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Fantasy Royals and Others (Always Accepting)



Full Name: Talia Alice Crystalsun

Nickname: Tali

Title: Daughter of Crystalsun Household

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Class: Royal

Personality: Ditzy & naive

Crush: N/A

Type of Magic: Light Crystal Manipulation - Create and control matter from light to an extent. Disposable light sources will be extinguished. e.g. candles and torches.

Likes: Sweets, small critters, shiny things.

Dislikes: Bitter things, Fish


Will complete later. She basically born into royalty (like most) and her bloodline carried prestigious mages.

Renjin said:

Full Name: Talia Alice Crystalsun

Nickname: Tali

Title: Daughter of Crystalsun Household

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Class: Royal

Personality: Ditzy & naive

Crush: N/A

Type of Magic: Light Crystal Manipulation - Create and control matter from light to an extent. Disposable light sources will be extinguished. e.g. candles and torches.

Likes: Sweets, small critters, shiny things.

Dislikes: Bitter things, Fish


Will complete later. She basically born into royalty (like most) and her bloodline carried prestigious mages.

Picture(Anime please):

Full Name: Gabriel Aarielle

Nickname: Lion Of God, God's Nail, Undertaker, Saint Guillotine

Title: The Dhampir (The offspring of a Human and a vampire) God's Monster

Age: Unknown as a Dhampir he's lived for a long time but appears to be in his late 20's

Gender: Male

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Peasant

Personality: Gabriel is kind to anyone of the living or not himself, Gabriel is quite self-loathing due to his dhampir nature and his sadistic nature that comes through when fight the unrighteous and vampires, he tends to growl and hiss when fighting

Crush(Please update if you develop one): He's spoken to an Angel that claims to be his wife though he is unsure

Type of Magic: Miracles - Thought to be a form of magic given by God to only her most devoted of followers. It's a form of magic that shapes itself to it user's personality and it's what allows him to transform his fingers into these large blades, and due to it shaping itself to it's user's personality it is also extremely painful to cast.

Likes: God

and her children


Killing the unrighteous

hunting vampires

Dislikes: Himself


sour things

Bio: to be reviled in the RP

billthesomething said:
Picture(Anime please):

Full Name: Gabriel Aarielle

Nickname: Lion Of God, God's Nail, Undertaker, Saint Guillotine

Title: The Dhampir (The offspring of a Human and a vampire) God's Monster

Age: Unknown as a Dhampir he's lived for a long time but appears to be in his late 20's

Gender: Male

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Peasant

Personality: Gabriel is kind to anyone of the living or not himself, Gabriel is quite self-loathing due to his dhampir nature and his sadistic nature that comes through when fight the unrighteous and vampires, he tends to growl and hiss when fighting

Crush(Please update if you develop one): He's spoken to an Angel that claims to be his wife though he is unsure

Type of Magic: Miracles - Thought to be a form of magic given by God to only her most devoted of followers. It's a form of magic that shapes itself to it user's personality and it's what allows him to transform his fingers into these large blades, and due to it shaping itself to it's user's personality it is also extremely painful to cast.

Likes: God

and her children


Killing the unrighteous

hunting vampires

Dislikes: Himself


sour things

Bio: to be reviled in the RP

Picture(Anime please): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-19_12-0-9.jpeg.98277c9b69f93ec4a12854936f8ad761.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-19_12-0-9.jpeg.98277c9b69f93ec4a12854936f8ad761.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (the boy on the left)

Full Name: Milo McAllister

Nickname: none

Title: Mystery

Age: 14

Gender: male

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): peasant

Personality: shy, quiet, innocent, easily frightened, kind, trustworthy

Crush(Please update if you develop one):

Type of Magic: Stellar Embodiment: The user is the personification of the stars, granting them near-limitless control over all the stars. This may also include constellations.

Likes: cats, quietness, warmth

Dislikes: being cold, the dark, mean people

Bio: Milo lost his memory a while back, and therefore cannot remember his past. It is said that something bad happened to him, and he hit his head at some point. Milo longs to remember his past, and sometimes searches for people who might know him.

Other: none

@Ayuna Kusado



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Ldybug123 said:
Picture(Anime please): View attachment 251760 (the boy on the left)
Full Name: Milo McAllister

Nickname: none

Title: Mystery

Age: 14

Gender: male

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): peasant

Personality: shy, quiet, innocent, easily frightened, kind, trustworthy

Crush(Please update if you develop one):

Type of Magic: Stellar Embodiment: The user is the personification of the stars, granting them near-limitless control over all the stars. This may also include constellations.

Likes: cats, quietness, warmth

Dislikes: being cold, the dark, mean people

Bio: Milo lost his memory a while back, and therefore cannot remember his past. It is said that something bad happened to him, and he hit his head at some point. Milo longs to remember his past, and sometimes searches for people who might know him.

Other: none

@Ayuna Kusado
@Ayuna Kusado

I'm guessing by the fact you skipped over it and are accepting everything after it that you don't like my CS?
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Picture:
View attachment 251544

Full Name: Kyalt Singsby

Nickname: Ky, Sing

Title: The Bloody King

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Class: Royal

Personality: Direct and strict, Kyalt finds most people below him unless they are warriors or experienced with battle. He angers easily, and doesn't really have a soft spot for anything.

Crush: N/A

Type of Magic: Blood Magic. An ancient and dark magic, known only to the Royals of Khalixstan. Focuses mainly on disrupting enemy movement by disrupting blood flow or focusing a large amount of blood into one point. Experienced users can even control people with it.

Likes: Fighting and food.

Dislikes: Nearly everything else.

Bio: The harsh and intense ruler of Khalixstan, Kyalt is the thirty seventh royal to take the Throne of Thorns. His country, Khalixstan, is a country known for its bloody and violent history. It's rulers are known for the many wars they've started and won, and their people for their warrior history. However, Kyalt is considered the less....ambitious of the rulers so far. Unlike his ancestors, Kyalt is not as bloodthirsty, and has been trying endlessly to repair relations with the other countries. He received the invitation to the ball a while ago, and has just recently decided to make an appearance at it. Hopefully, nothing....outrageous will happen.

Other: None.

Picture(Anime please):


Full Name: Aurelion VII

Nickname: Dragon of the stars

Title: King

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Royal

Personality: Aurelion is mildly patient but slightly arrogant despite his upbringing and magical power. He is not a people person and seems to enjoy studying them more than actually developing a relationship with them, but he isn't opposed to conversation and interaction. He is introverted but very secure with high self esteem. Aurelion is at his best and sentimental only when no one else is around, favoring one on one time. He believes actions speak louder than words and tends to remain very silent in general, using very few words at all times.

Crush(Please update if you develop one): Iris Odison

Type of Magic: Celestial Magic (Stars, negative matter, black matter, comets, meteors, astral, etc.) His eyes become starlight and his skin develops glorious and beautiful looking tattoos when he uses his magic

Likes: Food, magic, dancing, music, intelligence, knowledge, things that are pretty or beautiful, cute things, silence, comfortable quiets (not speaking when with someone), respect, books

Dislikes: Loud people, obnoxious people, dumb people, anyone touching him without his okay, boring things, disrespectful people

Bio: Aurelion was born from a lineage of kings, each one being a natural master at a powerful form of magic all their lives. He was raised as any future king would be raised, but he was never babied or sheltered since doing such a thing was seen as weakness. His life was tough and vigorous on purpose so that he would grow up to be strong and powerful. They didn't believe in arranged marriages because of their kingdoms isolationist mentality. So Aurelion was always given choices as he grew up, being able to think about things before making a final decision. His parents died in their sleep of natural causes when he was twenty, leaving him with the throne. From then on his introversion had only intensified, and his training in magic and kingly thing exceeded any other part of his life. The magical prowess of himself and his fathers before him had earned his kingdom great fear and respect through out the world, but their patient and fair uncontrolling attitudes had also made them known for never abusing their power or position, which earned them admiration from others as well.

Other: Aurelion likes warm milk and honey, but keeps it a secret so no one will make fun of him.
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Tetro said:
Picture(Anime please):

Full Name: Aurelion VII

Nickname: Dragon of the stars

Title: King

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Royal

Personality: Aurelion is a patient and humble despite his upbringing and magical power. He is not a people person and seems to enjoy studying them more than actually developing a relationship with them, but he isn't opposed to conversation and interaction. He is introverted but very secure with high self esteem. Aurelion is at his best and sentimental only when no one else is around, favoring one on one time. He believes actions speak louder than words and tends to remain very silent in general, using very few words at all times.

Crush(Please update if you develop one): None

Type of Magic: Celestial Magic (Stars, negative matter, black matter, comets, meteors, astral, etc.) His eyes become starlight and his skin develops glorious and beautiful looking tattoos when he uses his magic

Likes: Food, magic, dancing, music, intelligence, knowledge, things that are pretty or beautiful, cute things, silence, comfortable quiets (not speaking when with someone), respect, books

Dislikes: Loud people, obnoxious people, dumb people, anyone touching him without his okay, boring things, disrespectful people

Bio: Aurelion was born from a lineage of kings, each one being a natural master at a powerful form of magic all their lives. He was raised as any future king would be raised, but he was never babied or sheltered since doing such a thing was seen as weakness. His life was tough and vigorous on purpose so that he would grow up to be strong and powerful. They didn't believe in arranged marriages because of their kingdoms isolationist mentality. So Aurelion was always given choices as he grew up, being able to think about things before making a final decision. His parents died in their sleep of natural causes when he was twenty, leaving him with the throne. From then on his introversion had only intensified, and his training in magic and kingly thing exceeded any other part of his life. The magical prowess of himself and his fathers before him had earned his kingdom great fear and respect through out the world, but their patient and fair uncontrolling attitudes had also made them known for never abusing their power or position, which earned them admiration from others as well.

Other: Aurelion likes warm milk and honey, but keeps it a secret so no one will make fun of him.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.1432b76e6404720b8aeaa19d3e57cb36.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.1432b76e6404720b8aeaa19d3e57cb36.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Ida Eleron

Nickname: I.D

Title: Princess

Age: 16

Gender: Girl

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Royal

Personality: When you firstly meet Ida she acts really sweet and innocent. She does that to get your trust. After getting your trust she starts to slowly steal some tine things from you. And she just keeps going till you get some hints of it. So Ida is a thief.

Crush(Please update if you develop one):

Type of Magic: Ida can make small objects float


+cute boys

+"loaning" stuff



-her older sister


Bio: Ida is the second in line for being ruling her own castle. She hates her older sister and secretly wishes her to die. I.D likes to use her time at the city rather than in the castle. There she just secretly steals stuff.



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Potatohead said:
View attachment 251798
Full Name: Ida Eleron

Nickname: I.D

Title: Princess

Age: 16

Gender: Girl

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Royal

Personality: When you firstly meet Ida she acts really sweet and innocent. She does that to get your trust. After getting your trust she starts to slowly steal some tine things from you. And she just keeps going till you get some hints of it. So Ida is a thief.

Crush(Please update if you develop one):

Type of Magic: Ida can make small objects float


+cute boys

+"loaning" stuff



-her older sister


Bio: Ida is the second in line for being ruling her own castle. She hates her older sister and secretly wishes her to die. I.D likes to use her time at the city rather than in the castle. There she just secretly steals stuff.
Picture(Anime please):


Full Name: Nazumi Scarlett Tora

Nickname: Nazumi or Nazu

Title: The Persistent

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Royal/Knight

Personality: Stubburn, Shy, Lonly

Frindly if she like's you. like the devil if she donsent like you

Crush: ''heart of ice and only shin has the key...''

Type of Magic: Water an Ice

Likes: all sweets, animal and the winter

Dislikes: lies, mean people, spiders and spicy food


when she was a little princess her older brother showed her how to use swords and bows. At the age of 15 she had to fight for all she loved because her country was attacked by a great army from across the sea. they killed her whole family and pillaged their lands. her bigger brother locked her in a chest and threw it into the sea. After 4 days at sea she was found at the beach by some farm people who helped her to return to full Health. she worked as an Soldier for 5 years before she began searching for those who killed her family and protecting those inneed of protection.

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NazumiWolf said:
Picture(Anime please):

Full Name: Nazumi Scarlett Tora

Nickname: Nazumi or Nazu

Title: The Persistent

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Royal/Knight

Personality: Stubburn, Shy, Lonly

Frindly if she like's you. like the devil if she donsent like you

Crush(Please update if you develop one):

Type of Magic: Water an Ice

Likes: all sweets, animal and the winter

Dislikes: lies, mean people, spiders and spicy food


when she was a little princess her older brother showed her how to use swords and bows. At the age of 15 she had to fight for all she loved because her country was attacked by a great army from across the sea. they killed her whole family and pillaged their lands. her bigger brother locked her in a chest and threw it into the sea. After 4 days at sea she was found at the beach by some farm people who helped her to return to full Health. she worked as an Soldier for 5 years before she began searching for those who killed her family and protecting those inneed of protection.

Picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Unknown-2.jpeg.c6954683a2c49e28d4f6fcf7fb97fbc9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Unknown-2.jpeg.c6954683a2c49e28d4f6fcf7fb97fbc9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Dawn Sankrua

Nickname: none

Title: The knight of mind

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Knight

Personality:Usually laid back, but serious when needed, she's a very positive person and her naivety can get to her. At times she doesn't think she's pushing herself hard enough and works herself to exhaustion at times. Being partially blind in her right eye she thinks of it as almost a challenge instead of a downgrade, she can at times be a smart alic and suffer the consequences from others,

Crush(Please update if you develop one):

Type of Magic: Mind (If needed I will describe what Mind is)

Likes: Outdoors, Reading,Sweets, Wine

Dislikes:Anything that annoys her

Bio: She was born into a line knights who carried the secrets to the mind, years and years of training in both survival and the element of mind she stayed focused, her parents when she was old enough left her to fend for herself hoping that would teach her freedom. She left the original kingdom that she had stayed in after they left her not wanting to be in contact with them after what she thought was to be abandonment instead of letting her free. She spent months walking and surviving till she finally came across the kingdom. Relived she volunteered into the kingdoms forces making it in she, tries her hardest to please her kingdom.




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TerminallyTired said:
Picture: View attachment 251870
Full Name: Dawn Sankrua

Nickname: none

Title: The knight of mind

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Knight

Personality:Usually laid back, but serious when needed, she's a very positive person and her naivety can get to her. At times she doesn't think she's pushing herself hard enough and works herself to exhaustion at times. Being partially blind in her right eye she thinks of it as almost a challenge instead of a downgrade, she can at times be a smart alic and suffer the consequences from others,

Crush(Please update if you develop one):

Type of Magic: Mind (If needed I will describe what Mind is)

Likes: Outdoors, Reading,Sweets, Wine

Dislikes:Anything that annoys her

Bio: She was born into a line knights who carried the secrets to the mind, years and years of training in both survival and the element of mind she stayed focused, her parents when she was old enough left her to fend for herself hoping that would teach her freedom. She left the original kingdom that she had stayed in after they left her not wanting to be in contact with them after what she thought was to be abandonment instead of letting her free. She spent months walking and surviving till she finally came across the kingdom. Relived she volunteered into the kingdoms forces making it in she, tries her hardest to please her kingdom.

Picture(Anime please):

Full Name: Hisoka

Nickname: The Fool

Title: The Jester


Gender: male

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Peasant

Personality: Cruel cunning evil this is what the assians call Hisoka no one really know's how he looks but they know one thing he acts like the Fool but he is acuatly a genius master mind and Master Stragitist

Crush(Please update if you develop one): Lady Death

Type of Magic: Transmutation and Conjuration of Aura that he Named Elastic Love and Flimsy Lie

Likes: Strong people,Fighting,and killing

Dislikes:Weak people,Royals

Bio: Hisoka is Genius sense he was born but he was poor his mom and Father would always be fighting and for some reason he loved it they would fight and see how they would spend their money if his mother won she would spend it gambiling if his father won he would buy boose and some candy for Hisoka. Hisoka loved his candy that was Gum called Elastic love and Flimsy Lie a chocolate bar he would chew and chew savoring the flavor till their was nothing left as he grew older he started killing for fun and entertianment he even killed his own family because he wanted to test out their strengh but he got bored on how fast they died so Hisoka heard rumors of knights being strongest in the kingdom he killed and killed he let some live to see them grow stronger so he can fight them again in the future well the one's that had potential he then joined the Phantom Troup to fight the leader. but to do that he was given three missions Kill the Vongola Familia and at least three nobles and the last one kill the next in line for the throne Amaria he smiled and said okay. he build a lie around the kingdom that he was the best Jester in the world to get invited to the Ball and when he got the Invitation he was just so happy he killed only three people that night while Chewing his favorite gum

kenchin said:
Picture(Anime please):
Full Name: Hisoka

Nickname: The Fool

Title: The Jester


Gender: male

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Peasant

Personality: Cruel cunning evil this is what the assians call Hisoka no one really know's how he looks but they know one thing he acts like the Fool but he is acuatly a genius master mind and Master Stragitist

Crush(Please update if you develop one): Lady Death

Type of Magic: Transmutation and Conjuration of Aura that he Named Elastic Love and Flimsy Lie

Likes: Strong people,Fighting,and killing

Dislikes:Weak people,Royals

Bio: Hisoka is Genius sense he was born but he was poor his mom and Father would always be fighting and for some reason he loved it they would fight and see how they would spend their money if his mother won she would spend it gambiling if his father won he would buy boose and some candy for Hisoka. Hisoka loved his candy that was Gum called Elastic love and Flimsy Lie a chocolate bar he would chew and chew savoring the flavor till their was nothing left as he grew older he started killing for fun and entertianment he even killed his own family because he wanted to test out their strengh but he got bored on how fast they died so Hisoka heard rumors of knights being strongest in the kingdom he killed and killed he let some live to see them grow stronger so he can fight them again in the future well the one's that had potential he then joined the Phantom Troup to fight the leader. but to do that he was given three missions Kill the Vongola Familia and at least three nobles and the last one kill the next in line for the throne Amaria he smiled and said okay. he build a lie around the kingdom that he was the best Jester in the world to get invited to the Ball and when he got the Invitation he was just so happy he killed only three people that night while Chewing his favorite gum

Picture(Anime please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.d7556f46ed9b6faf05b66f475aa87b22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113142" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.d7556f46ed9b6faf05b66f475aa87b22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Fleur Iv

Nickname: Fleur

Title: Princess of the Woodlands

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant): Royal-ish

Personality: Poorly mannered, kind-ish, quiet, curious, naive, innocent, sneaky, mischievous, comes off as timid, brave. She is often disliked due to her bad manners and her tendency to get in trouble, unlike her sister, Eve, who is ladylike and respected by all.

Crush(Please update if you develop one):

Type of Magic: she is still young so she does not have many magical qualities, but she can still make plants grow and speak to nature.

Likes: all types of food, flowers, basically nature in general, her sister, animals, plant puns,

Dislikes: being controlled, seriousness, environment destruction

Bio: She and her sister fled after being abused by their parents. They have lived in the forest for as long as Fleur can remember, since she was only a toddler when they ran away from home. She was taught by her older sister just about everything about nature. However, Fleur lacks the ladylike behavior that her sister has. She became princess after Eve was made queen.

Other: even though she comes off as soft spoken and timid, she is quite the troublemaker. She is also very clumsy.



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Picture(Anime please):


Full Name:

Karen Albane




The Albane Twins






Class(Royal, Knight, Peasant):



Karen is a kind and rude person who respect her role in the kingdom. In a face of an enemy she's is cold and heartless as she's isn't reckless like her brother is in fighting.

Crush(Please update if you develop one):


Type of Magic:

Fighting Magic

At least I'm not reckless like my brother~









Tch....tell them already~


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