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Soooo alot of rp sites i use run on adobe, which is shutting down. So im looking for alternatives. It would be fucking amazing if there was an rp site where you could set tabs on your profile for OC pages!
Well I'm not sure of any other rp sites besides this one, as I have not ventured past Rpnation. But I do not see why one could not set tabs, using BBCode, for their OCs on their profile.

For example, I could use this code with a set of characters that I've created for a rp on my profile if I wish to do so:
[CENTER][COLOR=#b784a7][B]Benton Stryker[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[imagefloat=right][ATTACH type="full" alt="2095aa0e31fe7560a053992d9058c3f1.jpg"]626060[/ATTACH][/imagefloat]

[COLOR=#b784a7]N A M E[/COLOR]
Benton Stryker

[COLOR=#b784a7]A G E[/COLOR]
Twenty-seven || September 4th, 1989

[COLOR=#b784a7]G E N D E R[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#b784a7]H E I G H T[/COLOR]
Six feet

[COLOR=#b784a7]O C C U P A T I O N[/COLOR]
Bank Manager
(Yearly salary: $100k)

[COLOR=#b784a7]C R U S H[/COLOR]
Camaree Van Martin

[COLOR=#b784a7]T R I V I A[/COLOR]
- He cares deeply for those he loves, but he does not always know the best way to express himself.
- With anyone he meets, especially if it is first introductions, he will be polite, no matter how they look. Unless they are being mean or rude towards his sister or Camaree.

[COLOR=#b784a7]R E P U T A T I O N[/COLOR]
- Not that he ever brags about this, because Brinlee does it for him, but he graduated with honors from college.
- The Stryker family are close friends to the Martin family, so much so that they've worked together with the Martins to build on their land. In doing so, they built the bank and club that the siblings now own and work.

[COLOR=#b784a7]R U M O R S[/COLOR]
- He's a rich, snobby boy that always gets out of trouble. (20%)
- He actually controls the town's politics. (50%)
- The previous bank manager was fired due to Benton's family background. (25%)
- Benton built a secret safe in the bank that may contain money, gold, or even drugs. (90%)

[COLOR=#b784a7]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/COLOR]
Brinlee Stryker (0/10) || Sistah Stryker
Camaree Van Martin (10/10) || Van Martin and Stryker families are close in relations to the point where sometimes Benton and Brinlee watched over Camaree whenever their parents had double dates or social events. He doesn't know when his feelings for the younger woman developed, but he's guessing it was long-time feelings that he just began to realize what they really are.
Audence Valor (-/10) ||
Tyler Abernathy (-/10) ||
De'jah Palmer (1/10) || A strong-personality gal that he greatly respects. He met her through his job as he assisted with her finances when she was opening up her parlor.
Sara Thompson (-/10) ||
Valori Roma (0/10) || There's not much he knows about Valori, but he has met her through Brinlee. However, he doesn't completely approve of her character, especially when around Brinlee. He believes that she is a bad influence on his sister.
Sven Hawthorne (-/10) ||
Gwendolen Lukas (2/10) || A good friend of Brinlee's since almost childhood, he has seen her many times when she and Brinlee would hang out.
Daphne Coleman (0/10) || Just met her.
Alec Clemson (0/10) || Another fellow he greatly respects. Benton met him when he helped with his finances for his practice.
Daisy Hendrick (2/10) || Recently he had just met this gal. Another client he has worked with to help start up their business.
Samantha Rodriguez (-/10) ||
Lucas Kemp (1/10) || A dedicated fellow to his work, Benton has great respect for him. He had the pleasure to help him open up his veterinary practice, especially since he knows that there is someone who will care for Raksha when needed.
Daniel Choi (-/10) ||
Emma Styles (-/10) ||
Warren Fox (0/10) || Met him through the bank when he was helping Warren open up his business.
Jamie Rodriguez (-/10) ||
[CENTER][COLOR=#800080][B]Brinlee Stryker[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[imagefloat=right][ATTACH type="full" alt="1f5afeed4ec6b1c1fd6898fbaeaca99c.jpg"]626125[/ATTACH][/imagefloat]

[COLOR=#800080]N A M E[/COLOR]
Brinlee Stryker

[COLOR=#800080]A G E[/COLOR]
Twenty-six || September 1st, 1990

[COLOR=#800080]G E N D E R[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#800080]H E I G H T[/COLOR]
Five foot six inches

[COLOR=#800080]O C C U P A T I O N[/COLOR]
Club/Bar Manager

[COLOR=#800080]C R U S H[/COLOR]
[S]Gwendolen Lukas


[COLOR=#800080]T R I V I A[/COLOR]
- As much as she tries to put up a strong, solid demeanor, she really soft on the inside. But she does not reveal this side to many people. Only ever to Benton and Gwen, or if by accident, anyone who sees her really drunk.
- As of recently, Brinlee has come to terms with some unresolved feelings. She's battered and bruised but a lot stronger now.

[COLOR=#800080]R E P U T A T I O N[/COLOR]
- Owns a spaniel mix named Juju who is a resident of the club
[ATTACH alt="2e3f31af9001642fedce9af3a6370bc9.jpg"]628396[/ATTACH]
- She never had a major goal in mind of what she wanted to do in the future. So when she took over the club, she made it her dream.

[COLOR=#800080]R U M O R S[/COLOR]
- She has an oddly-shaped birthmark on the back of her arm that grants her luck. (10%)
- The club's business was revived once Brinlee took over. (50%)
- Benton nearly beat someone to death defending Brinlee from bullying. (75%)
- Brinlee may have a side business with drugs. (5%)

[COLOR=#800080]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/COLOR]
Benton Stryker (0/10) ||  Brutha Stryker
Camaree Van Martin (1/10) || Has watched over her with Benton from time to time and practically watched her grow up. She loves her like a sister, although she does recognize that she has become a fine, young woman.
Audence Valor (0/10) || She's seen him at the coffee house from time to time and at the gym, but she never bothers to try and sign up for a membership.
Tyler Abernathy (-/10) ||
De'jah Palmer (-/10) ||
Sara Thompson (-/10) ||
Valori Roma (3/10) || Her other best friend that she loves to jokingly flirt with. But she also enjoys talking heart to heart with her. Although from recent events, she isn't sure what to make of her bold friend.
Sven Hawthorne (5/10) || Great friend that she likes to joke around with from time to time but appreciates his help with bolstering Stryker Club reputation. She even has a drink mixture named after him.
Gwendolen Lukas (-/-) || First love that developed from a friendship that started in school and grew outside the school grounds. She realizes that it's a one-side crush that may never be reciprocated.
Brin now knows that all she can be is Gwen's very best friend and that is all right with her.
Daphne Coleman (-/10) ||
Alec Clemson (-/10) ||
Daisy Hendrick (-/10) ||
Samantha Rodriguez (-/10) ||
Lucas Kemp (-/10) ||
Daniel Choi (-/10) ||
Emma Styles (-/10) ||
Warren Fox (-/10) ||
Jamie Rodriguez (-/10) ||
[CENTER][COLOR=#ffd033][B]Warren Fox[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[COLOR=#ffd033]N A M E[/COLOR]
Warren Fox

[COLOR=#ffd033]A G E[/COLOR]
Thirty || November 11th, 1986

[COLOR=#ffd033]G E N D E R[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#ffd033]H E I G H T[/COLOR]
Six foot

[COLOR=#ffd033]O C C U P A T I O N[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#ffd033]C R U S H[/COLOR]
Daisy Hendrick

[COLOR=#ffd033]T R I V I A

- Just how most people picture lawyers as ruthless Warren is no exception.
- He likes his coffee black.
- Warren was born in Omen but his family moved when he was a child. After law school he moved back into the town to take of his grandparents.
- The Stryker Club is a place he visits frequently when his cases are stressful.

[COLOR=#ffd033]R U M O R S[/COLOR]
- He won a case for a dead man. (75%)
- On cases where his client is clearly guilty it's been heard that he doesn't use all the evidence to help the client. (50%)
- Some women have paid him to lie on a case. (10%)
- He only takes care of his grandparents so that he can be the only sole inheritor. (5%)

[COLOR=#ffd033]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/COLOR]
Audence Valor (-/10) ||
Camaree Van Martin (-/10) ||
Tyler Abernathy (-/10) ||
De'jah Palmer (-/10) ||
Sara Thompson (-/10) ||
Mark Gordon (-/10) ||
Riley Bakker (-/10) ||
Valori Roma (-/10) ||
Benton Stryker (0/10) || Met him through work whenever he needed some financial statements for clients, and when he started his business.
Brinlee Stryker (-/10) ||
Sven Hawthorne (-/10) ||
Gwendolen Lukas (-/10) ||
Daphne Coleman (-/10) ||
Alec Clemson (0/10) || Stock buddy. They occasionally like to get together at Omen's Coffee House or Stryker's Club to discuss about any interesting events in their life and stocks.
Daisy Hendrick (3/10) || Has seen her a few times at Omen's Coffee House. He also likes the classic Mustang she drives and how she looks with it.
Samantha Rodriguez (-/10) ||
Lucas Kemp (-/10) ||
Daniel Choi (-/10) ||
[CENTER][COLOR=#ff3377][B]Sherri Robbins[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[COLOR=#ff3377]N A M E[/COLOR]
Sherri "Cherry" Robbins

[COLOR=#ff3377]A G E[/COLOR]
Twenty-nine || May 10th, 1987

[COLOR=#ff3377]G E N D E R[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#ff3377]H E I G H T[/COLOR]
Five feet eight inches

[COLOR=#ff3377]O C C U P A T I O N[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#ff3377]C R U S H[/COLOR]
Audence Valor

[COLOR=#ff3377]T R I V I A[/color]

[color=#ff3377]R E P U T A T I O N[/COLOR]
- Despite her nickname being Cherry, she is highly allergic to them, discovering this at a young age when she nearly passed from a reaction.
- She absolutely adores birds. At the moment she owns only one African Grey, named Earl, but Cherry is an avid rescuer of avians. 
- Cherry is known to be cold-hearted, never afraid to shoot someone down.

[COLOR=#ff3377]R U M O R S[/COLOR]
- She had to be reassigned to Omen's police station after getting into a confrontation with some co-workers that nearly ended with arrests on both parties. (80%)
- During her first week at Omen, she managed to close a case that was left open for years. (50%)
- Her parrot has been seen flying around neighbor's homes and pooping on their cars. (90%)
- Cherry has killed a man (and maybe more) in cold blood. (5%)

[COLOR=#ff3377]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/COLOR]
Audence Valor (4/10) || Saw him at the gym once. Like what she saw. And decided not to forget about those rippling muscles.
Camaree Van Martin (-/10) ||
Tyler Abernathy (-/10) ||
De'jah Palmer (-/10) ||
Sara Thompson (-/10) ||
Mark Gordon (-/10) ||
Riley Bakker (-/10) ||
Valori Roma (-/10) ||
Benton Stryker (-/10) || 
Brinlee Stryker (-/10) ||
Sven Hawthorne (-/10) ||
Gwendolen Lukas (-/10) ||
Daphne Coleman (-/10) ||
Alec Clemson (-/10) || 
Daisy Hendrick (-/10) || 
Samantha Rodriguez (-/10) ||
Lucas Kemp (-/10) ||
Daniel Choi (-/10) ||
Emma Styles (-/10) || 
Warren Fox (-/10) || 
Jamie Rodriguez (-/10) || 
Julia Erikkson (-/10) || 

  • Benton Stryker
    View attachment 626060
    N A M E
    Benton Stryker

    A G E
    Twenty-seven || September 4th, 1989

    G E N D E R

    H E I G H T
    Six feet

    O C C U P A T I O N
    Bank Manager
    (Yearly salary: $100k)

    C R U S H
    Camaree Van Martin

    T R I V I A
    - He cares deeply for those he loves, but he does not always know the best way to express himself.
    - With anyone he meets, especially if it is first introductions, he will be polite, no matter how they look. Unless they are being mean or rude towards his sister or Camaree.

    R E P U T A T I O N
    - Not that he ever brags about this, because Brinlee does it for him, but he graduated with honors from college.
    - The Stryker family are close friends to the Martin family, so much so that they've worked together with the Martins to build on their land. In doing so, they built the bank and club that the siblings now own and work.

    R U M O R S
    - He's a rich, snobby boy that always gets out of trouble. (20%)
    - He actually controls the town's politics. (50%)
    - The previous bank manager was fired due to Benton's family background. (25%)
    - Benton built a secret safe in the bank that may contain money, gold, or even drugs. (90%)

    R E L A T I O N S H I P S
    Brinlee Stryker (0/10) || Sistah Stryker
    Camaree Van Martin (10/10) || Van Martin and Stryker families are close in relations to the point where sometimes Benton and Brinlee watched over Camaree whenever their parents had double dates or social events. He doesn't know when his feelings for the younger woman developed, but he's guessing it was long-time feelings that he just began to realize what they really are.
    Audence Valor (-/10) ||
    Tyler Abernathy (-/10) ||
    De'jah Palmer (1/10) || A strong-personality gal that he greatly respects. He met her through his job as he assisted with her finances when she was opening up her parlor.
    Sara Thompson (-/10) ||
    Valori Roma (0/10) || There's not much he knows about Valori, but he has met her through Brinlee. However, he doesn't completely approve of her character, especially when around Brinlee. He believes that she is a bad influence on his sister.
    Sven Hawthorne (-/10) ||
    Gwendolen Lukas (2/10) || A good friend of Brinlee's since almost childhood, he has seen her many times when she and Brinlee would hang out.
    Daphne Coleman (0/10) || Just met her.
    Alec Clemson (0/10) || Another fellow he greatly respects. Benton met him when he helped with his finances for his practice.
    Daisy Hendrick (2/10) || Recently he had just met this gal. Another client he has worked with to help start up their business.
    Samantha Rodriguez (-/10) ||
    Lucas Kemp (1/10) || A dedicated fellow to his work, Benton has great respect for him. He had the pleasure to help him open up his veterinary practice, especially since he knows that there is someone who will care for Raksha when needed.
    Daniel Choi (-/10) ||
    Emma Styles (-/10) ||
    Warren Fox (0/10) || Met him through the bank when he was helping Warren open up his business.
    Jamie Rodriguez (-/10) ||

I hope this was of some help, if not, then I wish you the best~
It's a good thing indeed, because linking to other sites is against the rules.

But you can totally use that piece of BBcode that was provided above to make tabs on your profile for characters in the 'About' section of your profile. It supports BBcode.
You can also make a thread with all your characters in Character Feedback and link it in your profile.
Well I'm not promoting anything here. But. Just as a conversational anecdote: The only other rpsite I use is RpRepository, which has a pretty useful Group system. The site is built more for focusing on individual characters, and is pretty low traffic, which is why I'm migrating back here. But it exists. I'd also love to know of any sites anyone just happened to have once been a part of.
Ugh thanks cokemonster you rock! Ill have to check it out. Rpforums back then was really awesome but they changed their interface which i found distracting so i came here.

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