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"OH! You lived on a farm too? That's so neat!" she grinned at Vinn. She watched Pitfum get closer and closer. It looked beautiful, she's has never seen a thing like it before. She watched Vinn maneuver his griffin in search for a spot to land. "Don't worry about the smoke. My dad smoked cigars all the time. It gives off a nice smell to be honest. I wouldn't try it myself though." She chuckled at the Vinn's minor frustration. Zelia didn't mind the slight inconvenience, she loved flying through the sky on Soma's back. She had to hold on onto Soma again as she did a quick 180 degree turn. Other then quick movements like that, Zelia really enjoyed the ride with her new travelling buddy. As they landed she heard Vinn say we were practically trespassing and she watched him pull out a huge machine gun. She laughed at Vinn commenting on the griffins known strength. She took Vinn's hand and stepped down. "So, did you build that yourself or did you buy it? Either way it is really cool! Also, do you know this city well? I've never been here before so I was wondering if you could be my.... kinda tour guide? I mean, you've already done enough for me so you don't have to if you don't want to but it would be greatly appreciated." Wow, I sound so fucking awkward. This is what happens when you stay in the same town for 29 years....
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While everyone started to rise and chat, Riley was on the far end of the airship staring at the morning sun as he starts constructing a small box for Bugsy's memory chip. He wasn't trying to be a loner. He just didn't want to be the guy who had too many things to say. It seemed everyone took a liking to Kyns. Who would of thought he'd literally be a chick magnet? Riley chuckles at the idea. He was sort of envious. His mind suddenly starts to wander on things of his past and what he wants to do after the war. Riley's green eye shifts to the morning sun. It won't be long before they arrive in pitfum. If things go wrong, he already had a refugee as a hide out. 

@SpookySpecter @Fawnking @PurpleTurtle
Aurora turns to Blume and rubs her head sheepishly. "Awe shucks. For a wanted crook you sure seem nice too. I wanted to know if ya did anything to my Bugsy? He was on board with me."

she said trailing offZoey

Zoey noticed Kyns trail off and put her hand on his shoulder. "[SIZE= 14px]Hey, It'l be alright." [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]she said, smiling in reassurance. She walked away from the main group "[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]I'm heading up top." [/SIZE]she declared, hoisting herself up a ladder onto the upper deck instantly feeling  the wind against her face. She walked to the bow and looked over the edge smiling and letting her hair fly. I've never been able to get a view from this high she thought.

Lady Blume

Lady Blume smiled at the girl. "Oh i do quite enjoy your company...perhaps you could help me with my weapon project...unlike our 'friend' who had to depart."  she said smiling. "Bug...sy? i do believe he was broken on arrival." she said trailing off.

@Dearwolfy @Fawnking @SpookySpecter @PurpleTurtle 

Kyns smiled at Zoey, then watched her go up the steps. "Anyway...Echo, what was your game plan when when we land? Going to your father for something right? He asked, rubbing his head. "I can barely remember..." Kyns said with a grunt, and leaned against a wall. 


Vinn smiled and puffed some smoke from his nose. "Yep built her myself, thanks!" He said, adjusting the gun on his back. "I wouldn't mind showing you around! Come on, let me show you the market district!" He said, then narrowed his eyes. "Make sure you stay close...don't stray too far from me or Soma. This town is FUCKED up..." Vinn said seriously. Then grabbed Soma's reigns and started walking out of the hangar. "SO....you like flying?" Vinn asked, trying to strike a conversation. 
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Zelia's eyes widened as he said he how screwed up the town is. He walked behind Vinn closely. "Oh! Yeah, flying is really cool! I've never done it before so the whole experience is very exciting for me. My dad said he flew around a lot when he was a warrior. Are you, by chance, a warrior too?" as they walked she looked at all of the different markets and the variety of things they offered. It was a very pretty place, for being so messed up. "If you don't mind me asking... and I apologize if I am annoying you with all of my questions, but why did you decide to help me? I was just a random stranger you didn't even know. You even refused when I tried to give you payment. So, if not for money, then why?" 

Echo winced as she looked at Kyns's appearance once she fully looked him over then bit down on a comment. He really did look like shit especially with the morning light illuminating the shadows under his eyes, "Well, we could all stay at the guest house on my families property, unless you guys would prefer mine and Elana's apartment," she said then thought about talking to her father with a frown, "I should probably go on my own, everyone can get settled at wherever they choose to stay well I go." 

Veda wasn't paying too much attention to her surroundings until she heard the elf speak up. She glanced in time to see the other ascending the staircase and was quick to get up herself. Running a hand through her hair and rolling her shoulders she made her way to the other. Veda tried to keep a good distance between them, standing shoulder to shoulder looking at the ground below. "Are you excited for the battle Zoey?'' glancing over the side she felt a bit sick, not used to the height.

Zoey was a bit startled by Veda suddenly popping up next to her, she still felt a little uneasy talking to the girl. "Yeah, I'm exited. I can't wait to see the airship."she said smiling at her, hoping her face was calmer then her mind. "What about you Ve?"she asked the girl, looking back off the edge.


Echo winced as she looked at Kyns's appearance once she fully looked him over then bit down on a comment. He really did look like shit especially with the morning light illuminating the shadows under his eyes, "Well, we could all stay at the guest house on my families property, unless you guys would prefer mine and Elana's apartment," she said then thought about talking to her father with a frown, "I should probably go on my own, everyone can get settled at wherever they choose to stay well I go." 



Kyns pulled his hood up self consciously at an attempt to hide his face, noticing Echo's wince. He listened to Echo. "I don't have anywhere to stay...Perhaps Riley can arrange some sort of safe house for us to stay in. Wait! Actually, I have the perfect safe house in mind for everyone! It's in the recently bombed section of the city...it may be vacated by bandits right now...so we would have to fight for it. Which would be no problem. So, while you go to your family's property, the rest of us can go secure the safe house. Its Vamba's old workshop...it had a huge secret basement, which was most likely left untouched by the bombs..." Kyns said, a little relieved they had a place to stay. "I'll tell Riley once we land." Kyns said. 


Vinn smiled. [SIZE= 14px]"I'm flattered you'd even ask if i'm a warrior...i'm no warrior. Just a farmer looking for his brother, who happens to have the creative insight to build a machine  gun..." [/SIZE]Vinn said, walking through the district. He listened to Zelia's second question. "You're not annoying me at all! Well...I guess I decided to hep you..well I dunno...guess you just charmed me into it." Vinn said with a laugh. "No...but seriously, I just like helping people. And I was headin' this way anyway, so it's not like it was a big hassle to bring you here." Vinn added. He took the cigar out of his mouth and pointed at an oncoming storm. "Looks like the weather's changing. Hope you don't mind thunderstorms...." Vinn said, then put the cigar in his mouth and turned. "Come on...I think it's best to show you a less...outdoor section of the city. Want to see the underground level? There's an elevator at the clock tower that'll bring us down." Vinn said, tugging on the reigns to get Soma's attention. "Or, we can go to an inn for a bit. Either on is fine with me." 


"Well, whatever you may be, that gun is still very impressive." she looked to the left to see a small rat. She let out a sigh. "I helped work on my family's farm for 19 years. This is my first time ever leaving home. I'd have to say it is quite enjoyable so far." she laughed when Vinn said that she charmed him to give her a ride. "Ah yes, I am indeed soooo charming~" she said as she struck a pose. "I'm glad to have met you. I don't think anyone would ever do that for someone like me. A girl with no experience at all. So, thanks for everything Vinn" she watched him point to the oncoming storm. After a minute she considered her options and said, "Well, considering I have never heard of an underground city before, it sounds quite interesting! I'd would like to see that if it's alright with you."   
Veda put her back against the railing feeling better not looking over the ship. She listened to the other talk, a bit surprised she used her nickname. “I’m nervous, it's been years since I’ve even gotten into a fight. I used to be the leader and willing to be on the front lines, I’m a lot different now. I’m worried for everyone. I’d like to think everyone will come out unscathed but we know that isn’t realistic.” She bubbled out, her worries getting the best of her. Her hands moved as she talked, eventually resting against the railing too. 'We all could die." Veda wanted to say but refrained against it.

Zoey smiled over the edge, not turning to face the girl. "Sure we'll all get hurt a little no one is questioning that."she said still smiling. "But we'll all be fine, she doesn't have bombs to drop on us anymore. You got nothing to be afraid about."she said finnaly looking up at,the girl and saw the sincere worry in her face. "Once." she started. "i was out hunting, it was the only way our family was able to have meat. I got lost and was attacked by a pack of wolves, it was bad I'm lucky to be alive, but that didn't stop me, the next day I was up and walking and within the week I was back in the snow. Even though you're scared you cant let that stop you, this is probably our only shot, we can't let fear result in failure." she said, putting her hand on Veda's shoulder in the same way she had with Kyns, she tried to lighten the mood with: "I've got a cool scar on my upper left arm I can show ya after." she said, smiling up at Veda.

@Fawnking[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)][/COLOR]
Veda listened intently to Zoey’s story, quite surprised she survived such an attack. “You are very brave Zoey.” She gave a smile, moving closer to the other as she put a hand on her shoulder. Veda gave a small smile, glad that the other was trying to help soothe her fears. When the elf mentioned the scar she let out a light laugh, “Really? Alright, you better.” Hoping that she would be able to see the scar. “Don’t do anything stupid while we are out there ok..?” She looked straight into the others eyes hoping to get her point across.  

Zoey smiled, glad she hae gotten laughter out of the girl. "But stupid things are me spe-" she stopped once she realized how serious Veda had gotten. "I-I won't Veda." she stuttered out not sure how else to reply to the girl's concern. "What are you and Riley's group going to be doing?" she asked, trying awkwardly to chnage subjects.

The wind made Vedas stray hairs fly as she nodded, glad the other agreed. “I’m not sure, I actually was going to go find him after I was done chatting with you, figured I’d get to know who I’m following.” She pushed away from the bars, giving a small smile to the elf. “I'll talk to you later, behave.” She teased walking off to find the captain. Veda walked around a bit, traveling hallways and peeking inside of rooms before she found Riley sitting in the back of the ship, watching the horizon. Noticing him tinkering with something she tried not to startle him by knocking on the wall, such as if she was entering through a door. “Hey there Riley...” She attempted conversation with the Spaniard.

@Drakeel  @Dearwolfy

"Well, whatever you may be, that gun is still very impressive." she looked to the left to see a small rat. She let out a sigh. "I helped work on my family's farm for 19 years. This is my first time ever leaving home. I'd have to say it is quite enjoyable so far." she laughed when Vinn said that she charmed him to give her a ride. "Ah yes, I am indeed soooo charming~" she said as she struck a pose. "I'm glad to have met you. I don't think anyone would ever do that for someone like me. A girl with no experience at all. So, thanks for everything Vinn" she watched him point to the oncoming storm. After a minute she considered her options and said, "Well, considering I have never heard of an underground city before, it sounds quite interesting! I'd would like to see that if it's alright with you."   


VInn nodded and turned Soma in the direction of the tower.  "There's not much to see, it's basically a social hub." Vinn said, gripping Soma's reigns tight as a group of shady hooded individuals walked past them. He kept his eye on them until they passed, and he let out a sigh. "Where was...oh right, it's basically a social hub. You're gonna see a lot of Pitfum culture down there." Vinn said as they walked. The Clock Tower soon came into view, and Vinn pointed at it. "There's the ride down to the under city!" Vinn said, then started walking faster. 
Zoey nodded. "Alright, i wont keep you." she said, waving Veda away. She laughed at the other's joke "When am i not behaving?" she countered smiling looking back over the edge. "Ill be here if anyone needs me." 


Zelia thought on how the underground looked. Then she wondered on how out of place she must look. Geez, I must look like a complete bumpkin out here... she watched the people stare at them as they passed by. I must really look stupid out here. People are staring! But, she realized they weren't staring at her, but at Vinn. Weirdos... "So, when you say culture, do you mean like history and things or fancy people crap? Because, I am totally up for learning history, not for fancy dresscoats...." she watched to Clock tower come into view. It was tall, very tall. It made Zelia feel like she was walking towards a new adventure, even though this whole experience was already a new adventure, this made her feel different. She realized Vinn had walked ahead and she sped up to follow him. 
Upon remembering the bombing and realizing her apartment was likely gone she frowned then listened to Kyns suggest a safe house for everyone that was likely partially unscathed, "Sounds like a plan, what type of an event should I ask for though?" She asked, "KYNS! ASK FOR A CIRCUS. OR A BALL!"  Elana screeched from the other side of the room with her usual lack of composure, "Or I could ask for you to have another speech. Or maybe if you want to appeal to Pitfum's higher class society maybe something like a gala?"


"Well, whatever you may be, that gun is still very impressive." she looked to the left to see a small rat. She let out a sigh. "I helped work on my family's farm for 19 years. This is my first time ever leaving home. I'd have to say it is quite enjoyable so far." she laughed when Vinn said that she charmed him to give her a ride. "Ah yes, I am indeed soooo charming~" she said as she struck a pose. "I'm glad to have met you. I don't think anyone would ever do that for someone like me. A girl with no experience at all. So, thanks for everything Vinn" she watched him point to the oncoming storm. After a minute she considered her options and said, "Well, considering I have never heard of an underground city before, it sounds quite interesting! I'd would like to see that if it's alright with you."   

Upon remembering the bombing and realizing her apartment was likely gone she frowned then listened to Kyns suggest a safe house for everyone that was likely partially unscathed, "Sounds like a plan, what type of an event should I ask for though?" She asked, "KYNS! ASK FOR A CIRCUS. OR A BALL!"  Elana screeched from the other side of the room with her usual lack of composure, "Or I could ask for you to have another speech. Or maybe if you want to appeal to Pitfum's higher class society maybe something like a gala?"



[SIZE= 14px]Vinn looked back. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"When I say culture...I mean...well...you'll see." [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]He said with a smile. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"I promise you it's nothing boring." [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]He added, turning and continuing to walk. As they got to the tower, a huge door began to open. Clockworks could be heard whirring and steam rushed from the several pipes that pointed to the skies. Once the door was open, a crowd of people exited. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Come on, that's the elevator." [/SIZE]Vinn said, grabbing Zelia's wrist and weaving through the crowd. Once on the elevator, a few other people joined them, and the mighty door closed, then they began to descend...Vinn clutched Soma's reigns, and let go of Zelia's wrist. Soon, the elevator stopped, and the door opened. Vinn walked out in a an incredibly spacious room. Pipes and clockworks could be seen all about them, and an almost never ending crowd of people shuffled back and forth through different large doors that lead to different sections of the under city. "Alright...here we are...what do you feel like doing?" Vinn asked, pointing to different signs that were above the large doorways. There were three. One was labeled: Entertainment. Another was labeled: Food. And the last was labeled: Social District.


Kyns pondered for a moment, highly considering the circus option. [SIZE= 14px]"What about another speech? Or...better yet...what if you get a direct meeting with the Dictator of Pitfum himself?" [/SIZE]Kyns asked, walking over to his backpack and putting on socks and boots. As he finished lacing up the boot, he looked up at Echo. "If you can't do either one, I gala would work just as well...." He said, then picked himself up. He took his banodleer out and strapped it on, then took his shotgun out, loaded it, and holstered it. Then he put his backpack on. He  was ready to go. 

"I'm sure it's fine. Hell, you could put me in front of a painting for an hour and I'd be amazed the whole time." When they got to the tower she looked up to see how the she compared to the massive structure. It looked beautiful. She watched the door open in amazement and she felt herself being dragged along by Vinn. She continued to smile even as the door closed. "This is absolutely amazing Vinn." she felt Vinn's hand release her wrist to adjust Soma's reigns. His hands were very calloused, a trait she did not notice until now. Geez, he must have done a lot of work on that farm... The door's opened as the two stepped into the large room. Zelia stared at the different pipes and signs as the sea of people walked around them. "Well, I don't know about you, but I am starving. Is eating alright with you?" She noticed a lot of people heading towards the social district. "Hey uh, Vinn? What's over there?" she pointed towards the social district of the underground metropolis.       
The wind made Vedas stray hairs fly as she nodded, glad the other agreed. “I’m not sure, I actually was going to go find him after I was done chatting with you, figured I’d get to know who I’m following.” She pushed away from the bars, giving a small smile to the elf. “I'll talk to you later, behave.” She teased walking off to find the captain. Veda walked around a bit, traveling hallways and peeking inside of rooms before she found Riley sitting in the back of the ship, watching the horizon. Noticing him tinkering with something she tried not to startle him by knocking on the wall, such as if she was entering through a door. “Hey there Riley...” She attempted conversation with the Spaniard.

@Drakeel  @Dearwolfy

At the sound of the sudden knock, Riley's thoughts suddenly shook him out of reality. He turns to Veda. The protective woman with the elf. "Hello Veda. To what do I owe your welcome? I'm surprised you're the first to approach me since you know my impression was not that great." 


"I'm sure it's fine. Hell, you could put me in front of a painting for an hour and I'd be amazed the whole time." When they got to the tower she looked up to see how the she compared to the massive structure. It looked beautiful. She watched the door open in amazement and she felt herself being dragged along by Vinn. She continued to smile even as the door closed. "This is absolutely amazing Vinn." she felt Vinn's hand release her wrist to adjust Soma's reigns. His hands were very calloused, a trait she did not notice until now. Geez, he must have done a lot of work on that farm... The door's opened as the two stepped into the large room. Zelia stared at the different pipes and signs as the sea of people walked around them. "Well, I don't know about you, but I am starving. Is eating alright with you?" She noticed a lot of people heading towards the social district. "Hey uh, Vinn? What's over there?" she pointed towards the social district of the underground metropolis.       


Vinn nodded. [SIZE= 14px]"Yeah...I kinda want to eat too. And the social district? Uh...that's kinda like this giant room where people can talk and trade...and rob others...and steal...and trick...it's a not a nice place." [/SIZE]Vinn says, steering Soma to the food district. Once through the gate, a large sprawling cafeteria could be seen. "This is the first of five other cafeterias." Vinn says, taking a seat at one of the many tables scattered about. "Here, have some gold. See that barbecue shop over there? Tell them Vinn sent you. They'll give us a discount on the steaks." Vinn says, pointing at a small tent with a large burly man chopping up a bloody score of meat, and a women cooking. 

"That place sounds awful..." she kept staring at the district as they walked through the gate. She turned around to see a giant room filled with people eating all kinds of foods. "Oh wow! This is so cool! Look at all the stuff here!" she watched Vinn sit at one of the smaller tables. "Wait, there are five other cafeterias? A lot of people must live here for there to be five giant cafeterias." She saw Vinn put his gold on the table. "Wait! I don't want to take your money! You've already done to much for me. I'm paying fr my own!" And, before Vinn could reply she went to the barbecue place and went up to the woman at the counter. "I-uh hi! I was, uh, told to tell you that, um, Vinn sent me!" 

"Well, It's been a while since I heard that name! So what will you have?" I forgot to ask what he wanted! And, I can't just go back over there now, I am already up here!

"I will, uh, have two medium rare please!" 

"Oki doki~ So, how do you know Vinn huh?" The woman asked in a very intruding voice.

"He gave me a ride here on his griffin...." 

"Oh.... Ah well, Vinn is a good guy. But, his life is a lot more boring compared to his brother-" 

"Brother? He said he was looking for him..." the woman began to look slightly concerned but only for a minute.

"Well, enough of that here you go there child." She payed for the food and thanked the woman. Zelia walked back to the table with a confused look on her face. She sat the food down and said, 

"I hope you like medium-rare cause' that is what you got." she gave off an awkward laugh and sighed. "Hey, uh, Vinn? THe woman told me told me your brother was quite a famous dude. You never told me that before, what did he do exactly?" 
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