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Realistic or Modern Royal Steel - Character Dossier


Axel The Englishman

The Holy Crusader
Royal Steel:
Character Dossier

(Please ensure that you fill out every detail of the character template presented below to a reasonably detailed degree)



Crew Role:








Crew Relations:
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Name: Eliza "William Harrington" Johnson

Crew Role: Gunner

Age: 21

Height: 175cm

Weight: 59kg


She tends to not take off the jacket of her uniform.
"William" is pretty rough. He doesn´t talk much chit chat when on duty. Further, on breaks and while having free time, "William" does not reveal much of where he comes from or who he was before being the gunner of this firefly. Still, the gunner does care about the crew deeply. Whenever one has a problem, they can come to him and will find an open ear and advice as good as he can give.

Eliza Johnson was born daughter of a veteran from WW1. She was always proud of her fathers service. She saw him as a hero and when the war broke lose, she was eager to do her part, to be a hero herself. Sadly, she found that due to her gender, she could not join the armed forces. Not satisfied with being a nurse or something of the likes, Eliza decided to become somebody new. She became William Harrington. Dressing up as a man, she would easily pass through male enough to be taken in the desperate need for new soldiers. He got trained to be a gunner, then coming to serve in the rather new invented Sherman Firefly. And he was good.

Has a rather soft and high voice for a male, yet not high enough to really be suspicious. William generally seems rather dainty, but word has it he is the son of a duke that managed to get away to really serve, instead of having a "seeming" position due to the influence of his father.

Crew Relations:
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Scott ‘Numbskull’ Blackburn

Crew Role:

The Driver


26 Years of Age





Scott is a man easily irritated by the smallest of conveniences. He’s quick to lose his cool when presented with the smallest semblance of opposition. His outbursts - almost seemingly random at this point - have made infamous amongst his fellow brothers in arms. His sour attitude is what has withheld him from advancing through the ranks throughout the years. It is common sense to approach with caution, else prepare yourself for a confrontation of the physical variety.

Scott is a simple lad hailing from the county of Devon, placing his origins within the town of Beer on the southern coast of England. Growing up, he always had a knack for hitting things. He spoke with his fists, communicating the beautiful language of blunt force trauma to anyone who stood in his way - though, rather literally. His feisty temper was just something that ran throughout the family. But a burning rage in one’s belly and know how to knock out can pave way to a promising fighting career.

On the path of becoming an adult, Scott had become a frequent boxer. He was a natural pugilist. His brawls down at the pub always garnished the attention of a crowd desiring the sight of blood being punched out of someone’s mouth, and Scott always made sure it wouldn’t be his. By the time he was an adult, he was already a semi-professional - travelling to gyms in London to show off his skills to a pleading audience.

And then Hitler invaded Poland. When the government declared war upon the Germans, Scott felt naturally inclined to sign up. For King and country, as they say. The prospect of joining Royal Armoured Corps was an interesting one. It would surely provided Scott a way to hit the Jerries the hardest, more so than what a couple of lefts and rights could achieve.

Scott has been fighting in the war since the start. And now he’s here, fighting in France, to liberate the ally lost in 1940. It’s yet another battle to get through. Scott hasn’t lost a single fight before, and he isn’t plannning on losing a fight now.

Scott has been awarded the affectionate nickname of ‘Numbskull’, largely as a result of his inability to feel trauma directed towards his head.

Crew Relations:
William Harrington - The lad’s lack of any defining male features leads Scott to believe that Harrington is yet another underaged conscript. The voice and lanky posture says it all. With this in mind, Scott lends the gunner a degree of respect considering the fact that grown men have been trying to avoid the war as best they can.

Allan Shaw - Whilst Scott occasionally finds himself at odds with his commander and fellow crewmate, he can't deny that Shaw has earned a shred of respect due to his refusal to back down from any challenge set against. Such stubbornness is what makes an effective fighter, and Scott knows perfectly well of that kind of mentality.
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Name: Allan 'Nutcracker' Shaw

Crew Role: Commander

Age: 31

Height: 170cm

Weight: 76kg


Personality: Allan, being the foolhardy Scotsman he is, has a certain way, a certain method with which he approaches life. He walks loudly, talks loudly, and sings songs whenever he can, whether or not it is welcomed or not. His stubbornness matched only by his attention to his men and his tank, he does not usually hold back from scolding a crew member or yelling at pesky infantry for bending his mudguard. He also knows how to calm a man down, whether with his words or with his fists. These attributes given to him have made him a faulty cog in the military machine, however, and is perhaps the only thing stopping him from being promoted past Corporal. Not that he cares.

Biography: Born in the London suburbs, Allan was a commander from the very start. He doesn't talk much about his past in London, but from tidbits and whispers here and there, a certain rumor has snowballed into the most probable way his past turned out. He hit it off with a lot of friends, despite his slight accent, and worked many jobs; chimney sweep, shoe-shiner, cobbler, you name it, and Allan has probably done it in his early life, or so the story goes.

He finally settles for a stable job at a bar, serving drinks and beating hooligans for 5 years straight. Until the night that changed the course of his life. The Blitz, 1940. The Luftwaffe, or as Allan likes to call them, "the 9 o'clock Heil" due to their night bombing raids during that period, were bombing the absolute hell out of Britain's cities. Many things were destroyed. Families, torn apart. Including his bar, devastated beyond repair with a 100kg bomb through its roof. With sadness and anger within him, and a pile of rubble beneath him, Allan decided to join the Army, landing a commander position within the Armored Corps.

He fought through the bitter desert of North Africa, among with his comrades in the 7th Armored, known better as "Desert Rats". He survived where many of his friends had not. Now, after the Normandy Landings, Allan and his VC Firefly crew are ready to "kick some fat Jerry bottom".

Extra: Known for using his stubbornness to great effect, he was given the unofficial title of 'Nutcracker', for wherever he appears, enemy troops and fortifications seem to crumble into ashes and dust.

Crew Relations:
- "William Harrington": Allan is wary of the man, not because of his slightly high pitched voice or his meager physique, but because of his daintiness. Allan could recall many times where the guy was about to mess something up spectacularly, either due to lack of attention or lack of adequate muscle, before being stopped by Allan himself and shown how things are done. That said, however, the Scotsman is not worried about Harrington. He has fought alongside many a good gunner, and knows a good shooter when he sees one.

- Scott 'Numbskull' Blackburn: Allan fancies the man, despite his frequent outbursts. There's something about Blackburn, that reminds Allan of his friends, dead or alive. The man's tantrums prove a possible threat to the crew, and even the tank, but Allan is adamant that 'Numbskull' would be an invaluable member in his crew, though he secretly wishes Scott were a loader instead. Perhaps because of his strength, or perhaps it would resemble someone he knew more that way. No one knows.
Name: Andrew Blake

Crew Role: Loader

Age: 23

Height: 171 cm

Weight: 73 kg


Personality: Andrew Blake appears to be "lively," or perhaps "lighthearted," at least on the surface. Usually he turns to gallows/dark humor or even song in the face of hardships and discomfort, of which there are plenty in the life of a tanker. Even though it's first and foremost for his own sake (even sanity), he hopes that it helps morale, at least a little.

Biography: Blake grew up in the city of Liverpool. He was interested in music and drama from an early age, but pursued the former. Blake showed talent as a singer and it became his vocation. The young man was successful enough that he travelled to sing outside of his hometown, including London before and during the early days of the war to purvey a variety of popular songs and otherwise. Blake was even commissioned to perform for Allied troops in North Africa. Still, it wasn't long before he felt driven towards a new vocation: serving alongside them. It didn't occur to him at first, but he opted to join the armor, and ended up as a loader.

Extra: He doesn't smoke

Crew Relations:

Scott Blackburn - dislikes and fears his choleric nature. He seems like the type of person who might shoot (or punch) you just to see which way you fell, in Blake's mind. Blake understands that Blackburn also left a civilian talent to join the war, but is wary of the man. He's glad "Numbskull" isn't the commander, or especially gunner, given that Blake is the loader.

Allan Shaw - likes that the commander is spirited despite the dangers and horrors of combat, as it correlates with Blake's own personality in the face of adversity, and sometimes he appreciates the song. Blake still fears him to some degree, but considers it to be a more 'positive fear,' which motivates and holds one accountable; a sort of respect.

'William Harrington' - considers him a bit serious and closed off. Though by the same stroke Blake appreciates Harrington as a 'rock of stability' amongst the crew, a refreshing contrast between Blackburn and Shaw. Blake is fairly comfortable working as his loader.

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