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Fantasy (RP Closed)

Adrianus van de Beenhouwer, 'Abeltje'

Adrianus tears away a portion of bread between his teeth, stuffing a spoonful of stew along with it. He listens to the speaker, though shows more care for the participants than him. He was easy to keep track of after all. Though as he suddenly hunches forward, grabbing the podium in pain, Adrianus can not help but shift his attention. The man seems... taller... skinnier. Growths form on the skin. Adrianus' eyes sharpen on him, and he drops his bread into the pot, looking over to his partner. The expression on his face, and the look in his eyes, spelled out a very well known message: Trouble. Suddenly, a scream from outside draws his attention - In turn, he draws his hand mortar; there was no need to take chances. A series of shots ring out, and he shoves the pot out of the way to give himself room to maneuver, pushing himself up to his feet and drawing his thumb back on the hammer. And then came Oliver.Perhaps a vampire that could come the closest to being tolerable, though still a vampire. "Executioner!" "Murderer of your own kind!" Indeed, the closest to a tolerable vampire. As it directs members of the Rose to barricade the door, the reason for his intrusion becomes clear; the speaker, suspicions already present, malforms in mere instants. His clothes fall in tatters, patched fur and elongated arms, a mouthful of sharp teeth. But it is only one of many problems; Adrianus does not tunnel his vision on one target, and is rewarded for his awareness: Red eyes peer into the dining hall from the windows, further screams coming from outside. An ear-piercing scream comes from the malformed beast at the podium, shattering the glass windows. Adrianus covers his ears, shutting his eyes as the pain rips through him, stumbling even once the sound has ceased. Immediately after, he reaches into one of his pouches.

Never trust a vampire. Adrianus thumbs the latch for his mortar, his hands quickly replacing the massive shell of buckshot with an equally massive rounded bullet, the round in the shell a silvery-black tint. Adrianus slams it in, shuts the break, and presses the stock to his shoulder. It barely takes a second to center his shot with such a massive target, and his finger pulls back the trigger - The sound is a deafening *BOOM*, as if he'd fired some small cannon, the hulking steel slug flying for the monster's chest. The round was meant for larger beasts; hollow point to maximize damage, steel to add weight and force, unfurling flechette wings to shred the surrounding meat. Of course, one of the faults was its recoil - A fact anyone who took time to see his pained expression would notice. Adrianus thumbs the latch, the smoking casing ejecting from the barrel, and quickly replaces it with another slug. His arm was throbbing from that first shot, but he shoulders the weapon again, stationary, to fire the next. Again, the weapon belches a hollow *BOOM* that fills the room, firing another boulder towards the beast's chest. This time he stumbles back, gritting his teeth, but - moving about the room now, using the table to keep distance between him and it - he thumbs the latch to again replace the round. "Gewoon een uitwisseling, zeiden ze. We hebben een vredesakkoord, zeiden ze. Laten we een feest houden, zeiden ze! Bram, verbrand het!" Bram shakes his head, "Nee, ik kan het niet! Te veel mensen, niet goede ruimte. Ik zal je rug bedekt houden, mijn vriend! Ik kan niets doen tenzij ik een duidelijk pad en een schot heb gekregen." Adrianus grits his teeth, but nods. Collateral - An ever frustrating obstacle.
Bram de van Boer, 'Boeman'
Green for Adrianus, Blue for Bram

An eyebrow cocked as Bram's gaze met Adrianus' - Like his comrade, Bram was not some blind fool and began to leap into action... only to let out a shocked gasp as Adrianus woefully shoved the pot of stew to the side, upending it and causing the contents to spill out across the floor. He followed with an angry growl, "Godverdomme Adrianus! Dat was al het eten dat we hadden!" He barked. Exasperated, Bram yanked his gas-mask out from the confines of his Greatcoat, quickly fitting it over his face before tightening the straps to ensure it was sitting tightly against his skull, afterwards came the chemical hood, which thoroughly obstructed the back of his head, and his neck, from being exposed to any exterior elements. He had only managed to fit a single wad of wool into his left ear before his hearing was assaulted by an awful, high pitched wail- causing his vision to momentarily blur, forcing him to take a knee.

With his senses somewhat dimmed and his vision hampered, Bram misses Adrianus' first, and then second, attack. He fumbles awkwardly with the second wad of wool, quickly shoving a hand - and the wool - beneath his hood, and into his right ear before standing. Still a tad shaky, Bram scans the room for a moment, he quickly sets about retrieving his flamethrower's 'wand' from the mooring straps hooked to his back; He gives a small valve a flick before prying a torch igniter from one of his various pockets and, with a simple squeeze, ignites a small flame beneath the 'firing mechanism' of the flamethrower itself; A well-rehearsed motion that takes Bram a simple six seconds, and with his weapon primed Bram quickly stepped forwards, taking up a defensive position besides Adrianus, wincing with each heavy report of that ridiculous hand-mortar of his.

As the room descended into chaos, it quickly became rather hard to communicate- especially with the wool, and mask, covering his face. The two quickly resorted to shouting.

"Gewoon een uitwisseling, zeiden ze. We hebben een bestand, zeiden ze. Laten we een FEESTJE gooien, zeiden ze! Bram, verbrand hem!" Yelled his comrade, but he was met with a quick, negative, shake of Bram's head. "Nee, ik kan het niet! Te veel mensen, niet genoeg ruimte!" Is the immediate reply, Bram adjusting his grip on the Flamethrower's wand, sweeping it left and then right in a vain attempt to find a firing arc that wouldn't result in an unwanted 'Friendly fire' situation. They, and the others, needed to get everyone else out of the damned Dining hall, or else he would be "Ik zal je rug bedekt houden, mijn vriend! Ik kan niets doen tenzij ik een duidelijk pad en een schot heb gekregen!" He continued, shifting his attention to the nearest window as he hefted the wand, raising the nozzle towards the bottom frame. He was resigned to sit and wait, eyes locked on the creatures outside as his hands began to shake a tad. The voice inside his head was beginning to go rampant; and the desire to burn this building to the ground rose ever higher, like an unchecked flame.

It was going to be quite the night, apparently!
William Knight

He had been content on watching, it's what he was best at anyhow, but the game was beginning to get rather dull. The hand that Gooding had been holding before he so gracelessly tossed it aside, was not one that would have worked in his favor. So perhaps the action that sprung the small circle of men into action had been a blessing. Knight crossed his arms over his chest, an action that he had done plenty of in life and was just as fond of in death.

He allowed himself to snicker at the bickering, "Are you saying being dead gives you more vacation days?"
His voice echoed slightly, a side affect from being dead, but there was also a light drawl reminiscent of the thick southern accent he had in life. He positioned himself on the other side of the Professor, gesturing to the man as he made eye contact with the Vampire. "Because I don't think that's true."
Knight turned his attention back to the ominous glowing eyes in the tunnel, an eyebrow arching in response to whatever beast that was lurking towards the men. The sounds of guns being loaded and the scarping of metal on metal were music to his ears. His fingers twitched against his arm, some part of him yearning to pick up a musket and prepare for the incoming attack. But logically he knew that was no longer possible. Knight was only good for specific things: Healing, Snooping, and providing witty one-liners to those that could actually see and hear him. Which, in this business there weren't many. Besides maybe the vampire he had now wedged himself next to.

"What is it?" He asked, narrowing his white orbs as if that would somehow increase his ability to see past the darkened shadows of the cave. Knight pressed his lips together as several little red pairs of eyes dotted the opening of the cave. That...could not be good. He made a show of rolling up the transparent sleeves of his shirt, as if preparing for a fight that he wouldn't be able to do much in. Besides maybe heal those who needed it. As long as he didn't over exert his powers...he would be fine. At least that's what he told himself.

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
"Pfft, whatever it is its about to receive a nice dosage of ass kicking curtesy of America." Gooding answered the Ghost before swiping his blades together with enthusiasm

"Short-Sightedness like that is why the thinkers always stay in back." Professor Laquado sighed before looking through his scope and evaluating the enemy.

"Whatever, that's just a myth Tonic-Vendors use to peddle their slop." the Sergeant grunted before looking back to the other Conglomerate soldiers "Ready yourselves men, with any luck this battle could go horribly ugly and leave at least one bespectacled bastard in a near catatonic state. In that case you need to remember your training, for out here on the battlefield its the only thing keeping you alive!"

"Actually probably not." Laquado interrupted before the Veteran could continue his speech


"After carefully observing our approaching combatants I have concluded that victory may not fall upon our shoulders today."

"Of course it won't, Victory is supposed to crush our enemies underneath it like boots on American soil."

"What I'm saying is that these beings seem tangibly formed of some twisted panorama on demonic manifestations."

Gooding blinked, glancing around at his fellow agents for a moment before shaking his head "What?"

"I'm saying that this doesn't seem familiar to anything on immediate records that we can handle. If we had proper equipment instead of the handful of soldiers we have guarding this hovel then I would think otherwise, but if its closest cousin were the body-altering capabilities however personified in a more metaphysical state then-"

"Goddamn it kid!" Gooding pointed a machete towards the Professor "You are going to speak English right this second!"

"We are not properly prepared for an enemy like this, all of us are going to die." Professor Laquado said as insultingly slow as he could whilst backing away from the tunnel "Well, except for Mr. Knight and possibly yourself of course. But besides that I suggest all mortal agents make haste to the carriages before these beings take action."

"You're asking us to turn tail and run?!"

"No, I'm merely explaining that it's the best course of action... because I'm generous." Laquado shrugged before turning and booking it "Have fun senselessly killing yourselves for all I care!"

Gooding paused as he watched his partner flee, a grumble rising in his throat as he stared down the approaching figures with narrow eyes beneath his mask. They hadn't attacked yet, and he still wanted to make the first move. But despite how much he hated admitting it Laquado was fairly often correct in his assumptions... when it related to work at least. But even so, his desire to start stabbing was strong.

One of the other Conglomerate agents seemed to notice his newfound hesitation "Sir?"

"I'm thinking!" Gooding shouted

"But what if he's right?" another asked

"We all know I am!" Laquado's Voice called back

"Ah to hell with it." Gooding turned back and shouted "If it turns out you were wrong I'm telling everyone you ran off and made us look like chumps!"

"You wouldn't need my help with that anyway!"

Gooding bit back a snarl before shouting to the other Agents "Damn it! All of you better survive so we can rag on that bastard together in our reports! Retreat!"

Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater
CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
William Knight

Knight stood there, sputtering to himself as he looked between the human and the Vampire. Retreat!? Where they serious?? His mouth opened and closed, baffled by the turn of events. They had all been so gun-ho before he didn't seem to get what had changed. Even with the Professor's explanation he found himself a bit perplexed. They were trained to take on monsters of all sorts. Surely they could handle a few spooky looking things in some dark tunnels?

"So that's it then? We aren't even trying? We're just gonna...run? Well, I mean you're all going to run because that's a living thing-" He waved a hand as if trying to wave off his own rambling. Knight moved closer to the vampire's side, there and yet not as he hovered betwixt the fabrics of existence. He sent a frown towards his coworker, trying to understand the motivations for just sounding a full-scale retreat.
"Where are we even going to go? Inside? And do what? Leave those...things to wreak havoc on the world?" Knight continued, narrowing those pale orbs at the Vampire. He may not have had a partner anymore, but that didn't mean that his opinion couldn't be valued any less. He let out an aggravated noise, moving over towards the human a bit of a ways ahead of the retreating party. William solidified himself as best he could, feet touching the ground and disturbing the soil as he moved but nothing else really materialized except of the vague outline of his jacket.

"Laquado, you can't be serious. We can't allow whatever that is back there to get out! What if it kills other people? What if-" The words were on the tip of his tongue but he stopped himself, knowing full well that the man couldn't see the helplessness in his expression.

What if more people become like me?

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt

Alathea Nora Elwood

Alathea suppressed a snicker as she listened to the exchange between Arial and Martin. She barely knew the Clockworker in person but she had heard enough about him through Arial in a number of occasions, the present notwithstanding. While initially, she had a great amount of concern at the things Arial said of the man, over time, Alathea came to understand it was less an actuality and more a quirk in their relationship. She even grew comfortable enough with this dynamic to join in on occasion. โ€œOh, Arial,โ€ Alathea paused, throwing her initial thought out of mind. โ€œI did come across another clockworker. Iโ€™m sure tโ€™is one is less of a creep, want me to introduce you?โ€ She gave Arial a wink as she giggled in kind.

For the next while longer, she was content to make casual conversation and generally bask in the somewhat festive mood. Yet things changed far quicker than she could ever have anticipated. The man on the podium seemed like he would be boring for the rest of the night at first. That, and heโ€™s balding, Alathea noted dryly, affording him only a glance before her attention was taken away by her companions at the table. At least, until a familiar figure burst into the room. She knew she had to know this person somehow โ€“ perhaps by reputation. Genocidal maniac, huh, she pondered as she got onto her feet before she realised it.

โ€œAye, aye.โ€ She sighed, having already stood, she figured it was far too late to back down. Picking up her chair, she ran for the door, propping it closed. And thus began the drama when she turned to look back into the dining hall. The biggest, baddest wolf she had ever seen. โ€œBloody. โ€˜ell.โ€ She gaped at the monstrosity before her. To think she had thought the last werewolf she fought to be the largest sheโ€™s ever faced. Now, she just might have topped that. Still, with a room full of people specialised specifically for the disposal of such a beast, she felt less of fear and more of curiosity. This is going to be fun, she grinned.

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
LostHaven LostHaven
The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm


Format stolen borrowed from Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater who bootlegged modified the format from the BBCode Centre.
Last edited:
Eastaughffe's Banner.png

Or course, Martin was ever so slightly annoyed at the exchange between him and that fucking dirty little loli doll Arial, who had thrown insults and statements that severely sullied his reputation at him mercilessly. Of course, Martin knew it was more or less for entertainment, but it still left a bitter taste in his mouth. Never in his whole life had he even considered violating a little girl, and neither had he ever been called an octopus, of all things before. Mollusc, cephalapod, octopus, Martin wondered under what situation would somebody need to know so many names for one type of seafood. Sighing, Martin continued to help himself to the food on the table, completely disregarding the balding man who seemed to giving a speech. For starters, Martin didn't give two shits about the celebration- in his eyes, this whole event was just free dinner and easy money. Dealing, cause of celebration, wondrous leader, 'the way', Martin completely ignored the babbling idiot out at the front.

His attention was only roused when a very loud bang resonated throughout the dining hall, followed by accusations like: 'genocidal maniac' and 'murderer of your own kind.' Only then did the clockworker raise his head to see a figure, head to toe in clothing who appears to be snapping at Alathea to barricade the doors...?

Arial's Banner.png
As the rest of the Corrupted Rose members chatted away, Arial could only try to glare at all the food on the table. Of course, no matter how hard she tried, a doll cannot taste, chew, or digest food. Neither could Arial glare at anything, and it was rather more of an ominous stare than anything else. How long has it been? If Arial had to guess from the top of her head, it would've probably been over 40 years since she had eaten anything. While having a metla body had it's advantages such as being able to be repaired or replaced any number of times, it also took away certain functions of a living body, such as the ability to eat, smell, or feel. Well, Arial would tell herself at least she won't end up in hell for gluttony or lust.

The doll turned her full attention to the balding man as soon as he began speaking again. At first glance, Arial was absolutely certain that something smelled off in the air. Figuratively of course, as Arial does not possess the sense of smell. Arial's suspicions were confirmed, as the man suddenly lurched forward on his stand. This whole process reminded Arial awfully of the transformation of a were-creature. Growths that began to sprout form the body, the apparent change in the man's skeletal structure, and his behaviour that suggested he was in pain. Arial was unsure what was the whole meaning of this, though one thing was certain- that thing in front of her was about to turn into something very, very scary.

The sickening crunches of bones being broken that traversed the dining hall made Arial visibly shake, creating a shuddering noise as the gears inside her body began to tremble against one another. She turned toward Alathea, who was... grinning? "Don't get confident simply because there's people here that are well-versed in taking down monsters." The doll warned. "I've never seen something exactly like this thing, my apologies. I must be a letdown right now, huh? I don't know everything..." While it was true that Arial had never seen a monster that looked exactly like the one that stood before them, she could make a few guesses. Her first assumption was some form of were-beast. That would be the most logical assumption, though she hadn't quite seen a werebeast still retain most of their intelligence after transforming. Perhaps the transformation was induced through the use of some form of unknown eldritch magic? Her stained-glass eyes scanned across the room, analysing the various peoples, drawing out there guns or panicking to escape.

Martin stared at the creature with disgust. That was the only word that could describe the abomination that stood before him. "Tsch. Piece of shit." Martin snorted in contempt as he drew out two pistols, which had been hidden in his cloak. Sliding his mask of once more, he aimed his two pistols; Judicator and Death Sentence at the beast. "I swear, every time something involves vampires, shit goes down the hell. 25% chance of shit going seirously fucking wrong? Make it 100% when it involves fucking bloodsucking corpses." He whispered to himself. "Alright, I'm dying to pull the trigger. Anyone with an objection, speak the fuck up." He called out to nobody to particular. Well, this may be entertaining. If only he had a machine-gun...

Miracleist Miracleist The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
Shantae, Bartholomew, and Victoria

โ€œSeems the ghost girl has a guardian angel on her side.โ€* Bartholomew chuckled. โ€œShe looks pretty tough too. Might even give you a hard time, darling.โ€*

Victoria folded her hands across her chest, raising an eyebrow. She couldnโ€™t really understand the language, given that English was basically her only language. She looked at Pluto, and nodded silently to the girl. Victoria would take the lead here. โ€œI hope that wasnโ€™t a backhanded insult, Misterโ€ฆโ€ She looked as if she was thinking of a possible nickname for a moment, but stoped herself short.

โ€œBartholomew, miss.โ€ The vampire finished holding his hands up. โ€œAnd I wasnโ€™t throwing insults, I assure you. My wife canโ€™t speak our language as eloquently.โ€

Shantae nodded, holding her husbands arm. It looked odd since the woman was so tall.

Victoria nodded slowly in turn, smoothing out her messy bangs in an attempt to look more presentable. โ€œOf course, of courseโ€ฆโ€ She cleared her throat. โ€œSorry. I get quite antsy when people talk toโ€ฆโ€ Victoria looks down at Pluto. โ€œHer.โ€ She shakes her head at the distrust. These people didnโ€™t seem too badโ€ฆ Though, they might still be able to kill her on the spot. โ€œIโ€™m sure your wifeโ€™s manner of speaking is fine. I grew up in the dredges, and I think no one speaks English as bad as the English themselvesโ€ฆโ€ She offers a smirk to alleviate the tension she had originally brought to the scene.

Bartholomew repeated Victoriaโ€™s words to Shantae in Hindi. The tall woman cracked a smile, whispering something into her the vampireโ€™s ear. โ€œShe begs to differ.โ€ Bartholomew joked. His tone then turned somber. โ€œI take it youโ€™re friends with the post-human over there?โ€ He gestured towards Pluto. โ€œIf it isnโ€™t too big a hassle, my wife just wanted to ask the two of you a question.โ€ Shantae nudged Bartholomew. โ€œWE just wanted to ask the two of you a question.โ€

Victoria looked back down at Pluto for some form of confirmation, which comes in the form of Pluto looking up at Victoria silently. โ€œGo for it,โ€ Victoria says for the two of them.

โ€œAs you can tell, we are from the counsel that hosted this little swaray.โ€ Bartholomew began. โ€œBut we were not notified as members regarding the affair. Shantae and I are not core members, but we hold a good amount of sway in the Vampyric counsel. Which is odd since we were not notified about the exchange until a third party told us.โ€ Shantae finished. โ€œWe let ourselves in.โ€

Bartholomew nodded. โ€œWe just wanted to know what is your take from this whole situation, since we donโ€™t know what to make of it.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t like it,โ€ was her immediate response. Victoria leaned against her chair. โ€œThe Corrupted Rose sends my people here without rhyme or reason, everyone is on edge because they all believe everyone else is bound to try and kill themโ€ฆโ€ She threw a look over her shoulder at the whole of the table. โ€œItโ€™s probably a trap.โ€ Even with that statement, Victoria shrugged. โ€œBut I donโ€™t usually attend these sorts of affairsโ€ฆ Maybe all fancy dinners are like this, what do I know.โ€

Bartholomew chuckled, sharp contrast to his wife who just rolled her eyes. โ€œWell I canโ€™t say for ALL of them but-โ€ He perked up, his eyes darted towards the man in the podium. โ€œOh no...โ€

Victoria spun on her heels, coat swaying with her movements as she looked to the front of the room. Her heart pounds with each hint of suspicious behavior from the speaker before the scream filled the room and the door opened and Oliver stepped out into the dining room. More shouts, more escalation.

โ€œWe must leave.โ€ Shantae yelled, picking up her husband and carrying him on her arms. Bartholomew, mildly stupefied composed himself. โ€œWe have a carriage outside. You two can come with us.โ€

Victoria nodded at Shantae, grasping at the revolverโ€™s grip under her coat. She fumbles at it and pulls it out in a smooth motion before grabbing Plutoโ€™s arm and making for the main door. At seeing Oliver forcing the Rose members to barricade the door, ordering them around like he owned them, she looked back at Shantae. โ€œWeโ€™re locked in.โ€

Shantaeโ€™s gaze darted from the beast to the door, mumbling something in Hindi. โ€œWe need to stay away from the beast while the others distract it.โ€ She thought for a moment. โ€œPodium! We need to circle and hide behind the podium.โ€

Victoria looked over, past the beast and to the back of the room. โ€œMaybe thereโ€™s aโ€ฆ back entrance? Ah, sod it. Lead on, Iโ€™ll watch your back.โ€ She clicked the hammer down on her revolver.

Shantae nodded, sprinting surprisingly quick for a woman in her attire holding such a load. They kept close to the walls, making sure they did not stand out too much. While running Victoria noticed Bartholomew sneak a small device out of his coat pocket. She raised an eyebrow as he whispered into it. โ€œBoris. Bring the suit to the entrance. Yes, the situation escalated.โ€

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Collab post betweem The Forgotten Host The Forgotten Host and Deeox2 Deeox2
Victor Gaul
Victor grimaced as the man he'd been listening to, who had apparently set up the whole meeting shifted into a strange, big, hairy werewolf looking creature.
The Scot ShockTrooper threw his chair to the side as he pulled his axe and sidearm, Thistle, from his sides.
He had been hoping for a fight, now he was getting one. Hopefully hed be able to off a vampire or two before the night was over. But it looked like wolf would have to do, for now.
"It was all a fucking trap! All of it!! Those thrice-damned bloodsuckers set us up!!" he snarled as another bang tore through the room.
Gaul took a glance over to the source of the noise. "Theyve got a fuckin flamer?!" he exclaimed happily, before realizing just how badly things could go if the flame wielding man opened fire now.
"OYE! You! Fella with the flame caster!! Dont shoot that thing!"
He shouted, hoping the man would have the common sense not to try using it in the crowded room.
"Mind your backs as well mates, the fuckers have infiltrated the crowd!"
Having all these hunters in one room was no boon, Friendly fire would be inevitable in this situation. The enemy was among the crowd most certainly, vampires masquerading as humans till they could ambush them. Melee would be the the deciding factor of this battle he reckoned. Of course, having a ranged weapon would be pretty damn helpful he added as he started blasting away with his sidearm, noticing as others began to ready themselves for the combat that was about to take place.

Interacting with: Moritz Moritz The Gunrunner The Gunrunner


Mood: Anguish
Miracleist Miracleist LostHaven LostHaven

With Wynn dining on their tea whilst conversing with the crowd, the sight of a balding man drew their attention over the gathering in front of them. The sight of the man alone wasn't what caught them in the mans web, but the rotten stench that wafted off his body. The scent was unlike anything they smelt before, and was much akin to a skunk that was turned inside out and shoved inside a human carcass. "My god, this beast fucking stinks.", Wynn responded with a snarled tone. As they began to rise to their feet, the man, no the monster in front of them began to change forms. With each passing second the beast began to become even nastier in every category, up to the point even Wynn had to stifle a gag. "This thing is something else, I'll tell you that.", Wynn said with a stiffened scowl.

As they began to rise from their seat, a light wisp of blue fire began to surround Wynn's body from the creatures harsh anguish. "Ah, I can feel ya'. You're a real nasty fuck aren't you?" With the smoke ever rising, Wynn reached down and picked up their helm - snapping it on just as their eyes began to become consumed by a harsh tinge of neon blue. With that all done, Wynn began a slow waltz over to the creature as many others began to haul ass away from it. Sure they felt a tinge of terror too, however the wrath inside them was far stronger than that of other humanly desires. Now that Wynn was close enough to properly see the beast in further detail, the hatred was furrowed in their chest - like a hand gripping their very heart. "I am going to eat you alive, you understand that you fucking beast? Even if you smell like death, I'll savor every last morsel you bring into me." A slight snort was echoed from their mask as Wynn's head began to shake. "Even if I might not possess control, doing this might just help the others pass." With the conversation finished, Wynn's fingers began to bleed profusely - forming a puddle of blackened blood beneath their feet. Underneath the rotting of their fingernails was a pair of vicious claws, ones that soon sprouted through the hide of their leather gloves.

Following the partial transformation, wisps of fire began to roll out from under Wynn's helm - marking the power they now possessed.

****Red is Wynn's demonic side.
****Blue is just Wynn.
Alathea Nora Elwood

โ€œAh, donโ€™t cha worry now, love,โ€ Alathea waved dismissively at Arial as she sauntered back to the table to stand beside the doll. The chaos was only building up as the massive beast loomed over those gathered. For a bunch of experienced huntsmen and creatures of the night, they showed little in the way of initiative. โ€œItโ€™s not just another werewolf?โ€ Alathea looked to Arial, somewhat bemused the nature of this monstrosity confounded the doll when it looked straightforward to the huntress. โ€œWell.โ€ Seeing as no one thought to take any manner of action, Alathea decided โ€“ for better or worse โ€“ that perhaps everyone needed a little spark.


Went the Negotiator, tightly grasped in her hand. Drawn at well-practiced speed and aimed with a remarkable lack of accuracy and forethought, the numerous rounds scattered far too much by the time it struck the beast. They ricocheted off of the monsterโ€™s hide harmlessly. For Alathea, the shot came with less an intent to hurt than an intent to inspire. Or at the bare minimum, spur into action. Already off in the corner of her eyes, she spied the attendees gathered seeking a quick get-away.

A trio in particular caught her attention. โ€œVicโ€™?โ€ A good distance away, familiar faces. โ€œUrgh, and those two again.โ€ The distaste was heavy on Alatheaโ€™s tongue. A sour taste lingered as she nodded sagely to the Clockworkerโ€™s timely tirade. If they ever met her eyes, she would only stick out a tongue cheekily. Her attention, however, would quickly shift to Wynn, the weird. Already on to some new tricks that he (she?) had not showed before. Wow, already hurt before the fight started, Alathea glanced down at the puddle pooling beneath her (him?). Regardless, being somewhat lackadaisical about the whole affair, Alathea casually borrowed Wynnโ€™s chair to sit on. โ€œDonโ€™t mind if I do!โ€

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
LostHaven LostHaven
The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm
The Forgotten Host The Forgotten Host


Format stolen borrowed from Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater who bootlegged modified the format from the BBCode Centre.
"It appears the Conglomerate is making a hasty retreat from the tunnel." A figure in the carriage spoke as they removed the monocle from their eye, the sight of the various Conglomerate agents turning tail and making a tactical withdrawal from the tunnel flickering on the monocle. It seemed they couldnโ€™t see Knight and his attempts to solidify himself. "I fear that whatever is in there may be a bit much for them." Neither person in the carriage seemed to either notice or mind the creatures moving past the carriage. Perhaps due to the wide berth they gave the now still vehicle. "Which makes me worry for the ones in the manor."

"Miss Darkwater..are you asking me to do something about it?" The other figure asked as he leaned over in his seat to watch over the manor, the sounds of gunfire and screaming audible from where the two were at. "How are you sure the tunnel is the only safe way out? I mean, yes merely walking out isn't safe but..what about a carriage?" He gestured to one of the many which awaited outside the manor, watching them for a few moments.

Watching as one was quickly turned to splinters of cracked wood bent metal.

The second figure let out a sigh and opened the door to the carriage. "I'll make sure they don't see me."


Shrieks from the strange creature mixed in with the screams and gunfire as the members of the various organizations fired at it. Dozens of people all trying to move in different directions, knocking others over in their attempts to either fight or flee. One of the clawed hands swung towards the crowd, some torn to shreds while others were knocked into the nearby walls; their bones crunching against them. Bullet after bullet struck the beast though it seemed to have little effect to it. That was until Adrianus fired his mortal and hit his mark. The large shell crashing into the beast, its blood and pieces of viscera flying from its body, unfortunately getting all over the people still close to the beast. It wasn't dead, but in great pain. It caught on quick, swatting its hand in the path of the mortar shell as Adrianus fired once more. The second shot was forced off target and instead struck the nearby door to the kitchen, blowing the lock and handle off the door. A way out from here.

The beast wasn't unscathed from its attempts to deflect the mortar, one of its clawed fingers having been blown off and landing near the Clockworker and his doll. It spasmed near them for a time before going still and..decaying. Or rather, transforming itself into several bugs of various kinds. Centipedes, spiders, even worms all began to appear from the finger. "YOU WILL ALL SEE SUCH AMAZING SIGHTS. EVEN IF I LEAVE THIS BODY, I WILL REMAIN." The creature babbled to itself as it swung and stomped on whoever was close by, unaware of the trio attempting to flee from the room, ghost in hand.

The door connecting the main hall to the dining hall was forced opened a few inches, a bloodied arm reaching inside as a voice, barely audible from the violence and gunfire, pleading from the other side. "Please! Don't leave us in here! Those creatures! They'll be here soon, please don't do this! I-" The voice was cut shot as Oliver shot between the cracks, the arm tensing up before going limp. Pushing the arm out of the way, the vampire kicked the door closed once more and pressed himself against it as various hands pounding against it, all pleading to be let in. To not witness whatever was coming. The ones in the dining hall would have to find a way out soon.

"You!" Oliver hollered at Alathea once more, aiming his revolver at the girl, or rather at the leg of the chair she decided to sit on. "Be! Productive!" He strained to speak as he fired the revolver, aiming to knock the leg from the chair and give her some motivation. Especially since the beast had decided had turned its attention to them now, a strange attempt at a grin on its face. It picked up one of the party members in its wounded hand, biting off the poor man's torso and spitting it in Wynn's direction. In fact, it seemed to be doing this to more than just Wynn. It grabbed anyone living or dead and began to throw the bodies towards its targets, but not before consuming parts of their bodies.

The men who sat near Gaul had their own weapons drawn. The ones moving in to attack the beast with blades and clubs seemed to be doing just as well as the ones who fired with pistols and rifles. Dozens of cuts lined its legs and feet, but just as quickly as they appeared they were healing.

The bodies were its source of healing, and if there remained dead or living bodies it could eat it would continue to heal. The only one who had managed much in the way of lasting damage was Adrianus.

It's time to flee.


The arms of the strange creatures stretched out from the dark abyss of the tunnel, some more human than others as they began to exit the tunnel and approach the now fleeing Conglomerate members. Their bodies came into the light, and they could be truly seen. Nude, hairless men and women whose bodies looked as if they hadn't eaten in years. Their skin tight around their bones as they clumsily collapsed and walked or crawled towards the group. "Please! Don't look at me! Don't look! Don't look!" They pleaded in unison, their teeth rotting and falling from their mouths as they spoke.

A few of the strange creatures whose bodies were covered in hair stepped out from the tunnel, their screams mixing with the pleading of the hairless people as they leapt towards the Conglomerate members. Sergeant Anderson shielded his eyes as he was struck with a horrendous headache, collapsing to the ground and clutching his head. Just as soon as the strange creatures began their sc
reaming, they suddenly froze. Merely feet away from the members and still as a statue as they stared off into the woods. In unison they all began to pull away from the members, backing away from seemingly nothing before sprinting off and away. Now all that remained was the hairless people, slowly approaching the group. A good two dozen of them making their approaching.

If one were to look in the direction of where the beasts had been staring, they'd notice the faint outline of someone staring back. And a metal bird land on a tree nearby.

The Gunrunner The Gunrunner Moritz Moritz The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm Deeox2 Deeox2 The Forgotten Host The Forgotten Host Miracleist Miracleist Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture LostHaven LostHaven Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Blue for Bram, Green for Adrianus.
A pain like no other wracked Bram's skull, spiraling out in tendrils of agony that split through his thoughts like a hot knife through butter. He takes a few steps backwards, giving his head a hard shake before returning his gaze to the window, only to snap his gaze away as another wave of agony washes over his head. He drops to a knee as his vision begins to swim, snapping his head away from the window, his theory thoroughly confirmed. "Demons outside!", He screams, breaking into accented English, only to fall silent once more as he slaps a palm over his eyes, body wracked with spasms. His mind swims with the effects of the near madness and fear that the two, short glances had nearly overwhelmed him with, the blasted things were most definitely eldritch in origin, which complicated everything a thousand times over.

He soon finds himself being dragged by Adrianus, and thus begins another tirade of swearing as he fumbles over his own weak footsteps, his left hand still wrapped tightly around the foreward grip of the flamethrower. "Het komt goed met je. Laten we gaan.", says Adrianus, his face slipping into a hard, grim expression. Bram simply lets out a light chortle, dropping the hand from his eyes as he's dragged into the Kitchen. He gives his compatriot a few pats to his knee as he's set down, backpack keeping him upright enough to lazily aim the flamethrower's tube towards the doorway. "Natuurlijk zal het, broeder! We zijn altijd goed!" Wheezes Bram, a grin forming beneath his mask, his vision continues to swim like a fish flopping through a psychedelic pond.

He has trouble tracking Adrianus as the man moves towards the doorway, loading another one of those awfully loud shells into that hand-mortar of his as he yells out a quick, informative order, "All of you, get the fuck in here if you want to escape!", but what catches his eye is that Adrianus was reaching towards his grenade pouch, and that generally meant things were guarenteed to be going 'tits up'. Bram's grin quickly disappears, settling down into a grim look mirroring that of Adrianus', "Our odds are poor, Houthakker." He says, glancing around to locate the Axe-wielding fellow, "Hope you brought a mask." He informs, reaching up with his free hand to tighten his gasmask's skullstraps, and - once done - simply lining the 'thrower' back up with the doorway, "And I sure as hell hope you're good with that axe." He adds.

"The beast outside. Did either of you get a look at it by any chance?" He continues, glancing towards the doorway, noting - with a great deal of struggle, for his vision was still distorted - that Adrianus' face looked a tad bulkier now, most likely the doings of the man's gasmask."And if so, what're our odds? Because I'll be honest, I'm more than willing to buy us all some time." He hints, tone flat. Something was going to find itself burning bright in the next few minutes - and if it were the beast, or the room it inhabited, mattered very little. They needed to escape, to warn the Collective, and he'd be damned if his fear of collateral damage would help bring about the end of the world.
interacting with Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture , and obviously Gunrunner.

minor edit for Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture : Sorry if we're being a tad presumptuous about your lad following us to the kitchen. We wrote our posts rather late at night and it hadn't occurred to us that you may choose to follow a different set of fellows or go for a different path. Our bad, we'll edit our posts should that be the case!
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Adrianus van de Beenhouwer, 'Abeltje'

Adrianus grins upon seeing the first shell spray the beast's viscera about the place, a joy short-lived as the next round is smacked off-target and through the kitchen's doorway. His ears perk as he picks up the voice of a nearby scotsman, yelling over the chaos: "Theyve got a fuckin flamer?! OYE! You! Fella with the flame caster!! Dont shoot that thing! Mind your backs as well mates, the fuckers have infiltrated the crowd!" Adrianus clenches his jaw, yelling back in response, "We know who the enemies are, Scotsman-" His voice cuts off as he hears his comrade nearly collapse behind him, "Demons outside!" Bram yells his information while hanging over one knee, his body spasming from the effects of the abominations outside. Adrianus takes one quick look around. The situation was bad - a complete shitshow - and they needed to find a way out to have any hope of survival. His heart could have skipped a beat as he sees their way out: The open kitchen.

Adrianus crouches next to his comrade, taking Bram's arm and draping it over the shoulders. The hunter heaves as he picks the man up from the floor, bringing a tirade of swearing from him as the other fumbles with his steps. "Het komt goed met je. Laten we gaan," Adrianus says, drawing a short chuckle from Bram. His grip on the hand-mortar is limp, the unloaded piece of metal hanging like a weight on his side. Escape. We have to escape. We will all die here. He waves for the Scotsman to follow him, yelling "Let's go, come on! Go, go, go!" Whether by luck or divine favour, the two rush through the splintered wood that used to be a door. Adrianus carefully lowers Bram once inside - "Natuurlijk zal het, broeder! We zijn altijd goed!" Bram says, causing Adrianus to grin in response. He rushes to the door as he slams in another heavy slug into the chamber - The piece clanks shut, and the hammer is pulled back ready for another blast. He scans once across the field, covering the Scotsman if the need happened to arise.

Scan and cover satisfied, Adrianus takes his gasmask from around his neck and pulls the thing just down to his nose - "All of you, get the fuck in here if you want to escape!" It was the only warning the others could hope for - Adrianus pulls the gasmask over his face, tightening the straps and shoving his hand into the satchel at his side. Fingers find the object of interest, wrapping tightly around the wooden handle of one of the bombs. He would not wait for fools wanting a moment of glory, and certainly not die for one. He looks over to the Scotsman, nodding behind the mask, "Good to have another human nearby. You'll want to keep back from the door when I say 'gas.'" "The beast outside. Did either of you get a look at it by any chance? And if so, what're our odds? Because I'll be honest, I'm more than willing to buy us all some time." Adrianus snorts, thumb slipping through the safety pin in preparation, "We'll give the others a chance - One chance - and then use everything we have to cover our escape."
Moritz Moritz Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm
Victor Gaul
Gaul rushed into the kitchen, following close behind the two soldiers, taking note of the atmosphere that seemed to be thinning; the air was growing colder and thinner. Not a good sign at all.
He ducked down next to the Dutchman, glancing around the room to make sure there werent any suprises waiting for them.
Just a slightly strange amount of meat, piled on the tables and in the sinks, overflowing onto the floor of the kitchen. "Well thats not disconcertin at all..." he thought to himself as he moved closer to a window. Gaul felt a chill rush down as his spine, taking a glance out the window as he did, his eyes widening as amorphous barely visible beings trudged around the outside of the mansion. As the realization that they were surrounded became clear, Gaul unhooked his mace from his belt grimacing as he steeled himself for a real challenge. Demons outside, possibly of eldritch origin, vampires throughout the building and an abomination in the main hall. This was definitely not the ideal party for most people, and even though Gaul enjoyed combat, he didnt enjoy dying. "I think this thing needs to die now, its only going to get stronger the longer we leave it alone and its already fighting off some of the top members of any of the organizations. That thing is using corpses to heal itself, The more that die right now, the tougher that thing will get, so if we leave now it'll just kill us while we're fighting those Demons. The more he thought about the whole situation, the more hopeless it all seemed. The former thrall was alright with this though; he'd known he would go down fighting eventually. "In all honesty though I have no idea what to do in this situation, so Ill just let you chaps lead." Turning to face the door, Gaul could hear the carnage unfolding throughout the dining hall, gunshots and the clanging of iron and steel echoing throughout the building.
The Manor had become a warzone in a solid five minutes, impressive for such a secluded place. He glanced at his axe making sure the steel blade was in good condition before the fight, its engraved blade giving off a dull shine. "The odds are not in our favor Dutchman, thats a surety. And theres more than one beast out there. Definitely more than one of those things."

Moritz Moritz The Gunrunner The Gunrunner
Alathea Nora Elwood

โ€œOโ€™ โ€˜ell.โ€ The realisation was only just sinking into Alathea. In her idealistic mind, she had originally envisaged a picture of epic proportions. Triumph in a symphony of blades and gunpowder. Hunters and huntresses from across the aisle, going above and beyond their usual disdain for one another to combat the looming threat before them. Were they truly trapped in the room, perhaps that could have been so, but reality was well and truly stranger than fiction after all.

She was momentarily lost in her mind before a leg of her chair blew off with a well-aimed shot, sending her toppling over. Conveniently, she fell right as the torso of an unfortunate man hit their table. With a dull and sickening thud, with a faint squish, it launched off to collide with some force into a woman behind. Her ear-piercing scream shook Alathea back into the moment as she peeked from under the table once more just in time to dodge some nondescript bit of bloody gore. She ducked back under, looking instead to the smoking barrel of Oliverโ€™s revolver to connect some irrelevant dots.

โ€œOy, love,โ€ she called out to him before making the rudest hand gesture she knew. Heh, showed him, she thought herself before another body crashed onto the table, nearly tipping it over. She stole a glance at the people around the table, deciding in that instant that she had no time left to waste as she made for Oliver. She wrapped her cloak tighter around her lithe frame as she began to conjure the aura of chill she needed to manifest her magic. The object of her focus, the door Oliver was trying to hold shut. Now all she needed wasโ€”


Alatheaโ€™s eyes widened in growing horror as she stared down at the bloody entrails, just sliding off over her shoulders. The putrid stench, mixed in with a faint whiff of some barely digested food, was hardly the worst the young huntress had had to deal with but the main point was its presence. On her. โ€œBLOODYโ€”โ€ She cut herself off, immediately aware of the irony of her response as she lashed out towards Oliver. A blast of ice surged towards him, originally intended for the door though now it seemed in a moment of rage he was included in the range.

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt

Format stolen borrowed from Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater who bootlegged modified the format from the BBCode Centre.
"You know. All of this seems awfully familiar" Varynium told himself in his conscious mind as he's looking out at the chaos unraveling at the mansion. He can see the party guest screaming their heads off and gunfire and unholy roars inside of the mansion. Such a sight remind him of Harkenwell. When a monster unknown to them some how got into their village and terrorized all inside, forcing all those who wanted to live out. Such a familiar sight. A painfully familiar sight. Other than that, he must delay. Varynium could thinking of two ways to go about this situation. The first would be to calm to party guests and get them to leave quickly and orderly. If they try to leave in their present state of panic that'll end up with more complications and no one will be able to leave the grounds. The other is to go in and stop whatever is going on in that mansion, but for all Varynium knew, he could be intervening. There were other Conglomerate officers in there if he wasn't mistaken. He just so happened to be on stand-by. So the best option was to get the people out of the way to reduce casualties if whatever is in there gets out of the mansion. No to see if he can get these people to listen to him.

Varynium pulls out his handcannon and fires twice in the air, getting the party guests attention. "Everyone settle down! I am Varynium Silverborn! I am with The Franklin Conglamorate and I am tasked with getting you all away from the scene as quickly and orderly as we can,so I'll need your cooperation! What we're about to do is get in form of transportation you came here in and if you don't have one, hitch a ride with someone with extra space! I'm going to pull my vehicle out in the front and everyone follow behind me! Does everyone understand the instructions?"
As Wynn looked onwards to the horrid onslaught surrounding them, they couldn't help to stifle their laughter. Although the tinge of crimson splattered everywhere would of been upsetting a great many of people, it caused a ping of happiness to dance around in Wynn's chest. The thrill of the slaughter in many ways spoke softly to the corrupted soul they possessed within them. As the feelings began to drip ever downwards with the path of their very own blood, a surge of calmness began to befell Wynn. WIth focus now attained, Wynn's eyes once again met the beasts in front of them - only to be met by the sails of a poor man's entrails.

The force of the sods top half was enough to send Wynn a few staggering feet back, and enough to rekindle the flames that calmed within their decayed heart. Wiping a layer of alternating fluids off their suit, the slowly lapping flames began to glow with the intensity of a cobalt infused bonfire. As the flames began passing under their mask, the helm upon their head soon hit the ground with a distinct splash from the bloodshed below - the squishy pink mess underfoot making for a great pillow. With the helm now taken off, the flames were in full force. With it, the air around them began to turn a darker shade of blue, even moreso than the eriee lights the windows cascaded upon the darkened hall. With the transformation finally completed, blood from the rooms entirety began to wretch its way towards Wynn with a sleepy pace. As it arrived at their feet, it began to transform into a mist underfoot. With moments to spare, the cloud soon swamped Wynn in its entirety, and as the cloud descended upon the wretched beast only Wynn's own malformed screaming could be heard.

Although the pain was rather intense for Wynn, the damage done by the fog began to show as the fog lifted. In place of the reformed monster was a creature cloaked in clotted blood, both his and Wynn's alike. On Wynn's side however, scraps of tendons and flesh hung loosely within the inferno that was their being. As Wynn's eyes once again crossed the beasts own, they could feel the corruption entangled within the monsters many loose fibers. Whatever this foul beast of war was, it certainly wasn't like any they'd seen before. With a sense of oddity filling their gullet, Wynn once again began to attack the monster with their own corrupted blood entangling within the beasts own.

Miracleist Miracleist CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt LostHaven LostHaven The Gunrunner The Gunrunner Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Wounded and nonwounded alike began to make their retreat into the kitchen, some carried by their collars or coats into the dimly-lit room. People had run out of ammo, and nothing had seemed to work at this point. Those that remained outside were either still fighting the beast or had glimpsed outside and saw the creatures outside. Those that had seen the strange creatures outside had either balled up into the fetal position or had collapsed with their hands on their heads. A look of absolute agony on their faces. "Fuckin' hell! We need to find a way out of this house!" A League member shouted, a piece of wood having landed itself in his knee, right underneath the kneecap. It seemed he hadn't felt the pain yet as he stumbled along the kitchen, knocking things aside and desperately trying to find some sort of secret passage. "Come on! Help me look! Places like this always have some sort of stupid secret passage way!"

Meanwhile, a Collective member had collapsed against one of the walls, clutching his broken arm as he held his empty Colt revolver. "There's really no way out, is there? We're screwed.." He leaned his head back, trying to block out the fighting going on in the dining hall. "Hey..how about we just let the vampire handle it? I mean, he's handled worse right?" He seemed to be speaking towards the Dutchmen, gesturing to the bomb which Adrianus held. "Let him die here while we leave. Idiot deserves it anyway."

The League member suddenly spoke up. "Lookie here! A trap door! Over here lads, I think we found our way out! You there with the axes! Help me pry this thing open!" He looked to be talking to Gaul.

Had this not been a very life-or-death situation, Oliver would have certainly laughed as the gore and entrails slid from Alathea's clothing and body. She looked as if she was about to lose her lunch right then and there. "Do your damn magic already, you-" Ah. Now she was pissed. "No! Not at me!" Oliver could see where she was aiming for, so he would just have to adjust for it. He yanked the door open, revealing numerous servants that had been banging on the door for a way in. A blast of ice magic coming their way. The magic hit one of them, managing to freeze his arm solid. The sudden weight added to the arm making him lose balance, making him tumble to the ground and take a few of the others with him. A swift kick by Oliver shut the door open once more. The servants on the other side hadn't recovered from the blast in time as Oliver retrieved a bayonet he'd pulled from one of the nearby bodies and jammed it between the handles. No way for them to enter now.

"Now..just gotta deal with the big fucker." He mumbled to himself, drawing the over-sized pistol from its holster."You..whatever your name is." He looked over to Alathea once more, then towards the various men who'd just ran inside the kitchen. "Go help those in the kitchen, would you? No one's going to be able to kill this thing. I just suggest you look for a way out." He was about to walk past her when he paused. "And..please don't shoot ice at me again."

It seems that was all he had to say to her, other than the barely audible mumbling from him. He had others to deal with and try and get out of this situation. Like Varynuim. "It's Collective! Not Conglomerate! And!" He fired a shot towards the beast, the shattering of his hand and forearm most certainly audible as his right arm collapsed to his side. The beast seemed hardly effected by the shot. "You're not going to leave out of here through the front door. Bloody place is covered in demons. Anyone who steps out of here will go mad the second they leave. Just.." He paused for a moment, raising his now healed arm up and ejecting the large casing from the hand-cannon, tossing it aside. "Just go and get to the kitchen. Help anyone in there."


The beast, coated in clotted blood and scabs, collapsed to a knee. Its healing seemed to be effected by Wynn's magic as it found that consuming the bodies wasn't do it much good. The magic wasn't killing it but it was certainly leaving it vulnerable. It moved to try and rush down Wynn, leaving bloody footprints as it attempted to swipe at him with its claws. It was enough of a distraction for anyone still alive to make their way into the kitchen.

The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Miracleist Miracleist The Gunrunner The Gunrunner Moritz Moritz Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture LostHaven LostHaven Kenji Jensai Kenji Jensai Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Sightseer Sightseer
"Get up. Get the hell up." said Kei, pulling his fellow Councilman back on his feet. Whatever the hell is happening, it's not looking good for the Council. The host just turned to a blood-drunk beast, and now the Council has to answer for it. Delicate furniture and decorations now lie shattered as golden and silver fragments, maybe some were even heirlooms. What a waste. Guts and torsos painted the floor and windows red and blood showered as if from the ceiling, but the only thing on the ceiling were pieces of their brain. And the smell was worse than the stench of all the beasts, that he had hunted in his life, combined. And half of it was just the beast's fault. The other half was the mixed smell of all the hunters dead or dying on that dining hall, mainly because of those stupid hunters from the Rose that couldn't help but eat the good food before the party even started. Now their undigested food were bursting out of their exposed stomachs, completely making everything worse. Kei let out a simple smirk. He was a dampyr, after all. He doesn't need to smell any of it.

"Bloody hell. Did we just betray all the factions?" said his fellow Councilman, pulling out his revolver as he tried to catch his breath.

"It looks like we did," replied Kei, as he loaded his Vladimiran revolvers. "And if we don't fix this, everyone's gonna start shooting at all of us the moment this is over."

The Councilman aimed at the beast, but Kei pushed the man's arm back down. "Which is why I need you to assure everyone that we know nothing about this. They're all inside the kitchen, start helping around. Show to them that the Vampiric Council had no idea, and that thing had his own bloody plans!" exclaimed Kei. The Councilman rushed immediately. There were plenty others from the other factions that needed help to get to the kitchen.

And in the blood-drenched chaos, a hunter scorched in blue, demonic flame. The skin was a burning mess of muscle, hands grew to vicious claws, and a hell lot of blood came oozing from his shredded fibers. It took a moment for Kei to realize it was the same guy that creeped him out earlier. Corrupted blood flowed through the flaming hunter like a seductive snake, or a hungry serpent. No matter how powerful this guy was, he couldn't kill the beast alone. "Hey!" shouted Kei. Rounds of Vladimiran fire kissed the beast in quick succession, each slightly dealing a more critical hit than the last one, as he traced his shots closer and closer to the eyes, eventually putting a hole to where the left eye once was.

The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm
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Varynium is in his convertible in front of the line of cars still parked around the mansion. The cars of the many party guest all running and ready to leave "Alright, everyone is good to go now to ease out here and head to safety." Varynium starts his convertible and begins to drive at a steady pace and one-by-one, they all follow behind him. After several minutes, very few cars remain. "Evacuation is good, but not a success just yet. Need to lead everyone back into town. But whatever is going on in that mansion, I just hope it gets resolved soon enough." Varynium continues to lead this exodus through the dark. A little while up the way, Varynium decides to report in on his communication radio on the situation.

"This is The Franklin Collective. Who's on the line?"

"It's Varynium Silverborn. I'm reporting an incident at the mansion."

"You'll have to be a bit more specific than that."

"There was some sort of gathering happening."

"Oh right. You and a few others were sent in for security. Explain the situation."

"I can't really say for certain, but it involves some sort of creature."

"Still not specific."

"I can't get anymore specific than that. I was stationed outside, but it put everyone inside in a mass panic. Well, whoever was able to get out. I contained the situation and are leading them back into town."

"Good job, but if it's been resolved why are you reporting in?"

"No, I meant the panic was resolved. I'm currently leading the evacuation. The creature is still being dealt by who I assume are the other enforcers, as well as other security members from the other factions. I called in to ask is there any more enforcers left to help out at the mansion?"

"Sadly not at the moment. Our forces have stretched thin at the moment trying to resolve a few conflicts in few parts of town. One of them involves a lycanthrope stealing a baby, can you believe it?


"Anyway, if you have the gathering guests there with you, then bring them on by and we can begin questioning them on what all they know about the incident; as no doubt there's going to be a investigation put in place."

"Ok I'll lead them over to you. Varynium out."

CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm
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"I feel as if I'm losing myself.." This was the only thought that still belonged to Wynn as they stood tall among the beasts decayed structure. Despite all of their abilities being of detriment to the wretched beast, the separation between them and their sister was now beginning to stretch into a paper thin line. As a result, Wynn began to feel their own control creep away from their reigns - with their sister's harmonious voice soon reverberating from within their cranium. "I told you my sweet Wynn - that one day I'd claim my body once again. If you don't watch your temper, that day might just be today." A light snicker followed her brief moment of speech, before Wynn once again was met by the carnage still ensuing in the dining hall. Despite the warnings however, the feeling of hatred continued to fuel Wynn in place of reason.

As the beasts eyes met Wynn's own, it once again launched an attack of its own. This attack however, was peculiar to say the least. Despite it seeming to be that of an average banter, the attack somehow switched direction within a microsecond of movement - catching the side of Wynn's face in its climax. As scraps of flesh and bandage fell from Wynn's cheek onto the floor with the other viscera, a gaping smile spread among Wynn's bare face. The beast had finally landed a solid hit against Wynn, and knowing that it would leave a new scar made Wynn feel a rush of pleasure. As Wynn began to ready for another pass at the beast, serrated fangs began to pierce through their fragile gums - sending a faucet of blood down the remaining gauze etched on their face. Something this powerful deserved their full attention, and Wynn was going to give it just that.

Just a Wynn launched themselves towards the creature, a barrage of gunfire caused them to abruptly stop in the place. Despite the look of annoyance showing prominently across their face, the apparent holes in the creatures head caused a hellish chuckle to echo from them. Turning to the direction of the thunderous roar that was the shot, Wynn was met by a handsomely dressed lad who reeked with the scent of a dhampir. To see another being running towards obvious death made Wynn see the person as an equal, and Wynn quickly attempted to restrain themselves from munching on the gentleman. With them completely turning the back to the enemy with utmost casualty, Wynn only gave notice to the beast with gestures as he spoke about it. "Ah hello there, I'm glad to see another brave soul here despite that fellow over there." Wynn gestured to the vampire at the door who also followed off a shot at the creature. "Despite that fellow over there, I was mainly alone here fighting this nasty fucker. Well we also had a lass here, but I guess she'll hustle out of here rather briskly soon enough." Clearing their throat to advert attention to the obvious rambling, Wynn gestured. to the kitchen with a flick of their wrist. "Anyhow, this creature has already done a number on everyone here - so I'd like to ask for a favor. Could you hastefully grab some fire to roast this beast for me?" Without even waiting for an audible answer, Wynn quickly switched back around to once again face the beast.

Popping their fingers in the most grotesque way possible, Wynn then took off post-haste toward the beast. As soon as they were within the beast's reach, they boosted onto the beasts back by the series of tendons trailing off of it - sinking their glasslike teeth into its neck once in a proper position. With the creature's clotted blood soon filling the entirety of Wynn's mouth, a look of sickening pleasure could be seen glistening from within Wynn's eyes like fresh embers. "Despite being so vulgarly disgusting, you actually have a sweet side to you - don't ya?"

****Red is Wynn's demonic side. (sister)
****Blue is just Wynn.
Eastaughffe's Banner.png
Martin wanted to throw up. There was nothing more to say- the scene was complete, utterly, stomach-wrenchingly horrid. The smell of blood filled Martin's stomach as he continued to look on at the grotesque creature before him. All around him, guns were going off, and others were panicking and running for a way out. Amongst the chaos, Martin also caught wind that there were demonic things that were approaching the manor. "Ah, I get it now." He mused to himself, aiming his pistol at the beast. "We're totally fucked in the arse!"

Everyone's combined effort did appear to do some sort of damage to the monster, but it just kept eating corpses, and recovering back up. "Oh, and now it eats dead things and makes itself less dead?!" He complained loudly, firing his pistol and promptly reloading them. "Oh wait! It doesn't make you less dead because monster fuckers like you are dead inside anyways!" He shouted angrily, firing another round into the creature. Martin was seething with anger, but he didn't know why. "Because I hate those good-for-nothing things. Trust a fucking vampire and this shit happens."

Then, the creature suddenly fell to the ground. That hunter- Wynn. Whatever magic he was shoving down that things throat; it was actually working. The thing tried to consume more corpses, but it appeared to be ineffective. "Oh hey, it's hurting. Good." A gleeful grin appeared under Martin's mask, as he approached the monster while Wynn was... biting and drinking the things blood... "Oh for fuck's sake, you were one of them monsters all along...?" Martin uttered in annoyance before his attention turned to the situation at hand. Aiming his Death Sentence pistol at a much more suitable range, Martin pulled the trigger.

Two gunshots went off in rapid succession, as the clockworker emptied two shotgun shells into the monster's body. "Eat that, ugly motherfucker." Sliding two more shells into his pistol, Martin fired again.

Arial's Banner.png

Arial had done absolutely nothing productive in the time everybody was dying to that huge monster. What was there that she could do? Arial couldn't fire a gun, or swing a sword, or even pick up anything too heavy for that matter. "Oh wait, I can resurrect freshly dead people... Not that any of these idiots who charged at a huge monster with a melee weapon are worth resurrecting..." Her eyes scanned at the carnage around them before falling on Alathea. Who was sitting on a chair. Only to have a vampire shoot the chair. "Isn't fleeing a better option here? Why was it necessary to barricade the doors...?" Arial muttered quietly.

Then the huntress charged at the vampire. No, rather, she was charging at the door. But the vampire was nonetheless going to get a dose of ice-magic to the face, probably because he was standing in front of the door. "Allathea, I'm quite positive that the vampire's not an enemy..." Arial tried to tell the huntress, but all too late. She was already charging at Oliver. "Ok." Arial casually said, deadpan. Not that she could change her facial expression anyways though.

Suddenly something fell on Arial's head. She moved her hands on to her head to get a feel of what exactly had landed on her. Brushing the thing off her head, Arial had come to realise that her hands were covered in a red liquid. Then, she gazed at the squishy thing that had hit her head. "Ok." She said again, looking at what would appear to the severed bits of somebody's intestines. Then, without a warning, a severed hand flew past her, and then landed in front of Arial. "Ok." And as if that weren't enough, Arial's little bloodbath was topped off by a person's severed head rolling in front of her...
She paused for several seconds.
She then paused for several seconds more.
Finally, Arial spoke up again. This time, speaking out in a surprising and quite uncharacteristic amount of vulgarity. And rather concerning for a 14-year old girl.

"Ok. Fuck this shit, which motherfucking *********** decided that it would be funny to throw guts around?!"
Shaking her head, Arial found a corner of the large hall, and sat down in a fetal position, huggering her metal legs.
"I guess I'll just sit here and hope nobody decides to lob their fucking internal organs at me..."

Miracleist Miracleist The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt and anyone whom I'm not bothered to tag.
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The longer Kei stood still, the more he became aware of the not-so-dead people around him. The doll in the corner, the hunter with the shotgun, and many others. He slid a soft chuckle as he watched the doll gradually be pissed at the constant torrent of blood and guts on her, he thought he even raised an eyebrow and grinned as she sat and cursed at the whole bloodbath. Although, the blood mage brought him back to reality as he heard the hunter go into a formal introduction, then off to asking him a favor. They had the same idea. Burn the hairy piece of crap to the ground, and maybe the whole manor with it.

Kei dashed immediately for the kitchen. At the corner of his eye, he saw the blood mage mount the beast, "Keep it busy!"

He wasn't sure where it was more irritating, the kitchen or the dining hall. Though there wasn't any beast in the blood-painted room, it was replaced by the collective screams of the injured, angry, and confused. "Aw, hell," he muttered, pissed at the fact that it was impossible to walk to the gas ranges without stepping on someone's severed hand or blown-out intestine. "Somebody! Pass me--" Kei cut himself off. He realized their little idea was gonna give the crowd different reactions, not to mention disagreement. "To hell with it..." he said as he began to walk, carefully making sure that he won't slip on someone's eyeball or anything.

Two gas canisters, sat just beside the gas range. He sighed, "This is a bad idea."

The beast continued to bleed, continued to make a mess in the otherwise intricate hall. The poor thing looked like a faucet at this point, discharging blood and tissue and maggots from who knows what part of its body. Just when things couldn't get any more messier, just when Kei thought the beast couldn't get any more pathetic than that, the friggin' blood mage started chewing on the friggin' thing. "WHAT THE F...?!" Kei's dampyr eyes saw the munching in its full glory. Sometimes Kei wished he never had the vampire's enhanced vision, this was one of those times. He could see the maggots getting chomped up, the hair sticking between the guy's teeth. The whole scene almost made Kei lose grip of the gas canisters!


The Shadow Realm The Shadow Realm

"Steine sind Steine," Kamila calmly said, reminding herself of the natural state of things, inhuman as she was, the sight of the strange eldritch creatures that now assailed the gathered organizations had a far weaker effect on the workings of her mind. However, she was less than pleased with how the party had turned out, her contact had made no mention of eldritch horrors or cultists, worse she wouldn't have worn a dress if she knew there'd be fighting. Did no one consider how expensive laundry was? Bloodstains were a complete pain to get out of clothing and Kamila knew that her launderer would be incredibly displeased with her in the morning. She would have to bribe him, again.

The golem felt certain that whatever the Council was paying, it wasn't enough to tangle with a giant demon and so she had simply remained in her seat, occasionally moving to avoid the remains of some poor soul that were flung in her general direction, more to the point, it seemed that a small number of hunters were keeping the creature busy enough. Hearing words concerning a fire and astutely observing a hunter appear out of the kitchen with a pair of gas canisters, Kamila decided that the party was probably approaching an explosive end.

Putting down the cup of tea from which she had been sipping, she rose from her seat, casting a quick glance around the room. Her eyes caught sight of what to her eyes appeared to be a fifteen year old girl cowering in a corner of the room, Kamila was not certain, but she felt confident that fifteen year old girls were generally not front line combatants, even or perhaps especially not if they were covered in blood, viscera, and other alarming fluids. Gently grabbing a hold of the young woman's shoulders, Kamilla pulled her to her feet, noting that the girl was not as human as she had originally perceived, humans in Kamilla's experience did not have eyes made out of glass, hunters losing an eye was common enough, but losing both was truly tragic.

"Miss, I think it's time for us to leave this party," without waiting for an answer and having little interest in dirtying her hands by getting involved in a several way battle with a towering demon, Kamilla gently but firmly guided the young woman into the kitchen, taking a position near the door, having found other hunters fortifying the kitchen or preparing some sort of last stand. Kamila had a preference for leaving, not existing once again had no great allure for her, but others were hopefully looking for an escape, and given her prodigious strength she'd always been an admirable door keeper.

LostHaven LostHaven
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