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Fantasy Rosewind Tavern (Walk in Always Welcome!)

He covered his mouth with his hand and looked at the mouse on the table, who rolled its eyes. "Okay. Well. You have fun with that," he said, nodding slowly, "and I'll have fun with sitting on a pile of gold that I saved for a rainy day, cool?"
The two beings looked at Arrow before the woman spoke. Her voice sounded like the screaming wail of wind and yet light and airy.
"We dont mean mortal as an insult. Just a fact. As for facing gods. Your staring at two of them. Now sit and be calm. We will get to whats needed in due time. Just understand you were chosen for a reason. All of you."

The man spoke sounding like the chimes of deep church bells. "A darkness is coming. One that may end this world and start anew. A game is being played and it has dire consquences if we lose. However we arent allowed to directly interfere. So you are our chosen Champions. "

Emerald didnt realize she had put her hand on Shiki's as fear struck her face. Gods? darkness? This was getting too real. They were just wanderers. How do they stop something gods cant?
"Arrow is it? Please dont do anything you may regret. I have studied these gods in the monastary. They are from a time before only one god was warshipped."
"You don't scare me." Arrow rolled his eyes. "Sure, sure, yeah, I get it. Gods, whatever, those were for the idiots who actually believed they existed. I'll humor you, though," he added sarcastically. "And so, if you will get past the pointless foreshadowing and idiotic- sorry, dramatic- pauses?"
Temota looked up at the explanation. It made no sense. She raised a brow. It would be okay if the world was reset, since it was already full of shit anyway

"So..What do you want us to do? Put a lantern everywhere since we're dealing with darkness here?" She asked, sarcasm was more than evident. She did respect the gods but the whole things was just plain confusing.

Shiki was surprised to feel a hand on his. He saw Emerald's hand and he began to blush. Okay? He pat her head in an attempt to calm her down
As much as he seemed to try and anger the two it wasnt working. They shook their heads. They both sat at the end of the table in unison. They spoke in unison as well.
"You may not believe us. However Chaos is fighting her cage. Should she get free there will be no life left. The universe will reset. We are giving you the chance to stop that. We like you mortals. You are entertaining. So we want to stop our sister from breaking out"

Emerald looked at the man named Arrow. Her eyes showed a bit of hurt at his harsh words. She just told him of the lore she knew. She didnt want to offend. She quickly moved her hand and blushed.
She muttered
At the word 'sister' Shiki and Temota looked at eachother. Temota's face was once again, a mix of anger and disgust

"So what you're saying is, you want to entertain yourselves by letting us defeat your own sister? Geez! You guys are supposed to be gods, and way better that that" She snapped
Shiki was shocked at his sister's words. He turned to Emerad and smiled weakly

"No problem" He said
He wasn't, in fact, trying to consciously anger the "gods", if that's what they were. He was just being himself. Arrow sneered. "So, say for a second that I believe you're not just high-power mages trying to pull a scam. What the hell is a 'chaos' and why is 'she' in a cage in the first place?"
Temota growled. That wasn't 'gody' actitude. She didn't really believe in gods.

"I'm pretty sure you guys can stop your own sister, since you're two and equally powerful 'gods'" She sat back down
Rebecca glanced at the man who had gotten angry at being called mortal. "I used to think as you do, then my own mortality came to me far too soon. Do not begrudge those who make different choices from you, good sir." She walked over to the table. "It's good to meet our employer at last."
Arrow frowned, then grinned again, reminding himself not to respond. "It doesn't exactly matter what happens after you're dead. As far as I'm concerned, the dead should stay down." He rolled his eyes. "Clearly, you didn't get the memo."
Footsteps coming from the staircase could be heard. A man with short, light blond hair wasn't seen for the usual amount of time a normal person would take going down the stairs. Seems like the man was being weary about what could be there before him. His black cape was draped to the side and wore princely clothes, making him look royal in a way. In fact he was quite the opposite of 'royal' and was just a normal war medic. Besides all of that, he was utterly unaware about the situation, for he was merely asleep during the start of it.


"Hello?" He spoke, his eyebrows furrowing at the unexpectedly large group of people. "It seems like I've missed a lot..."
Shiki looked over at the newcomer, surprised. This guy just woke up? After all of the commotion and the magic storm, this guy was asleep during the whole thing.
Temota was surprised too. A really deep sleeper, that was what he was, right?

"You've missed a lot..but you're here just in time to know why you're here in the first place" Shiki said
Temota knew that he was also chosen since he didn't dissappear with the rest.
Arrow grinned. "Fresh meat. Well, I suppose I'll catch you up. We were all eating peacefully until Temotamiku decided to attack me for no reason. Then, I, the tragic hero of this tale, bravely challenged the two mages you see here! They say they're gods, but we all know they don't exist. Oh, and the food is laced with compulsion potions, so don't eat it."
Temota glared at Arrow, her eye twitching"Shut up! You made me angry on purpose!"

Her twin brother mumled"Oh boy, here we go again"
"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," he said nonchalantly. "It wasn't as if I was the one to try and punch a poor, defenseless old man in the face. I'm retired, remember? I live an honest life, doing honest work. If it weren't for my reflexes, I'd have a broken nose and, honestly, whose fault is that?"
Temota growled and was tempted to throw her fork at him

"Retired? Don't make me laugh. You said it yourself, you're far from honest since you're a thief 'Extraodinere-shit' and crossbowman and a pedo who flirts with women twenty years younger than him" She rolled her eyes
"Well, I was only half-truthing, saying I'm a thief. I used to be! And, once a thief, always a thief, but I'm not active right now. Dormant, is the word we use in the guild. Still have to contribute, though, which is a bitch," he muttered. "I'm actually a leatherworker. And I am the finest crossbowman west of the East, but my adventuring days are long since over."
At around that time, a short figure poked its head down from upstairs. "What's all the commotion about?" The voice was obviously feminine, and so was the silhouette, though it was mostly covered by a long royal-blue coat, lined with what seemed to be white fur. A spear with a hooked head was slung over her shoulder, standing maybe a foot over her actual height.
"Some sort of job. Don't know the details yet." Rebecca waved to the newcomers. "Come on down and join us. Many hands make light work and all that."
Temota and Shiki looked over at the other newcomers. How many people were asleep? Or chosen?

Temota sighed whe Shiki looked over, still interested
She nodded and sat at the table, pulling down the mask that obscured half her face (but not the hood). Black eyes looked curiously at the foods. She perked up when she saw the smoked salmon on the table. "We're allowed to eat it?" She gazed at Rebecca curiously. "Is it just me, or do you smell... weird...?" The girl sounded young, and the hood of the coat she wore cloaked most of her features in shadow, but one could make out a sloped nose and thin lips.

Arrow rolled his eyes. "Don't eat it, little girl, might be poisonous."

She pouted. "They're going to poison us...?"


"That's just cruel... to have salmon, but not be able to eat it..."

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