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Traditional Rose's Drawing Place!


Trying to bring myself back
I'm just going to be posting drawings i feel proud of or just want to share. I'm still very much learning, and constructige criticism is welcomed. Any tips for better.handling my current problem areas is also welcome.
Without further adeu, The first drawing!
All pictures are taken on my phone. I will try not to have absolutely horrible lighting. I can always retake if needed.
ohh! Phonon! I didn't expect to see anyone who knows this game XD do you play her or just like the character?
Very nice picture!
I actually play Phonon. But fighters really piss me off because im not mechanically good at them and i never really will be. I dont like pouring my heart and spul into games like that. Only fire emblem and momodora and transistor have ever done that to me.
Your line work is really good. I would pick up an anatomy book draw from that, and draw from life. Master the basics of the human body, so you can draw them anyway and not be trapped in a "style."
I agree with Morskoy Strelok Morskoy Strelok ! You have to first learn from the real stuff before you learn how to bend or break the rules in favour of any specific style. It's always useful to study both realistic male and female anatomy before going ahead and making something stylized like this, because you then have a better idea of what it's SUPPOSED to look like, and because of that, you can start working on what ways you can change it to make it more aesthetically interesting.
Realistic drawings are way too frustrating and make me feel like im not even enjoyimg art. Whike the advice you're giving me i do agree with and would tell to others,it simply isnt the way i feel comfortable going. At all. While i understand stepping out of comfort zones is the only way to improve, i'd rather be frustrated trying to learn to draw hands stylized like i am now, versus having to actually start to despise deawing due to my inability to take a visual to paper. I have bad eyesight irl and even with glasses i still find it annoying to try to copy details irl.
I do have stylized anatomy rederences to work off of and i just havent been able to upload that deawing yet.
I appreciate the advice, but it would not be anywhere near enjoyable for me. I would rather enjoy art and be an okay artist than be a great artist but hate it. (Or quitting art again, because before this year i had dropped art for literally a full 2 years. Kept everytjing i learned thankfully.)

Sorry if i'm coming off as rude or disrespectful, or even stubborn (i am known to be latter). I just really don't feel honestly comfortable going realistic.
I appreciate the offer of it though.
Im afraid of going to college for art... Like i kind of want to. Realism is something i know that's pusjed alot. And that's my main oush away from college. I coukd start despising my major and have no back-up major at all.
Im an artist of many forms first and foremost. But the ways im taught in college arent the ways i want to learn, if that makes sense. Or, the ways ive been TOLD these subjects are taught.
So... I dont know how much of a future i do have with art.
Depends on how bad you want it. My brother is an animator, the amount of sleep he got for the first 4 years was abysmal, but he improved a lot, and now finds a lot of work.
Realistic drawings are way too frustrating and make me feel like im not even enjoyimg art. Whike the advice you're giving me i do agree with and would tell to others,it simply isnt the way i feel comfortable going. At all. While i understand stepping out of comfort zones is the only way to improve, i'd rather be frustrated trying to learn to draw hands stylized like i am now, versus having to actually start to despise deawing due to my inability to take a visual to paper. I have bad eyesight irl and even with glasses i still find it annoying to try to copy details irl.
I felt like that at your age. Unfortunately it takes a lot of work to be good at anything. If you're not looking to become a professional though then what you are doing already is fine. I do want to press that you should definitely still try to draw what you see, even if you hate it.

Go on Pinterest, find a rl model and just sketch out their pose. It doesn't have to be perfect but try to learn how to map out the porportions of the body. Like, figure how long the arms should be, where the eyes are on the face, etc. It can be in your own style but just use the picture as a reference. It's way better to use rl ref than a cartoon, trust me. Once you understand how the human body looks, then work on exaggerating the pose. Right now your drawings are very stiff but learning anatomy will help with that.

Some other suggestions would be to watch some Proko videos on YouTube or try How to Draw a Box's videos. Both will teach you fundamentals that will help you draw better as well.

Last piece of advice is the most obvious: draw everyday.
I wpuld draw everyday if i had a place i cpuld draw on trust me.

And you're saying use a rl reference but dont exactly draw it realistic? Am i getting that right?
I wpuld draw everyday if i had a place i cpuld draw on trust me.

And you're saying use a rl reference but dont exactly draw it realistic? Am i getting that right?
Yeah, as in use the picture as a reference instead of trying to copy it exactly. Does that make sense?

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