
Akira watched as the cargo door opened. For now, her focus was on the human. It seemed that the gruff man was less of a fighter and more of a thinker. The Chiss however, he seemed more all around to Akira. She continued to observe them more, wanting to know what exactly the pair were planning to steal

@The Mechanist @Squirrel Man Huey
Maccus yawned as he sat back down, rubbing a wet soap covered rag over his bloodied claws. "Dugs are so easy to break...." sighing he continued to wait. They weren't the entertainment he though it'd be. He even just tossed their mangled bodies into the junkyard, "no challenge...."


Ishtar nodded, "I'll be back with a forklift full of turret supplies..."

He quickly ran in and hopped on the nearest one. Driving forward to where he knew where they kept the crates for republic turret parts. "Now for some from the trade federation...." albeit not entirely illegal the manufacturer supplied turrets for both sides of the war. To them it was just about profit, not about who won.

Eventually he got off and grabbed a large lock box, tossing it in the other seat, "some spare blaster parts never hurt...." 

Smiling to himself he began driving back towards the exit. 
Akira couldnt help but raise an eyebrow. Curious as to why they were stealing tech like this, she zoomed in onto the crates the Chiss was moving, muttering to herself not worth it.....oh hello

The rifle's crosshairs found themselves on the locked box containing blaster parts. Unsure if the Chiss had realized or not, Akira noticed the label on the box. Republic grade power converters and igniters. Those sold for thousands on the black market. 

Could use a new rifle....that A280 I saw before seemed nice....

Akira's breath grew soft and eventually stopped as she held it. 

She pulled the trigger

A deep red bolt raced out and down and into the warehouse. The energy bolt struck a nearby ammunition container and the explosion she was hoping for went off. Big, bright , and distracting. She quickly slung her rifle, jumping down and ran over. She drew her one of twin pistols, her finger resting on the rapid fire trigger while in her other hand, she unclipped an ordinance from her belt, throwing it towards the speeder. It slid for a while before suddenly attaching to the underside
Ishtar cursed aloud as he heard a rifle bolt fire off and into the warehouse, "shit! Terrorist attack!" The  later bolt he knew came from a long range weapon, being a gunsmith also meant he was a ballistics specialist. The sound of a blaster he can tell what kind it is, the bolt and scorch mark also reinforced this. But right now he didn't have time to discern what blaster it came from, he only had one goal in mind. Escape with the captain.

He reached over and strapped the lock box into the seat, locking it with a seat belt, "there we go." He sped the forklift forward and dumped all the crates on the back of speeder, grabbing the lock box and jury rigging it with the seat belt onto his person. "Home made backpack check, turret parts check." Reaching down he pressed a button on his gauntlet. "Martyr's Emp pulse turned on? Check!" He jumped into the speeder and began tossing electric smoke grenades out all over the platform. "That will disrupt their sensors and optics lets go Captain!"


Maccus signed his name on the data pad as a very intimidated Togruta stood before him, "thank you for your patronage, and I'm glad we came to an agreement about that payment. Remember, next time pay half first, check the contents, and then pay the other half. None of this you'll get it later bantha crap. You're lucky I only broke your arm. Now get out of here before I get hungry." With that the togruta and hutts gang took off with the crates. "Now to get that smell out and...." he was cut off as a large explosion sounded in the distance. Sighing he put a claw to his fore head. "That's Ishtar I bet....."

Already speeders full of guards, droids and clones were speeding towards the warehouse.

@Squirrel Man Huey @FabulousTrash
Akira raised her twin blasters, releasing blaster fire into the cloud of smoke. She pressed a button on her gauntlet. The ordinance that attached to the speeder prior detonated, the speeder now out of commission due to a controlled explosion upwards into the speeder itself. Small, but powerful

Akira stayed at a distance, releasing rapid blaster fire randomly into the smoke. She looked around for any signs of movement as she fired. She didnt care much for the turret parts, but if she could get those along with the Republic Grade blaster parts, it would be a big score for her. Shame she had to attack the people she just met. To her, they seemed pretty friendly. 

@The Mechanist  @Squirrel Man Huey
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@The Mechanist @FabulousTrash

Blaster fire rattled throughout the complex, explosions erupted within the warehouse. What the hell was this kid doing? He was prepping the speeder when the shot rang off so he didn't see it. As the Chiss came out and loaded the speeder he fired it up. Without a word he started driving until a small explosion collapsed the speeder.

"SON OF AN ASSHAT!" Abe yelled, jumping out of the speeder, drawing his weapon and firing toward the oncoming blaster. "Security can't be here already!" He jumped into the forklift and brought it over to the speeder. "Keep them at bay while I get the packages ready!" He pressed on his com and radioed Maccus.

"Get the ship over here fast! I'll send coords to the nav computer!"
Maccus nodded, "don't worry captain I was already on my way, tractor beam prepped and loaded!" 

He quickly drove the ship through traffic and made it in record time. Flipping a switch the tractor beam began to load everything, speeder, forklift, crates, and more importantly Abe and Ishtar. 

"Oh jeez!" Yelled Ishtar as he felt himself get lifted up into the ship, the tractor beam tugging him upwards. Even the debris from the ground was being pulled up. "One strong tractor beam...." he exclaimed as they quickly ascended into the CEC.
@The Mechanist @FabulousTrash

Abe grunted as he felt himself be lifted up. This ship was wonderful but it felt like his insides were being pulled sideways and outward. He kept his eyes peeled on the ground as he was taken into the ship. He wanted to know who did this. He wanted to end them.

"Well done Maccus! Get us out of here, out of this system fast." When they entered the cargo bay he made sure things were lashed and locked down. "What the hell was that?"
Ishtar shook his head, "80 meters, elevated position, long range. Someone fired not at us but at the ammunition. They used a sniper rifle, I know that sound from anywhere." Sighing he cut the seat belt off from around him dropping the weapon parts onto the ground. "At least we got everything....literally everything.." he flicked a rock away and stayed sitting."

Maccus put the ship on autopilot and set it for tatooine. Walking in he looked at them, "so how did a simple heist turn into an all out war?"
@The Mechanist

"Who knows. Was there anything weird happening after we left? I know for a fact that we were clear when we landed. I did a once around." Abe sorted through the stolen gear and the accidental stolen gear. Now the cargo bay was half full of two vehicles. At least they could scrap it and get some credits for it.
Akira watched as the CEC came into view. She hid, cursing herself for such slopping work. Letting them get away, she sighed and ran off before the Coruscant Police could arrive. She got to her hidden speeder, taking it and raced away, heading away from the area. She main headway for the spaceport underground, descending down the access hole. 

When she reached the platforms, she saw that her ship was waiting for her. With preset coordinates, the ship had flow itself here. She quickly got inside, folding up the speeder and clipped it to the side of the hold. The landing ramp closed as she sighed, taking her helmet off and setting to the side. She sat down in the cockpit. Drew a breath in, then released it. She powered her ship up, taking off and left the underground. She flew out of the planet's atmosphere and into space. She then plugged in the datapad of coordinates from the old nav unit, transferring the data into her current nav unit
Maccus nodded, "the she-mandoa created a ruckus and then snuck away wearing some custom armor. I didn't think much of it....oh and I killed some dugs and broke the togrutas arm for not paying me at first. Chances are he won't do business with us anymore, not that it mattered, it's best we do business with true businessman."

Ishtar nodded as he took the lock box to his custom work bench. "Well I'm gonna tune my blaster a bit....any of you guys want upgrades? I got plenty of parts to go around." He opened it and immediately pulled out a beam condenser and focuser out, "these will be perfect for my rifle!"
Akira yawned softly as she unplugged the datapad and set it aside. She then shifted through all the new coordinates, finding the locations on the map. Some where just more scrap dumps only on different planets. 

Oh, thats something.....

A pair of the coordinates, according to her map, was in an CIS controlled planet. She smiled, setting the nav computer and pulled the lever, jumping into hyperspace

@The Mechanist  @Squirrel Man Huey
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