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Realistic or Modern πšπš˜πšœπšŽπšœ πšŠπš—πš πš†πš‘πš’πšœπš”πšŽπš’, 𝙸 πš‹πšŽπš πšπš‘πšŠπš 𝚒𝚘𝚞'πš•πš• πš–πš’πšœπšœ πš–πšŽ


:β–Ί basics
Eloise Cameron Carter
23 Years of age

:β–Ί background

Born in Lyon France
Lives in Nevada (cause why not)
Graduated and has an associates in Sociology and a bachelors in pyschology

:β–Ί physical

Faceclaim: Giula Maenza
Blue Eyes
Brown blonde ish hair
132 lbs
Has a tattoo of Aphrodite on her entire side, and then the moon goddess tattoos on her fingers on her left hand

:β–Ί personality

Positive Traits:
Loyal|Hardworking|Funny|Adventurous|Energetic | Diligent | Happyish
Negative Traits:
Impulsive|Unfair at times|Quiet and sad most times when not faking happiness|Temperamental | Pushy

:> Weapon knowledge
She is most knowledgeable in hand guns and has an open carry license to avoid conflict. She loves her knives and usually has two on her at all times along with her regular handgun. She usually carries a glock17 or a walther p99 in public. If her "work" requires her to do something she is usually hidden with snipers. She is also knowledgeable (completely) in muay tai and then has her hands certified in boxing.
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NAME: Luca Ambrosiano Salvano
ALIASES: Luca, Sal, Sottocapo, Tango
{{ FACE CLAIM: NONE, Artbreed product. }}

AGE: 27
DOB: October 23
HERITAGE: Spanish, Italian
WEIGHT: 180lbs

HAIR: Black
EYES: Dark Blue
MARKING FEATURES: Minor scars on both arms, Viper tattoo from the base of his neck to his shoulder blades

Luca is a serious man. He does not dwell on emotions much, and rather fabricates them if need be by mission. He's the Don's lapdog, making him extremely loyal to his boss. He is extremely attentive, having served before joining the mafia. Luca is awfully charming, making his jobs easier. He knows how to manipulate and convince to his needs. However, he does get anxious about his capabilities, leaving him to sometimes think about his worth as a human. But he pushes these down in favor of completing his jobs and appeasing his Don.

Luca's childhood wasn't very great. His family was teetering on the poverty line, leaving him to work at a young age under the table. He enlisted into the army at 17, training to earn money for his parents the easy way. He served for the HUMINT discipline, where he learned to be thorough. Luca was involved with the dirty work of the government while serving under HUMINT, leading him to become inactive at 23. He soon came across the mafia doings, and after some nervous shuffling back and forth for a deal, he ended up being recruited. For years, he continued to do dirty work until he climbed the ranks to Sottocapo.

As mentioned, Luca is charming, cunning, and manipulative. He's usually the interrogator, and often serves as the executioner when his Don calls for it. He's followed in the disciplines of MMA, and adopted the usage of blade art. Although the blade art is more for show, he performs alone as a therapeutic pastime. Through the military, he's handled firearms, and is currently in the rightful possession of an SVD Rifle (Dragunov), an AK-74, and a Desert Eagle 1911 (MRI 1911).
The pleas of the man died down immediately as Luca's 1911 went off, instead replaced by ringing silence. Luca holstered his handgun, waiting a few seconds before becoming positive that the man was dead. He turned, exiting the room, and watched as the new recruits came in the same room to clean up his mess.

Entering his room, he unbuttoned his sweaty long sleeve, throwing it onto his bed before undoing his shoes and the rest of his clothes. He took a brief shower, getting rid of the sweat and blood on his body. The man was a little reluctant to spread information, but it was worth it in the end.

He dried himself and dressed in a new, crisp, teal button down, pairing it with black slacks. He sprayed his cologne on his shirt, wrists, and behind his ears, then moved to styling his hair. Once properly gelled, he left his room, locking it behind him. He walked to the Don's office, knocking twice before entering. He was met with a gun to his head.

"Thought I told you to introduce yourself before knockin'," The Don clicked his tongue, pocketing his gun. Luca lazily smirked, giving him an equally lazy shrug. He walked to the Don's desk, placing down his bloodied notepad. "Found some information. Not a terrible lot, but it'll do." The Don took the notepad, flipping through it before giving him a nod.

"By the way, new partner you're having," He puffed, lifting a cigarette to his mouth. Luca looked up, "Oh?"

"She should be here soon, it's from one of our allies."
Eloise looks at her reflection sighing lightly, "We have to be punctual for once, this isn't our families mafia, this is just an ally" she tells herself. She nods and fixes her slightly wavy hair before grabbing her pocket knife and sliding it into her military style black combat boot. She grabs her glock 17 from her nightstand and puts it into her holster before walking out of her apartment and to her all black ram truck. She quickly jumps in and starts her truck up and grabs her phone shooting her uncle saying she was going to the allies warehouse.

After a short while she arrives gets out and walks up knocking loudly on their doors. "helllooo" she says in a chippery tune, trying to sound like she wasn't dead inside so they thought she was a mistake at first. Eloise loved making people question her authority at first.
The Don looked up, his gun pointed straight at Eloise, before slinging his gun. "What's up with people-" He sighed, standing straight. "Good evening, Eloise, you're sounding cheerful."

Luca turned his head towards Eloise, giving a curt nod, "I'm assuming you're my new work parter."

For a second, Luca did doubt Eloise. Not for her capabilities, but rather her personality. He wasn't keen of the louder, more cheerful people in the mafia. Although they're good at their jobs, they get too noisy for him to read through his upcoming jobs and research. They often asked him to join as well, since the Don himself was always there (why would the loyal lapdog not follow his master?!), but he always declined. There was no point in trivial things when he could be more productive.
Eloise laughed a little bit, "It's a facade, I am not actually cheerful" she spoke. she looks at the don with a quirked eyebrow as the gun was put away and smiles faintly. She then looks at Luca, "I am, I look forward to working with you" she looks at a chair making sure nothing was off about. "Hope you don't mind, but if I am going to be here for a little while longer and we're doing nothing at the moment I am sitting" She plops down into the chair. Looking at the two tall men, "I feel rather intimidated by your heights, and I am only telling you this because we're partners." she looks to her chipping nails and huffs. Eloises hand was always at least 5 inches from her gun at times even when she was in a safe environment.

I keep going to type in first person loll
Luca nodded, "I would hope that you get used to it, seeing as we'll be working together."

He pulled the chair beside her, taking a seat. "I'd like to get to know you more as a colleague, so I can be prepared. Things like work schedule, availability, work style." He flipped to a new page on his notepad, clicking a sleek, black pen. "E-L-O-I-S-E, right?" He wrote it on his notepad at the top. He was hoping this partner would actually last, since the last seven all dropped within the month. She seemed confident and capable enough, so his expectations were a little high.

{{ PFF- }}
Eloise looks at him, "you seem tense, is this why you blow through partners? You have the right spelling, nickname is Eli if that is relevant" she offers a short smile. "I'll get used to your heights" she looks at the notepad questioning the mental sanity of the tall man next to her. She then looks to the don, "Is he always so tense? Does he just not have any fun when not doing official business?" she questions in a respectful manor. She then looks at Luca, "work wise, I am available almost all the time, as for my family runs the mafia I am in. Work style wise, I get stuff done. Availability just shoot a text if you need me" she looks at the notepad making sure he was writing down the almost unnecessary information.
He shook his head, "I blow through partners because they die." Luca wrote down 'Eli' in a smaller size right next to her name, keeping note of the nickname if need be, even if he didn't particularly like nicknames.

The Don let out a gruff chuckle, "Always tense, yes. He's never with the rest of us during the weekday and weekend fun nights.. He's always working. Luca is terrifyingly efficient, but he pays for that with a lack of a social life.." He puffed his lit cigar, "He's always in his room. Or out doing a job."

Luca wrote down the information as soon as it left her mouth. He looked up, "Good to meet you, Eloise," Luca held out a mildly scarred hand. Although he heard what his Don said, he wouldn't deny it. He was dedicated to his work, and he was loyal to the Don. He will finish his work, and it'll be efficient.
Eloise nods at the don as he talks about how Luca was work bound. "we'll work on it...while still doing efficient work, you'll loosen up...or you'll try to kill sweet ole me" Eloise smiles softly, shaking Lucas hand. "I won't die...at least I don't plan too" she adds, she brings her hand back to her side yawning. "where's a good place to eat? I've never been in this town. I want greek" she says, dropping her happy act. She looks at the don and Luca, hoping they had good tastes in food underneath their scarred beings.
"I don't plan on loosening up, but I also don't try to kill my partners. They simply get killed on a job," Luca responded stiffly, not allowing for anything other than information. He stood, then readjusted the chair. Luca pocketed his notepad in his back pocket, and placed the pen in his front pocket. The Don gestured to Luca to respond to her question, so being the dog he is, he responded.

"There's a small Greek place down at Roseforth and London. They have good fava. Shouldn't be too busy at this moment," Luca nodded to Eloise, "I'll be in my room."
Eloise shook her head, grabbing onto his arm. "You don't have to loosen up, but you're coming with me to get food. I am gonna get me some authentic gyros" She grins. She starts dragging the tall man, away. "I promise I'll bring him back in one piece" she jokes, she looks at Luca, "If I am working with a robot, he had to at least get food with me and at least try to enjoy his surroundings. I don't care about Mr. boss man, he's less uptight then you, oh! Do you want anything from the place?" she glares at Luca and then looks to the don stopping for a minute to see if he wanted food.
The Don smiled, "No thanks, darlin'. Our pub opens up in a few hours. Luca, try to have fun," He waved them off, puffing his cigar once more.

Luca frowned, "I have things to work on-" But he let her drag him, more for courtesy. At the command of his Don, his frown disappeared and was replaced by a neutral expression. "Will do, sir." He answered, his usage of 'sir' slipping from his mouth. His eyes stayed emotionless as they met Eloise's, and then filled with admiration as he looked to his boss. He nodded to the Don politely.
Eloise grins at the don, "When we're back I'll stop by the pub for a shot of vodka Patronne" she says before dragging Luca out of the warehouse looking place. Her ego hurt by the fact she wasn't being admired. She unlocks her truck as they get outside and then opens her drivers door, "If you smoke, roll down the window.... I cean my car every other day, but I prefer not to have all the smoke residue around" she says as she climbs into her lifted seat. "I hate the fact I like lifted trucks" she mutters to herself before she turns on her truck waiting for Luca to get situated.
He waved to his boss goodbye, and let himself get led out by Eloise. His colleagues stopped for a moment, staring at the fact that Luca was actually out of his room for once. Some whistled in a low tune, the others shrugged. When Luca approached the car, he opened the door once unlocked.

Luca had no trouble getting onto his seat, "I don't smoke, that hinders me."

He looked around the truck, and noted the cleanliness. He may not give time for a lot of things, but he can appreciate cleaning cars. The image matters in his opinion, and it's easier to do jobs when his car is decently cleaned. It won't have a suspicious profile. Luca checked his watch, "I need to be back in an hour. I have things to do."
Eloise looks over at Luca and arches one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows, "If i hear you have something to do one more time i will not hesitate to slap you upside the head" she says. Her happy chippery tune demolished, yet at least her cleaning tendencies made everything look pretty. "we're getting food, and we will chat, if we get back in an hour cool, your schedule won't be harmed, but otherwise suck it up Luca" she squints at him before shifting her truck into first gear and starting to drive. She looks down at her phone to memorize the location nodding to herself as she knew what roads to go on. "I am driving, could you turn on spotify, my phone is unlocked and click one of the playlists I have labelled car." She smiles a little and rolls down the windows enjoy the hair and her loosely put up hair.
"I would rather you not hit me. I have a job later," He responded, taking her phone. Luca scrolled through the Spotify playlists, skipping past them until he found one labelled "car". He pressed it, then pressed the green and black play button. He set it down, letting the music start to play. He crossed his legs and stared straight ahead. He was a little peeved about not being able to do some work, but his boss did say to try. However, he couldn't help the next question he had.

"..Do you have any jobs later? I'd like to know what jobs you specialize in."
Eloise glanced over, "It's always work for you....I have an Intel job in a few hours... Trying to gather information on Gabriel Johns Adamson and who he works with.... My father couldn't send anyone else, the dude is a perv. I am basically being pimped out to grab the info. Then kill him. At least that's how I do my intel jobs unless I think I can get more from him. Yet I already know stuff from adamsons son charlie." She spoke clearly. She turns on her blinker and switches lanes to take her right. "After my intel job, I have to go and kill a few people. I'm mainly the hit man...or woman, whatever you prefer to call me. I am the go to person in the mafia I work for" She further explains. "Then I believe, whatever information I grab from Adamson, tomorrow I have a meeting with your don, and then we'll probably have work to do together, so I have jobs later, in which I do pickups, I murder and collect and gather I do it all. I have more then I mention. Yet work isn't the most important thing to me. I was born and raised on work, and I know how to get it done. Yet unlike you Luca, I know how to have fun." she pulls into the parking lot of the Greek food place and pulls back on her happy face.
"Let's go stuff our faces" She exclaims, putting her truck in park and hopping out. She brings down the sunglasses that were on the top of her head and grins.
Luca nodded his head to her job schedule and description, keeping all of it in mind. He blinked when she threw a verbal jab at him. "I have fun working, thank you. My mind stays clear and I get to travel around. You seem to find work boring," He stated. Luca fixed his sleeve cuffs, rolling them up since they were about to have a meal soon. He folded them neatly, letting it rest right above his elbows. He unbuckled his seatbelt once the truck was parked.

He exited the truck, fixing his outfit to make sure nothing was out of place. After giving himself a once over, he nodded to Eloise, his expression still flat as he walked into the Greek restaurant. Luca held the door open for Eloise.
"I find my work exhilarating while I do it, it is the before and after I dread" Eloise corrects him before saying a thank you to him and walking into the restaurant. She looks around and lets her mouth fall slightly ajar at the wonderful smells dancing through the small restaurant. "I'm excited, I might get more then just gyros, this place is nice" She grins. She looks around noticing it was all seats. "Lets grab a center table" She says quietly, her social awkwardness kicking in, besides from being around people who did the same thing as her and then being around people she was supposed to be she never did anything. Even though she acted like she did. Eloise was weird, she liked to be out there but not all at the same time. She looks around once more to make sure it was just free seating before heading to a empty table and setting her phone down on it. She let her eyes examine the room behind her sunglasses before determining there was no one to watch just yet before putting them back on the top of her head to relax.
She notices the waitresses and smiles at how not stressed they seemed to be, "I wonder what type of battery they shoved up their ass to be that happy. Whatever coffee they had this morning I want it. Because faking it only gets me so far" she mutter to herself, sitting down.
He followed after her, noting her words. "Eat what you'd like," Luca responded, heading to the center table she was going for. Once sat down, he picked up a menu, skimming through it. He let her take her time surveying the room, already choosing his meal for now and what he'd be eating later in his room.

"The manager is nice, she's always welcoming. She gives her workers good breaks, good pay. And free food," Luca responded, putting the menu back in the holder. He leaned against the chair, "Go ahead, pick whatever you'd like."

Luca pulled out his phone and pressed on his Instagram, checking up on his family's posts and stories, replying to some. Then, he turned his phone off, and stared out the large window against the far right wall, watching the cars and people pass by. His mind was getting a little antsy about work, and he had the full urge to head back to his room. But for the Don, he'll stay and "have fun", if this is what was viewed as fun.
Eloise looks at the ansty man in front of her, "Luca, work isn't life. I get it, it helps you and it's your form of fun. Yet there are way more things out here in the world except work, in a few days i'll take you to my fathers warehouse, you can see the dogs i have trained. That's probably a decent dose of fun and still involves work...." she says shaking her head. "This isn't the fun part of the day, and we probably won't have fun today, mainly because I know I am way to much for you to handle in the sense of going places." she pauses, "but, eating is fun" she finishes. She looks at the menu and her eyes widen. "Ooo they have Papoutsakia the last time I had this is when my dads dirty ex mistress cooked for me to try to win me over" she smiles happily, ignoring the fact her french accent butchered her pronunciation of the word Papoutsakia. She looks over to hope for a waiter or waitress grinning as one spots her looking, she looks at Luca. "Ai, you can order first mr. work is life robot" she says in a half jokingly mannor.
"Dogs," Luca pursed his lips, then kept silent. He wasn't sure how to feel. The boss told him to have fun, but to when does that extend? To tomorrow, to the end of the day? He'd have to ask the Don later on. He listened to her talk about him having more fun and such, then nodded when she gestured to him ordering first, "May I have the Spanikopita and Souvlaki? Extra pita, for the Souvlaki, and to go. I'll take a VisinΓ‘da, too. Thank you." Luca nodded at the waitress, who smiled brightly at him. She turned to Eloise, asking her what she'd like. Luca leaned back, sitting a little more comfortably in the seat.

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