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Fandom Rune Factory: Tower of Trials

The forest around Aloe Village was quiet, the cool evening breeze gently shaking the leaves of the canopy. Small tree squirrels and birds we're actively going about their business, unaware of the hunter that's at among them in a blind constructed within a sturdy oak that overlooked a small lush meadow.

She had been there for a couple of hours, patiently waiting for pray to wander into her sights. Whenever she was out hunting, Kleo would entertain herself with poetry she read the night before, trying to repeat it verbatim or at least close to what it really was. Other times, she would think about all the things that she would do if she where to become an adventurer.

From her post she could see the Tower of the Gods looming in the distance. Right now, there were Adventurers climbing it, searching for treasure and seeking the stairway to the next level. For as long as she could remember, they had never passed the 21st floor. She knows this because she was born on the day that they unlocked it. It was also the day that many of her father's friends and perished.
That was the life of an adventurer; they scale the tower in hopes of reaching the top in the hopes for glory, riches, and power.

Power was nice and all, but right now Cleo needed to bag herself a critter that would fill her belly. Her food stores were getting low and she wasn't in a position to buy from the Grocer. So here she sat in her blind, bow in one hand and arrow in the other, just waiting patiently and dreaming of a nice hot roast.

A snapping of twigs down below her caught her attention, Kleo's green eyes darting to the source of the sound.

Hey young buck was peering out into the meadow, it's dark brown eyes cautiously observing the scene. It seemed satisfied, not detecting any threatening presence, oblivious of the hunter that spied on it. Trotting into the clearing it found a patch of soft, sweet grass to graze on, its ears twitching as it listen to the song birds sing.

Carefully, the young Huntress nocked an arrow and began to pull back on the bowstring. Her breathing quieted and her heartbeat became slow, her sights set on the Beast. Aiming for its vital point, she waited for the perfect opportunity, wanting to catch it while it was between its breaths.

Suddenly, the buck's head rose in alarm, it's head swiveling around. Kell curse and loosed her arrow, seeing it fly true yet missing her target. It wasn't that she could miss such a shot, but the arrow just... curved on its own. It was as though something pushed it aside or around it before sending the arrow on its intended path. The travel time increase allowed her meal to escape.

Moments later, a flash of light and the sound of thunder boomed. The animals im the forest fleed from their perches, leaving a deafened and blinded Kleo by herself.

It took several minutes to recover, but when she had finally regained her senses, the hunter cautiously left her tree stand and climbed down to investigate what had caused her to miss her shot.

In the meadow, she found that there was something there that wasn't before.

On the same patch of sweet grass was an unconscious young man. Kleo approached, seeing as he was carrying something with him. She used the end of her bow to move his arms and check his person, finding nothing in the ways of weaponry. All he had on him that she could see was a cane, or wand maybe, in his hand.

"Oi. You alright there, bucko?" The blonde asked, getting to a knee and leaning in to check for breathing. A faint breath came from his nose, Kleo slightly relieved.

She shook him lightly with her hand several times before moving to swat his face. For some reason, she felt the need to do it harder; it he wasn't sore, he would be when he woke up.

"C'MON! WAKE UP, YOU!" Kleo cried, a little worried that she might have a vegetable on her hands.

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