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Futuristic Running for your life (OPEN + ACCEPTING)

Jessica was caught off guard as someone punched her- someone who definitely wasn't there moments ago. She gave herself no time to feel the sting and ache, she simply moved her gun and aimed at the new kid. He was clearly Elttia and though nothing was going her way, at least she had one Elttia on the ground and one more about to likely be the same. Jessica heard her phone go off as a signal she was needed desperately elsewhere. She grimaced before putting her weapon away and swiftly taking off into the shadows


Ezekiel was losing more blood than he though he would be and while the pain was starting to numb, so was he. He was starting to see stars and he passed out right there and then.

(Sorry, best I can do to get my characters out of the way for while I'm gone... it's clear to me that shit will be hitting the fan so have fun!)
Valentina let a scream of pain when she fell to the and landed on her ta, making the pain worse. She watched as Zeke grabbed her hand and tried to ran with her but was shot in the leg. "Zeke!" Valentina fall to his side and looked over the wound. "It's okay Zeke, I'll heal you!" Valentina was about to heal Zeke when she noticed Evan was running over to grab. "Alright little brat, we could do this hard or easy way. Which one?" The blonde female stood up and waited until he was close enough, she aimed a strong punch to his face. "Back off you Huntsmen scum!!" Valentina looked down at the male she had just punched with a burning death glare, her eyes glowing a bright orange you could see the angry in her eyes. "Stay away from him!" Valentina stood infront of Zeke like a protective shield, she held her arms out while glaring at the male.

Evan landed on the ground from pain and shock. He was just punched by a girl! And she punched hard! I mean she made him spit up blood and I think a tooth too. Ethan helped his brother up as Evan glared at Valentina and the lastmen.
"We'll leave...But remember this Elttias we will be back for both of you." Ethan said 'Elttias' with venoms tone as he pulled his brother alongside to take their leave. "I'll be back for you two shorties!! I promise!!"

Michael shifted back into his normal self. He ran over to Val and Zeke. "Val, are you alright? What happened to Zeke? Who the hell did I just punch? Who were the other two guys?" Michael's barrage of question never ceased to end.
Valentina let out a cry as she dropped to the ground roughly, landing on her tail causing more pain to shoot though out her body. She ignored the pain and quickly made her way to Zeke with tears forming in her eyes. "Zeke!" Valentina kneeled near the boy and carefully placed his head on her lap. She scanned the wound with worried and tear filled eyes. "Zeke.... Don't worry I'll heal you.." Orange eyes started to give off a soft glow as she looked over the wound.

Evan growled as a knife was held to his neck.
"There I let the tiny brat go, let me go." Ethan looked over to his brother and saw a knife at his neck but saw no one holding it. Evan glared over to his brother as he looked at him for help.

"Oi...Invisible person, let him go."

"Wow so helpful Ethan!"

"Shut it you idiot!!"

"No you shut up!!"

"Why are you such a idiot!"

"Don't call me a Idiot!!"

Luna glared at the two and pointed a pistol at the other. "We are going to go on a little trip now, are we? Now, I would like the two of you to leave...Now. Or your head will not be connected to you neck when I am through with you. Go on." She kept invisible, but she had a smug smile upon her face. Luna flipped off safety and aimed it at the other's head while the knife at the first one's neck. She nudged them both towards the outside of the forest, telling them to leave.
Michael shifted back into his normal self after the two left. He ran over to Val and Zeke. "Val, are you alright? What happened to Zeke? Who the hell did I just punch? Who were the other two guys?" Michael's barrage of question never ceased to end.
Valentina looked up to Mike and wiped her tears away but more just appeared in her eyes. "Mike...Zeke was shot in the leg." Valentina looked back down at Zeke as looked over the wound again to see if the bullet was in the wound but found no trace, meaning it went though his leg. "The two guys were Huntsmen and I think the girl you punched was a lastmen..." Valentina than quickly moved her hands over Zeke's wound. Her hands started to glow a soft and bright green glow as she healed the wound, she hummed a tune to keep focus. She ignored the hot burning pain in her tail and focused on Zeke's wound instead.

Evan was dragged away by his brother as he glared at Luna while she pointed the gun at them.
"We'll be back for all of you!! I promise!" Evan earned a smack on the head from Ethan. "Shut up you goddamn idiot!!" Another argument started between the two brothers as they walked away.

Luna held the weapons and sat on her hip, though the weapons both appeared floating. "Right, and when you do come back, I'll be sure to drive you out. Pussies." She kept invisible the whole parade of the fights, so that the Huntsmen could not identify her. That would not be fun. Luna walked back to the group of Elttia's tending to Zeke, but decided to stay in a tree, still invisible, watching. She had set the weapons a few feet in front of the tree for easy access in case of emergencies. The branch she sat on was part of an Elder, but she had picked one of the lower branches. Luna went to tending a small wound on her forearm, near a tattoo she had gotten long ago, invisible in a tree. She planned on leaving them after this whole fiasco and once Zeke had gotten patched up.
Jacen walked around the perimeter of the Forest, hearing screaming and shouting. 'What the fuck is going on there?' He asked himself in his mind, Gripping into the outline of a Desert Eagle in his trousers. Just as he suspiciously looked down the street full of people. He then turned into the woods, Staying at the edge, leaning up against a tree.

"Hm." The Boy muttered, his horns clashing against the wood.
(Sorry for not being active, I was at school. Please, forgive me! TT^TT)

Squalo had just left the woods when she heard the tell tale sounds of a fight deeper in. Cussing under her breath, she rubbed the tender flesh of her head, feeling a migraine coming on, however, she couldn't help the manic grin that spread from ear to ear. She quickly schooled her expression back into it's usual scowl, though a twitch of her lips revealed what she truly felt

Turning heel, Squalo journeyed back into the forest, itching for a fight as she searched for the source. Imagine her disappointment when she found out that the fight was already over, and her surprise when she once again saw the four Elttia she met a while ago wounded and injured.

Carefully approaching the four, Squalo stared intensely at each and every one of them, her eyes lingering on their wounds as she assessed the situation. Quickly coming to the conclusion that they needed help, she opened her mouth and spoke, "Follow me."
Valentina wasin the middle of healing Zeke's wound when the sliver headed woman walked up. She was surprised when the woman told them to follow her. "What?...." Valentina was very confused but nodded her head, she stayed in her position with Zeke's head on her lap, the green soft glow was was starting to disappear. Valentina immediately noticed that and turned back Zeke's wound to focus. "I have to heal him..If I don't heal him now he'll lose blood and might die...." Valentina started to sing softly and quietly as she tried to focus on healing Zeke. She couldn't stop healing him now, if she stopped the healing would fail and she would have to start all over again. Valentina's ear lifted up as she heard someone at the edge of the forest but tried to ignore keep her focus at the task at hand.

(Welcome back Maiza! And welcome new person to the Rp! :3)

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