Advice/Help Rp genre

So on RPN roleplay genres are determined by setting. So when determining what genre your roleplay falls under look at it's setting. Detailed definitions for each genre are found by clicking their links - here -

The definitions are at the top of the page


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Roleplays containing fantastic or whimsical settings that are not grounded in real life. You can expect roleplays with magic, mythical creatures and worlds entirely unlike our own in this category.

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Roleplays containing settings with more advanced technology and societies than in real life. You can expect roleplays in this category to be associated with science fiction, space travel, cyberpunk, and extraterrestrials.
So on RPN roleplay genres are determined by setting. So when determining what genre your roleplay falls under look at it's setting. Detailed definitions for each genre are found by clicking their links - here -

The definitions are at the top of the page

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Roleplays containing fantastic or whimsical settings that are not grounded in real life. You can expect roleplays with magic, mythical creatures and worlds entirely unlike our own in this category.

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Roleplays containing settings with more advanced technology and societies than in real life. You can expect roleplays in this category to be associated with science fiction, space travel, cyberpunk, and extraterrestrials.

Can I put it in fandom even though there is no fandom?
Actually I think it's mostly fantasy so I'mma go with that. Thanks a ton!

You put the roleplay in the section that fits it's setting. I'd say yours is most likely fantasy from what I read. As it fits that definition of setting most closly.

Remember above all else - A genre is just your roleplays setting.

So if your roleplay is set in a fandom universe or using fandom characters then the Genre is fandom.

If it takes place on an alien planet with advanced technology and aliens than it's Futuristic.

if it takes place in a version of the real world ( alternate universe, historical, urban fantasy included ) than it's Realistic / Modern.

if it takes place in a totally made up world with elements of magic and whimsy than it's probably Fantasy.

The only reason I put fandom in there is to show you where the definition for each genre is.

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