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Romance Roleplay Partner


She's alone

Hello! Thanks for even reading this. I'm kawiibunnygirl as you hopefully noticed. You can call me Kawii or Bunny though. I'm not picky with nicknames! So I drifted off topic. Lol bad me! Anyways, all requirements and whatnot are listed below. Read if interested! Warning- I really prefer realistic appearances!


Usual Roleplay: Normally I RP in the modern/realistic setting since I'm much more comfortable in it. Haha weird sounding right? Well at least to me it is xD

Roleplay Partners: I'm not picky when it comes to picking a partner. I don't mind age or gender, however I really only RP with people who have a good grasp on writing and the English language. Is that too harsh or anything? I'm sorry if it is DX

Roleplay Experiance: I just had my one year anniversary four days ago! Yay me!! -pulls party popper- I don't have as much Experiance as most people on this site, however I have been writing for many years. I think that I'm pretty good at RPing so I hope you can handle my inexperience X3

Activity: Alright so I really have a busy schedule with golf, working out, volenteering, school, piano, and assistant coaching soccer, I'm a very busy girl. I hope you will understand if I don't respond immediately since I am very very busy and I will be throughout my school year. Oh I forgot to mention that right now I'm in the PT zone so I hope that it isn't too big of a time difference. I'm sorry if my time and stuff is inconvenient. I try hard to post a couple times per day DX


Characters: Okay now with this one I'm a bit strict. I'm not the person who will play the gender which you don't want to play. I really want a Roleplay partner who is comfortable enough to actually play both genders. Yes it's not that hard! And I'm sure that you may think it's hard, but it's not that difficult. After all it's only a Roleplay. You aren't cross dressing or anything in real life with me!

Gammar/Spelling: Alright, this is something that a lot of people get after me for, but I have to say it. I really would love it so much I your posts are decent sized and readable in the English language. Yes I said it. I want to be able to comfortably Roleplay with you without having to pick apart your post to try and understand it fully. I hope that doesn't make me rude...

Dropping: So I understand that you will eventually get tired of me and will want to break up. -sobs- Even though you may move on from my lowly self, you should be kind enough to gently break up and drop the RP through PM. I will obviously do the same, but I must say I always try hard to keep rps alive.

!: OMFG this has to be my favorite requirement. I totally LOVE chatting with you through OOC and just having a ball while RPing. This gives me a chance to fangirl and express my weird self to you without hiding behind a character. This also makes it easy to discuss our characters' relationship and the rp's plot.

Roleplay Info

Genres: Comedy - Romance - Drama - Angst - Dark - Fluffy Fluff

Pairings: Oh good God, never ask me this question. Just read the spoiler at your own risk xD JK it's just long.

Childhood friends

Nerd x Popular

Younger x Older [However there will be a limit to age gap]

Girlfriend x Boyfriend

Idol x Fan/Normal

Idol x Idol

Bad Boy/Girl x Good Girl/Boy

Smart Kid x Rebel


Friend x Friend

Exes [Oh this is so fun depending on plot]

Teacher x Teacher [This one is a recent 1x1 plot I did]

Shy Kid x Popular

Bully x Sweetheart

Girl x Girl

Boy x Boy

Player x Player


Class President x Class Clown/Flirt


Format: Okay so I'm the type of person that use some coding for a CS and maybe an image float in IC posts, but I int use a bunch of coding. I'm not a master at coding in the least. Though I do write in third person and at minimum I will post 1-2 paragraphs. I however will try and match my partners writing limit so they won't feel uncomfortable or anything like that.

Jesus that took longer than expected. That pairing list too so long. I was ready to sleep after typing all of that on an iPad. Though I ended up delting some because there was too much. Oh did I mention that my computer literally fell apart and is being repaired still? It's so expensive and I'm so afraid that it might stay forever dead and I won't be able to have all of my wonderful saved files! My poor baby... Well anywho, thank you soooooo much for sticking through this. I hope to hear from you soon!
Last edited by a moderator:
kawiibunnygirl said:

Hello! Thanks for even reading this. I'm kawiibunnygirl as you hopefully noticed. You can call me Kawii or Bunny though. I'm not picky with nicknames! So I drifted off topic. Lol bad me! Anyways, all requirements and whatnot are listed below. Read if interested! Warning- I really prefer realistic appearances!


Usual Roleplay: Normally I RP in the modern/realistic setting since I'm much more comfortable in it. Haha weird sounding right? Well at least to me it is xD

Roleplay Partners: I'm not picky when it comes to picking a partner. I don't mind age or gender, however I really only RP with people who have a good grasp on writing and the English language. Is that too harsh or anything? I'm sorry if it is DX

Roleplay Experiance: I just had my one year anniversary four days ago! Yay me!! -pulls party popper- I don't have as much Experiance as most people on this site, however I have been writing for many years. I think that I'm pretty good at RPing so I hope you can handle my inexperience X3

Activity: Alright so I really have a busy schedule with golf, working out, volenteering, school, piano, and assistant coaching soccer, I'm a very busy girl. I hope you will understand if I don't respond immediately since I am very very busy and I will be throughout my school year. Oh I forgot to mention that right now I'm in the PT zone so I hope that it isn't too big of a time difference. I'm sorry if my time and stuff is inconvenient. I try hard to post a couple times per day DX


Characters: Okay now with this one I'm a bit strict. I'm not the person who will play the gender which you don't want to play. I really want a Roleplay partner who is comfortable enough to actually play both genders. Yes it's not that har! And I'm sure that you may think it's hard, but it's not that difficult. After all it's only a Roleplay har acted. You aren't Ross resting or anything in real life with me!

Gammar/Spelling: Alright, this is something that a lot of people get after me for, but I have to say it. I really would love it so much I your posts are decent sized and readable in the English language. Yes I said it. I want to be able to comfortably Roleplay with you without having to pick apart your post to try and understand it fully. I hope that doesn't make me rude...

Dropping: So I understand that you will eventually get tired of me and will want to break up. -sobs- Even though you may move on from my lowly self, you should be kind enough to gently break up and drop the RP through PM. I will obviously do the same, but I must say I always try hard to keep rps alive.

!: OMFG this has to be my favorite requirement. I totally LOVE chatting with you through OOC and just having a ball while RPing. This gives me a chance to fangirl and express my weird self to you without hiding behind a character. This also makes it easy to discuss our characters' relationship and the rp's plot.

Roleplay Info

Genres: Comedy - Romance - Drama - Angst - Dark - Fluffy Fluff

Pairings: Oh good God, never ask me this question. Just read the spoiler at your own risk xD JK it's just long.

Childhood friends

Nerd x Popular

Younger x Older [However there will be a limit to age gap]

Girlfriend x Boyfriend

Idol x Fan/Normal

Idol x Idol

Bad Boy/Girl x Good Girl/Boy

Smart Kid x Rebel


Friend x Friend

Exes [Oh this is so fun depending on plot]

Teacher x Teacher [This one is a recent 1x1 plot I did]

Shy Kid x Popular

Bully x Sweetheart

Girl x Girl

Boy x Boy

Player x Player


Class President x Class Clown/Flirt


Format: Okay so I'm the type of person that use some coding for a CS and maybe an image float in IC posts, but I int use a bunch of coding. I'm not a master at coding in the least. Though I do write in third person and at minimum I will post 1-2 paragraphs. I however will try and match my partners writing limit so they won't feel uncomfortable or anything like that.

Jesus that took longer than expected. That pairing list too so long. I was ready to sleep after typing all of that on an iPad. Though I ended up delting some because there was too much. Oh did I mention that my computer literally fell apart and is being repaired still? It's so expensive and I'm so afraid that it might stay forever dead and I won't be able to have all of my wonderful saved files! My poor baby... Well anywho, thank you soooooo much for sticking through this. I hope to hear from you soon!

I'll do boy x boy with ya.
Childhood friends

Nerd x Popular

Smart Kid x Rebel



Shy Kid x Popular

If you're still looking for a partner :)
Don't know if you're still looking,but I'm interested in roleplaying with you c:
etherna said:
Hiya! Childhood friends [mxf/ mxm]? :D
Sure! It'd be great to RP with you!

Hypochondriac said:
Childhoods friends
Boyfriend X Girlfriend (Or same sex)

Bad boy/girl X Good boy/ Girl

Any of those would be fantastic!

Want to do a combination of childhood and dating? I'd love to RP that with you~

kuro54 said:
Don't know if you're still looking,but I'm interested in roleplaying with you c:
I'm totally still interested~
radiance said:
Childhood friends
Nerd x Popular

Smart Kid x Rebel



Shy Kid x Popular

If you're still looking for a partner :)
Hey~ I'm totally down for combining Exes and Shy Kid x Popular if you are~

kuro54 said:
Don't know if you're still looking,but I'm interested in roleplaying with you c:
PM to discuss? I'm still up for RPing


Hypochondriac said:
Yeah that would be awesome!

Pm me,

I just joined so I can't pm people yet.
Alright I did. Though we can always discuss it through this or on the actual thread an in the OOC tab
I would love to rp with you!

Maybe these? I am not rily sure on what to choose from these pairings as well.

Exes (Sound awesome! I wanna see how they can end up back together again!)

Idol x Fan/Normal (Looks interesting, I've had rps like these before, and I can tell you, I enjoyed them so much)

Friend x Friend (you mean like childhood friends? If not, sure, I'm still cool with it)
LullDayBreak13 said:
I would love to rp with you!
Maybe these? I am not rily sure on what to choose from these pairings as well.

Exes (Sound awesome! I wanna see how they can end up back together again!)

Idol x Fan/Normal (Looks interesting, I've had rps like these before, and I can tell you, I enjoyed them so much)

Friend x Friend (you mean like childhood friends? If not, sure, I'm still cool with it)
Want to PM to discuss? I'd love to RP any of those plots. We can even combine a couple of them.
I've been dipping my toes in RPing romance and I think I'd be up for trying possibly

Sky Kid x Popular,

Bully x Sweetheart (so long as the bullying is physical/verbal and there are limits to this etc. etc.),

Friend x Friend,

and Smart Kid x Rebel.
LullDayBreak13 said:
sure, we can pm! :3 haha wait, did you just said.. combine?
yey! awesome!
Haha glad you like the idea


FloatingAroundSpace said:
I've been dipping my toes in RPing romance and I think I'd be up for trying possibly
Sky Kid x Popular,

Bully x Sweetheart (so long as the bullying is physical/verbal and there are limits to this etc. etc.),

Friend x Friend,

and Smart Kid x Rebel.
Want to PM about it? If love to RP with those plots~

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