RP Section


<span style="color:#000000;">Kyns clunked</span> through a crowded marketplace, heaving with each step as his armor had begun to grow hindering on him. The beating afternoon sun didn't help, and he was sure he was about to drop in complete exhaustion. But he couldn't let himself, he had to get his armor to a depot, and as fast as possible. Being that he was kicked out of his last depot or skipping on rent. He knew he was being followed, and it was apparent to him his pursuers knew exactly where he was. He stuck out like a sore thumb in his gear. Standing at 6'4 inside it, he stood well above the crowd he struggled to push through. He was in Pitfum, and he's never felt welcome here. Ever since word of KynsThe Dragonslayer's arrival had reached the ears of gang leaders and mob lords all around this "grand" city, he hasn't had even a second to rest. And word spreads fast. Almost every day since he arrived he has gotten jumped, even with his armor on! Kyns was almost certain he was out for the count, when he stumbled upon a Blacksmith's shop. <span style="color:#663300;">"Oh my gosh..finally..." </span> He stammered out inside of his helm to himself. With a quick glance behind himself to check for trouble, Kyns trudged inside, disengaging and removing his helmet to show courtesy to the workplace. Plus, it felt really nice to take it off, being he was drenched in sweat and the air would probably be nice and cool inside. Until he enters the workshop at least. Upon entering, which was rather noisy and shook most of the house... Kyns saw no one behind the counter. Which alarmed him. <span style="color:#663300;">"Crap...maybe they're closed right now..." </span><span style="color:#000000;">He said to himself. </span><span style="color:#663300;"><strong>"HELLO!!!?" </strong></span><span style="color:#000000;">Kyns yelled. Stopping to take a breath, he was so exhausted, he's been in this crap for almost a day and a half now! "</span><strong><span style="color:rgb(102,51,0);">HELLLOOOO??!!!" </span></strong><span style="color:#000000;">he eagerly yelled once more, hoping for a response.</span>

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[QUOTE="Ghost Hunter]
Kyns clunked through a crowded marketplace, heaving with each step as his armor had begun to grow hindering on him. The beating afternoon sun didn't help, and he was sure he was about to drop in complete exhaustion. But he couldn't let himself, he had to get his armor to a depot, and as fast as possible. Being that he was kicked out of his last depot or skipping on rent. He knew he was being followed, and it was apparent to him his pursuers knew exactly where he was. He stuck out like a sore thumb in his gear. Standing at 6'4 inside it, he stood well above the crowd he struggled to push through. He was in Pitfum, and he's never felt welcome here. Ever since word of KynsThe Dragonslayer's arrival had reached the ears of gang leaders and mob lords all around this "grand" city, he hasn't had even a second to rest. And word spreads fast. Almost every day since he arrived he has gotten jumped, even with his armor on! Kyns was almost certain he was out for the count, when he stumbled upon a Blacksmith's shop. "Oh my gosh..finally..." He stammered out inside of his helm to himself. With a quick glance behind himself to check for trouble, Kyns trudged inside, disengaging and removing his helmet to show courtesy to the workplace. Plus, it felt really nice to take it off, being he was drenched in sweat and the air would probably be nice and cool inside. Until he enters the workshop at least. Upon entering, which was rather noisy and shook most of the house... Kyns saw no one behind the counter. Which alarmed him. "Crap...maybe they're closed right now..." He said to himself. "HELLO!!!?" Kyns yelled. Stopping to take a breath, he was so exhausted, he's been in this crap for almost a day and a half now! "HELLLOOOO??!!!" he eagerly yelled once more, hoping for a response.

Elizabeth had been awake since early in the morning. She had been working in her own small workshop in the back, tinkering on some of her newly designed weapons. Her parents aswell were working in their own workshops. All that could be heard was metal being sawn, hammering, and such. Elizabeth's father stopped for a moment when he heard a male voice coming from the front of their shop. "Elizabeth, dear, would you care to check who it is?", he asked her daughter, since he and his wife were currently busy working on an order. She lifted herself up from her chair with a heavy sigh. "Yes, yes. I'm on my way." As much as she liked to help her parents, she hated it to be interrupted in her own work.

The first one to appear in front of the counter was Fenrir, checking out the new client for any dangers. One could never be too careful in a place like Pitfum. Soon Elizabeth appeared behind the counter, after passing through a curtain, which seperated the shop from the workshop. She took her goggles off, wiping the oil from her hands with a dirty cloth. "So who do we have here? I'll take a guess and say it's Mister 'I lost my body in a tragic accident and so I'm damned to wear this armor until the end of my days.' Is it?", she said leaning halfway over the counter to inspect the armor. "So what can I help you with? Need some polish for that shiny-not-so-shiny armor? Need some tinkering? Or maybe some weapons?" She started bombarding the new client with hundreds of questions. "Fenrir, come back here.", she turned to her pet, or at least the machine that was like a pet to her, calling it back. "So?", she turned around once more, facing the client, one eyebrow raised.
"We get people like you every day," a voice growled as the crack of the light switch snapped across the room; a small flickering from the neon lights can be heard, followed by the sustained buzz which accompanied the gradual brightening of these bulbs. "People who think they can change the world," the voice continued, as the screeching sound of a chair being dragged across the floor echoed around the room. By this time, the light was bright enough for one to make out the shape and source of this voice. "People who, quiet honestly, doesn't know what they are capable of doing, or more specifically," the man paused while placing a cigarette in his mouth, raising up his left arm and using his gauntlet to light said cigarette, inhaling heavily before blowing out a thick cloud of smoke, dying the room with the musty smell of a cigarette. "People who don't know what you aren't capable of.". Deep silence covered the room, leaving only the slight hissing from the lights and the small crackling sound from the burning cigarette to fill its space.

The room seems rather empty, with a small wooden door crammed into the corner of the room. Besides the door is a large window, which seems to be a one way, apart from that, a small bulb hanged directly above the middle of the room, over the table which separates two men. It was quiet obvious who was in charge here, as one of the men is tied to the chair, and cuffed in both his ankles and his hands; it appears that the tied up man has been beaten up before being brought here, as his face was swollen and his eyes so bruised that it was hard to recognize who he was, though the other man - let's just say he's quiet the opposite of 'unrecognizable'; anyone who has been living anywhere in Putfim would know who this man is. Joseph Lawrence: the leader of the infamous Enigma syndicate.

"Now, some people say I have very powerful hands," Lawrence continued, his eyes narrowing onto his callused hands, "in one simple motion -" he snapped his hands toward the disfigured man on the other side of the table, glaring at him in the process, "I could have an entire sector of Putfim destroyed," he smirks arrogantly, though his small smile quickly turned into a rather displeased, almost sarcastic frown, "Yet, I still entrusted you with securing and maintaining the trade route - and what did you do?" he paused, though didn't give enough time for the other man to answer, "You went ahead and somehow, and I still don't know how, managed to get caught!" he let out a short sarcastic laugh. The battered man was quiet visibly shaken up by this. "Jesus Christ, are you seriously crying? Do you want me to get mommy for you?" Lawrence puts out his cigarette before continuing, rubbing his eyes as he does so, "I can't bloody believe it." Lawrence waved his hands, signalling towards the window, and a loud thud was heard as the door opened to revealed two armed men, as they step closer towards the table. "Just, get rid of him," Joseph announced, before standing up and exiting the room, a smirk appearing as a gun shot was heard, shaking the walls around him.
Marz soard above the market place onboard of his glider. He had taken the liberty to scout the market place before his farther and the rest of the crew arrived. They had come to pick up and drop off some goods but Marz was far more concerned with exploring Pitfum. He had never actually be inside of the city befor his father not allowing him in such a dangerous place but Marz had just turned 17. Now with his father blessing to go wherever he wanted to go, Marz

was eager to see if all of the story's he had be told were true. Marz flow past tall smoke towers looking down at spiraling city underneath him. Hundreds of thousands of people all Scrabbling around going in and out of building living out their every day lives. Marz stared down at the city fascinat by all of its moving parts until something caught his eye. A massive metal golem marching through the crowd of people with a cloud of black smoke eruption from its back. "I wonder what that guys story is?" Marz thought to himself as he zoomed though the sky. "Maybe I'll ask him." The idea of meeting this metal monster seemed fun and safe enough so Marz turned his glider and started to follow him though the crowed. As he followd the metal titan Marz noticed two figureth wearing black cloaks traveling on rooftop. They appeaed to also be following the metal to where ever it was going. Marz thought up the idea that those two men would be after the metal golem and that he would swoop in to save him. Marz laughed at his little story. "Like that would happened." He thought to him self as the metal suit ducked under a doorway to to a build with a large blacksmiths sigh on the front of it. "A black Smith's I guess he getting his armor repair or something. Maybe I'll buy something new sword or chest piece would be nice. Ohhh maybe a pair of goggles!" Marz dropped his altitude and Lowered his speed landing his glider on to a rooftop and a building. He collapsed the upper wing and then folded the board twice in on its self making about the size of large briefcase and then slung it over his shoulders like a back pack. Marz claimed down onto the fire escape of the building and then jumped onto a large pipe sliding his way down into a alley and then walked out onto to the main street heading towards the black Smith's.
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Kyns raised an eyebrow as a mechanical mutt appeared in front of the counter. This ought to be good. He thought to himself. Smiling and giving a little awkward wave to the dog. A young lady soon followed the pup, walking through a curtain into the shop. She removed her goggles and wiped the oil from her hands. "So who do we have here? I'll take a guess and say it's Mister 'I lost my body in a tragic accident and so I'm damned to wear this armor until the end of my days.' Is it?" The woman said, inspecting his armor. "So what can I help you with? Need some polish for that shiny-not-so-shiny armor? Need some tinkering? Or maybe some weapons?" Before Kyns could even speak, the woman called back her dog. Fenrir was it's name apparently, it sounded so scary for such a cute little guy. Kyns stood without saying anything, waiting to see if the interrogation was over so he could start speaking. "So?" She said. Kyns smiled at the woman politely. "Nah, my body is all here, see?" he said, dropping his helmet and locking up the suit so it would still stand up while he climbed out the top. "I'm here because I need a depot to stash my suit. And a little fix up wouldn't hurt I guess!" Kyns said, happily climbing out of his suit and jumping down to the floor. He walked up to the counter, looking down and grabbing his gold sack from his satchel. "I don't have much-" He stopped mid-sentence. Realizing his satchel wasn't there. He must've left it at the depot...that's all he had left from free lancing. It was probably gone now."CRAP.." He said a little to loud. He looked up, a little red from embarrassment and exhaustion. He sighed loudly. "I..uh..I was wrong..no cash m'am." He sighed again and backed away from the counter. "You don't suppose I can get the first month free?" He asked with a disappointed tone. Kyns just hated begging.

Aurora wanders down the streets and stops at a stand with machinery. She searches for some tools and maybe so necessities before she heads out of town again. Her assistant Bugsy, stood behind her like a body guard holding onto her things she bought from the market. Currently she was haggling a hustler which she knew he is a hustler especially in this town of crime. Aurora saw a screw driver that can automatically drill the screw in. It was shiny and gold.

"Hey hot stuff how much for this screwdriver drill thingy?" She asks placing the tip of the screw near her eyes almost pressing the button and screwing her eye out. The clerk snickers and rubs his hands together. "Oh that? That's about 300gs, but you know I can tone it down if you maybe give me something in return. Like your pal there?"

Aurora looks at Bugsy then back at rhe clerk.
"No can do. Bugsy ain't for sell. Tell you what bub." She pokes his chest. "I'll give ya a hundred and I can fix anything you want?" The man rubs his chin. "Well I do have something that desperately needs to be fixed. You got yourself a deal." They shake each other's hand to make the deal before paying up and having to fix what appears to be some odd clock. Now normally she would fix anything and it will be a success but before arriving on this stand she saw the clerk hustle a poor girl with an armputated leg. As revenge. Aurora decided to, "fix" the clock and be on her way. Once she finishes, she walks away. "Thanks for the screw driver test. Works wonders." She smirks and counts down to twenty. After a few feet away, the clock explodes covering the entire stand with smoke. Alerted, people start stealing the man's items which to his dismay makes him lose his business. Aurora laughs holding hwr gut and throwing her head back. Bugsy tilts his head confused before he sees an armored man heading into a building. Bugsy was awed by another large being that stood out. He follows the armored body leaving Aurora. The snow haired girl notices Bugsy leaving and follows him in a panic. "H-hey! Bugsy! Come back! Where ya going?"

After awhile, Bugsy comes to a halt in front of a building and pants feeling out of breath from the chase. She stands in front of the bucket of bolts and huffs. "You idiot! What's wrong with you? Why did you run off?" The robot points to the armor and a guy standing in front of a counter. The risen metal arm bumped Aurora's nose causing her to send her flying into the inn and bump into the armor. She was dazed and bleeding from her nose from Bugsy's clumsy action. "Pardon me sir...but do you like coconuts and stars?" She babbles from the injury and rolls her tongue out as if she was out unconscious.

@Ghost Hunter
Zoey walked into the usual bar where she met her contacts, a small cozy bar named "Capetian's brews" in the west of the city, sitting at a table in the back was her usual contact. A stubby, well groomed dwarf named Garik. "

Afternoon Garik, got anything for me?

" She said as she sat down.


" The dwarf said as she ordered a drink, "

We have a gang leader! can you

believe that? He needs someone to track down and kill Joseph Lawrence and, he's paying a hefty amount."

The dwarf said with a grin. Zoey stared wide eyed at him. "

So what im thinking is, you take this job and give your favorite dwarf 10% for rounding this job for you.

" he grinned and sipped his drink."

But...Garik isnt he the head of Enigma? This sounds insane."

The dwarf seemed disappointed.

" Zoe, weve been doing this for years now! come on don't you back out on me now!"

He said with some excitement and fight in his voice.

"Allright, you've twisted my leg"

she smiled "

Tell them ill take it."

she finished her drink and set out to track down Joseph. "

Good luck!"

Garik called out with a hearty laugh to follow.

It had been 3 days since then and Zoey had been tracking ever since. She had learned of an Enigma syndicate hide out. She had taken out a low level guard and disguised herself as him. She walked around without much questioning. everything was going just as smooth as she hoped it would. She found a map room. As she started studying them she heard some running and a very clear "Look! here! a body!"

oh no

Zoey thought. She grabbed a map and undisguised herself,un-holstering Snow and Ice, ready to shoot her way out. As she walked out the room she was met with two armed mobsters who were quickly dealt with. She moved further and further to the exit dispatching all the goons and mobsters in her way. Just as she was approaching the door a large suit of steam powered armor burst through with a large rocket launcher. He fired and the blast sent her flying forward and dazed.She tried to stand up but was grabbed at the neck by the hulking armor.She struggled until she passed out from not breathing.

She had no idea how long she had been out r where she was but they were defiantly moving. Everything was black, there was something over her head but she didn't know what. "

Wh...Where am i?

" she called, no answer.

"Where are you taking me?

" she called louder.

"Shut up



she heard back as she was punched in the stomach causing her to cough and wince. Suddenly the movement stopped.
"Another one?" Lawrence groaned, "Look, that bastard took all the energy out off me and I can't be bothered to deal with another one of those spineless, 'gets caught red handed types'." he ranted, lighting another cigarette after he took a brief pause, "Can we save this one for another day?" Lawrence gestured for the guards to leave, exhaling a lung full of smoke as he does so. Defying Lawrence's words is a massive crime within the gang, though the guards hesitated to leave the room. Lawrence, repeated his hand motion, only to see the guards not responding again. "Holy shit, did we actually recruit some blind people?" He snapped, "Unless you somehow managed to catch that bastard who wrecked our supply line yesterday..." His voice trailed off at the sight of the small elf.

"S-sir, this is exactly that!" one of the guards exclaimed nervously.

"Now, ain't that a catch?" he smirks at the men, as he harshly grabbed the elf's hair and tugged on it, revealing her face. "Is that all? Do you really expect me to believe one fucking elf caused all of that?"

Clair O'Reilly

Clair had just arrived in the western capital of Tekjiirn and she was on a mission , oh yes a very important one at that. You see while this part of the continent was rather rough and grim it was also a great place to get second hand tools and parts and well Clair had a lot to get.

If she was to complete her next device with the budget she was given well she really had no other choice than to buy the parts here. So that is what she did in fact do. Oh yes , Clair moved around from market place to market place , stall to stall , ally way to ally way , gathering various pieces and trinkets. Some were bigger than others , some were more complex than others but either way they ended up it the large sack she had through over her left hand shoulder. It was only after three hours of searching that she was in fact happy that she had all she needed ,well, that and the fact her sack was now busting at it's seams.

With the time being what it was and Clair having no way to return to the east by night fall she decided to push on towards the nearest blacksmiths in the hopes that he/she would allow her the use of there workshop. When she arrived however she noticed the shop to be rather full and not in the way she had expected it to be.

The shop itself was pretty normal looking but the customers were defiantly characters in there own right , you know they did stand out around the hooligans that normally populated this city. But you know in saying that Clair had been carrying around a rather large sack of 'bits and bobs' all day and she wasn't dressed that bad either , you know what she was a customer too ! I've already made this point they all stood out ok !

With a smile Clair entered the store and immediately made her way up to Bugsy and let out a rather long wolf whistle as she inspected him , ear pressed firmly against his chest and right hand knocking upon it. After finishing her whistle Clair took a few steps away from the robot and let her sack fall to the ground before using it as a seat , an uncomfortable yet oddly bearable seat at that "Well aren't you just a beauty ! Do you accept voice commands big man ? Sit , stay.... and I'm not your master..... that's right , so umm can I ask who is ?".

@XXXIwolf @Ghost Hunter @Capricornus
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Zoey heard the voices and then felt a rush of pain from her scalp, she winced and grunted a little in pain. Her throat was killing her. She blinked a few times and released she was face to face with one of the most powerful men in the West. "I..it was me" she stammered out hoarsely. "I..i shut it down...i never met who...needed it done, all my jobs" She trembled and went into a coughing fit. "All my jobs come through a little dwarf..." Her throat burned with every word she said. She tried to flick her eyes around and figure out where she was but, to no avail. Oh you're in trouble now she thought as she was forced to look at the gang leader obviously scared.

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"Yeah, and I make all my money from the tooth fairy," he mocked he shaky voice, "It obviously wasn't a one man operation, I suggest for you to tell me exactly who was involved, and maybe, maybe then I'll let you die quickly." it was clear that Joseph has had enough, his eyes resembled that of a raging bull. Letting go of her hair, Joseph walked back towards his table and pulled out a piece of paper which he slid under his ashtray. After he checked the sheet for its contents, he tosses it onto the floor right in front of the elf. "Do you see how much I lost?" he angrily demanded, his face scrunched up and small veins started appearing on his forehead as he tugged again on the elf's hair, making her face visible, "So I'll only ask you this one last fucking time, who was involved?"

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Aurora groans shaking her head from the after shock of a beating. She holds her head and wipes the blood off of her nose before standing up and stumbling. She held onto the counter and shakes her head to catch Bugsy being seated or possibly flirted upon a beautiful elf? Bugsy looks down toward the charming elf and blushes which makes his entire medal body steam and heat up. You can hear the radiation and muffling inside. He scratches his cheek then points to Aurora. Aurora huffs and walks over to the lady. "Yeah me! I'm the guy's master. Impressed sweetheart? He's a hundred percent metal and half of it is steam. The rest is just bolts and nuts." Aurora had sort of a Brooklyn accent. She crossed her arms over her chest which is puffed out with bride as well as sparkles that suddenly popped up. How did she do that? "His name is Bugsy. He's my best friend, assistant and body guard. My father and I worked on him. I'm surprised he hasn't exploded yet. That's a relief. You fascinated?"

@Mr Swiftshots
She sighed with relief when he released his grip on her hair. "It was...just me and that little dwarf...his name is Garik..he just finds jobs." She coughed, now light headed. She winced again when he grabbed her hair. "Just me...and...the dwarf...and whoever payed me...just..ask yourself...in this situation what..would i gain by lying to you?" She tried not to say anything that would anger the man any further. " Im...just..a gun for..hire...i only did what they payed me to." she began coughing again. "if..you want..to know..who hired...you have to talk to..Garik..." All she could do was try to mask her fear.

XXXIwolf said:
Aurora groans shaking her head from the after shock of a beating. She holds her head and wipes the blood off of her nose before standing up and stumbling. She held onto the counter and shakes her head to catch Bugsy being seated or possibly flirted upon a beautiful elf? Bugsy looks down toward the charming elf and blushes which makes his entire medal body steam and heat up. You can hear the radiation and muffling inside. He scratches his cheek then points to Aurora. Aurora huffs and walks over to the lady. "Yeah me! I'm the guy's master. Impressed sweetheart? He's a hundred percent metal and half of it is steam. The rest is just bolts and nuts." Aurora had sort of a Brooklyn accent. She crossed her arms over her chest which is puffed out with bride as well as sparkles that suddenly popped up. How did she do that? "His name is Bugsy. He's my best friend, assistant and body guard. My father and I worked on him. I'm surprised he hasn't exploded yet. That's a relief. You fascinated?"
@XXXIwolf @Ghost Hunter @Capricornus[/fieldset]
In the skies above Flumi, one Airship which oddly looked like a boat soared in the sky as the Morning sun came into view. A Kykdren Lioness noticed this as the winds sung a gentle lullaby on the top deck of the ship.

"Morning already...?" The lioness yawned, stretching her arms as she zipped her jacket up. It was one of the only clothing that fitted her that didn't look so formal and so extravagant. The Lioness rubbed her eyes, as she walked near the foreastle of the ship, getting most of the breeze. It usually felt nice, especially in the mornings. "Ah...Right...Got to wake bro up..." She muttered, taking off her hood as she went down the hatch. She wonders what kind of day will she be experiencing today?

(Anyone with an airship?)
Lawrence, after calming down, returned to his seat, beginning yet another cigarette. He leans back onto the leather chair, stretching his legs out onto the table in the process; his feet made large clunks as they hit the table. "Gun for hire?" he whispers to himself before grinning an impish smile, "When I was younger, I used to be someone like you." his eyes fixate onto the beaten elf, "The thrill of the 'chase' was always so fascinating to me," his voice was that of a person reminiscing, "you would spend weeks, even months tracking someone down, before finally finishing the job." It was strange, he saw a little of himself within her. Killing her now would only be a waste, he thought.

"Bring this 'Garik' person to me"
he commanded the elf.

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Aurora squeals with speaking eyes at the woman's praises but frowns and thinks for a moment. Furrowed brows staring at the ground. She hums in thought. "Voice box? Never thought about that! Say you wouldn't mind if I borrow that idea do ya? Sounds to me like you're full of ideas. I would like to add you to my buddy traveling list if ya want to tag along?"

(Irish voice! Awesome. I love it :D )

@Mr Swiftshots
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Zoey calmed down when she saw the man enter a much more relaxed state. She listens to what Joseph says and nods at the command after a deep breath she spoke. "Back here? and followup question." She looks around "Where is here?" she turns her attention back to Joseph. "I have to get back to the west side of Piftum if you want me to find him." she rubbed the back of her head where he pulled.

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As Marz approached the blacksmith's shop he is cut off by a second massive suit of armor. Marz stops for a moment staring up at the machine as it then pushes a young girl with white hair onto the blacksmith's shop. He stops for a moment thinking if the two Titans might know each other. Marz smiles to himself as he plays with the idea of two friendly titans happily sitting by a campfire. As Marz was daydreaming a second elf women walked into the blacksmith's shop.

Following he lead Marz entered the shop to find a 3ed beautiful woman standing behind the country 2 massive metal suits and 1 sad dude by the counter. "What is even going on in this place." Mars thinks to him self as he enters the shop. Marz steped towards the the large Titan reaching out with his hand made lightly brushing his fingers on its Left leg "wow." He says under his breath feeling the warm metal. To Marz surpris the robot suddenly turned it's head looking at him instinctively he toke a step back flinging his outstretched arm away from the Titan. Marz could feel his checks burn red with embarrassment "play it off cool, play it of cool" he think to himself frankly. " Ha. Never seen anything the size this guy before." Marz trails off for a second "except for the engines onboard of an airship." "losers!" Marz thinks to himself "first you sound like some kid from the sticks then you brag about an airship. Could you be any worse." Marz turns from the group walking over to a weapon rack trying to look like he actually know anything about them.
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XXXIwolf said:
Aurora squeals with speaking eyes at the woman's praises but frowns and thinks for a moment. Furrowed brows staring at the ground. She hums in thought. "Voice box? Never thought about that! Say you wouldn't mind if I borrow that idea do ya? Sounds to me like you're full of ideas. I would like to add you to my buddy traveling list if ya want to tag along?"
(Irish voice! Awesome. I love it :D )

@XXXIwolf )

@Ghost Hunter @Capricornus[/fieldset]
'I hope that Marz doesn't get himself into any trouble.' Richard thought to himself as he watched his son sail through the sky into the depths of the city. The old man eased The Madeleine into the port, turning off the main rotors and hooking the ship latch onto the dock. Several crew members then began unloading the goods from the hull onto a small truck. After all that was said and done, the goods were fastened and Rick cranked up the vehicle drove them deep into the city to the recipient.

Most of the delivery locations were smaller shops scattered about the southern side of the city, and each paid quite well. Despite being in a region where crime rates were rather high, the trade run went off without a hitch, much to richard's relief. With this, he made his way back to the ship, and decided to pass the time with some guitar playing and a cup of tea.(
@Thepotatogod, my character has an airship)
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Lawrence caught himself after hearing her question. He should've been a lot more careful, she just destroyed a warehouse which contained items worth thousands, and you're trusting her to rat out her own contractor? After a small pause, Lawrence began to speak again. "Not here per se..." he looks down in deep thought, taking another drag of his cigarette "There's a small building just outside of the capital, an abandoned cafe. Tell him to meet you there." he says, as he tossed her a device similar to a telephone. "Use that to report back to me." he gestured towards one of his guards to take her away.

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(Lmao I don't regret it I speak the truth honey. Elves are beautiful and so does Bugsy. Haha I'll let you choose a voice for him to make it up to you. Make your hormones as crazy as you want xD )

Aurora pouts and hangs her head low then snaps her fingers. But before she could speak she watches Clair be seductive to her robot. She wasn't sure is she should be weirded out, laugh or ship it. Most likely chose ship it. Bugsy was family even if he was a bucket of bolts. She snickers silently watching the bot blush again looking down at the woman. Honestly, when was he programed to react like a human? He did not understand emotions but knew how to react as programed. Magic she supposed. Aurora nudges her buddy and winks.

"Woot! Look at you two going at it. I ship it. Get it Bugsy! Tap dat ass." The childish girl holds her stomach and laughs hard banging his metal arm ignoring the pain of flesh on metal. Bugsy fixes his composure wishing he could speak his mind to his master. Now that he thought about it. Perhaps a voice box is not such a bad idea. Bugsy steams through his pipes as if huffing. He looks at the elf and nods.

Aurora on the other hand finishes her fit and wipes a tear off her eyes and sighs.
"So! I guess I will be traveling with you. I happen to be going that way anyway. So without further adiue names Aurora this here is Bugsy. Nice ta meetcha!" She takes a hand for her to shake with the widest grin you'll ever see showing her pearly white teeth.
Marz turns from the weapon rack facing the girls "well if it's east your going you could come with me. I work on a merchants ship with my farther. I think we are heading straight for Binbig tomorrow evening." Marz pause for a moment. "The captain love to have adventure aboard free of charge... As long as they do some work around the ship." Marz attempts to lean back onto the weapon self in a attempt to look cool but accidentally knocks over several polearm and sword. "Crap-crap-crap" Marz says stumbling to pick up the heavy weapons. His face now bright red making an even bigger mess. Trying to lean the weapons back on to their posts only to have them all fall down again.
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