Rp help

It's easy, in roleplaying especially, to fall into that as a habit. It just makes for a more interesting read if you show the reader what they're feeling, rather than just flat out telling it and it certainly will bulk up your posts, but in a -good- way. I think our minds tell us the longer a post the better it is, but in the end a bunch of nonsense is a bunch of nonsense, and no one wants to read that. What you should shoot for is -quality- more than quantity. If you can do -both-... great... but you can say a LOT in a little, too.

Think of it like body building... You can take a bunch of steroids and drink nothing but protein shakes until you look like Arnold in his good days... but if you take your time, really create the shape you want, eat healthy and exercise daily, you'll not only look great, but you'll FEEL great on the inside.

If you write a bunch of adjectives that may or may not fit the scene/character/setting, jam in some clever prose, sure... your post'll be longer but in the end folks are probably gonna skim through it for the important stuff. But if you take your time, REALLY work on the scene you -want- to tell, add in only what needs to be there and get behind your characterization, people will actually enjoy reading what you've written.

And I cannot stress enough, because I'm horrified at how little I see it done... proof reading. Before you even -think- about hitting "Post Reply" you should read through your post not once, but several times...spelling, grammar, repetitive words, awkward structuring - these can all be glaring bumps in what otherwise might be a smooth road. If you have dialogue, say it outloud - if it sounds awkward to you, it's going to read awkward. How do real people talk? That's how dialogue should go... If your descriptions don't make you visualize something pertaining to the character/scene/plot, then rewrite them until they do. If you've got squiggly red lines all over your post, right click that spell check, baby. Are your 'your, you're, there, their, they're' words all in line ? Is your tense or perspective consistent? Then click away. If not... Take the time to fix it. Your RP partner will thank you and in the end you'll be much happier with the post and your writing in general.

Will mistakes happen? Will something slip by? Sure. That's life - and we aren't all paid professional editors... but as long as you make the effort to put out your absolute best, you will not regret it.
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Well i'm rping with Life and it takes me like 40 minutes to make a good post cause im bouncing off of hers to try to make my post better (Not better then hers but better as in..to read)
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That's great :) it SHOULD take time to write a post. Posts that are churned out like a Matel assembly lines making Barbies... they're sloppy, ugly things that are, more often than not, virtually impossible to respond to in more than a few powerless words. You end up writing things that don't have anything to do with the storyline or your character just to fill a post, and in the end it reads like prattle.

That's a large part of why I never join 'simple' RPs. Fast paced may seem fun, but in the end you're just writing for yourself and in that case, what's the point of roleplaying? It's cooperative, and if the other person isn't enjoying READING what you've written, well... you're doing something wrong. Give what you get, and maybe even try to give more than you get - I can promise you won't get complaints ;-)
Yeah I just want to improve, rping since I was 8(I'm 17 now) I think I really want to get better at this point
Well, like I said, I'd love to help more :) Even if it's just proof-reading things for critique! Just lemme know.
I am in total agreement with what people have advised you thus far! I decided to browse through some of your roleplaying posts and they're not as bad as you think they are. Below, I have quoted part of your most recent roleplaying posts, broke it down, and annotated my own thought process as to how I would edit the post were it a draft.

Roje loved his reply on how he found shopping fun. With friends it was fun but with parents, not so much. This was a nice change since she'd shop mostly by herself. Despite what happened the other day, she was surprised that she was still okay. "I've been hiding away." in reply to his 'where have you been my entire life.' it made her laugh softly at her reply as they made it to her house. Just before Roje could pull out her house keys, Kieth had stopped her and she glanced at him
"Roje loved his reply on how he found shopping fun. With friends it was fun but with parents, not so much."

Instead of saying specifically that Roje loved a reply on how shopping was fun, show us through your character why they loved it so much. Was it because the reply was funny? Was it because it was satirical? We can't just assume what is loveable about their previous reply.

Why is a shopping experience different with their friends compared with their family? This is a perfect opportunity to flesh out your character's through their past experiences.

- - -

If you are struggling to answer some of these questions, you may need to rethink how well you actually know your character when you start roleplaying. Understanding who your character is beyond the CS is incredibly valuable. Use your imagination and place them in a variety of different scenarios. Do you know how they would react? If not, take a moment to think about it. You may discover something about that character that you would have never cared to think about before.

Some other things you should consider for improving your writing is to look over your spelling and grammar structure. There are quite a few typos, but I don't' feel it's necessary to point them out to you at this moment. Just focus on the context of your writing.
well with roje, i'm used to using her in first person. Third is still a struggle
[QUOTE="Britt-21]well with roje, i'm used to using her in first person. Third is still a struggle

I am assuming this is in response to my comment about grammar and spelling. What about switching to third person is causing you trouble? Usually people get caught with verb tenses but I could also see other reasons as well, which is why I ask.
well, Roje is a part of me, she's short tempered just like I am and I could write a ton more with her. Her thoughts, her feelings. But third its harder to express in my opinion
@Musician[/URL]'s advice you might trying to think why YOU like shopping or what about the previous comment you personally found agreeable.

Also out of curiosity was there a specific reason you decided to switch from 1st person to 3rd?

Is it like just for that particular roleplay or a general shift?

Because if it's difficult for you I would stick with whatever easiest for you to write. Trust me nothing kills a post length quicker than having to slog through a point of view you find difficult.

I myself can barely manage a paragraph in first person and it leaves me cranky and tired. Whereas I could do a page in third person without breaking a sweat. But then I find third person to be far easier to write so there you go.
well, I mean, I can do third person but if the character is related to me in some way its like 10x easier for me
[QUOTE="Britt-21]well, I mean, I can do third person but if the character is related to me in some way its like 10x easier for me

Writing in third person is easier or writing in first?

I was just saying that if you find a particular style challenging - even if it's with that character specifically and not in general - you might try switching back to the style that your most comfortable with.

It will make improving your posts much easier.

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