RP Section

[SIZE= 24px]Vinn[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]VInn looked down at his steak. "Medium rare is good enough." He said, picking it up in his hands and taking a huge bite. HE chewed it and looked at Soma, who sat patiently next to him. Knowing what would happen next. Vinn threw the remaining third of his steak in the air above his griffin, and the bird lurched forward, snatching it in her beak. She purred silently next to her master, gnawing on the beef happily. "That was good...anyway...she told you about my brother?" Vinn asked, wide eyed. "Well...his name is Kyns Arvo..." Vinn sighed. "His appropriate name is Kyns Arvo: The Dragon Slayer. He earned the title for slaying an elder knowledge dragon..." Vinn sighed. "Haven't seen him in a while...heard rumors he fought in a tribal war up north though. That's why i'm looking for him. I'm worried..." Vinn said. Soma stood up and walked behind Zelia, placing her head on top of Zelia's head. Begging for food. "Soma no. No begging!" Vinn commanded. Soma looked over and hissed, then walked back to Vinn and sat on the floor. Watching Zelia's steak closely. [/SIZE]


Before Echo could answer his question, Kyns heard a loud horn blow off, and a man yell. "COME ON YOU BASTARDS! DOCK! THE STORM'S COMIN'!!! Suddenly, a loud clunk shook the entire ship. "WE'VE DOCKED! OPEN THE CARGO BAY! A large hidden door in the back opened, revealing a hangar. Men quickly moved in, picking up boxes and trudging them out of the ship. "I guess we'll talk about it when we get off." Kyns said, walking over to his armor and getting in. He took his helmet off. "You better get your stuff! I think they want us off their ship now!" Kyns said, moving out of the large storage door. The stench of the city hit him instantly. "Ugh...Pitfum..." He muttered. The only exit that was visible was a large bay door. Kyns walked over to it and waited for everyone else to get out of the ship. 



Zoey heard all the announcements,dismounting herself from the rails she climbed down to the cargo bay, she saw all the men running around. Holy hell  she thought, not used to all this movement as she made her way to her armour, climbing into it and holding the helmet. She made her way out and stood next Kyns. "Hello Kyns! You look better than this morning." she said with a smile. "So how do we plan to convince the drug lord dictator to help us?"she asked curious of the dragon slayer's plan.

@Fawnking (ignore that my phone won't let me kill it)


She watched Vinn pick up his steak with his bare hands and bite a huge chunk off. She went wide eyed and looked down at her just using a knife and fork. Not that she'd really want to pick up the steak anyway. She nearly choked when he said Kyns was his brother and said, "You're his brother?!? That's super cool! My dad told me about him a long time ago! That's really neat Vinn!" She continued to eat then looked up in at him in told him in a hurried tone, "Not that you haven't done cool things of course! I mean, you made your gun ad have a super awesome griffin by your side! Also, you helped me a lot today so that makes you even cooler in my book, because you're such a sweet guy!" she grinned at him and continued to eat until Soma came over and plopped her head on Zelia's. "Awwwww, so cute." she laughed at the bird's antics. Soma hissed in Zelia's ear which caused Zelia to stiffen up at the sudden noise. When Soma had returned to Vinn's side, Zelia said, "Don't worry Vinn. We'll find your brother. I mean, that is if... you want me to help anyway. If you don't want my help that's okay, but I figured I would offer because you helped me so much today." Zelia finished her steak and stood up and walked over to Vinn. "So, what do you say?" She stretched her hand towards Vinn, "Partners?"

Veda was a bit surprised the other even remembered her name. “Oh, I was just hoping to get to know the man I'm following better," She said approaching the other. "I'm just worried about our plans, what your goals are." She said tentative, eyeing the box. “Of course I want to trust you, but I like plans and reasoning so I want to be a part of this important ti—“ Her voice was cut off by a loud horn and hollering. “Hm, let’s talk later then, Riley?” She gave a small smile and left the way she had come. Veda made her way off, glad the others armor was easy to spot as she shuffled through the crowd, bumping shoulders and tripping over feet till she made it to the group.

@Dearwolfy @Drakeel @SpookySpecter @PurpleTurtle
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(I'm sorry for controlling, need to get this moving)

Kyns saw Riley and his men leave the ship, followed by Echo and Elana. He turned to Zoey. "For right now...Echo is the gal with the plan. She has some inside sources here...it's kind of discouraging to say, but i'm not much liked here. Echo will be really important in getting us the hook ups to get this whole operation set." Kyns said, looking at Echo and smiling. "So...Echo, is this where we split up for now, and you and Elana go to your family's property? I'll take everyone else to secure the safe house if that's the case..." Kyns says.

@PurpleTurtle @Dearwolfy


VInn smiled and grabbed Zelia's hand. "Partners." he said smiling. "So..how's the steak?" Vinn asked. 


(sorry for short posts, gonna lay down for a bit. I'm too tired..)

"Yes! We shall be partners in crime, the dangerous duo, The two troublemakers! It'll be great! We'll travel the land in search of the dragon slayer! Doesn't that just sound like an awesome quest?" she walked back to her chair and sat down. "The steak was really good and it seems Soma thought so too." she giggled at Soma's hungry face. "Soma is quite pretty, where did you meet her?" Zelia suddenly felt a tension in the air. But, she ignored it for the time being. It must be my nerves. "So! Where are we going to start are search Sir Vinn?" she laughed.


(You sleep, and you have good sleep. I'll call you soon Oki Doki? ^-^) 
As they landed and the group was ushered out of the ship Echo looked around at the scattered buildings and remnant piles of stone and debris from the bombing and tilted her head. What direction are my parents house in again? she thought to herself and looked over at Elana who appeared to be doing the same. She glanced over at Kyns when she heard her own name then smiled at Zoey, "My father's the chief of police so it's rather easy to contact people and set up just about anything." she said with a shrug then looked at Kyns who went on to ask if she'd be going to her family's property now, "Yep, that's the plan at least." she said then gave a small wave to the group, "I'll probably have an answer to my requests for an event and/or a meeting with General Isec by tonight. If one of you could swing by whatever's left of the police station by then and ask them for me you should be directed to my father's business home." She said with a smile then turned around and walked over to Elana, who appeared to be trying to make out where everything used to be and poked her, "Let's go." she said quietly before grabbing her hand and being sped away.

Kyns waved to Echo as they left. [SIZE= 14px]"Alright, everyone else...we need to go into the destroyed section of Pitfum which is the general market district if I remember correctly. So we need to head there and secure our safe house." [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Kyns started to walk down the street, opposite of where  Echoa and Elana were going. He motioned for his allies to follow. [/SIZE]"The destroyed section of the city is most likely teeming with bandits....so keep a sharp eye out." Kyns said. As they moved closer and closer to the destroyed section, piles of rubble and charred streets started to become common sights. 


Vinn frowned. "I don't know....maybe we could ask around? I heard he was in town a while ago...but that WAS a while ago..." Vinn said. 

The group reached the destroyed section. Rubble and scorched earth lay amidst the blackened street. Kyns looked around. [SIZE= 14px]"There!" [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]He said, pointing to a caved in house. He ran over and lifted up a rusty metal sign. It read: Vamba's Valiant Blacksmith's. Kyns slowly placed the sign down and teared up under his helmet. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Alright...can you guys help me clear this rubble? We're looking for a trapdoor." [/SIZE]Kyns said. He activated the hydraulics in his arms and started throwing rubble to the side, looking for the trapdoor.

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