IMPORTANT...interview. Biting her lip trying not to panic she grabbed her phone and called the office. "Hi, this lis Lexi Clark. I had an interview scheduled-yes I understand. Yes...Oh no, I wasn't trying to waste anyone's time...an emergency....oh...yes I'm sure you hear many emergencies all the time....but this was very important and....I don't want to be rude, but I think you're belittling me....Now you're just being mean...I just want the opportunity to-" The other end was disconnected...the receptionist had hung up on her. Lexi put the phone down. "reschedule..." She finished placing her head in both of her hands as the elbows rested on the table.

The server had come bad leaving both their drinks on the table. "Have you two had a chance to look at the menu?"

"I need a very thick extra large chocolate milkshake..." Lexi said not looking up trying not to cry. "And grilled cheese with fries..." Lexi was one to never drink. Whenever she was really sad....she laid it heavy on the chocolate and icecream. When she wanted gummy bears with it....then you knew there was a serious problem. When both orders were taken the server left.

Lexi was still sitting with her hands there cursing herself in her head at what she had done...she ruined everything. Her chance to learn under Nolan Graves was...

Her head popped up as she smiled, laughing a laugh that Tara would recognize her teenage friend would do when she had come up with a plan so stupid and reckless you would want to smack them. That laugh was damn near identical. "I know how you can pay me back if you're interested."
Tara ordered her tea and a sandwich and looked back at Lexi, "Lexi.... You okay?"

Then Tara saw the look on her face and paled, "I feel like I am not going to like what you say next, not in the slightest."

Now, Tara wasn't a goody-two-shoes, in fact when she was in high school she would skip classes and sneak out and in general rebel against what people thought was best for her. But Lexi, at least her Lexi comes up with the craziest ideas. Tara learned after the first time she accepted to be wary of them ever since. They weren't bad necessarily... they just were not the most well thought out plans...


Cheif Daniels waited until they had both been checked into the hospital. He waited until they had both been seen by doctors and he even waited until Auggie was in surgury and his son was already all set. A false sense of security.

Then he told the nurse who he was, made his way into his son's private hospital room that he had arranged for, and closed the door.

"James Jackson Daniels. What have I told you about getting your brother into your reckless antics."

The old Cheif was your steriotypical old police cheif with the gray mustache and everything. But aside from the mustache he actually looked like an older, slightly less in shape, version of his son. There was even the same daredevil gleam in there eyes. But he had something his son didn't, there was power in his stance and in his voice. Rookies trembled when the cheif called out their names, even when he was congradulating them they trembled. And all this power was added onto a feirce anger, that didn't need a loud booming voice, and all of it was focused onto his son.
Daniels shrank in.his bed for one second before he stretched back out and had the calm demeanor of a rebel. Rebel. He needed stitches from his wounds and blood donation from what he lost. But his dad here now meant auggie was doing ok too. "I told you, you need to get the precint to take stunt double classes. It means we could do this kind of stuff hospital free."

The sad part was, Daniels was completely serious in this solution not realizing the ridiculousness of it all...and that would solve absolutely nothing. James didn't believe he looked like his father, in fact he didn't see the resemblance at all. None. "Plus we caught the bad guys. Job well done!"



"Hey....you didn't even here it." Lexi frowned. Her grey eyes, which were borderline silver widened as she gave a small pout. But then she smiled and waved it off.

The look of crazed stupidity was identical to the Lexi Clark that Tara knew back in her home.

"Look, I had a very important interview to work at the same newspaper company where my idol works. My idol. Nolan Graves...he's amazing. The only greatest investigative reporter ever. EVER!" She had grabbed tara's shoulders in excitement and shook her just slightly.

"Graves single handedly exposed a drug ring by going under cover for two years. WHAT HE UNCOVERED THEY USED IN THE FBI REPORTS THE THE TRIAL...EVERYTHING! Anyways...he wrote a book about it, it became a best seller...he's doing a big speech and reading at the Prudential Center tonight. I tried getting tickets months ago when it was released that he was doing it...but it sold out....so I need help getting in. I know if he sees my work and my portfolio I might be able to convince him just to give me another shot at the interview I missed....and then I can work with my idol. Can you help me get in? It won't be that hard....and I doubt anything bad will happen."
To Lexi, this was a good idea. Nothing awful could really happen because Lexi was a good person. And bad things didn't happen to good people. The universe would understand. Lexi had circled the Prudential Center as the event had started, the security was tight, but there was an alley, dumpsters stacked side by side where there wasn't a soul there.

She didn't notice that Tara relunctantly followed behind her. A bag slung around her shoulder where her resume and portfolio was, Lexi climbed up one of the dumpsters, pulling Tara up with her. The window was locked shut, even when she pressed both arms and struggled to open it, there wasn't a budge. So, instead she took off her sweatshirt and wrapped it around her fist. She punched the glass until it broke. Grinning she put the sweatshirt back on and slipped her hand through to unlock the window, wincing as glass shards cut her palm open, blood dripping fast. "I'm good. there we go."

And that is how good plans get started.


What Lexi did not know was that a large cargo was being moved from one set of vehicles to another in the basement of the Prudential. The bank robbers from earlier knew what was going on and had wanted to raid this transaction. Jason, the ringleader, had an older brother in prison, who had gone missing...but no one seemed to care.

But Jason knew what had really happened to his broher and wanted revenge for it. Too bad Jason and his gang were locked up at the precinct as Daniels was looking over the blueprint again with his partner who was just released from the hospital. "What do you think is going on there that made these idiots want to go to this place?" Daniels mused looking up at his friend.


The two girls had made it, Lexi so excited that when they slipped past most of the guards, and she glimpsed at THE NOLAN GRAVES himself she squeaked with excitement. The two were backstage as this man, mythical god of writing stood infront of thousands talking about his book. His figure was tight, his hair slick black and he had the posture of a man with absolute confidence.

Lexi's heart melted as she clung her folder to her chest trying not to just swoon right then and there. She turned to her new friend, her hand still bleeding horribly. "I told you it would work! Now we just....wait until he's done and I give it to him. And then he falls in love with it, hires me and everything works out. Perfect plan. Thanks for helping me do this."
This was a horrible plan. There was no possible way this plan could possibly work out well for either of them! It wouldn't help that if they were caught and arrested Tara Dae technically didn't exist.

She knew she had checked on Lexi's phone... Which they had accidentally left at the diner when Lexi rushed her out the door. She had to prove to Tara that the plan would work...

Even though she said no...

Nope wouldn't take no for an answer. She wondered if that word even existed for either of the Lexi's?...

So here she was, with a bleeding Lexi... "Lexi I really think I should at least find some napkin or something you can hold to that... You're bleeding a lot..."


Daniels had texted her, called her, Emailed her even!... No word from Lexi.

He was a bit worried. He had finally gotten up the courage to ask her out and now he had heard nothing from her. Did she hate him now? Did she want nothing to do with him. Or... Was she just being Lexi and didn't check her phone because she was getting herself into trouble....?

He hoped it wasn't the last one.

But he showed up to the Nolan Graves speech just in case... He got there early and waited by the entrance, he thought he saw her car but wasn't sure and he still didn't see her come in so...

He waited.

and waited.

AND... There was no Lexi and the speech had started... Maybe she was still going to show up late! He decided to continue waiting.

He really liked this girl...
A long time ago, in another universe, Lexi Clark sat at a highschool cafeteria, hundreds of consumed lunch trays stashed infront of her as she was with a group of friends. She had a sour expression on her face drumming her fingers on the table.

"How did you get your powers, Lexi?" Aidan asked.

She looked over at him, back at Tara. Tara had heard this story a dozen times by now. "It all started when I was a middle schooler. I read these articles written by this amazing investigative reporter, Nolan Graves...and I knew all I ever wanted to be was a journalist."

"You can't be one now?"

"Yes Aidan...I can be a fucking journalist now since I'm fucking technically dead to the outside world!" Wincing she felt a raccoon scurry on her back, digging her nails into her, reminding Lexi to not be an ass to the blind kid. "Sorry...anyways. He had this big speaking event at a big building auditorum right before I would start my sophomore year in highschool. I'm excited, he's my idol. Mom and Dad refuse to get me tickets so I take a bus into the city and I sneak in, break a window with my fist and cut my palm, this big horrible gash."


Lexi looked at her hand not really noticing it. "I'm sure it's fine. I'll worry about it later. And this plan is going perfectly. We're backstage! This is amazing Tara!" But her focus shifted as she leaned against the pole just looking at him. He had auborn hair, styled just perfectly. Ivory skin which was probably firm...but soft. Lexi's cheeks were turning red as she daydreamed about Graves looking into her with his green eyes and telling her he had been waiting for someone like her for year-

"Where's your passes?" A guard barked behind them, ripping Lexi out of her fantasy. She jolted up. "Plan B Tara!" she squeaked.


Daniels called Auggie looking over the blue prints. "Auggie, buddy. If you haven't found Red...I want you to check out something.

But Auggie would see Red. See Red running onto the stage, nearly colliding into Nolan Graves. The author chuckled and stopped mid sentence. "What do we have here? Who are you, young lady?"

"Lexi...Lexi Clark," She felt weak in the knees. "Big fan. I want to be a journalist. Here's my resume, work. I need to run." She pushed the folder into his chest as two guards got on stage, she sprinted right off yelling. "I LOVE YOUR WORK!"

The audience laughed and clapped. "Well, that's one way to apply for a job." The author grinned, watched as two guards turned to five and then continued his speech.


"I managed to get backstage, but security caught me. So I ran. I got to a basement where I saw men moving equipment and boxes into a van. I tiptoed over, and looked to see what was going on."


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Lexi wasn't sure where to go or turn. She gave the folder, but now she was sprinting down the hall, her blood dripping down the hallway. She saw a door that said "EMPLOYEE'S ONLY" and saw it as her saving grace. She opened it, slammed it shut waiting to catch her breath and hear the guards run past the door continuing down the hall to find her.

Good. She'd call Tara and let her...Lexi looked for her phone. "Shit...maybe it's at the apartment....damn it...." she looked around and she was standing on a step, the steps led downstairs somewhere, but she heard voices.



Weird, that didn't sound normal. Curiosity got the better of her as she crept down the stairs into the darkness. There were crates upon crates but Lexi noticed two men caring a crate, one holding a syringe of sorts as they were walking to a vehicle that had many of the same crates.

"All I know is, this syringe makes whatever this stuff is work...but we don't want --to give Briggs any reason to be pissed."

Reporter ears on, Lexi knew the name. Louis Briggs was a billionair, the billionair of the city. She was stumbling on a story. THis was real investigative reporting.

Until one of them tripped, the man holding the syringe dropped it, it fell into the crate.

BOOM. The box exploded. Lexi watched both men light up into nothing, before she could even breathe in, the force of the explosion threw her back. She slammed into a wall, her spine breaking in three places...she fell to the concrete floor dead. Her heart had stopped. Lexi was dead as a doorknob...but a funny thing had happened just then. The large gash on her palm, that was still fresh and would need stitches, slowly began to close on its own, scabbing at a very acceslerated, inhuman rate.


"Boom, explosion. My back got snapped in three places and I died on impact. But the fucking hand. I was dead, the cut was opened and absorbed the radiation and formula Briggs had made. Since I was dead, the body didn't fight off the formula and well...tada...here I fucking am. All because I cut my fucking hand. Great origin story right?"

"I don't understand sarcasm...Kris is she being sarcastic because she sounds mean...or is that just the mean of what she normally sounds like?"


The explosion shook the whole foundation of the Prudential Center. Emergency evacuation was a mandatory thing as people began screaming and freaking out.
Nolan Graves was in the middle of his speech when a loud popping sound echoed through the auditorium. Dust fell from the ceiling as the ground shook just lightly. It took a moment for people to realize that there was an explosion, but once they had there was no orderly fashion of them exiting. There was screaming and people were climbing ontop of eachother to get out.

It did not take long for the ambulance to come, reporters outside on the streets and many tv crews were filming the fiasco.

There was no Lexi Clark to be found in the large crowds.

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